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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   158,468 views  117,730 comments

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81968   Tenpoundbass   2017 Mar 24, 12:24pm  

Now if that's a real picture taken from space of the artic sea ice, then why did the world's highest paid Photoshop editor, the guys that work for NASA have to put color filters on it?
Doom and Gloom can stand on its own. Global Alarmers never present facts or pictures and let them stand on their own. Do you know why? Of course you know why! Becuase it hold's no argument!

81969   joeyjojojunior   2017 Mar 24, 12:26pm  

Explain what? That a guy who retired from the USAF in 1996 is making shit up? Why do I care what he thinks exactly?

81970   joeyjojojunior   2017 Mar 24, 12:34pm  

And just in case you needed a reminder too:

81971   joeyjojojunior   2017 Mar 24, 12:37pm  

Brad Pitt?

81972   Entitlemented   2017 Mar 24, 12:42pm  

Did Obama send the Russians home to troll to see if any Repubs would be called or call to see whats up with the reactionary President

81973   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Mar 24, 12:59pm  

Fox brings a general on to speculate, although he admits that he "doesn't have the details", but thinks that's what will be found when they go into a closed session...

Hmmm. Sounds very conclusive rolleyes. Trumpies would call this type of speculation fake news if it were put out by CNN. This interview is squarely in the infotainment category of news that shows up on the flakier of cable news shows. It's a good thing that liberals can recognize it for what it is rather than getting their thin skin wrinkled over it.

81974   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Mar 24, 1:00pm  

Are we tired of winning yet?

81975   Rew   2017 Mar 24, 5:49pm  

Dems lining up to fillabuster Supreme Court nom. Reason:

- you blocked a valid nom of a standing president who won by over 5 million votes
- your president is under investigation

Deliscious! Repubs probably have to change nomination rules.

This, healthcare, and active investigations. lol... so f'ed! So f'ed in midterms and 2020.

81976   Rew   2017 Mar 24, 5:51pm  

Yes, that WAS winning. Only people at fault were the repubs for not playing and making it better.

81977   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Mar 24, 6:59pm  

Think about this. The GOP Establishment has allegedly been trying to get rid of Obamneycare for years. Many votes.

Yet in the years since it passed, they didn't have a prewritten bill to deal ready to pass. Like MIC friendly Congressmen did with the Patriot Act (written in the 90s long before 9/11).

Interesting, eh?

It's almost like they didn't really didn't want to kill a massive corporate subsidy.

81978   joeyjojojunior   2017 Mar 24, 7:37pm  

WaPoIsHitler Lipsovitch says

Think about this. The GOP Establishment has allegedly been trying to get rid of Obamneycare for years. Many votes.

Is the freedom caucus now the Establishment? Are you kidding me?

They voted against the bill because Trump's plan was too generous, in their opinion. They wanted to get rid of the pre-existing conditions and Trump campaigned on keeping it. The establishment was on board, although the bill sucked and did nothing that Trump promised. Would have saved no money because all the savings from kicking out all the poor people would have been paid out to the 1%. Reduced coverage and no savings. Lose-lose.

Not sure how Trump could have failed any worse on this one.

81979   joeyjojojunior   2017 Mar 24, 7:38pm  

Ironman says

On May 2, 2014 Trump tweeted:

"Negotiations 101: The best deals you can make are the ones you walk away from...and then get them with better terms."

A lot of people aren't seeing this.

That's what the freedom caucus clearly believes. They called Trump's bluff and won.

81980   bob2356   2017 Mar 24, 7:50pm  

YesYNot says

Fox brings a general on to speculate, although he admits that he "doesn't have the details"

Doesn't have the details is the same as ironclad irrefutable proof to ironbrain. True because I believe it should be true is his life mantra.

81981   marcus   2017 Mar 24, 9:23pm  

Yeah, the timing and the way this has worked out so far doesn't look at all like Trump is trying to get in front of charges of treason, for conspiring with Russia in the election.

Hell, Trump even tweeted that he wanted Russia to hack HIllary's emails, and everyone knosw that he was stupid enough to half mean it. That alone was plenty enough reason for the government to be watching him.

It couldn't possibly that these accusations are Trump getting in front of revelations about his Russian activities that he knew were going to come out. That kind of "I know you are but what am I" behavior doesn't sound at all like Trump.

From a child like kind of game theoretic point of view, it's obvious what's going on here. Just ask yourself, why would Trump feel the need to accuse Obama at the time he did of surveiling him (even if he had some suspicions that it might be true true) ?

Answer: to get his wing of the media (FOX, Brietbart etc) swarming over the story to distract from what he feared was going to come out, and a lot of what already has come out.

81982   Rew   2017 Mar 25, 12:12am  

Ironman says

Ahhhh, one person here that gets it...

Ironman says

"Negotiations 101: The best deals you can make are the ones you walk away from...and then get them with better terms."

Yes. Losing epically was actually strategic. I see now. Trump is an amazing statesmen and chess player. I see it all coming together for him shortly. Yessssss ...

81983   Rew   2017 Mar 25, 12:17am  

My schadenfreude meter has been topped off all week. The epic unraveling is amazing to watch.

Ironman's defense of Trump is to point at congressional approval ratings? Oh dear. We are a far far cry from MAGA now.

You will need to move the bar a bit lower soon Ironman. :)

81984   anonymous   2017 Mar 25, 5:07am  

Trump the Great Negotiator, getting deals done. Republicans talking lots of smack about repealing ACA, turns out to be all hot air. As if we weren't telling you guys this all along. Lol

81985   joshuatrio   2017 Mar 25, 2:17pm  

You mean tatupu.

81987   sdc   2017 Mar 26, 12:44pm  

I would pick Chile in a heartbeat over Alaska! I've been there several times and speak Spanish. Love it. Great food, weather, safe, clean, modern and nice people.

BUT I would rather head to Uruguay than either place.

81989   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Mar 27, 10:13am  

zzyzzx says

I'm sure it's cheaper to make your own cheesesteaks as well, but that's not the point.

It's cheaper to wipe our own ass too, but why bother? You can pay someone to do it, and there's not even any oppressive liberal tax on it!

81990   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Mar 27, 10:14am  

Ironman says

“People are seeing sales decline larger than anything they’ve seen up to this point in the city,” said Alex Baloga, vice president of external relations at the Pennsylvania Food Merchants Association.

Stupid liberals! No wait. That's the point. It's supposed to work the same way that cigarette taxes work.

81991   HEY YOU   2017 Mar 27, 10:34am  

Why do I have to pay taxes to support FAILURE Republicans in FAILURE Red States?
Blue states getting SOCIALIST TAX DOLLARS doesn't mean that FAILURE Republicans
aren't sucking the govt teat.

Look at all the Red States at the bottom of the graphic.


81992   zzyzzx   2017 Mar 27, 10:49am  

I still want to know is if soda sales have increased in stores just outside the city limits.

81993   anonymous   2017 Mar 27, 1:30pm  

Do you really need all the fluff?

It's obvious they stand for nothing, and they got a small dose of what they think they want: the ability to troll those more productive and successful than themselves, on a large scale. What else do you expect of them when all they have left is their jealousy and envy of everyone else?

81994   Tenpoundbass   2017 Mar 27, 1:35pm  

Trump said he's going to Repeal Obamacare on his first day. The Left threw a George Soros sized hissey fit. And provoked youth to riot in the streets.
So he pulled back. Paul Ryan was sent in to muddy the water with the absolute Worst shitty legislation in History.
Trump was NOT supposed to welcome it, the Establishment busted their ass on that bill. It was supposed to bring out the best temperament of Trump Tweeting a petty cat fight about. Which the media would have used as proof that Trump is unhinged and can't work with people in Washington.

Trump played those sorry asses, like a cheap harmonica.

Trump is now free to kill the mandate in the Tax reform session. Obamacare will die quietly in the night from Sleep Apnea.
Trump can only fall up as long as the Liberals keep acting like they've been conditioned to be the crazy they are.

81995   Blurtman   2017 Mar 27, 1:36pm  

You ever notice that you never see Trump and Kim Jong-un pictured together at the same time?

81996   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Mar 27, 1:40pm  

The real secret is that the Establishment Republicans never had any intention of reforming or repealing Obamney Care.

That's why they had the Patriot Ready to go on 911, having written it in the 90s just waiting the aftermath of a mass terror attack to ram the bill through. But notice in the past 8 years, despite "Trying" (knowing it would never pass) to repeal Obamney Care, they never bothered to actually draft a bill to seriously reform/repeal it.

All Ryan's bill really did was transfer the penalty to be paid from the IRS to the Insurance Companies, that way it wouldn't appear on people's tax filings and give the illusion the government's mandatory subsidy of the Health Denial Insurance Racket was ended.

Remember, Insurance companies make money by denying your healthcare. They are not "Healthcare Providers" - Doctors, Nurses, Technicians are providers. They are overpaid, oligarchic middlemen, like Realtors.

Obamneycare isn't a stepping stone to Single Payer anymore than Mandatory Auto Insurance resulted in a single Government-based Auto Insurance Agency. It's a plot to get the healthy 29-year old millenials to pay $400/month (with $3000 Single Person Deductible) to subsidize increasingly less healthy older people.

Remember, Insurance (Life, Homeowners, etc.) is largely Cyclical. They get slammed with three hurricanes in a row, after a decade of no major payouts, then complain they're going under. Health Insurance pocketed big premiums from boomers for 40 years, now it's time they'll have to pay, but they're used to pocketing most of those premiums. To keep up their big dividends, they need to strong arm young healthy people into the program.

81997   Tenpoundbass   2017 Mar 27, 1:43pm  

I'm sorry this means what exactly?
Does this mean we lock of Obama yet or do we start shooting each other the street?

All of that will happen before the Deep State, Obama and Soros fucks with Trump.

81998   RWSGFY   2017 Mar 27, 1:46pm  

Tenpoundbass says

I'm sorry this means what exactly?

Does this mean we lock of Obama yet or do we start shooting each other the street?

Two words: President Pence.

81999   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Mar 27, 1:47pm  

Straw Man says

Two words: President Pence.

That'll be his comeupPence

82000   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Mar 27, 1:49pm  

Why? I already got what I wanted: TPP Killed and Globalism given another kick in the ass after Brexit, Westphalia preserved. That's all I hoped for - anything else is gravy. I'm probably getting a ban on Invade-Invite Refugees, too, esp. once Gorsuch is nominated, which is going to happen.

82001   socal2   2017 Mar 27, 1:50pm  

Not a Trump fan - but this argument is so frigging dumb it hurts.

What would a "pro-Russia" foreign policy look like? Seems to me, it would look an awful alot like what Obama did for 8 years and what Hillary was campaigning to do in 2016.

- Reduce fracking in the US
- Reduce oil exploration and production on federal lands
- Reduce the size of the military
- Give Russia a freer hand in the Middle East (as Obama did in Syria)
- Give Russia's ally (Iran) billions of dollars in the nuclear deal
- Abandon the missile shield in Poland and Czech Republic

Trump has campaigned and is doing the opposite of everything listed above.

American frackers have done more to hurt Putin and OPEC than anything else and Hillary and the Democrats (working in the pockets of Putin and Saudi Arabia?) have done everything they possibly can to prevent the US from becoming energy independent. Remember Obama saying "we can't drill our way to lower oil prices"?

82002   Tenpoundbass   2017 Mar 27, 1:51pm  

PCGyver says

You keep saying this but is it even possible?

Is it possible for Judges to dictate domestic security policy?

82003   Tenpoundbass   2017 Mar 27, 1:56pm  

What we have here is a big dick contest. One that Trump will ultimately win. Because well he's the President, and two the Liberals are too petty and too fundamentally flawed on every human level to pull off what they are trying to pull off.

Remember I'm in South Florida I have not been in the best of company over the last two years. After the election Trump got no love here, and every Liberal I knew honestly believed everything CNN said. More and more of these people are coming around. And more and more are saying while they still think Trump grates them the wrong way.
The Liberals are not the Democrats they thought they were. They are abandoning the Clinton/Obama legacy they fully disavow it 100%, they don't see mainstream Democrats doing the same. They see them doubling down. These folks will probably become the marginalized voters and never vote in their adult lives again if nothing changes.
The only thing Liberals have at this point, is celebrities that loathe America and Faggots that wants to turn our kids out.

The Democrats are fucking hurting Bigly!!!

82004   Rew   2017 Mar 27, 2:09pm  

Trump approval reaches all time new low : 36%.

He could very well still achieve the lowest approval rating ever. Still time.

He is now lower than Obama ever reached by 2%.

82005   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Mar 27, 2:09pm  

Rew says

Trump approval reaches all time new low : 36%.

Hillary has a 98% chance of victory.

The Patriots will lose the Superbowl.
Eric Cantor will easily defeat his Primary Challenger.

82006   Rew   2017 Mar 27, 2:12pm  

This is Gallup. For the deepest historical comparison you can go to virtually no other source.

Trump is an epic fail in just 64 days.

82007   RWSGFY   2017 Mar 27, 2:17pm  

socal2 says

If Trump was cutting back oil production in the US or reducing the size of our military, you would at least have some plausible explanations as to why Putin would favor Trump over Hillary.

Trump can't do shit for Vlad now. His hands are pretty much tied by all this shit coming to light. Poor Vlad, no detente/reset for him.

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