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It probably depends what you rely on your realtor for. For us, as long as they know how to use a key to open a door and email us boilerplate paperwork, that's all we really need. No offense, but I believe monkeys are trainable to perform these tasks.
It probably depends what you rely on your realtor for. For us, as long as they know how to use a key to open a door and email us boilerplate paperwork, that’s all we really need. No offense, but I believe monkeys are trainable to perform these tasks.
That, and you have to be able to pitch a teevee show to hgtv. I'm not exactly a fan of realtors. Surprised?
Increasing the educational requirements might result in a more ethical culture and an increased sense of professionalism. However, almost everything these days requires classes and a degree, and there are not a lot of professional paths that allow relatively direct entry as real estate does. Not everyone is able to take a couple of years away from work and/or family to get another degree in order to change fields. Many people in the middle of their adult lives cannot or would not take years in order to become a real estate agent. So if you required an associate's degree, you would probably skew the field to younger twentysomethings. That might be OK, if they could manage to be ethical.
I personally think that the change related to realtor jobs should come in terms of payment.
Is it really worth that much to show houses and send boiler plate docs.
I can easily fax my own docs, call up other parties or exchange emails, the only thing I cannot do is to go see houses w/o the keys. So perhaps just like they are: I must put a deposit of lets say 10K and get a membership for x number of months. Visit houses as appropriate, log hours of visits....and so on.
For owner occupied - require them to be there, or they should release me of all charges if they were not there and something went missing.
As an alternative keep the realtors, but have a flat fee for each house show: mileage + a visit, where you get a discount on n-number of shows. Flat fee for writing up paperwork... Nowhere I see this to be thoughsands. Paying a % of sale is just as crazy. Truth be told realtor likely spends less time on a more expensive purchase, as those are specific and have a scarce pool.
On another note: my bf is considering becoming a realtor (he is currently unemployed) for a sheer reason, to help me buy. We happen to know someone else who did it at his work, and they are much happier and said it was worth the investment.
Are the barriers to becoming a Realtor too low? Most Realtors have just gone to a 4 -6 week program and passed a fairly simple test for licensure. Should the process of becoming a Realtor require more in-depth classes, esp in economics and business ethics? Perhaps they should require a 2 year Associates and a more comprehensive test for licensure? This would weed out a lot of incompetents and improve the quality of agents overall.