Rhino this is crazy but Kenya believe it? Tiger is a cheetah and I'm not lion. He monkeyed around and now the gorilla his dreams is teed off and going ape and will be laughing like a hyenia all the way to the bank. Poor Tiger, he may soon be driving a Cougar rather that a Jaguar and this should give him paws, especially for all his pussyfooting around.He should have puttered around instead but now he's getting pun-ished and I guess in a fair way.Any way you slice it, I hope he has the balls to iron things out so he can get out of the woods in this turf war.Well, divot strokes for divot folks, as a little birdie told me, cause when you're playing a round you're on the hook. I believe he was fore warned about the hazards but developed a bunker mentality and now nobody will keep their trap shut.This Tiger was caught by the tail and now comes the bogey man.
Rhino this is crazy but Kenya believe it? Tiger is a cheetah and I'm not lion. He monkeyed around and now the gorilla his dreams is teed off and going ape and will be laughing like a hyenia all the way to the bank. Poor Tiger, he may soon be driving a Cougar rather that a Jaguar and this should give him paws, especially for all his pussyfooting around.He should have puttered around instead but now he's getting pun-ished and I guess in a fair way.Any way you slice it, I hope he has the balls to iron things out so he can get out of the woods in this turf war.Well, divot strokes for divot folks, as a little birdie told me, cause when you're playing a round you're on the hook. I believe he was fore warned about the hazards but developed a bunker mentality and now nobody will keep their trap shut.This Tiger was caught by the tail and now comes the bogey man.