Ten Things I Hate About Big Boomer And/Or Casey Serin

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2006 Oct 6, 6:06am   35,949 views  232 comments

by astrid   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Casey Serin, poster boy for FloppersBig Boomer

No love here, except love for fellow bloggers.

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86   Glen   2006 Oct 6, 9:46am  

I’m glad you brought that up. I thought so too! The original picture actually looks a little better but the one on his website makes him look like a douchbag.

It had to be said. Now someone needs to update the definition of "douchebag" in the urban dictionary, as follows:
Douchebag n.
1. A vaginal cleansing device
2. See Casey Serin

87   Paul189   2006 Oct 6, 9:48am  

4) When something doesn't go their way they blame everyone but themselves

88   astrid   2006 Oct 6, 9:49am  


Yup, Wolverine is short and hairy in the comics. That was why casting Jackman was such a genius decision. Nobody else even thought about casting Jackman but Bryan Singer thought Jackman was perfect for Wolverine. And he is!

89   astrid   2006 Oct 6, 9:50am  


According to imdb, yes, his real name is Hugh Jackman but he is merely 6 feet and 2.5 inches tall.

90   astrid   2006 Oct 6, 9:53am  


Serin never got the job. It's also a temporary contracts job that would only last a few months, I assume a permanent position with similar duties would be more like $20/hr.

I suspect that after that employer reads today's Chronicle, he will be very relieved that he never hired Serin.

91   Paul189   2006 Oct 6, 9:56am  

5) Expecting that someone staying at the boomer's bed and breakfast really cares for even a second about the boomer's life story.

92   Paul189   2006 Oct 6, 10:01am  

6) Hearing how they had this grand plan to success when we all know the money bascially fell from the sky into their lap. No skill or planning required!

93   Paul189   2006 Oct 6, 10:03am  

7) Complete disregard / contempt for heritage and tradition.

94   Paul189   2006 Oct 6, 10:07am  

8) Complaining about noise, trash, crime, etc.. in the city like it was supposed to stop when they moved into the 2M house. YOU'RE IN THE CITY - Do you really think it will change just because a Boomer came to town. Of course you do!

95   HARM   2006 Oct 6, 10:07am  

My latest advice for Mr. Serin (posted on his job thread):


On a more serious note, have you considering looking for work in Alberta, Canada? According to this CNN story, they're so desperate for workers there (due to recent surge in oil sands development/investment); they are paying janitors $17/hr., and similar well-above-average premiums for other jobs. Perhaps they could use a PHP coder. Plus, housing there is considerably cheaper than in CA.


Sure, it gets cold in the winter, but the scenery can be spectacular (think Brokeback Mountain minus gay sex). And after all, beggars can't be choosers, right?:


96   speedingpullet   2006 Oct 6, 10:08am  

Due to sugar rush (mm...chocolate chip cookies....), my brain isn't working properly, but here's two that came off the top of my head:

1) Little dogs in handbags, inside stores. If your dog is too small to defend itself tied to a leash at the front of the store, buy a better dog. And, the US excepted, its illegal in almost every other Western World country.

2) Standing around like a lemon, while the guy at checkout not only rings your items, but packs them for you too.
Hands not working proplerly, poor love?
Every time I pack my own, the checkout person looks surprised and thanks me.
WTF? I'm standing around waiting for them to ring up my stuff, might as well do something useful...or...I could stand around and wait while you ring up my stuff, then hang around some more and watch you put it in a bag, thereby doubling the time it takes to get out of the store and making the people behind me wait even longer.
Oh, and lets not forget paying by check too. Just make sure to ask what the date is three times, and never ever write everything but the amount while waiting for ringing up/bagging. I mean, this is an excersise in time wasting n'est pas?

97   Paul189   2006 Oct 6, 10:08am  

9) Not doing anything to improve the situation of noise, trash and crime and being completely confussed as to why things haven't improved just because they moved into the 2M house.

98   Peter P   2006 Oct 6, 10:08am  

Complaining about noise, trash, crime, etc.. in the city like it was supposed to stop when they moved into the 2M house.

Many cities are quiet, clean, and virtually crime-free though.

But boomers are too "nice" to be tough on crimes.

99   speedingpullet   2006 Oct 6, 10:11am  

Re: Connections

The Husband has all three Series on DVD. James Buerke was a childhood hero, when he was on the BBC's 'Tomorrows World' back in the late 70's early 80's

100   HARM   2006 Oct 6, 10:12am  


Great list!

101   Paul189   2006 Oct 6, 10:14am  

10) Wanting a bigger SUV

102   astrid   2006 Oct 6, 10:15am  


Here you go


103   Paul189   2006 Oct 6, 10:16am  


I agree. What I mean exactly is that they will find the smallest thing like a rental building across the street with some noise and say there shouldn't be any rentals in the neighboorhood, etc..

104   astrid   2006 Oct 6, 10:16am  

With apologies to Paul

11) Thinking that 4,500 sq ft is too small for two people and a 15 lb dog.

105   Paul189   2006 Oct 6, 10:17am  

as for crime I include hit and runs which I know are a real problem out in SF. I would venture to say Boomers are involved in more than a few of these incidents too.

106   Paul189   2006 Oct 6, 10:18am  


My sentiments exactly!

Thank you,

107   surfer-x   2006 Oct 6, 10:19am  

@SP, Somebody used to pay $35/hr to a jackass who cannot even spell ‘decent’ correctly?

I think he did spell it correctly,

descent: 4 a : an inclination downward :

108   astrid   2006 Oct 6, 10:22am  


Excellent! I bow in front of your greater wisdom.

109   Peter P   2006 Oct 6, 10:25am  

I agree. What I mean exactly is that they will find the smallest thing like a rental building across the street with some noise and say there shouldn’t be any rentals in the neighboorhood, etc..

I have a solution for them. They can buy that rental building across the street and make it a private park.

Cannot afford it? There is also a free market solution, it is called "tough".

110   surfer-x   2006 Oct 6, 10:29am  

I don't understand all the hate against Casey, I'm looking for a descent deal also.

111   Peter P   2006 Oct 6, 10:30am  

I’m looking for a descent deal also

The Descent is a pretty good movie:


112   DinOR   2006 Oct 6, 11:04am  


Given your "Hollywood Connection" and the thread topic I can't believe no one has brought up the "Hypocritical Boomers Using the Pacific Ocean as Our Personal Toilet" topic? All up and down Malibu Beach wealthy (and influential) boomers, carving out their little piece of paradise (to the exclusion of us "riff-raff") are using aging septic systems that are fouling the waters there to such a degree that the county has been forced to get involved!

I'm by no means an environmentalist but how does their PC stance square with the rest of us boogie boarding in their refuse? Pamela Anderson (well respected environmental expert) faults local poultry production and our dependence on "meat" for the soiling of the beach. Ted Danson, Pierce Brosnon and Shakes the Clown concur.

113   Peter P   2006 Oct 6, 11:11am  

I’m by no means an environmentalist but how does their PC stance square with the rest of us boogie boarding in their refuse?

This is way I am a borderline anti-environmentalist.

114   Glen   2006 Oct 6, 11:12am  

Back on the topic of Casey and "descent jobs":

If this kid has already sunk this low by age 24, what do you think he will be like when he's 40?!

My guess is that his next fraud will be ID theft. His credit is shot, so he will need to use someone else's for his next flip. He will obtain the social security numbers of his parents, friends, girlfriend/boyfriend, etc. and use them as straw buyers to obtain more fraudulent mortgages. He will rationalize this by thinking to himself that he has learned from his mistakes, and his next flips will be winners--so no harm no foul. He will end up bringing down himself and everyone around him. Then he will use his computer skills to start ripping off strangers.

He will declare bankruptcy, but his frauds will catch up with him. He will end up with massive amounts of nondischargeable debt, so the BK won't give him a fresh start. He will have judgments, liens and wage garnishments following him wherever he goes. He will not report his 1099 income to the IRS and they will track him down. He will have to make his living from the black market economy. He will turn to alcohol and drugs to try to escape the mess he made. Eventually, running drugs will start to seem like a pretty smart way to bail himself out. He will get busted. He will do hard time. He will spend his time in jail learning how to do it better next time. He will come out as a hardened sociopath (as opposed to his present status as a naive sociopath).

Hopefully, he will keep the blog active so we can watch his 'descent.'

115   surfer-x   2006 Oct 6, 11:13am  

Glen, sounds like a trip down boomer alley.

116   surfer-x   2006 Oct 6, 11:46am  

Oh why oh why can't we all just get abong?

117   DinOR   2006 Oct 6, 12:45pm  

I now carry EXACT change at ALL times! Twenties, "sawbucks", fin'skis, singles, quarters, dimes, nickels and YES even pennies! So does Mrs. DinOR.

You just can't leave the house w/a "Jackson" anymore. Doing so means a slow and painful death. Pissing away your life standing in line behind an "informed /discriminating and cautious boomer consumer" GRILLING some poor college kid on the caloric content of each and every item on the menu means time you will NEVER regain!


While they're pontificating/"interacting" endlessly with "the help" simply elbow your way past them, lay your exact change (plus tip) on the counter and get ON w/your life! It's not bad enough they've robbed our future, for God's sake don't let then steal your present. Sorry, my time and reputation are infinitely more "valuable" than anything they might hold dear. Sorry. IMHO.

SFWoman, please roll that "Change Bank" footage.

118   astrid   2006 Oct 6, 12:58pm  


Onto other nerdy stuff - please let me know what you think about tonight's Battlestar Galactica.

119   Michael Holliday   2006 Oct 6, 1:26pm  

Ahh...so that's Casey Serin.

Looks a little bit like Beck, but with a little more poodle in him.

Surfer-X nailed Gen-Y with the 70s/Ipod thing going. I never realized Gen-Y is going for the 70s revivalism/Peter Frampton/Leif Garret angle. When it dawned on me I chuckled.

This 20-something guy I was working with was sportin' both a 70s hairdo,
AND an Ipod with 5000 songs of bands I've never heard of. For seven days I listened to the most desultory, unoriginal music from the most cliched-sounding bands imaginable. Unbelievable!

Gen-Y seem like an strange bunch. What's their angle?

120   astrid   2006 Oct 6, 1:32pm  


Care to name some bad band names?

121   speedingpullet   2006 Oct 6, 2:00pm  

SFGuy - if you're paying $4.99 for two lemons...you woz 'ad, mate ;-)

122   speedingpullet   2006 Oct 6, 2:01pm  

Ok, off to watch BSG now...

123   surfer-x   2006 Oct 6, 2:24pm  

Looks a little bit like Beck, but with a little more poodle in him.

See, see, that's why I come here. Poodle in him, shit you can fun with that all day long. Poodle. Indeed.

124   surfer-x   2006 Oct 6, 2:45pm  

"can fun with that"?

Come on now.

125   surfer-x   2006 Oct 6, 2:55pm  

has anyone seen that stunning amount of spam that gets posted here? Amazing. Are their slave labor camps in Chindia that turn out this crap?

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