Why do people deny the existence of housing bubbles?

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2005 Jul 16, 10:29am   12,389 views  83 comments

by Peter P   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Some people deny that housing bubbles exist. Some even suggest that the recent appreciation is sustainable.

Are the consequences too scary to fathom? Are they just blinded by greed and fear? Do they even have the right information?


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71   SQT15   2005 Jul 16, 4:52pm  

I just cruised craigslist, I like to look and see what the rental market is doing. It seems like there are a lot of condo's appearing for rent these days. Naturally the rents being asked for are rather high, as the speculator/owners have obviously paid too much. I wonder how long they'll be able to hold out before they have to start dropping rents.

72   Peter P   2005 Jul 16, 5:09pm  

I wonder how long they’ll be able to hold out before they have to start dropping rents.

Not very long. A few months at most. :)

It is a weird market because the fundamental demand of housing (as consumption) is not very strong.

SactoQt, have you tried housingmaps.com?

73   SQT15   2005 Jul 16, 5:12pm  

SactoQt, have you tried housingmaps.com?

No I haven't, but I'll be sure to look at it now.
I noticed you put up a new post. But I'm still a student of topics like inflation vs. deflation. Are there any good sites that give a good explaination of the difference and how the housing market and oil prices affect them.

74   Peter P   2005 Jul 16, 5:20pm  

SactoQt, we are all students of the subject. :)

The argument about inflation or deflation is almost as heated as the one about whether there is a housing bubble.

This url has some interesting arguments


but we need to use our own judgement, as usual.

Please do suggest idea for posts through, we can have several active threads at the same time.

75   SQT15   2005 Jul 16, 5:22pm  

Thanks Peter, as always.

76   HARM   2005 Jul 16, 8:34pm  

Good God.

Leave this blog for one day and look what happens! Unreal....
Just got home & just checked in for the heck of it. Ended up spending 30 mins just to read/absorb it all.

Let's see if I got it all:
--Brand-new thread gets 200+ posts in under 5 hours (TWIT's right --gotta be a new Patrick.net record).
--Insulting, arrogant braggart called "MarinaPrime" takes over Face Reality's old job (Actually that's not fair to Face --he often used facts and reasoning to support his arguments. He/she/it is less coherent than Face was at his WORST).
--MP manages to insult/attack/alienate virtually everyone on the blog, including JACK, who's now DEFENDING THE POSSE !! ...Wow.
--MP earns TWO nicknames in less than an hour ("Marinara" and "Sauce" --btw, nice one Jack!)
--Jack & the Posse "speculate" on the identity/gender of MP, pretty much rule out Face or Fake P, then wonder if it's ME posing as an Alpha-Bull. (Sorry to disappoint, folks, but no. Not a bad idea, though... hmmm... file that one under Future Consideration).
--Surfer-X is a total no-show, at precisely the time when his acid rhetoric/put-downs are most needed (to bitch-slap MP).
--Peter ends the night by starting two more threads.

Wow, quite a night here in BubbleblogLand. Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.


77   HARM   2005 Jul 16, 8:49pm  

Correction --Surfer-X got in one brief swipe at Sauce on the other thread (still reading).

78   KDLady   2005 Jul 17, 3:18am  

ha,ha bitch-slap LOL - Where's Surfer when we need him?

79   Peter P   2005 Jul 17, 5:48pm  

People that deny bubbles either (1) Own property and bubble reality hurts to much to think about, (2) Never seen or have been affected by a major buuble, (3) The old “people have been saying this for 30 years” argument.

I think (3) is quite understandable. However, talking about the bubble does not prevent its occurance. (Unlike the Y2K problam - focused efforts prevented the problem.)

80   bubblesitter   2012 Jun 19, 1:26am  

Peter P says

Why do people deny the existence of housing bubbles?

People those deny are the couch potatoes - relaxing on their butts and calculating(dreaming!) 20% YOY home price appreciation. This is completely against basic laws of economics,making money while doing nothing.

81   Serpentor   2012 Jun 20, 3:43am  

holy old thread resurrection

82   Dan8267   2012 Jun 20, 4:00am  

It's not that they don't believe the bubble is real. It's that they think they can convince a fool that it isn't and get the fool to pay much more for their house than its worth. When money is on the line, the truth goes out the window.

83   freak80   2012 Jun 20, 4:43am  

God Bless America.

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