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8163   Underdark   2011 Jul 13, 12:29pm  

Debt-free Renter says

A lot of currencies are overprinting and going down in value, not just the dollar. This is a worldwide event. Also there are currencies pegged to the dollar so these would be going down versus gold as well.

Yes. Almost every large economy is indulging in money printing. Gold may be in a bubble but it will continue for a while yet. If Bernank Clown continues with yet another QE look for gold to go over $2000. It may do so anyway. What has been done in regards to money printing is unprecedented and what happens with gold will be unprecedented.

8164   Dan8267   2011 Jul 13, 3:27pm  

I agree. Old people vote. Anyone who compromises their ability to get their pills will get voted out of office. Old people have no tolerance for not getting their entitlements -- or their senior discounts -- and they can be damn nasty when they don't get their way. Trust me, I live in Florida.

8165   elliemae   2011 Jul 13, 3:33pm  

I think it's cool that they shut the rag down, altho it's sad for the workers.

8166   theoakman   2011 Jul 14, 12:18am  

I remember when gold was in a bubble at $600 an oz and our March 08 "double top". Bubbles characteristically move up very rapidly. Gold, despite its increases, has moved up sluggishly over the past 10 years. Up and down....up and down.... Bubbles only go up without pullbacks. We had 20 years of gold going no where since 1980. It's entirely possible that gold has simply played catch up this entire time and will continue to play catch up as long as they keep doubling the monetary base.

8167   MisdemeanorRebel   2011 Jul 14, 3:39am  

When Gold and Silver crashed in the early 80s, the Stock Market had finally reached new highs and kept on climbing, unlike in the 70s when it moved sideways. In 1981-82 Volker killed inflation.

When these two events coincided, people got out of gold in order to take advantage of the Bull Market, fearing to miss out on a boom more than in potentially resurgent inflation.

Look at historical charts for the Gold Price, YoY Inflation, and the S&P 500 and you will see a clear correlation of these factors.

Until we see the S&P move above 1600 and continue to rise, there will be no gold bust, only corrections to an upward trend.


8168   marcus   2011 Jul 14, 3:51am  

Troy says

We abandoned fiscal probity in 1983 or thereabouts, and have been living on credit and our reserve currency float since then.

The debt binge is responsible for us kidding ourselves about the incredible growth of our economy from then until 2007. That is we kidded ourselves that manufacturing was no longer as essential as it had been and that we could run massive trade deficits forever, and have a huge economy built primarily on services.

I believe that the huge credit boom was a mistake in some ways, but that a significant part of the growth that credit bought us, is real. That is, there isn't any denying that the credit boom bought us incredible growth, so I don't agree with the notion that we have been in a recession since the 70s.

But, had we lived within our means since then, we would have taken more pain (via recessions) and we would have grown less and we would be more humble, healthy, and less corrupt than we are now.

8169   marcus   2011 Jul 14, 3:58am  

Maybe we could have survived taking on huge credit, corresponding with the boomers entering the economy, but without overdoing it, with better regulations, and especially without overdoing the excessive mortgage debt, and government debt.

It's those two that did the most damage, although I know other consumer debt also got way out of hand.

8170   uomo_senza_nome   2011 Jul 14, 4:04am  

More than anything else, I think gold has a strong inverse correlation to interest rates. Interest rates being high encourages capital accumulation and savings, so people are comfortable storing their wealth as cash, short term fixed income instruments such as CD's. Note that interest rates have to be higher than the rate of inflation as well, for encouraging capital accumulation . Given that interest rates are so low, and they will continue to be so as far as the eye can see, the environment is set up for a bullish gold market.

8171   AuLion   2011 Jul 14, 5:16am  

Besides one, two others, austrian_man is the only one on this thread that will dodge the Fuddster lumpen-investorate breadline.

8172   Dan8267   2011 Jul 14, 5:29am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Tony Manero says

Republicans won't win in 2012 unless they have the guts to advocate eating the elderly!

I cannot imagine that would taste good. Stale, old meat? Yuck.

8173   immigrant   2011 Jul 14, 7:09am  

Speaking of coins, read this interesting article on how some people have scammed the system to gain travel miles!


8174   MisdemeanorRebel   2011 Jul 14, 7:28am  

immigrant, that's freakin' BRILLIANT.

8175   immigrant   2011 Jul 14, 7:31am  

thunderlips11 says

immigrant, that's freakin' BRILLIANT.

I can't believe they were dumb enough to allow people to use credit cards to buy coins, and ship it free!

8176   HousingWatcher   2011 Jul 14, 8:07am  

"Reagan’s base was so enthusiastic in 1984 not just because he did and said conservative things but because he was riding a wave of growth and jobs into that election. They could look at their candidate and say: “See, his policies work; screw you, you dumb liberals.”

Obama and Reagan have the EXACT same policies: Increasing revenue. Reagan raised taxes 11 times.

8177   MisdemeanorRebel   2011 Jul 14, 8:12am  

I'm not opposed so much to the concept of dollar coins, as I am their incredible size and weight. It is completely impractical, especially for guys who don't carry purses, to carry in practical amounts for daily use.

I agree about getting rid of the penny, and possibly the nickel.

8178   simchaland   2011 Jul 14, 8:27am  

If they would have simply stopped producing dollar bills, the coins would have succeeded in time because there would be no alternative. But, alas, we are a wasteful people and we are attached to tradition. We like our greenbacks (that only remain in circulation around 21 months due to wear and tear), our Lincoln head copper-looking pennies that are mainly zinc (with metallic composition valued at 1.79 cents), and our Jefferson nickels (with the metallic composition valued at 7.1 cents).

Most of us would only let go of our greenbacks, pennies, and nickles when the goverment would pry them from our clutched cold dead hands.

I have to admit, that I'm a little attached to pennies and nickels in particular. When I was growing up pennies and nickels actually were worth something. I used to collect the in my piggy bank until I wanted to get some matchbox cars or candy.

The dollar bill doesn't have the same emotional attachment to me for some reason. I couldn't care less if it got replaced with a coin.

Saying that, they should have done a much better job at designing the dollar coins so that they are significantly different than the size and feel of a quarter. Also, they should be produced in a metal that doesn't tarnish so quickly. They look like crap after only a few months.

Again, if anyone was serious about replacing the dollar bill with a dollar coin they would have simply stopped producing dollar bills. In almost 2 years, everyone would be using coins because the dollar bills would have been pulled from circulation.

8179   simchaland   2011 Jul 14, 8:45am  

thunderlips11 says

I'm not opposed so much to the concept of dollar coins, as I am their incredible size and weight. It is completely impractical, especially for guys who don't carry purses, to carry in practical amounts for daily use.

I agree about getting rid of the penny, and possibly the nickel.

Poppycock! LOL! :-)

I lived and worked in Paris for a while. I had no trouble keeping a fair amounts of 1, 2, 5, and 10 franc coins in my pocket. I was there as they were phazing out the 20 franc bill in favor of a new 20 franc coin. I found that coins were more convenient to use for smaller purchases in pastry shops, fromageries, cafes, etc. The 10 franc coin was the most commonly used, it seemed. The value of the 10 franc coin was roughly $2 on average.

I saw many men with wallets that had coin pockets in them. I simply let the coins float around my right front pocket. I never had trouble with heavy pockets, honestly. They had 50 franc, 100 franc, and 200 franc bills to carry larger values that worked well with the franc coins to keep my pockets relatively light.

Think about it. Do you carry tons of change now? Do you carry tons of one dollar bills now? I know I don't. Generally I don't have more than 5 one dollar bills at one time because I spend them. I use a money clip too. My wad of 5s, 10s, and 20s is thick enough to use the money clip without the need to have one dollar bills to fatten my wad of bills. Most likely, my habits wouldn't change, I'd most likely never have more than 4 to 6 one dollar coins in my pocket at a time. That's not very heavy or bulky at all.

A dollar coin would make parking machines, pop machines, and especially washers and dryers easier to use. You would need fewer coins. I hate having to lug around heavy huge amounts of quarters to pay for $1.75 wash and $1.25 dry. That's 12 quarters per load!. If we could use dollar coins, perhaps my place would round things out to be $2.00 wash and $1.00 dry which would still be $3.00 per load, but I'd only have to carry 3 one dollar coins to get a load done instead of 12 quarters. Even if they didn't change the price for a wash or dry I'd only have to use and carry 6 coins instead of the 12 I use and carry now to get a load of laundry done.

8180   Nobody   2011 Jul 14, 8:46am  



8181   MisdemeanorRebel   2011 Jul 14, 9:41am  

I like having around $20 in dollar bills. It keeps my spending under control, as I see my dollar stash dwindling, I'll skip the afternoon coffee and wait till I get home.

$20 worth of Golden Dollars feels worse in the pocket than a whole roll of quarters in terms of weight and bulk.

I don't need quarters to use soda or snack machines because most of them take dollar bills, so all I need is a quarter. If they make the Dollar Coin the about the same size or small than a quarter, I could deal with that.

The money spent to print money is minimal, it's not even close to 1% of the federal budget. Sometimes I think the banks just want us to use the card so they can charge fees.

I'm sure Europeans don't get out of kilter for having to use $1 bills instead of 1 Euro coins for the two weeks they're in Disney World. What does drive visitors nuts is the ancient, obtuse measurement system. Even the military gave it up decades ago

8182   MisdemeanorRebel   2011 Jul 14, 9:52am  

Simcha, Geologic Strata is a trick by Satan and Goodless Atheists to fool man.

Age of the Earth

Young Earth Creationism proves that the earth is approximately 6,000 years old. That logical conclusion is based on observations and the accurate eye-witness account of history in the Bible, in particular the Book of Genesis. Numerous studies by creation scientists have corroborated geologic events with their Biblical accounts, such as the Great Flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gommorah, and the crossing of the Red Sea. Old Earth Creationism, like atheistic junk science, claims that the earth and universe are billions of years old.

From "Geology" on the Conservapedia


8183   simchaland   2011 Jul 14, 10:30am  

thunderlips11 says

If they make the Dollar Coin the about the same size or small than a quarter, I could deal with that

Yes, all they would have to do is make it smaller in diameter than a quarter and thicker than a quarter (and thicker even than a nickel) with smooth edges. Also if they made it bimetallic, that would differentiate the coin even more from a quarter.

That 10 franc coin I was talking about that seemed to be the most frequently used coin was bimetallic, smaller than a quarter, but thicker than a nickle. It sounded vastly different than the other franc coins in my pocket and it felt entirely different. I had no trouble fumbling for a 10 franc coin. And, since it didn't weigh very much (about as much as a quarter or a little less) it wouldn't weigh down your pockets.

Not actual size (obviously):


thunderlips11 says

I'm sure Europeans don't get out of kilter for having to use $1 bills instead of 1 Euro coins for the two weeks they're in Disney World. What does drive visitors nuts is the ancient, obtuse measurement system. Even the military gave it up decades ago

What confuses foreigners the most about our currency system is that our our coins have no numbers on them. You must be able to read English in order to determine the value of an American coin. In order to understand the value of a dime, must understand that "one dime" is 10 cents. On the dime the only indication of it's value are the words "one dime." The quarter doesn't even have a word that is a number. It reads "quarter dollar." One word indicates a fraction and the other word indicates a unit of currency, that's it. The penny says "one cent." And the nickel says "five cents."

Also we Americans never use the number value in words to refer to our coins. We say "penny, nickel, dime, quarter." If you don't speak English, this is very frustrating if you are trying to count change or ask for help to count change.

When I lived in the dorms in college with natives from Europe who came here to go to university who had just arrived, I would watch them struggle to use the vending machines in the lobby without much success for at least the first few weeks up to a month after their arrival because they couldn't deterimine the value of the coins in their hand. I remember explaining our coin system to them over and over trying to help them to make sense out of it.

If we were to become more internationally friendly with our coin system we would have numbers on them, "1 cent, 5 cents, 10 cents, and 25 cents" respectively. That would help visitors greatly.

8184   corntrollio   2011 Jul 14, 10:55am  

immigrant says

Speaking of coins, read this interesting article on how some people have scammed the system to gain travel miles!


You guys realize that people have been doing this for years, right? Check out FatWallet or some similar site.

My impression, however, was that credit card companies had started cracking down on this too -- e.g. in some cases calling this a cash transaction instead of a normal purchase, or alternatively excluding these sorts of purchases from points.

8185   marcus   2011 Jul 14, 11:35am  

Truthplease says

The guy didn't get into a major conflict and crushed our biggest enemy. Brilliant!

Hmmm. Are you certain that the Soviet Union wasn't ending anyway ?
Technically didn't they end during George Bush senior's admin ? Why doesn't he get credit ? Is it just because Reagan did a massive Miliary expansion that the soviets went broke trying to keep up with ? That seems like an oversimplification to me.

But even if it's true and it worked, does that mean that the risk (economic and otherwise) was worth it if they were going to end sooner or later anyway ?

My opinion is that when history is written, Reagan won't get that much credit for the demise of the USSR, except maybe in Texas high school History books.

8186   HousingWatcher   2011 Jul 14, 11:36am  

"The guy didn't get into a major conflict and crushed our biggest enemy. Brilliant!"

Was it brilliant to cut and run from Lebanon after Bin Laden killed all those Marines?

Regan may have defested the Soviet Union, but he did something far, far worse in the process: He created Al Qaeda back when he funded the resistance to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

8187   HousingWatcher   2011 Jul 14, 11:47am  

Reagan helped create the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden. Reagan fought a proxy war with the Soviet Union by training, arming, equipping, and funding Islamist mujahidin fighters in Afghanistan. Reagan funneled billions of dollars, along with top-secret intelligence and sophisticated weaponry to these fighters through the Pakistani intelligence service. The Talbian and Osama Bin Laden — a prominent mujahidin commander — emerged from these mujahidin groups Reagan helped create, and U.S. policy towards Pakistan remains strained because of the intelligence services’ close relations to these fighters. In fact, Reagan’s decision to continue the proxy war after the Soviets were willing to retreat played a direct role in Bin Laden’s ascendancy.


8188   simchaland   2011 Jul 14, 11:47am  

Reagan didn't defeat the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union defeated itself. He just claimed credit.

8189   Truthplease   2011 Jul 14, 9:54pm  

Sure, I can play along. You can find any article out there to support any point. Here is an article that supports my views. Reagan was a force that contributed to the demise of the USSR.


"Reagan’s conviction that the Soviet Union was both a dangerous military power and a collapsing economic system derived not from any deep knowledge of the Soviet Union. Yet he proved to be the proverbial right man in the right place at the right time. By whatever means he arrived at his views regarding the Soviet Union, he drew from them policy directions that were devastatingly effective in undermining the rotten Soviet edifice."

Who knows how long the rotting Soviet Union would have been stagnating if it wasn't for Reagan's actions. They may have had enough time to morph their socialist agenda into the China's Hybrid socialist economy model. Remember, the USSR was putting short and medium range Nucluear missiles in Cuba. That's a significant threat to our country and completely irresponsible move by the USSR.

8190   simchaland   2011 Jul 15, 1:53am  

Ugh, revisionist history to promote a political agenda isn't proof. Just because an academic who is infatuated with St. Reagan wrote an article that is an opinion piece that agrees with your opinion doesn't mean that your hypothesis is proven. Again, there is a huge difference between fact and opinion or belief.

China is very different than the former USSR. Here's a hint... China is a country with only a few different ethnicities. The USSR was an empire with many different ethnicities that all hate each other. It was a an empire of very different countries patched together through force. Comparing apples to oranges isn't helping to prove your hypothesis.

8191   uomo_senza_nome   2011 Jul 15, 3:48am  

Dan8267 says

To be fair, some of the increase in the price in gold is justified. I just don't think the lion's share is.

It depends on what year's dollar purchasing power you are using to measure gold, because the purchasing power of the dollar has been steadily declining.

For instance, see this chart:


8192   immigrant   2011 Jul 15, 4:03am  

corntrollio says

immigrant says

Speaking of coins, read this interesting article on how some people have scammed the system to gain travel miles!


You guys realize that people have been doing this for years, right? Check out FatWallet or some similar site.

My impression, however, was that credit card companies had started cracking down on this too -- e.g. in some cases calling this a cash transaction instead of a normal purchase, or alternatively excluding these sorts of purchases from points.

Why would the credit card company care? Wouldn't they be making the 2-3% from the mint?

8193   HousingWatcher   2011 Jul 15, 4:31am  

"Who knows how long the rotting Soviet Union would have been stagnating if it wasn't for Reagan's actions. Remember, the USSR was putting short and medium range Nucluear missiles in Cuba. That's a significant threat to our country and completely irresponsible move by the USSR."

This occurred when Reagan was president? Really?

8194   Truthplease   2011 Jul 15, 4:48am  

No it did not happen during Reagan's presidency.

8196   archaeonflux   2011 Jul 15, 5:32am  

Depends on the poll and the wording, as always. Big difference between "Do you support raising taxes?" and "Do you support raising taxes on millionaires to help solve the budget problem?"

When it's phrased the second way, you get the numbers Obama is talking about, and with good reason.

8197   Â¥   2011 Jul 15, 5:46am  

80% of Americans support being taxed

80% of Americans are patriots willing to tax someone else more likely

In WW2 when millions of people were putting their bodies on the line the rich were expected to put their fortunes to work with up to 88% marginal tax rates (50% marginal rate hit at $200,000 income in today's money).


I'm all for cutting back big government to avoid high taxes on the rich. Knock yourselves out, conservatives.

8198   Â¥   2011 Jul 15, 5:48am  

archaeonflux says

When it's phrased the second way, you get the numbers Obama is talking about, and with good reason.

The biggest lie going today is equating millionaires with "job creators".

Just the usual Republican bullshit messaging/propaganda.

The Bush tax cuts sure as hell didn't create any jobs, and the Clinton tax rises actually did. Funny how that worked.

8199   corntrollio   2011 Jul 15, 6:16am  

I wonder what percentage of Teabaggers do not pay federal income taxes. I'm guessing that a decent percentage of the 47% that Teabaggers always claim don't pay taxes are Teabaggers. That's almost one in two, maybe you?

8200   Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq   2011 Jul 15, 6:25am  

I fail to see the endless fascination with gold. I'm glad idiots are buying and hoarding it though because it is buffing my mining stocks.

I imagine there is some Scrooge McDuck sitting in a cave somewhere on top of his pile of gold like a leathery dragon thinking to himself, "I'm rich my precious, rich!"

Where is your daughter, old man? Oh yeah, she's smoking a J and banging the Mexican pool boy. Follow my investment advice: Sex, Drugs, and Hip Hop. These are paths to great wealth.

8201   simchaland   2011 Jul 15, 7:18am  

Truthplease says

No it did not happen during Reagan's presidency.

Then it's irrelevant to the discussion because we were talking about St. Reagan's alleged role in "defeating" the Soviet Union.

It's interesting how extreme political thinkers simply rewrite history to suit their ideological needs for propaganda.

Don't expect the rest of us to share in the delusion, OK?

8202   Truthplease   2011 Jul 15, 9:36am  

I believe Reagan was great and that is all that matters to me.

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