Why do you hate the gov?

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2010 Jan 29, 5:19pm   42,989 views  247 comments

by kentm   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Those of you who do.

I don't understand this.

Please post a quick note, whatever you care to express. I don't mind if you're sarcastic or derisive, its just that I'd just like to hear some thoughts and this seems like a good place to ask, people on this list are articulate and seem to have a lot of personal experience.

I actually kind of don't expect much of a response, its a touchy subject to come right out and ask about, but I hope so.

Its healthy to be skeptical and all, but I see so much hate of "gov" here in the US, so much unfocused rage. What exactly is the issue/s?

I appreciate anything anyone cares to offer.

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244   bob2356   2011 May 1, 5:21am  

tatupu70 says

You can’t be this stupid.

Why can't he be?

245   FortWayne   2011 May 1, 9:56am  

marcus says

RayAmerica is actually a left wing extremist, planted on this forum to make the right wing (extremities) look even more stupid than they are. This is no small task, and we should all be grateful.

Marcus as a taxpayers employee (since I pay your salary through taxes) you should be a bit more grateful to those who work hard so that you can have a job with a salary. If people like Ray move to another state and stop paying taxes here, you'll be begging for hand outs again. When money dries up, its you on the chopping block not your glorious union leadership sitting cozily on top.

246   Patrick   2012 Mar 3, 10:25am  

Hey, I must say it is way the heck faster to load only the 40 latest comments than to load 517 comments.

I'm thinking that my new comment pagination scheme is definitely worth the Sunday I spend on it.

247   TMAC54   2012 Mar 4, 12:18am  

kentm says

Why do you hate the gov?

GUBMINT did not ASK for the money to stop declining home prices.
(as if they could set home prices)
They stole it, Wagged the Dog, smiled confidently, and said, " RE-ELECT ME " .

I have worked at Auto Repair Shops that take advantage of customers ignorance.
I Spoke to an Engineer working on "Devil's Slide" last week.. I quote, "Talk about ripping off the taxpayer" !
Gubmint waste is beyond comprehension.

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