O'Donnell musings

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2010 Oct 22, 3:48pm   1,021 views  9 comments

by Vicente   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

I've come to realize Christine O'Donnell is "you" for some Americans:

- Can't hold down a job
- Can't pay her bills
- Lies about her education
- Cheats on her taxes
- Steals money from campaign till to pay rent
- Raging hypocrite
- Loves to criticize flaws in others
- Denies any flaws in herself
- Blames everyone else for failures
- Has been on defendant end of lawsuit


And she has that certain .... DESPERATE look about her.
Like she knows this is her one big shot. She's never even
been a mayor before, and all she has is this one dice roll and
maybe insanity & pity will finally win her the jackpot.

We know if she's elected she can do the "Price is Right" winner face:

Comments 1 - 9 of 9        Search these comments

1   Vicente   2010 Oct 23, 2:59am  

I like the term "Teapublican" lately.

Other ways in which she is some of "you":

- Engages in magical thinking
- Can't remember a thing from Civics class about the Constitution

2   Done!   2010 Oct 23, 3:17am  

She sounds like She'll fit right in Washington, what's the Hub Bub?

Why would you single her out?

Nancy Pelosi is a Succubus on an Alter, what's wrong with a Witch in Washington to conjure the Ghost of Regan on Demand? Washington is an endless parade of scandalous behavior, if we can't give a shit about the Assholes we've already elected and give their behavior a pass. Then personal antics of Candidates factoring in to how you vote for them, should be as Old fashioned as expecting a wife to be June Cleaver.

3   Vicente   2010 Oct 23, 3:41am  

IMO, in contradiction to the "THEY'RE ALL CORRUPTED MORONS", there are actually some fairly upstanding people there. The fact that many of you re-elect YOUR representative and think they're OK, puts the lie to this blanket statement. We don't need to add to the MORON side of the tally.

My personal list of upstanding politicians:

Ron Paul
Blanche Lincoln
Marcy Kaptur
Dennis Kucinich

Yours will vary

4   nope   2010 Oct 23, 4:52am  

I was watching one of the O'donnel / Coons debates out of morbid curiosity, and I thought it was hilarious that she denied that "Congress shall make no law establishing respecting an establishment of religion" was in the first amendment.

The crowd actually laughed, and she just looked confused.

I can understand not recalling the text of random pieces of the constitution (though if you're running for a public office that explicitly requires you to know it, you should be better than the average person) -- but not knowing the first line of the first amendment, probably one of the most widely debated aspect of the constitution since it was adopted? WTF?

5   Vicente   2010 Oct 26, 3:15am  

Add Ken Buck to the list of ignoramuses who enjoy Tea:

"I disagree strongly with the concept of separation of church and state," said Buck at a forum for GOP Senate candidates last year. "It was not written into the Constitution."

6   EightBall   2010 Oct 26, 4:23am  

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

People tend to forget the "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof " nugget unless they are supporting the Mosque at ground zero.

Kevin says

but not knowing the first line of the first amendment, probably one of the most widely debated aspect of the constitution since it was adopted? WTF?

Anyway, I don't see the words "separation of church and state" in the first amendment - do you? Seems more like Congress can't create for themselves a religion ala the Church of England or perhaps congress outlawing a particular religion. Read up on the English reformation if you want an example of what they were perhaps trying to avoid. It is a sick and twisted piece of history. I'm sure you will bring up some Jefferson or Madison quotes. They are a great read - but they aren't the constitution.

All that said, O'Donnell is an uneducated kook. The title of the election in Delaware should be:

Dumb and Dumberer II: Idiots Collide

7   kentm   2010 Oct 31, 2:10pm  

Vicente says

Ron Paul
Blanche Lincoln
Marcy Kaptur
Dennis Kucinich

Thats an unusually wide mix. Kudos.

EightBall says

Anyway, I don’t see the words “separation of church and state” in the first amendment - do you?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

I agree with this statement 100%: "The fact that she’s going to get at least 1/3rd of the vote is one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever seen in politics." Its a sign that things are becoming pretty unhinged, in my opinion. She represents the ascendance of ignorance in US politics like no other person, even more so than Sarah Palin.

8   Â¥   2010 Oct 31, 2:38pm  

EightBall says

People tend to forget the “or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ” nugget unless they are supporting the Mosque at ground zero.

There is a balance, but no religion should enjoy or abuse the color of authority of government.

Eg. No organized prayer in schools. Sorry.

But it's entirely possible to go to far with this, churches are bona fide community organizations and government need not avoid all contact with them.

The important thing is just freedom of conscience. Nobody should have to deal with government as a second-class citizen due to their religious beliefs or lack thereof.

The core of the Republican coalition is the religious right, without the national party sucking their cocks at every occasion the Republicans would be polling about where the Green Party is.

Anti-Abortion, Anti-Gay, Anti-Darwinism, the battle lines are certainly drawn. I voted for Tom Campbell in 2000 but there was no way in hell I would have voted for him this year, had he won his primary. One's vote may be infinitesimally powerful, but putting our own Party of God back into the control of the Senate is not something I can contribute to.

9   Â¥   2010 Oct 31, 2:40pm  

kentm says

She represents the ascendance of ignorance in US politics like no other person, even more so than Sarah Palin.

No, that was demonstrated by George W Bush. We're still in the afterglow of that national cock-up.

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