Why do you hate the gov?

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2010 Jan 29, 5:19pm   42,146 views  247 comments

by kentm   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Those of you who do.

I don't understand this.

Please post a quick note, whatever you care to express. I don't mind if you're sarcastic or derisive, its just that I'd just like to hear some thoughts and this seems like a good place to ask, people on this list are articulate and seem to have a lot of personal experience.

I actually kind of don't expect much of a response, its a touchy subject to come right out and ask about, but I hope so.

Its healthy to be skeptical and all, but I see so much hate of "gov" here in the US, so much unfocused rage. What exactly is the issue/s?

I appreciate anything anyone cares to offer.

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223   Honest Abe   2010 Feb 23, 6:00am  

You lazy, liberal, progressive, pompous commies make me laugh. Read it yourself:

224   Â¥   2010 Feb 23, 7:57am  

Honest Abe says

You lazy, liberal, progressive, pompous commies

hey man I'm not a communist.

225   Honest Abe   2010 Feb 25, 1:02am  

The commie rats, of both parties, that have been in the White House and Congress, with the help of The Fed, continues to deficit spend us into bankruptcy.

They have built a rotten financial structure, made out of a house of cards, erected on a bed of sand, built over a fault line, in a known financial hurricane zone, on borrowed money, at huge degrees of leverage.

As our worthless, paper, fiat currency continues to collapse, everything will continue to increase in price due to horrible inflation caused by governments shameless expansion in the money supply.

Why do we "respect" and actually pay these people ?????????? Anyone ?

226   Â¥   2010 Feb 25, 5:05am  

^ very nice. My general perspective on the Great Recession was that inflationary expansion was better than a deflationary collapse with mass unemployment, but we're still in the latter mode apparently.

Given that only 25% of this country can find their ass with a flashlight, should present conditions obtain in November there will be a major reversal in Congress, a la 1994.

I'm thinking of votiing Republican just out of self-preservation instinct. Let's get this over with.

227   Â¥   2010 Feb 25, 6:47pm  

^ The yuan is still at 7 now but since their minimum wage is 65c it clearly should be at parity or even 1:2.

I lack the brain to fully tease out the impact of this change.

Our foreign-held debt really isn't that bad I don't think:


grew 20% last year, that's not good.

Japan's economy is a fiscal mess yet they each own $6000 in t-bills. And their population is declining now so this will only get better : )

The trade imbalance with China fell a bit to $220B in 2009 but they only rolled over their treasuries, putting most of the cash in strategic investment funds I guess.

OPEC of course were the big winners in 2008 and I think a chunk of that windfall eventually ended up in the UK, which now has $300B in our bonds on their books.

Everybody's economy is f---ed to the degree capital gets tied up in its real estate sector. This only became obvious to me in late 2003, alas, but it's as plain as day to me now.

228   Honest Abe   2010 Feb 26, 12:10am  

Every country's econony is messed up because every county uses its own worthless fiat currency. No country can have a sound economy until they have sound currency. fiat currency has been tried countless times thruout history and the result is always the same, without fail...the currency collapses. Can someone please name a fiat currency that has historically held its value? There are none.

Next, acting financially irresponsibly can never be a solution. Spending more than is available is a disaster, never a solution. Then one must borrow to cope. That creates additional problems, such as interest on the borrowed money which compounds the problem.

Our country borrows from the Chinese because our leaders are financially irresponsible, promise too much and spend too much. Its pretty obvious.

Our country has caused itself to be non-competitive by a blizzard of regulations, rules, laws, "codes" and the like. To compound the pain to business throw in abusive unions and crushing preditory lawsuits.
Is it any wonder american companies move offshore???

The bottom line is two wrongs don't make a right. OK, make that three wrongs: (1) Debasing our own currency can never be a solution, (2) Deficit spending due to financial irresponsibility can never be a solution (3) Countless government regulations, abusive unions and preditory lawsuits don't create competitive american companies - it does the opposite. OK, make that four wrongs: (4) Penalizing the american people who buy foreign products to help american businesses remain competitive is no solution either. It just costs the american consumer more, and doesn't make the american business any more competitive what-so-ever.

All the above is what america has been doing, its a reciept for failure, and is causing the pain most everyone is experiencing today.

The following is a quote from"Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eckler. It's appropriate and works equally well for individuals, families, businesses...even the U.S. Government..."IF YOU WANT TO GET RICH, FOCUS ON MAKING, KEEPING, AND INVESTING YOUR MONEY. IF YOU WANT TO BE POOR, FOCUS ON SPENDING YOUR MONEY"

No more hocus-pocus smoke and mirrors deficit spending worthless fiat currency leveraged to the moon non-sense. What our country needs is fiscal responsibility, sound currency and COMMON SENSE.
Thank you, and remember to vote EVERYONE out - impeach everybody.

229   tatupu70   2010 Feb 26, 12:20am  

Honest Abe says

Our country has caused itself to be non-competitive by a blizzard of regulations, rules, laws, “codes” and the like. To compound the pain to business throw in abusive unions and crushing preditory lawsuits.

That is just complete BS. Jobs move overseas because other countries have lower standards of living. End of story.

230   Vicente   2010 Feb 26, 1:36am  

It is indeed very "competitive" if you move all your manufacturing to totalitarian countries where slave labor and deadly pollution levels are perfectly acceptable business practices. We seem to have found the ultimate version of "keep the slaves at a distance" they aren't just out of smelling range, they are WAY over there in places with no cameras allowed and dissent is crushed. USA! USA! USA!

231   Honest Abe   2010 Feb 26, 2:05am  

Both of you want to argue, pretend, justify and debate why everything is just fine the way things are now. They aren't, our country has tried it "your way" and look what we have...a financial meltdown. And our "wise" leaders are trying to solve our problems by adding more of what caused the problems in the first place...which you obviously agree with...ugh.

Borrowing is not a solution. Tariffs are not the solution. More Government regulation is not the solution. Further debasing our currency is not the solution. Excess spending is not the solution. Inflation is not the solution. Expanding union power is not the solution. Socializing businesses and industries is not the solution. More taxes is not the solution. More bailouts are not the solution. The Fed's manipulation of interest rates is not the solution.... Getting government out of the way and letting businesses and consumers make their own unrestricted free choices IS a solution. But that involves freedom - which seems to drive you guys CCCRRRAAAAAZZZYYYY. Getting government out of the way and letting the economy heal itself would be like "water seeking its own level". But once again you guys are probably way too smart to comprehend something as simple as that.

I've stated there are laws of nature as well as laws of business and finance. For example: water always runs downhill. For example: if you spend more money than you have, you always experience financial difficulty.

Come on, its not that hard to understand.

Throw everyone out of office! Campaign for Liberty. Ron Paul.com

232   Â¥   2010 Feb 26, 3:18am  

^ yup, plus until 1970 we actually, literally owned half or so of the oil in the mideast. Then the camel jockeys decided it was their oil.

Plus from 1946-1974 China was an economic black hole and not a trade competitor. Japan was more of a junior partner 1950-1980, until the strengthening yen increased their global footprint by an order of magnitude.

The rise of a middle class in India and their plugging into our economy via the internet is another dimension of this puzzle.

How can a guy with a $500,000 mortgage compete with a well-paid, for India, dude making $15,000 a year?

233   Â¥   2010 Feb 26, 8:38am  

Japan was cleaning our clocks with the 250 yen exchange rate.

Remember, Volcker's 20% interest rates strengthened the dollar since funds wanted in for a piece of that action.

The Plaza Accord of late 1985 reversed this and restored some balance between Europe and the US at least (Japan didn't want anything from us).


The North Sea oil coming online in the mid-late 80s tanked the price of oil, which also helped.

You asked why in the post-Reagan era things are so out of whack.

Looking at this chart it's clear to me that the Bush administration inherited an imbalanced system, and in their inimitable way did absolutely nothing to address it.

When I left the US in 1992 "Made in China" was a rarity. When I came back in 2000, it was a trend. By 2006, our entire economy was Made in China, or so it seemed.


234   bob2356   2010 Feb 27, 5:43am  

You keep jumping around. First to the japanese then the germans. Vw was the only volume car producer in germany in 1960. That means that 739,443 beetles was pretty much the entire output for all of germany for worldwide sales. How can you compare that to one model of car from one division of one american car company and say that the national auto industries were in any way shape or form comparable? That's just nonsense. American car companies sold over 6 million cars domestically alone. Japan's gdp in 1960 was 16 billion the US was 980 billion. The average japanese worker earned 10% of the average american worker in 1960. You really don't believe that Japan (and to a lesser degree Europe) was still recovering from WWII at this point? Japanese growth really took off in the 60's averaging about 10% a year, but prior to that they were struggling.

No our markets would not have been flooded with imports. The manufacturing capacity simply didn't exist overseas prior to the 1960's. That's a simple fact.

235   Â¥   2010 Feb 27, 5:39pm  

^ sure, I agree with that. The wealthy have interest earning interest earning interest now. At work a coworker was talking about how he got to pal around down in Carmel with a Johnson & Johnson fortune moneyed dude, how the dude's intergenerational wealth was simply throwing off cash too fast to humanly spend.

When 10% of the country owns 70%+ of the wealth (and more of the actual capital wealth), you're nearing the event horizon of feudalism and wage slavery.

All Clinton did was add two tax brackets to mildly redirect upper middle class and above incomes to the public sector, no Republican voted for this, and their doomsday fearmongering posturing BS did not come to pass. The opposite, in fact.

Anybody making more than $500,000/yr is making more than wages from labor. They're welcome to go Galt, in this economy somebody hungrier will be more than happy to take up the slack.

236   Vicente   2011 Apr 28, 10:41am  

Why was this dusty thread resurrected?

237   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 28, 12:01pm  

Well Duck, it's like this, not all taxes are bad. But, when the government grows like really, really big and spends like billions and billions that turn into trillions on worthless endeavors, it might be time for the government's citizens to do their duty and question their government, or worse, hold them accountable for what they are doing with the PEOPLE'S MONEY. In your little, trusting, obedient world, that may not be a good thing to question your government. But in my world, I somehow was led to believe we have a government for the people and made up by the people that is answerable to the people. If you want to define that as "anarchy," be my guest. The problem with people like you is that you actually believe the best government is one that governs most; the antithesis of what Jefferson declared. I guess that makes Jefferson an anarchist too. LOL

238   RayAmerica   2011 Apr 28, 12:23pm  

I'm shocked beyond all description. Here all along I thought Obama was a radical lefty and now you're telling me he's actually Ronald Reagan in sheep's clothing. I did read somewhere Obama was reading up on Reagan ... this plot is beginning to thicken. And you know something else? Nancy Reagan was telling the dope heads to "just say no" and Michelle Obama is telling the fatsos to "just say no" and the more you think about it, the Obamas are acting like the Reagans, etc. Thanks for pointing all this out Ducky.

239   FortWayne   2011 Apr 28, 12:38pm  

I just can’t believe anyone really pays 45% in the USA. I don’t see how it’s possible, even in California.

I'm in that very annoying spot where I paid out 42% last year in taxes. I guess it's a cost of doing business, in CA there is an added tax for certain corp entities.

240   FortWayne   2011 Apr 28, 12:42pm  

Because our "representative" government is very corrupt and one sided. They skim money off the taxpayers and only represent those closest colleagues who provide them large donations. CA union thugs are the most disgusting political bribery ever. All while under pretense of helping the poor.

Every time in CA there is a talk about cutting some union benefits, unions spend millions of our tax dollars on attack ads defeating the measure. It's really disgusting.

Lately government went out all socialism for the hedge funds managers and financial tycoons, started picking winners and losers. BofA and GS - too big to fail. WAMU and Lehman - not in that club.

241   Â¥   2011 Apr 30, 8:05am  

bob2356 says

Why do you insist that giving away his business is the only way wealth could be redistributed. Typical right wingnut tactics.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_dilemma fallacy.

242   bob2356   2011 Apr 30, 9:09am  

Troy says

bob2356 says

Why do you insist that giving away his business is the only way wealth could be redistributed. Typical right wingnut tactics.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_dilemma fallacy.
“Nessuna soluzione . . . nessun problema!„

So what's the fallacy? That there is more than one way to redistribute wealth (ie higher taxes vs confiscation vs philanthropy) or that the right wingnuts usually insist on phrasing everything in ridiculous terms without ever providing any type of response to direct questions.

243   marcus   2011 May 1, 5:03am  

RayAmerica is actually a left wing extremist, planted on this forum to make the right wing (extremities) look even more stupid than they are. This is no small task, and we should all be grateful.

244   bob2356   2011 May 1, 5:21am  

tatupu70 says

You can’t be this stupid.

Why can't he be?

245   FortWayne   2011 May 1, 9:56am  

marcus says

RayAmerica is actually a left wing extremist, planted on this forum to make the right wing (extremities) look even more stupid than they are. This is no small task, and we should all be grateful.

Marcus as a taxpayers employee (since I pay your salary through taxes) you should be a bit more grateful to those who work hard so that you can have a job with a salary. If people like Ray move to another state and stop paying taxes here, you'll be begging for hand outs again. When money dries up, its you on the chopping block not your glorious union leadership sitting cozily on top.

246   Patrick   2012 Mar 3, 10:25am  

Hey, I must say it is way the heck faster to load only the 40 latest comments than to load 517 comments.

I'm thinking that my new comment pagination scheme is definitely worth the Sunday I spend on it.

247   TMAC54   2012 Mar 4, 12:18am  

kentm says

Why do you hate the gov?

GUBMINT did not ASK for the money to stop declining home prices.
(as if they could set home prices)
They stole it, Wagged the Dog, smiled confidently, and said, " RE-ELECT ME " .

I have worked at Auto Repair Shops that take advantage of customers ignorance.
I Spoke to an Engineer working on "Devil's Slide" last week.. I quote, "Talk about ripping off the taxpayer" !
Gubmint waste is beyond comprehension.

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