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Astrid Says:
"I guess they’re too busy ticketing people going 20 above (even though everybody else is also going at least 15 above). "
I had the same frustration. Our local news caused the phones to ring off the hook at SDPD because they decided to go on a jay walking sweep. People were livid, and basically demanded real law enforcement. I'm tired of hearing how badly cops have it. It is so much easier to play macho cop ticketing jaywalkers, and kids with skateboards, than to actually break down the door on a meth lab.
David J,
I can't release your comment but I can see it. I tried to post for you but it didn't work. One of your words must have triggered a filter. It's not Soc1alist, so I have no idea how to help you.
I don't think guns should be outlawed and I think most mainstream liberals do not want to outlaw guns. I, for one, would just like more regulation of guns to make it a little harder for violent teenagers or criminals to get their hands on guns.
I would also like gun owners to receive mandatory gun safety training, that would cut down on eager beaver killings.
astrid etc...
Examine arizona/florida/texas etc. and try to find a case where someone with a carry concealed weapon permit committed any of the mistakes you mention in your posts... I bet you can't find a single one due to negligence or erro with someone licensed to carry a weapon. The licensing requires shooting tests, criminal background exams, legal and ethical exams etc... The decision to shoot or even get the gun out is discussed at great length.
It would help if those who criticize weapon carry laws new at least something about what they talk about...
That's a concealed weapon permit. I was talking about gun training for any gun owner. It's a dangerous item and anyone with access to one should be properly trained.
LOL! I admit that is a possibility. Some people may be slightly less dangerous if they don't know how to aim correctly.
I understand the connotation. I don't particularly care for the term "media whores" either all that much either, but I can certainly understand the sentiment.
I'm just still a bit of an old fashioned boy at heart, I guess. Calling anyone a "whore" of any ilk just seems like an invitation to get yourself into a fist fight.
How about used house salesmen? That would be a pretty fair description.
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This is not a joke.
Strawberry Picker Buys $720,000 House on $15,000/year Income
P.S. Sorry about the lazy post. I didn't have time to come up with something witty, but I'm sure you'll be able to help me out in that department.