
Unbanning Trolls: A town hall discussion

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2006 Nov 1, 4:13am   15,035 views  158 comments

by Randy H   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Removing the bans on former and current "Trolls" has been proposed and discussed a couple times recently. We've had calls to ban "Confused Renter" (CR), who may or may not be one in the same with Marina Prime, Face Reality, etc. -- the infamous Troll who was banned repeatedly.

But, during discussions Peter P said:

I propose an open arm policy for CR/MP/FR and GC.

Current threats:

1. Boredom
2. Beating dead horses
3. Spam

and SQT said:

I’d more or less choose to leave it up to overall blog sentiment. If there’s no general call to ban, then I’d say leave well enough alone.

I understand the arguments both make, which are essentially we should do what is best for the blog. At one point, when the bubble itself was a debatable idea, Trolls like MP/FR/CR detracted from the blog's quality. Now, their "always goes up" claims are laughable, almost enjoyable.

My own opinion is that we should do what is best for the blog, the same as Peter P and SQT. Maybe the daily "Look at this Marina Condo that went for 20% over asking!" doesn't really detract from our community after all. Maybe how we react (or don't react) is better for us in the long run than just filtering those comments out.


This is a discussion. Everyone's opinion is welcome and encouraged, especially our quiet lurkers.

--Randy H

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58   OO   2006 Nov 1, 8:47am  

However, I am for banning GC because he has nothing to offer, either bullish or bearish, except some pedophilic obsession that pops its head from time to time which has absolutely no value-add to what we are collectively interested in: where the housing market is heading, where the US economy is heading.

He can find better XXX sites to express his sexual frustration.

59   HARM   2006 Nov 1, 8:54am  

He can find better XXX sites to express his sexual frustration.

How about Mark Foley's homepage? [_ducks_]

60   Peter P   2006 Nov 1, 8:58am  

However, I am for banning GC because he has nothing to offer, either bullish or bearish, except some pedophilic obsession that pops its head from time to time which has absolutely no value-add to what we are collectively interested in: where the housing market is heading, where the US economy is heading.

I do not think GC is a pedophile.

61   Peter P   2006 Nov 1, 9:03am  

I agree that GC has joked about things that are insensitive. But I might have done the same as well.

62   DinOR   2006 Nov 1, 9:03am  

"Just like our National savings rate" LOL!

As President of the Mortgage Brokers Association I give you my solemn promise that I won't rest until every last dime in home owner's equity is HELOC'd up to our collective eyeballs!


63   astrid   2006 Nov 1, 9:13am  


As the close relative of two Shanghai ke da physics graduates and relative of people who went just about everywhere in Shanghai except your alma mater, I must say I always thought Fudan's physics department was only so-so.

64   Peter P   2006 Nov 1, 9:14am  

I have prejudices. I am arrogant sometimes. I am proud sometimes. And I boast quite often. So?

I think that should be fine.

When I posted a trade, it was real. I don’t urge people to take risks that I myself haven’t taken.

Do not forget a disclaimer though. :)

I voice some of my opinions which may make some people feel bad. So? You can do the same.

Go to greencrabs.blogspot.com as well. We are trying to make it a controversial food blog.

65   🎂 Randy H   2006 Nov 1, 9:14am  

Please no flame wars in the thread on treatment of trolls. That's too narcissitically ironic for even me.

66   Peter P   2006 Nov 1, 9:16am  

No flame war. Let's talk about flambée on astrid's blog.

67   astrid   2006 Nov 1, 9:16am  



68   Peter P   2006 Nov 1, 9:18am  

I love flambée.

69   Peter P   2006 Nov 1, 9:21am  

I think my dream life include a butler who will flambée Steak Diane by the table side. Oh, Crepes Suzette too!

70   🎂 Randy H   2006 Nov 1, 9:25am  

Contrarian opinion and emotional debate are not automatically cast as Trolling here. I have only been called a Troll a couple of times, and always by newcomers who didn't bother to read much. Yet I very often find myself on the other side of some of the hottest issues around here:

- The Fed and it's metrics
- US health and dominance
- Sticky prices
- Hard or Soft landing
- US regional inflation and regional health
- Hyperinflation, gold, deflation, gold, stagflation, gold
- The roles of men and women in work and family

I even authored an entire topic suggesting that we bubblehead bears should be gracious to the victims of the bubble bust, citing various reasons. I think I maybe had one supporter that entire thread.

I don't even call FAB a Troll, and he makes hunting me a daily sport.

71   astrid   2006 Nov 1, 9:26am  

Peter P,


72   OO   2006 Nov 1, 9:27am  


My grandfather's elder brother was the Chancellor of Fudan, before the communists took over.

Fudan was never the Yale of China, in fact, Yale did have a semi-formal relationship with a university in China, it was called the St. John's University of Shanghai, not Fudan.

73   Peter P   2006 Nov 1, 9:27am  

Do we need to prove trollish behaviors beyond reasonable doubt? Or do not only need a preponderance of the evidence?

74   e   2006 Nov 1, 9:29am  

As President of the Mortgage Brokers Association I give you my solemn promise that I won’t rest until every last dime in home owner’s equity is HELOC’d up to our collective eyeballs!

That's freedom you're talking about. Freeing that trapped equity so that it can be used for more productive things.

75   🎂 Randy H   2006 Nov 1, 9:30am  

and by the way, GC, I'm long and bullish on MSFT aside from some thoughts I have about certain technologies. You can read my comments on a blog I syndicate through my own blog "The Software Blog (beta)", where I have been taking on the blog owner who is a Wall Street enterprise software financial analyst that continually hammers on MSFT. I've made about 40% by buying contrary to his recommendations, by the way.

76   astrid   2006 Nov 1, 9:30am  


"I don’t even call FAB a Troll, and he makes hunting me a daily sport."

I really think you're more of a predator in that relationship and he's the prey.

I never thought FAB was a troll...he can be iconoclastic, but he's not a troll.

77   astrid   2006 Nov 1, 9:33am  


Well, you know how provincial the Chinese are with their schools. Shanghai students regularly turn off opportunities to attend Beida and Qinghua so they can stay in Shanghai and go to Jiaoda or Fudan.

78   astrid   2006 Nov 1, 9:33am  


79   HARM   2006 Nov 1, 9:35am  

I have only been called a Troll a couple of times, and always by newcomers who didn’t bother to read much. Yet I very often find myself on the other side of some of the hottest issues around here


Perhaps we should dedicate a thread to you and your least popular opinions. We could call it "Dr. StrangeBubble: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bubble."

80   astrid   2006 Nov 1, 9:38am  


Ughh, Peking U and Qinghua are the top two. Fudan shares about the same reputation with one or two dozen other Chinese universities. I think it's more like a Duke or UCLA of China.

Nothing wrong with that, some people prefer Duke over Harvard, and most Shanghainese I know would prefer Fudan over Beida.

81   astrid   2006 Nov 1, 9:40am  

I'll ask my dad about Fudan's solid state physics. My dad ought to know something about it, he got his Ph.D in it, after all.

82   Peter P   2006 Nov 1, 9:42am  

Should we have a flambee war between Berserkeley and Junior University?

83   astrid   2006 Nov 1, 9:43am  

(PS - apologies to all for *yet another threadjacking*)

84   astrid   2006 Nov 1, 9:45am  


My food blog (though I encourage contributors to think of it as "our blog") is greencrabs.blogspot.com.

85   astrid   2006 Nov 1, 9:48am  


I've always hear Beida-Qinghua as the English might say Oxbridge. Similarly, Fudan is usually spoken in the same phrase as Jiaoda, and often accompanying Tongji and Huadong Normal U.

I fail to see how Fudan is to Beida as Yale is to Harvard.

86   Different Sean   2006 Nov 1, 10:05am  

'one and the same'

see the Eggcorn Database

87   Peter P   2006 Nov 1, 10:05am  

EU is interested because they want to nurse/protect their own software industry. So any move to blunt the edge of a major US software company is welcome.

I agree. The EU is pretty anti-market.

88   Different Sean   2006 Nov 1, 10:09am  

FAB's like one of those vampires or demons that turn to the light side for some reason in Buffy or Angel or sundry spinoffs -- but keep fighting within themselves and can't help reverting to their evil old ways once in a while...

89   Peter P   2006 Nov 1, 10:25am  

I reserve my judgement regarding which one is better. I’ve heard many bashings of CE

I want a small palmtop computer with keyboard, wifi and Half XGA running Windows CE.

Why did they kill those palmtops? They are light (~1lb) and they turn on instantly.

90   Peter P   2006 Nov 1, 10:26am  

But the whole undertaking also stalled Sony’s inroads into Home Entertainment and opened future possibilities for MS. So there are intangible benefits.

I am sensing a dark future for Sony. Who is still carrying a Walkman?

Not investment advice.

91   Peter P   2006 Nov 1, 10:31am  

For whatever it is worth, patrick.net _IS_ one of the better known bubble blogs and is likely to be a target for subversion.

We need a Secret Police!

92   FormerAptBroker   2006 Nov 1, 10:31am  

Randy H. wrote:

> I don’t even call FAB a Troll, and he
> makes hunting me a daily sport.

I’m happy to see that Randy doesn’t think I’m a Troll (even is we do disagree at times with the difference between “per capita” and “household” income and how it relates to historic income/housing price multiples and the impact of women joining the workforce on housing prices and family life) …

Then astrid wrote:

> I never thought FAB was a troll…
> he can be iconoclastic, but he’s not a troll.

I’m surprised that astrid feels I’m iconoclastic, since open minded people rarely have anything “closed for discussion”… (I’ve got to remember to keep adding a “but not all” to my posts).

Then DS wrote:

> FAB’s like one of those vampires or demons that
> turn to the light side for some reason in Buffy or
> Angel or sundry spinoffs — but keep fighting within
> themselves and can’t help reverting to their evil old
> ways once in a while…

As a libertarian my liberal friends are always happy when I support equal rights for everyone, the decimalization of drugs, and elimination any government regulation of the internet and radio and refer to my opposition of taxes and government regulation of business as my evil dark side (just like my conservative friends who like lower taxes and the government to stay away from their business can’t believe I have a evil dark side that would allow homos to be Boy Scout leaders, let people smoke pot at rock concerts and allow immoral adultery to be on TV at night)…

93   surfer-x   2006 Nov 1, 10:45am  

Do I hear cowardice from our ranks? Come on now, did the Germans give up when we bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no! The asshole known as Confused Renter posts the same tired fucking diatribe on craigslist, why offer the Troll the opportunity for more attention? Is this something we aspire to be? A knock-off craigslist haven for BA assholes?

94   Peter P   2006 Nov 1, 10:55am  

My friend’s husband is with a start up that makes tiny computers that run Windows and stuff.

The beauty of Windows CE machines is that they run 12+ hours on a charge and they take almost no time to boot up.

However, they run very few applications. But most people need only a web browser and an e-mail client anyway.

95   skibum   2006 Nov 1, 11:02am  

The fact that the regulars here are unlikely to fall for a RE-pumper is irrelevant. Trolls aren’t out to convince us - it is the general message that they want to weaken.

Maybe a solution is the be more vigilant for their lies from an admin/threadmaster standpoint and delete posts that are blatantly misleading.

96   Different Sean   2006 Nov 1, 11:46am  

My friend’s husband is with a start up that makes tiny computers that run Windows and stuff. I forgot the name, but I am going to see her in about 1/2 hour. I think they are expensive though ($3000 or something, I remember my husband commenting that it was twice what his laptop cost).

Are they thin client workstations? e.g. Wyse, etc. I've been trying to source a cheap 'thin client laptop', but they come in at twice the price of an ordinary laptop, as there's not much demand -- and this is from a cheap Indian manufacturer I managed to locate. The whole idea of NetPCs is that they are meant to be cheaper hardware (or at least reduce TCO -- fewer or no moving parts, not susceptible to malware, centralised admin, etc)

Can you give me a link to their website, SF? Curious to see their offerings.

Peter P Says:
I reserve my judgement regarding which one is better. I’ve heard many bashings of CE. I want a small palmtop computer with keyboard, wifi and Half XGA running Windows CE. Why did they kill those palmtops? They are light (~1lb) and they turn on instantly.

There's embedded XP and so on available also these days. I'm trying to source a laptop-sized portable NetPC that's not attractive to steal for a biz idea... sort of a 'dumb laptop' that still has wifi, CD/DVD player, multi card reader, and so on... trying to be the next Internet millionaire...

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