The "I really miss 'America's Overvalued Real Estate'" thread

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2006 Jul 5, 6:36am   32,141 views  377 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

As many of you know, we recently had a casualty in our extended bubble-battling blog family. Sadly, it looks as though the founder of one of my personal favorites, "'America's Overvalued Real Estate", has sold out to the highest bidder --a commercial RE company :-(. (Note: previous rumors to the effect that the site had been hijacked/sabotaged by the NAR have proven to be unfounded.) As Different Sean might say, "there's the perfect free market at work again." ;-)

This site --an instant classic-- hosted hundreds of examples of absurdly overpriced wrecks sent in from all over the U.S. and Canada, along with the satiric and often hilarious commentary from the blogmaster. It was wonderfully cathartic and priceless for its comic relief and real-life illustrations of how unhinged sellers have become, thanks to our Fed & GSE-blown liquidity bubble. I spent many a Friday afternoon perusing the latest submissions, often reading them aloud to Mrs. HARM. Truly fun for the whole family.

In honor of this fallen giant, I dedicate this thread as a tribute to A.O.R.E. Please post local examples --with photos and/or MLS links if you have then-- of the most outrageously overpriced $hitboxes in your local neighborhoods. International submissions are also welcome. I shall kick things off by re-posting one of the most egregrious and well publicized examples from last year -- the infamous $1.2 million shack from "Naked City", Las Vegas:

naked greed

Post & enjoy...


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292   Different Sean   2006 Jul 6, 6:19pm  

I suppose my ideal scenario would involve a minimal healthcare social safety net for all citizens (for catastrophic care and preventive medicine), with consumers free to supplement this coverage through private insurance or self insurance.

actually, on a re-reading, that's what most other countries have. except i see a GP for anything for free, get blood tests, X-rays and ultrasounds for free, etc. and scripts are only about $20 at most... so it's not just 'catastrophic' healthcare. are you saying many americans currently don't get treated even when something catastrophic occurs at present?

293   HARM   2006 Jul 6, 6:30pm  


Hey, no political party is perfect! ;-). You may have noticed that the California state Libertarian party website has a slightly different take on this issue (no big surprise there): http://ca.lp.org/lp20060221.shtml
The national party platform does tend too far towards being reflexively anti-government anything for my taste. We are a sovereign nation-state and should defend our borders, even while encouraging --or even expanding-- legal immigration.

The party platform also states:

At the same time, we recognize that the right to enter the United States does not include the right to economic entitlements such as welfare. The freedom to immigrate is a freedom of opportunity, not a guarantee of a handout.

294   GallopingCheetah   2006 Jul 6, 7:58pm  

Can we please have a party which promotes liberal politics and liberal economics??

I feel your pain. Do you realize that you are crying out for MONARCHY?

Monarchy offers more liberty than Democracy, according to Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihm.

People who are interested in classical liberalism should read Erik's seminal book "Liberty or Equality."

295   tsusiat   2006 Jul 7, 12:39am  

SFWoman -

haha, I see you understand exactly how things work.

Gay marriage, bleat gay marriage, bleat, baa baa, gay mariage...

LOL, good post.

296   Glen   2006 Jul 7, 1:33am  

are you saying many americans currently don’t get treated even when something catastrophic occurs at present?

They get treated...then they get a huge bill, which they can't realistically pay, then they go bankrupt.

297   DinOR   2006 Jul 7, 1:37am  


298   DinOR   2006 Jul 7, 1:41am  

Hi all! Lost my original post so I'll make this brief.

NO ONE missed "overvalued" more than myself! The listing really spoke for themselves and shed an ugly and unflattering light on the darker side of human greed. Their brand of candor and comedy will be sorely missed.

299   DinOR   2006 Jul 7, 1:51am  

Enroute to LV got some bad "dope" and took 99E south of Sacramento. In short, a freaking NIGHTMARE! One speed trap after the other and unrelenting traffic. Not fun. When I get caught up I'll be "talking" to my friend!

LV (I'm only too happy to report) is in an undeniable state of collapse! Locals point out all of the "unfinished" projects that are obviously languishing under the desert sun. (Who needs to add to an already busting at the seams inventory?) So you see basically abandoned job sites or maybe two guys "working" on a 400 unit condo complex? Must be pretty good workers! Visited friends in Sun City Anthem (Henderson) and even though they talked their way down to 300K from 350K they admit they STILL probably overpaid. Gas prices are being blamed for a "quiet" 4th of July (by LV standards anyway) but I suspect it's as much the impact from the end of the line for house ATM withdrawls?

Bend, OR (sorry Michael Anderson) is a freaking mess. We would have been home 45 minutes earlier had we went around it! These are things though that can only learned from "on site intel" (not at 40,000 feet)! The whole place is a construction zone. Equity locusts indeed!

300   DinOR   2006 Jul 7, 2:02am  


That is good stuff!

Living the American (banker's) dream! LOL!

Hey, uh didn't mean to get down on SAC but we're used to taking I-5 and 99E seemed to hit one town after another! I can't remember them all but we planned on being in Mojave (one of my favorite stop overs) and barely made it to Madera befor throwing in the towel completely exhausted. The traffic (and cops) just don't let up!

301   DinOR   2006 Jul 7, 2:12am  


Anyway, we were totally unprepared for all of the on ramp traffic b/c it just didn't look THAT bad on a map! Let's recap:

Elk Grove

This doesn't even take into account ALL of the towns south of Fresno! What's odd (to Oregonians anyway) is that in the same stretch on I-5 there's well, uh basically NOTHING! Don't take it the wrong way but it was a mistake I'm not eager to repeat. Oh and Mrs. DinOR "forgot" her driver's license which she of course didn't realize until it was her turn at the first gas stop after SAC! Forgot indeed!

302   DinOR   2006 Jul 7, 2:17am  

We were sooooo determined not to take I-5 back we drove through 400+ miles of desert, spent the afternoon/night in Reno which btw earned a spot on my "list of places to avoid" BUT had a great breakfast in all places "Likely" California and pleasant visit in Alturas which was very nice as well!

303   DinOR   2006 Jul 7, 2:25am  

I kept insisting that not having your driver's license "on you" is not the same as "not having a license"! But........ she wasn't willing to "risk it" and said I was doing just fine! Seriously we saw sooooo many people pulled over it wasn't funny. On 95 in NV we saw ONE highway patrol car in a 400 mile stretch.

304   DinOR   2006 Jul 7, 2:32am  

Much has been said about how much gambling subsidizes the roads in NV but I thought Oregonians had it bad! It's so obvious the minute you roll out of Reno and come back on 395 into CA! NV has plenty of "desert and weeds" but the roads are great! I don't know where CA spends the money but even I-5 through Shasta and Weed were really rough. Lots of deep ruts and pot holes along with much "road noise" and litter. Using 101 makes for great scenery but we didn't think it was too practical. Is that in better shape?

305   Red Whine   2006 Jul 7, 2:34am  

Glen Says: "Hmm… maybe I should have said a viable political party… "

Ahh yes, no one can be "viable" except our beloved Republicans and Democrats. And being starstruck groupies for these hacks has gotten us where, exactly?

306   DinOR   2006 Jul 7, 2:35am  


THAT's what I told her! Besides I was sitting right next to her. Hello? I could see a cop raising his eyebrows if your husband (who is passed out) in the backseat says "Oh yeah, she's got a license" but c'mon.

307   DinOR   2006 Jul 7, 2:47am  

Oh and just to prove her point the MINUTE we got in she called me over to show me it was exactly where she said it was! I was too tired to argue. In the end I work at home and she commutes EVERY day so I guess she figured if she had to drive it wouldn't be a vacation!

I would be curious though to hear what 101 looks like b/c most Oregonians are pretty familiar with it from Astoria to Bandon but then switch over to I-5 as soon as they hit the CA state line. Why, I have no idea.

308   DinOR   2006 Jul 7, 2:53am  


I only take a vacation every couple of years so it IS a big deal to me but if you like for a nominal contribution patrick will e-mail you all of the articles you could ever want or need. Personally, all of the research was done in 2003/4/5 so all that is left for me to do is to sit back and watch. Ben Jones does a great job keeping everyone "on task" but I consider my travels through the "epicenter" of the bubble fairly valuable "on site intel" b/c you get to see abandoned sub divisions first hand! I live in the PDX area and yes, (we're in a bubble too)!

309   Glen   2006 Jul 7, 2:55am  

Red Whine said:
Ahh yes, no one can be “viable” except our beloved Republicans and Democrats. And being starstruck groupies for these hacks has gotten us where, exactly?

I don't see how being a starstruck groupie for an "also ran" helps much either... Having a libertarian "party" almost seems like a contradiction in terms. I guess instead of pining for better parties, I should probably just support liberal policies, wherever they come from. I think George Washington may have been right about political parties.

310   DinOR   2006 Jul 7, 2:57am  

I've always felt that 101 was more of a "concept" than an actual highway? Many parts through SoCal cut off and become "the main drag" through beach towns with plenty of stop lights and traffic and just when you're ready to give up on it, it becomes a highway again!

311   HARM   2006 Jul 7, 3:11am  


I recommend Googling the following:

"Housing bubble sites other than Patrick.net with free links available and blogs that don't consistently diverge from useful info about housing"

Good luck with that, Kemosabe! :twisted:

312   DinOR   2006 Jul 7, 3:15am  

To be honest there have been times in the past when some of the OT discussions could be frustrating to me too but when we passed over into 2006 (where realtors are very much "on the ropes") I just don't have the same sense of urgency that I used to have. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm enjoying things any less! Quite to the contrary. I'm researching less and enjoying it more! When we were still at the "is there, or isn't there a bubble" stage I read everything I could get my hands on. Now? It's like draining the oil out a car and seeing how far down the road it can make it. No one's actually expecting it to get all that far (and it's not like things will get any better!)

313   HARM   2006 Jul 7, 3:20am  


I agree that people should support good policies and good candidates wherever they come from and not just blindly vote along the "party line". Even so, isn't it a little odd that in some 150 years there has never been a serious challenge to our current brain-dead, corrupt 2-party duolopoly? Is this really a sign of a healthy, well functioning (and quasi-democratic) political process?

I just don't get people who constantly vote for the "lesser evil" because it's "viable". Most of the time the lesser a$$hole loses anyway (witness Democrats' recent "success" at poorly emulating Republicans). Even worse, this mindset becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and a Catch-22: Libertarians, Greens, etc. cannot win major offices because no one will vote for them; no one will vote for them because they believe they cannot win major offices.

314   DinOR   2006 Jul 7, 3:25am  


Sorry I missed the 4th of July party and the free surf lessons but I was:

"Driving through Bakersfield EARLY Sunday morning"*

On my way to see what I can only describe as the perfect example of "boomertopia" Sun City Anthem in Henderson, NV has everything boomers could want! The "clubhouse" is bigger than a Dept. of Defense building with state of the art work out equipt. and all kinds of "activities" like gardening and quilting along with of course plenty of golf! The only thing I kept wondering was why can't these people find some dive bar and drink themselves to death like my dad did? Hey! It was good enough for him? Really, do we truly need ALL of these "amenities"? Couldn't this money be spent better elsewhere?

*The Girl with Far Away Eyes, Rolling Stones circa 1978?

315   HARM   2006 Jul 7, 3:30am  

SQT, try <u>underline</u>

316   HARM   2006 Jul 7, 3:32am  

Yeah, guess it's not working anymore. Odd that.

318   tsusiat   2006 Jul 7, 4:35am  

♠ ♣ ♥ ♦

319   Peter P   2006 Jul 7, 4:39am  

Are you guys playing a new poker game?

â™  â™  â™  â™ 

320   Peter P   2006 Jul 7, 4:43am  

What are you guys going to have for lunch?

321   Peter P   2006 Jul 7, 4:45am  

Peter, do you know why the underline text tag doesn’t work?

I tried before and somehow underline did not work.

How did HARM get it to work here?


322   Peter P   2006 Jul 7, 4:50am  

Perhaps because underlines look too much like links and WordPress does not like deceptions. :)

323   Peter P   2006 Jul 7, 4:51am  


Got it to work ;)

324   skibum   2006 Jul 7, 4:56am  

DinOR Says:

Personally, all of the research was done in 2003/4/5 so all that is left for me to do is to sit back and watch. Ben Jones does a great job keeping everyone “on task” but I consider my travels through the “epicenter” of the bubble fairly valuable “on site intel” b/c you get to see abandoned sub divisions first hand! I live in the PDX area and yes, (we’re in a bubble too)!

Did you have a chance to read the link I posted on this thread? The Mercury News had a bold-type, screaming front page headline that it's a buyer's market in the Central Valley. (btw, it's not really yet). Interesting to hear about your observations. I like the idea of now taking the tack of sitting back and watching this whole mess play out.

325   Peter P   2006 Jul 7, 5:03am  

The central valley has only begun to see the beginnings of a “buyers market.” I think the realtors® are calling it a buyers market to scare the last holdouts into buying before “it goes up again.”

Never a better time to buy, right? ;)


326   skibum   2006 Jul 7, 5:04am  

This morning on KFOG, I heard a radio spot for KB Homes - did anyone else hear it? Haven't come across such an ad on mainstream FM radio before. To paraphrase:

A "young couple" needs to move out of their condo w/ new babies, etc. so they go to a KB development. Because of rumors of a buyer's market, they decide to "take the plunge" and buy. The KB agent gives them a great mtg rate beating the rising mtg rates, incentives, and gets them a great home at a great deal.

Sounded very desperate to me.

327   Peter P   2006 Jul 7, 5:08am  

Because of rumors of a buyer’s market, they decide to “take the plunge” and buy.

Well, if they can afford it, why not? A home-purchase is more than a financial decision. They better be prepared to be in for a wild ride.

328   DinOR   2006 Jul 7, 5:20am  


I will check out your link!

Mrs. DinOR came up with a name for all of the sub divisions we saw coming down 99E. "Roof Farms" b/c it's all you can see for miles like so many rows of corn! And built so close to the freeway? We then started the debate about could a squirrel go from SAC to Fresno without ever touching the ground?

While in LV my client (gun nut) insisted we "go out to the desert" to make some noise! Well, uh O.K. I'm figuring "hell's half acre" here and we get just past the South Coast and he pulls over and we begin to bake. I'm not complaining mind you, the guy has money and in a twisted way I kind of like the heat. Perhaps something only an Oregonian can appreciate. So were a blastin' away and I ask about all of these "frame only" shells we see all around us and he explains that some days a construction "big wig" comes out to the job site with a clipboard and walks around but assures me many have been in the same state for almost a year. I guess I'd have to say they are "pre-abandoned"? It looks to me that financing has dried up and there they'll sit until they manage to work through the inventory. Many of the billboards (NO, not "those" billboards) tout condos' in the mid 100's!

329   Peter P   2006 Jul 7, 5:26am  

We then started the debate about could a squirrel go from SAC to Fresno without ever touching the ground?

If squirrels are not all starved to death because house-buyers are no longer feeding them.

330   skibum   2006 Jul 7, 5:29am  


I love the "Roof Farms" - it may deserve consideration for the hosing bubble dictionary. The observation of an increasing number of abandoned construction projects seems to be happening much earlier in the cycle than I would have thought. Someone posted earlier about all the abandoned sites in LV, I've read about a few in Boston, too. I would think that with financing secure, land purchased, etc., the financially smart thing to do would be to go ahead and finish the project. I wonder if it's flippers bailing (and probably eating the deposit)?

331   DinOR   2006 Jul 7, 5:30am  

Just a guess, but a year, year and half ago there wasn't much any where in the LV market avail. for the mid 100's let alone a NEW condo. I emphasize "new" not that it means that much to me but seems to mean everything in LV.

Daughter #1 (and husband to be) just had their offer accepted on a nice older home. About 1,800 sq. ft. w/ all new faux wood floors and much updating for 196K. I can't say I was "sick" about it, after all his folks came up with a sizeable downpayment for for the kids. Who was I to say anything? It had sat for months without an offer and I think they could have got it cheaper but they're happy and I don't see a lot of room for downside other than the opp. cost for the 50K down. Since I didn't write the check it wasn't my turn to talk. I really am trying to be the "perfect" in-law here people!

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