Why America Loves Arch-Conservatives!

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2010 Feb 19, 4:19pm   1,489 views  1 comment

by 4X   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

You cant talk common sense to us arch-conservatives......we believe that since America has the #1 military in the world we have the right to challenge anyone on this planet and murder people of other religions because that is what Jesus would want, right? We hold the right to wage war against anyone or anything on this planet because we are entitled and we also like to spew venom about the president who is cleaning up the last presidents mess. We hold the right to blame the current president for our impoverished situation, economic troubles, housing crash and for Tiger Woods extramarital affairs. We dont care that he has been in office only 1 full year and has to retract every stupid peace of legislation put forth by the obstructionist conservative party that will spin his every decision as "bad for America" or "socialist".

Let him try and reverse the following:

-Reagans deregulation of the S&L
-Reagan sending millions of electronics jobs offshore, starting the offshoring trend
-Bush Sr, Clinton signing GRAMM-LEACH-BLILEY in attempt to extend housing to the poor leading to the current economic downturn and housing crash
-Clintons disastrous NAFTA, WTO policies that furthered the offshoring trends
-Bush 1 trillion spend on the useless Afghan, Iraqis freedoms
-Bush squandering 1 trillion surplus

Here is a question for the curious.......Why should we give our president ample time to rectify situations that have been brewing the past 30 years?


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1   Â¥   2010 Feb 19, 5:55pm  

>Bush squandering 1 trillion surplus

Wasn't squandered -- he cut taxes on the wealthiest among us so they could make wise investments in our private sector.

'course, that's not how economics really works in the real world, given that 10-20% of our economy is sucked into chasing naked land values.

Back in 2002-2003 you were either for the war or for Saddam. No middle ground was allowed that letting Saddam be might be in our long-term national interest. This was unfortunate -- the investment of blood (labor) and treasure (capital) would have seen a million-fold better ROI if it had been spent here in the US of A on domestic infrastructure. Stuff like water projects, rail modernization, education.

But we as a nation are a pretty stupid people and I don't really think there's going to be any good outcome this decade. It's possible, but having lived in Japan 1992-2000 I think I've seen this movie before.

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