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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   161,184 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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79480   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 15, 10:21am  

Logan Mohtashami says

Interesting chart. Real earnings have gone down over the last 15 years. For all education levels.

Productivity, however, has gone WAY up over the same period. I know Logan doesn't see a problem with that, but count me as one un-American SOB who thinks this is a HUGE problem.

79481   lostand confused   2017 Jan 15, 10:40am  

Tim Aurora says

I think he is making that up. I think the real reason is that he does not want to lose audiance and does not want to offend Trump

Lefties, lefties-just when you think the left can sink any lower. This will probably be the next leftie choice for president. In your bizarro world, this is sane.


79482   _   2017 Jan 15, 11:13am  

joeyjojojunior says

Productivity, however, has gone WAY up over the same period

Taking the bait in this forum is getting way to easy. The great liby lie of the left... Majority of all producitivy gains came in the manufacturing side of the economy and yet they distribute the Income curve to all incomes ..... One of the most useless charts I have ever seen is that Productivity/Income chart.. not even the Russian Trolls use that garbage

Let me show you the true light

This is why the Demons lie, because the truth would show with bring the light that would cast the shadow away

Not much different between the extreme left and right on this site... but ... you're very entertaining to my followers

79483   _   2017 Jan 15, 11:16am  

But I digress, have a wonderful Sunday!

79484   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 15, 11:20am  

Logan Mohtashami says

Taking the bait in this forum is getting way to easy. The great liby lie of the left... Majority of all producitivy gains came in the manufacturing side of the economy and yet they distribute the Income curve to all incomes ..... One of the most useless charts I have ever seen is that Productivity/Income chart.. not even the Russian Trolls use that garbage

Let me show you the true light

So was the first chart you posted a lie? It shows real earnings down over the last 15 years.

You should really look more closely at the charts you post else you post one that tells the true story like that one did.

But, you have a great Sunday too!

79485   _   2017 Jan 15, 11:23am  

joeyjojojunior says

So was the first chart you posted a lie? It shows real earnings down over the last 15 years.

No it was bait AP ... :-) because you always use the P+I thesis and then I counter with all the data.. the left are as predictable as the right, I have charts for each of them

All of you go out and take a walk, watch football.. stop worrying about your kids, I know all your kids are going to do great!

79487   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 15, 1:50pm  

Ah, yes. Everything you post is bait. I forgot. I'm afraid you've "caught" something a little bigger and a lot smarter than you can handle, unfortunately.

You're not dealing with the idiots who go to your conferences. People on pat.net see right through your nonsense.

79488   _   2017 Jan 15, 1:55pm  

joeyjojojunior says

idiots who go to your conferences

Exactly these are actual real people, economist, professional analyst, government officials, people who make their living off data reading.

How could they possible be as smart as the the old trolls of Pat.net I mean the same old 14 people who cry about America every day

Keep on crying... that's the entire point

79489   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2017 Jan 15, 1:59pm  

Tim Aurora says

Ironman says

Opera star Andrea Bocelli backed out of singing at Donald Trump's inauguration after receiving death threats

I think he is making that up. I think the real reason is that he does not want to lose audiance and does not want to offend Trump. So as usual he is following Trum's footsteps and resorts to lying to get out of a sticky situation

Based on what? Isn't it idiot Marcus and other lefties who run around here accusing Trump supporters of the "feels"

79490   indigenous   2017 Jan 15, 2:02pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

That is an interesting chart. What happened?

79491   _   2017 Jan 15, 2:08pm  

indigenous says

That is an interesting chart. What happened?

One item that we should look at is ages 16-17 rather than 18-19 because you be going to school at that age, more people are going to college. Women are now more educated than ever from a younger stand point.

Service sector base jobs ( some only) are being filled more by less skilled and less educated older Americas

Like all the data shows

The great recession, exclude Real Estate, Finance and Government jobs, it was mostly service sector jobs that were lost well over 140 Million Americans were working through out the Great Recession

79492   indigenous   2017 Jan 15, 2:13pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

Service sector base jobs ( some only) are being filled more by less skilled and less educated older Americas

That makes sense

You can't ignore the obvious that regulation impedes younger workers from entering the workforce.

Or the fact that they don't want to work for whatever reason.

79493   _   2017 Jan 15, 2:18pm  

indigenous says

You can't ignore the obvious that regulation impedes younger workers from entering the workforce.

Or the fact that they don't want to work for whatever reason.

Job openings in America hit a world record high in 2016 and duration period the longest. Germany has an excuse for their numbers, they're very old, we have a rough patch of demographics from 2008-2019.. but not for ages 16-19, these were very heavy demographic patches in this cycle

79494   anonymous   2017 Jan 15, 2:18pm  

logan - i think gen X is actually coming online stronger than gen Y in the near term.

their house purchases (and salary growth) have certainly been delayed due to prior recession/crisis events of the last 16 years but that is now shifting.

one problem with gen Y seems to be lack of entrepreneurial behavior. they are lackluster when it comes to developing new ideas and growing business.

79495   missing   2017 Jan 15, 2:20pm  

joeyjojojunior says

Real earnings have gone down over the last 15 years. For all education levels.

Yep. The little bump around 2009 is probably because of deflation. Even worse, when you take into account that medical costs, hosing, and education have been increasing most rapidly.

Logan lives in a fantasy world. That's what happens when you are raised without having a day of hardship. I have a few cousins like this. Average guys, got degrees in something at the local university, then a job at mom and pop's business, eventually got to run the business. Know the type very well.

79496   _   2017 Jan 15, 2:23pm  

landtof says

they are lackluster when it comes to developing new ideas and growing business.

Self employment has been falling as a % of the work force since the early 1980's we still have over 15,000,000 people who are self employed but new business formation has been light.

Working with a financial tech company for 6 months and going into the Tech sector incubator companies, a lot smart young kids, but getting a plan A to B needs $$$$ and $$$ money wants returns.

Rise of the Food Trucks is a new type of business line but its still food preparation. Any new company if they grow to become bigger has the scale ability to create new jobs for that company itself.

However, this has been an issue since 1981

79497   _   2017 Jan 15, 2:26pm  

FP says

Logan lives in a fantasy world.

FP says

I have a few cousins like this

Remember Who is John Galt

I have new one... Who is Amanda Perry, Amanda Perry is a lady on facebook, who everyone she knows and every in her family is struggling like a high school drop out

She is so paranoid about deflation and the collapse of America because everyone she knows is dirt poor

Which isn't the case

79498   _   2017 Jan 15, 2:29pm  


of, characterized by, or suffering from the mental condition of paranoia.
"paranoid schizophrenia"

This is common with a lot of the American Bears. Try to create a false narrative of a deflation collapse more of a liberal tactic, where conservatives talk about a inflationary collapse

Pat.net had a poster this is what it would be in theory.. :-)

79499   anonymous   2017 Jan 15, 2:33pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

Self employment has been falling

gen Y is light, even still.

79500   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 15, 2:35pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

Exactly these are actual real people, economist, professional analyst, government officials, people who make their living off data reading.

If they pay to listen to someone who thinks that increasing supply doesn't cause prices to go down, then, yes, they're idiots.

79501   _   2017 Jan 15, 2:38pm  

Speaking of self employment, a lot people forget to even count these people as workers, they only talk about pay roll numbers which represents 80% of the working America

79502   _   2017 Jan 15, 2:40pm  

joeyjojojunior says

If they pay to listen to someone who thinks that increasing supply doesn't cause prices to go down, then, yes, they're idiots.

and if you had bothered to read the article you would have known that wasn't what I was saying.

Hitler and the Nazi burned books instead of reading them and all the paranoid death callers of America since 1790... a lot them didn't believe in reading either

It is what it is... lack of discipline and a massive paranoia

79503   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 15, 2:53pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

and if you had bothered to read the article you would have known that wasn't what I was saying.

"I think we can let go of the idea that if the builders build more homes, then somehow, homes overall will be more affordable."

Sure seems like what you were saying... And to your other point--even if new houses are built at higher price points, it will still drive down prices of all houses. As the more expensive houses sit empty, they will have to drop prices. This will force existing houses to drop price to compete with the new houses. Etc, etc.

Again-this is simple stuff.

79504   _   2017 Jan 15, 2:59pm  

joeyjojojunior says

Again-this is simple stuff.

If it was simple as that ... then why haven't the builders since the 1960 consistently over build homes for many decades, why have this data line?

See, you can make a lot fake false narrative story lines, because you're noting more than someone who hides behind a fake name

You can make fun of all the economist who have much higher degrees than you, make fun of all government officials who work on this and all data analyst but when it comes down to it

You're Amanda Perry, you're lady that thinks everyone is poor and that we are on a Verge of deflationary collapse just like I WOG


I beg you to spend the rest of your life Crying about America on this site ... because You are my example.... you're Amanda Perry ... #Deflation

79505   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 15, 3:02pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

If it was simple as that ... then why haven't the builders since the 1960 consistently over build homes for many decades, why have this data line?

wtf is wrong with you? I've answered that question like 10 times already on this thread. Builders don't want LOWER priced homes. I would think that is fairly obvious.

Logan Mohtashami says

You can make fun of all the economist who have much higher degrees than you, make fun of all government officials who work on this and all data analyst but when it comes down to it

I'm doing nothing of the sort. I'm making fun of you. And you clearly don't have any higher degrees than I.

79506   _   2017 Jan 15, 3:05pm  

joeyjojojunior says

Builders don't want LOWER priced homes

Nazi = don't read

"The obvious problem with this thesis is that builders are not building starter homes."


79507   _   2017 Jan 15, 3:09pm  

joeyjojojunior says

I'm doing nothing of the sort.

joeyjojojunior says

You're not dealing with the idiots who go to your conferences

79508   Patrick   2017 Jan 15, 3:24pm  

I dunno about the noose. Seems like incitement to violence, one of the few things this site actually forbids.

79509   Strategist   2017 Jan 15, 3:35pm  

Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), said he would not invite President-elect Donald Trump to visit Selma, Alabama.
Does Lewis personally own Selma, Alabama? People need an invitation from him?
Hey Jerk, I would not invite you to California. Don't come.

79510   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 15, 3:47pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

Nazi = don't read

"The obvious problem with this thesis is that builders are not building starter homes."

joeyjojojunior says

And to your other point--even if new houses are built at higher price points, it will still drive down prices of all houses. As the more expensive houses sit empty, they will have to drop prices. This will force existing houses to drop price to compete with the new houses. Etc, etc.

I think you're the one who doesn't read.

And, are you implying that PhD's in Economics are attending these conferences to listen to you?? You're killing me.

79511   _   2017 Jan 15, 3:51pm  

joeyjojojunior says

I think you're the one who doesn't read.

This is a perfect statement by you! joeyjojojunior says

This will force existing houses to drop price to compete with the new houses. Etc, etc.

Existing homes have always had a discounted price compared to new homes, always

Build bigger and bigger homes always, 2,500 median sq 2016 vs old homes, the gap gets bigger

Sales uses to be 6-1 ratio and in this cycle E homes sales to New home, gap much much wider

79512   RWSGFY   2017 Jan 15, 3:53pm  

No need for special lists: one letter D next to a name on the ballot is enough to not vote for the fuck.

79513   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 15, 3:56pm  


Stop--you're digging a bigger and bigger hole with every post. Of course existing houses typically sell at a discount to new houses. Everyone knows this. It is irrelevant to the topic at hand. More new houses will drive down the price of houses at the new house price and all lower price points as well. Do you really not understand that?

79514   _   2017 Jan 15, 3:56pm  

joeyjojojunior says

PhD's in Economics are attending these conferences to listen to you?? You're killing me.

For example chief economist Mark Fleming and I spoke on two panels.

Master of Science, Agricultural Economics

Ph.D, Agricultural Economics

Bachelor of Arts, Economics

You can look him up as well at the other economist for all the housing shops around the country

and then there is you ...

The expert of everything and your name is
Logan Mohtashami says


Tsk Tsk

79515   Strategist   2017 Jan 15, 3:57pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

Americans never had it so good. You won't find this kind of sq footage to be normal anywhere in the world.
USA USA World's greatest country.

79516   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 15, 3:58pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

For example chief economist Mark Fleming and I spoke on two panels.

He wasn't attending the conference to listen to you. He was there to speak.

79517   _   2017 Jan 15, 4:05pm  

joeyjojojunior says

He wasn't attending the conference to listen to you. He was there to speak.

Yes, and he spoke on only 2 panels the same ones I did. The rest we where in attendance with everyone else ... I can give you a big list of everyone there

Then there is you ....

Deflation lady, because of your cousins? right? Amanda Perry... who is Amanda Perry, not your name, but it's the same person

I am head panel speaker with economist Dr. John Husing PHD at the CAR conference coming up at the end of the month

and then there is you?


Leonard Kiefer, Ph.D. another one that I mix with head economist at Freddie Mac

and then there is you


Mrs. Deflation...

Deflation Deflation Deflation ... the lovely theme of the extreme left wing of this society ...

79518   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 15, 4:06pm  

Great--do you understand that increasing inventories leads to lower prices now?

79519   _   2017 Jan 15, 4:10pm  

joeyjojojunior says

Great--do you understand that increasing inventories leads to lower prices now?

NAZI don't read ... Model is very simply you need 6 months inventory plus to get pricing to go down just like we saw from 2006-2011.. but that isn't what I was even talking about

You create false narratives, this works only on rookies not on someone who speaks to PHD's all the time ....

But who am I... I am a nobody, just a little loan officer with a degree in history

I have no idea why these people would ever chat me up... None what so ever

You're the Queen my lady, I am humble before the breath of God

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