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82386   anonymous   2017 Apr 8, 12:25pm  

HEY YOU says

For those that don't know,Hillary Clinton is no longer in the Republicans' Socialist Big Govt.

It must be OK for me to say that G.W.Bush & Republicans killed American servicemen & innocent civilians

based on the Republican LIE that Iraq has WMD.

@HEY YOU, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no respect, and may God have mercy on your soul.

82387   CBOEtrader   2017 Apr 8, 1:02pm  

Ironman says

CBOEtrader says

Do you think wasting our resources on Syria will scare NK and China?

You never know, this could be a case of "Speak softly but carry a big stick". That's a far cry from Obama's "Send a sternly worded letter and have a limp dick", right?

IF we are 100% sure assad attacked those people AND we are sure this wont escalate, then we are semi fine.

I'd still rather not see people die, or us attack a country who hasn't attacked us.

HOWEVER, IF we aren't 100% sure assad did this OR this escalates, then this was a HUGE mistake.

82388   CBOEtrader   2017 Apr 8, 1:06pm  

freespeechforever says

Trump is now helping Isis and Al-Qaeda, and getting the U.S. further entrenched in yet another Military Industrial Complex/Neoconservative/Neoliberal/Globalist U.S. Taxpayer-draining Middle East War of choice.


82389   Strategist   2017 Apr 8, 1:07pm  

HEY YOU says

For those that don't know, Obama is not President.

Maybe that explains the new found confidence that has emerged in the last few months.

82390   Y   2017 Apr 8, 1:14pm  

Or trump is draining the overflowing stockpiles of weapons we own that aren't being used like before obama.
Leading to new orders for bomb manufacturers and lowering the unemployment rate once again.

82391   Y   2017 Apr 8, 1:16pm  

If you don't use them they will grow old and outdated, and die an un-detonated death.,..

82392   Rew   2017 Apr 8, 1:24pm  

To the OP ..

Just like Obama before her, calling for strikes as well.

The difference is it was very much in Trump's interest to do a 180 on his non-interventionist policy. He has more to gain politically for it, and he doesn't have to fear the Republicans moving to impeach him for unilateral use of military powers without congressional approval. Remember, Trump had Nikki Haley on Monday saying words to the effect that Syria should sort itself out.

This is an impulsive about-face for Trump: dead babies, and last info into his ear by his very good NSC, caused it to happen.

What Trump gains by the cruise missile air-strike:
- Superficial appearance of being against Russia
- Bi-partisan approval for upholding the mythos of "America - enforcer of world values and decency"
- International approval because Syria has destabilized the region/Europe for 4+ years and very few countries have the power to do anything about it
- Being an "unpredictable CiC" : which should scare China with regards to N. Korea

Trump isn't a "long game" player or even cognizant of the above. If he is, it is because he was told about the above by far smarter people than he.

There is ZERO risk that the weak-kneed Republican controlled congress attempts to impeach him for his unilateral military action (unlike Obama before him, Obama had "some" risk). The congress is typically ALWAYS very happy to sit on its hands, lap at the dribbles of praise and gain they can get for anything that goes well, while also being able to switch to oppose it if things go bad. Congress really DOESN'T want the burden of being the ones to declare war or authorize strikes. That's all downside risk to their gravy train positions.

Obama played by the rules, and was punished for it. I think he also FAILED to fully understand how popular striking Syria in the wake of those chemical attacks in 2013 would have been (both domestically and internationally).

Trump flew in the face of the rules, though being within the tradition of our presidents cheating just like this for 40+ years, and Trump will be praised for it.

The danger here is if Trump thinks this is a precedent and becomes eager to use military force: "They love me! I shall bring them blood sports."

For Trump there is no bigger strategy here. I don't see this signaling that Trump will enact a much more traditional Republican policy: foreign and domestic.

YesYNot says

She would have taken the air strips out, though.

More than that, she would be opposing Russia/Iran all over the world. "Rew! You are a warmonger baby killer that wants WWIII" No, I want to prevent it. I am still mostly a globalist at heart. That path to humanity's salvation is not strong individual nation states (many tribes). It's strong coalitions leadings to one "human tribe" able to work on global issues.

Ironman says

By almost eerie coincidence, Hillary Clinton, mere hours before it was learned that President Donald Trump had authorized cruise-missile strikes on a Syrian airfield, was calling for that very thing.

This is NOT eerie coincidence. Trump just acted like a typical Neo-Con or Neo-Lib. That was +1 Globalism, -1 MAGA Nationalism for those keeping score at home.

Ironman says

See that, and you were saying that Trump wasn't a "Uniter"!!

He isn't. In the past 60+ days he gave a typical political speech and was praised, and then does a complete 180 on his nationalism tough talk and acts like a typical Neo-Con/Lib. Unless he magically had a lobotomy at the same time he will be "grabbing pussy" in three days or less.

He WILL gain some approval points here in the polls, but nothing lasting, and Russian investigations still loom. There is so very much to discover and unpack here and Trump is such an ass he will be creating major political issues for himself in very short order.

There never will be a pivot here. Trump will always be a divisive asshole.

82393   komputodo   2017 Apr 8, 1:58pm  

Tim Aurora says

Will Trump start a war  

Start a war or continue a war?

82394   Rew   2017 Apr 8, 1:58pm  

Trump: "President Obama, do not attack Syria. There is no upside and tremendous downside. Save your powder for another (and more important) day!"

But suddenly now, it's a little different, isn't it tRump?

82395   komputodo   2017 Apr 8, 1:59pm  

HEY YOU says

We can always hope that there will be a lot of Republican civilian casualties.

If you really hope for american civilian casualties, you're an sad excuse for a human being.

82396   Rew   2017 Apr 8, 2:03pm  

Ironman says

What does that have to do with Hillary?

Sorry, why is she relevant? Because magically Trump's position now aligns with hers?

82397   Rew   2017 Apr 8, 2:06pm  

Maybe Trump is secretly controlled by Hillary! OMG! AMAZING!

82398   Rew   2017 Apr 8, 2:22pm  

See above. No false narrative needed. I give Trump his one point.

If you think Syria is all we have to complain about maybe you don't know libbies as well as you think you do. ;)

82399   Rew   2017 Apr 8, 2:25pm  

I think the real question people are grappling with right now, especially the Trump supporters is: "I voted for Trump because he said he wasn't going to get involved. What happened?"

Where is your outrage for Trump's actions? Isn't this completely out of character for a protectionist nationalist agenda? ;)

82400   Rew   2017 Apr 8, 2:31pm  

He's controlled by whatever smart person persuades him last. ;)

Check? Dude. Soros pays us all digitally.

82401   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 8, 2:32pm  

YesYNot says

Most of us knew about this yesterday. We all knew what she would do in this situation, because she told us last fall. She would have taken the air strips out, though.

You're forgetting she also insisted on a No-Fly Zone, which would A) Help the Jihad ONLY as the Jihadis have no Air Force and B) Start a war with Russia.

82402   Rew   2017 Apr 8, 2:33pm  

C) The magic mole men would also arise from the desert sands to assume their rightful place over humanity.

82403   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 8, 2:34pm  

Another funny thing is that there are no Children in Mosul, only in Aleppo, and American Super Smart Weapons have AI built in that magically detects innocents and self-destructs, even when used in a city siege. That's why we pay Lockheed-Martin the big bucks.

Not one single kid has ever been killed by bombing Syria, Libya, or Northern Iraq by US Munitions.

Also when ISIS uses human shields, we immediately stop bombing and shelling. Unlike the Russians.

Anybody who says otherwise to this is a Putin Agent.

82404   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 8, 2:37pm  

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

Not one single kid has ever been killed by bombing Syria, Libya, or Northern Iraq by US Munitions.

That was an of aspect of Trump's language. 'what? Children died? No one knew that. We've got to do something!'

82405   Rew   2017 Apr 8, 2:40pm  

No one thinks that our military action is free from killing innocent life. It is however better than most militaries in the world by a long shot.

In this current action we told the Russians (and by proxy because they will run right to the Syrians) our intentions an hour ahead of time.

We had 1 missile fail and splash in sea. All 58 others hit the airfield, and the majority of which got their intended specific target: plane, fuel, C&C, munitions, bunkers.

We told them we were going to destroy their architecture of aggression in that location ... and then did it.

82406   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 8, 2:42pm  

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

B) Start a war with Russia.

That's doubtful. Her strategy would have passed a bigger risk there, though. Certainly Russia is glad to be dealing with Trump rather than Hillary.

82407   Rew   2017 Apr 8, 2:43pm  

Ironman says

Crap, I haven't seen a nickle..

It's all Starbucks money, so we can:

"Stay wired. Get refugees hired."

82408   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 8, 2:43pm  

YesYNot says

That was an of aspect of Trump's language. 'what? Children died? No one knew that. We've got to do something!'

That was an aspect of Haley AND Hillary's language.

And the latter went right to the invade-invade narrative, "We gotta bring in ALL the Syrian Refugees and the KIDS!!!"

Rew says

No one thinks that our military action is free from killing innocent life. It is however better than most militaries in the world by a long shot.

Of course! When you are bombing cities in support of a siege, kids definitely die and there's no way to avoid it. However the Media did not mention this with Mosul, but hammered it home with repeated gruesome pictures and constant reminders; furthermore they repeated calls from those who demanded a cease-fire against the Jihadis because of it with Aleppo. Even though the opponent is the same!

What we should be is more savvy and cynical when the media pumps one siege, while blasting (no pun intended) another.

82409   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 8, 2:46pm  

PS Notice Swedish (and German, and Marseilles) Truck Attack pictures were too gruesome for most Media; but pictures of both real and staged casualties, including children, in Syria "Has to be seen, the truth may be harsh but we must know it" seems to be the operating principle.

Maybe the Media should have ONE policy for ALL kinds of violence.

82410   Rew   2017 Apr 8, 2:53pm  

It all depends on what you are trying to get your population to do.

- support aggression against a foreign power

- panic, be fearful, and attack your own population and way of life

You would help weaponize terrorism to a further degree. Though I agree with the general principal, we just aren't smart enough to handle some things as they are occurring to us.

82411   Rew   2017 Apr 8, 3:24pm  

Wait! Who is that that I see in the crowd!?

82412   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 8, 3:32pm  

Last Week:

"Trump supporters are all cult-like, no matter how much he shifts gears, they follow him Blindly."

This Week:

"Trump supporters are criticizing Trump... It's the end!!! Haw Haw!!!"*

*Nevermind that for the first time since he arrived in office, the Establishment I voted for is saying nice things about him!

82413   Booger   2017 Apr 8, 3:33pm  

82414   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 8, 3:36pm  

Rew says

You would help weaponize terrorism to a further degree. Though I agree with the general principal, we just aren't smart enough to handle some things as they are occurring to us.

And you're weaponizing invade-invite. YOU just aren't smart enough to get hip to the scam, or you support the scam.

Ah, the Eurocrat opinion. "we're" = "the hoi polloi scum who don't understand how largely unemployed, hostile populations enrich the nation by filling up rentals that would slowly go increasingly vacant as our population becomes more elderly and dies off. What's a few run-over babies for those without limos, ruined schools, and endemic crime and terror if my units keep getting rented. My kids don't go to public school anyway."

I'm certainly not trusting Pointy-Haired Bosses and Trust Fund Babies with Journalism Degrees from Georgetown to make those decisions for me.

Not that it matters, they'll lucky to have jobs and besides the real pics are a click away. You no longer have to subscribe to a newsletter at $50/year to get non-Wall Street alternative opinions.

That's why the Legacy Media is at war with You Tube and what they called "Fake News" before the term was flipped back on them.

Have you seen the Demographics? In 10 years Television viewers and Newspaper Subscribers will be largely in nursing homes.

The internet is "Disrupting" the Middlemen Technocrats who control and reframe information to steer the story "in the right direction" for the Leadership

82415   Rew   2017 Apr 8, 3:53pm  

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

And you're weaponizing invade-invite.

Have we "invaded" Syria now? That's something I won't support.
I'll join Pepe and the Alt-right in protest against that, if that happens.

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

I'm certainly not trusting Pointy-Haired Bosses and Trust Fund Babies with Journalism Degrees from Georgetown to make those decisions for me.

Yet we appear as a nation to allow them to run the entire country from the Oval office. Too bad they aren't actually as smart as the media. Their messaging absolutely sucks.

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

The internet is "Disrupting" the Middlemen Technocrats

It's very true. I'm getting all my news off the net, but it's pretty big mix of mainstream and alternate sources. Mainstream sources aren't dying by any stretch. They are moving over, and figuring out how to do it.

Many so called alternate sources, are merely just opinion on top of actual reporting. It's newsutainment ... not news at all.

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

Have you seen the Demographics? In 10 years Television viewers and Newspaper Subscribers will be largely in nursing homes.

Fox viewers are there now. One foot in the grave.

82416   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 8, 4:01pm  

Rew says

Fox viewers are there now. One foot in the grave.

From BBC1 to CNN, they aren't much further behind. While everybody hypes Fox News' decrepit average age, few report that CNN is a youthful 61 in comparison:

Through Dec. 15 (which was the day of the last GOP debate), CNN’s median age was 61 years old for total day, and 59 years old for prime time (Monday-Sunday). MSNBC’s audience is two years older, at 63 (for both total day and prime time), while FNC’s is 67 for total day and 68 in prime time. For both MSNBC and FNC that’s the oldest level on record in both dayparts.


82417   Rew   2017 Apr 8, 4:43pm  

Ok, so the difference in Fox is that the average age viewer is older by almost 10 full years and the outlet is plagued with sex scandals. Got it.

82418   Rew   2017 Apr 8, 4:55pm  

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

This Week:

"Trump supporters are criticizing Trump... It's the end!!! Haw Haw!!!"*

*Nevermind that for the first time since he arrived in office, the Establishment I voted for is saying nice things about him!

Do you not understand that "the establishment" is loving it? I'm laughing my ass off. Keep going Trump!

The score so far for Trump is:

FAIL : immigration, travel ban
FAIL : healthcare/repeal Obamacare
FAIL : floated budget proposal
FAIL : immigration, travel ban v2
WIN : acting-like a Neo-Con on foreign policy

Anti-establishment: -4
Establishment: +1

Next up: the wall and more Russian surprises. I can't wait!

82419   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 8, 5:39pm  

Rew says

Ok, so the difference in Fox is that the average age viewer is older by almost 10 full years and the outlet is plagued with sex scandals. Got it.

Don't be obtuse Rew.

Would anybody like to own a brand where the average age is over 60?

People carry on like Fox is full of old farts, but CNN and MSNBC are watched by hip young peeps or middle aged ones at best.

45 vs. 65 is a big deal. Or 20 vs. 40. If you've got the 40-somethings, you're getting peeps at their max earning years. If you've got 20, you're gonna probably keep them to their peak earning years. At 60, it's downsizing time. An audience of 61 vs 67 is nothing burger.

All these News Channels' average viewers are old enough to join the AARP.

Not appealing to advertisers. They'd rather sponsor the makeup girls and comedians on Youtube to gain Brand Loyalty for life. 60+ is for Depends, LifeAlert, and Reverse Mortgages

82420   Booger   2017 Apr 8, 6:19pm  

82421   marcus   2017 Apr 8, 8:22pm  

"Some 50% of people is woefully unprepared for a financial emergency, new research finds. "

82422   Ceffer   2017 Apr 8, 10:18pm  

I know. You would think two insane, effeminate, posturing psychos would at least give each other professional courtesy.

82423   komputodo   2017 Apr 8, 11:32pm  

Those green shoots should be trees by now.

82424   Ceffer   2017 Apr 9, 12:34am  

If you are a RetiredFuck on Social Security, you are living from entitlement to entitlement.

82425   freespeechforever   2017 Apr 9, 7:08pm  


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