Liar Loans and Child Support

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2008 Feb 14, 12:43am   17,068 views  170 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Interesting angle from a patrick.net reader: people often lie and claim they have more income when applying for a loan, and then they lie and claim to have less income when it comes time to pay child support.

I have first hand experience with this as my divorce last year. When my ex-spouse refinanced to buy me out he lied about his income but he could not "find" his loan application when we met to settle child support.

You would think that statements on loan applications would be fair evidence of income for child support. I wonder if the banks can give copies of loan applications to the courts.


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128   justme   2008 Feb 15, 9:31am  


Yes, you *can* find alternative news sources, but that does not mean that any average Joe will read or watch it,. The alternatives are for the people that already know something is amiss with the MSM, and not for the average Joe.

CNN versus Fox? Made absolutely no difference during the runup to the war. CNN didn't dare utter a controversial word, and they still are wimpy as hell. CSPAN featured a bunch of frightened Democrats that had been whipped into submission by the unrelenting MSM propaganda about Patriotism and anti-american-weak-on-security-democrats -will-not-become-re-elected scare tactics.

That's how we ended up with this bloody war. And it is the same way we ended up with banking deregulation, by corrupt Republicans and corrupt Democrats that were afraid of being labeled as "anti-business" by the MSM.

129   anonymous   2008 Feb 15, 9:44am  

I'd say a good spread of news sources for the US would be the MSM, never neglect them, then read The Progressive, Mother Jones, Pat Buchanan's blog, Grist, Counterpunch, see what the unmediated people are saying on Craig's List forums, Al-Jazeera english site, and also read the other major papers of the Anglosphere like those in England, Australia, Hong Kong, etc. I think that's a pretty wide spectrum and hopefully I've picked out a good one.

leave things like Alex Jones, Lew Rockwell, etc that have a definate axe to grind as opposed to a position, alone. You'll get the same news a few days sooner and better covered in the "position" sites than you will on the "axe" ones anyway.

The problem starts when heavy censorship of the internet in the US starts. There are just not that many pinch points to close off.

130   ric   2008 Feb 15, 9:53am  


All I know right now is that that H3 number is scary.

131   northernvirginiarenter   2008 Feb 15, 10:17am  


Assessments dropped last year in Loudoun County Va, and will again. Even with the reductions, a record number of homeowners entered a dispute process. The game is to keep top line assessed value slightly below true market value so that the average homeowners can enjoy that pleasant psychological boost they get from knowing they are getting over on the taxman, even if just a little. Of course, the game is lower the assessment while increasing the tax rate to achieve revenue growth objectives.

The "official" assessment decline number for 2007 was neg 8%.

With a limited finger on the local pulse, the population has been very unhappy with the large increases of years past, but put up with it due to perception of rising home wealth. In our new environment, I think we might see a tax revolt of sorts here. And I'm not kidding. Serious collection problems ahead. The county attorney responsible for arrears collection is going to be spending some time on the courthouse steps, for sure.

132   HeadSet   2008 Feb 15, 10:31am  

the game is lower the assessment while increasing the tax rate to achieve revenue growth objectives.

They did the opposite down here. Newport News, Hampton, York, and Williamsburg all lowered their rates, but raised assessments for a net increase in tax amount.

133   monkframe   2008 Feb 15, 1:51pm  

"In the US you can read National Review, Mother Jones, High Times, New Republic, Washington Post, Washington Times, watch CNN or FOX, or even get it straight from CSPAN. These media present vastly different viewpoints, and I’m sure you can think of others, such as Rush, Air America, and Alan Combs."

In the UK you can actually read newspapers that report the news, unlike the papers from your list.

For example, the Guardian this morning revealed British High Court docs that showed that Prince Bandar, our good buddy from Saudi Arabia threatened Tony Blair with more terrorist attacks if his corrupt weapons deals were investigated.

Blair caved, according to the paper.

Think you're ever going to see that in our corrupt, gutless press?

134   ozajh   2008 Feb 15, 2:12pm  

In my experience (which is somewhat limited), it's not so much that US folks are more ignorant about the world in general. Rather, people in other countries know more about the US than US people know about their individual countries.

For instance, I have met a lot of US people (even those actually over here in 2000 for the Olympics) who think that Sydney is the capital of Australia. You would have to search very, very hard to find a mentally competent Australian who didn't know that the capital of the US is Washington DC.

But a lot of that has to do with the fact that the US is important, in a way that Australia is not and never will be. Our MSM here follows the US Presidential Race quite closely, because the result has global ramifications which will impact Australia. I would suggest the US MSM likely did not pay very much attention to the recent Australian elections, because (except for a possible policy change regarding our forces in Iraq) the result would not have any implications for the US.

135   DennisN   2008 Feb 15, 4:48pm  

Shoot, everyone here in America knows the Australian capital is Cranberry. ;)

Heck there are Americans who think LA is the capital of California and NYC is the capital of New York state.

136   cb   2008 Feb 15, 4:53pm  

What little faith I had about Congress or government in general evaporated by watching a little bit of the Roger Clemens hearing. The guy is guilty as hell, but all the Repulican congressmen elected to just kisses his ass.

137   DennisN   2008 Feb 15, 5:07pm  

Part of the problem with being a great power is that you are expected to "do something" about situations throughout the world. You will be damned for action and also damned for inaction. And yet even a great power is limited in its capabilities and needs to pick up local allies. When we were fighting Nazi Germany, we didn't have much choice but to side with the USSR as an ally. Later struggling with communism we got stuck with authoritarian allies like Marcos in the PI and Shah Reza Palavi in Iran.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but Australia has the population of New York state and Canada has the population of California. Even a country as old and important to US history as Scotland only has 5 million people, sharing population size (and the weather) with Oregon and Washington state. The US didn't start out to be a great empire: it became one as an unintended consequence of our federal system.

138   justme   2008 Feb 15, 10:45pm  

Yeah, what monkframe said ...

139   justme   2008 Feb 15, 10:51pm  


The reason that steroid use suddenly experienced a bipartisan bifurcation is that Roger Clemens is a staunch republican that is tight with Poppy (George Herbert Walker) Bush. Don't tell anyone, the MSM has not reported that portion yet :-)

140   justme   2008 Feb 15, 11:06pm  


There is some truth to that, but what about the observation that all the citizens of the small countries also seem to know a lot more about all the other small countries?

141   SP   2008 Feb 15, 11:43pm  

justme Says:
all the citizens of the small countries also seem to know a lot more about all the other small countries

Perhaps. It goes beyond mere knowledge or awareness - people in other countries (every country I have been to) are much more interested in the what's going on outside their borders. It is only in here that the majority of the population does not seem to really care much. And what little they know about other countries is driven by stereotypes and sound-bites.

It is not something as simple as being way out there in North America and therefore not having to care - because Canadians don't share our apathy. And I also don't buy the idea that we are too prosperous to bother. It seems like there is a confluence of political and commercial forces that encourages Americans to pay more attention to Britney's lunatic capers instead of trying to figure out what is really going on.

Even the British public - who suffer an advanced form of xenophobia that is encouraged by their elite - aren't this clueless.

142   justme   2008 Feb 15, 11:52pm  


Yep, I agree. It's both political and commercial forces.

An example on the commercial side: The profits are bigger when we have our own one-of-a-kind sports leagues that are different than and insulated from competition with the rest of the world. This in turn discourages international interest in sports, except every 4 years for the olympics (and maybe world cup football). Sports is a universal language that promotes international understanding and interest.

143   SP   2008 Feb 15, 11:57pm  

Chris Thornberg quoted in the San Francisco Chronic-le

"We're going through the painful transition toward pricing that is realistic and we're nowhere near that (yet)," said Christopher Thornberg. "Even though your local real estate agent will tell you, it's OK in this neighborhood or it's a wonderful time to buy because interest rates are low, all that's wrong. If you're buying into this market, you're overpaying."

Gangsta ass niggaz don't buy cribs
Cuz gangsta ass niggaz don't buy to flip.
Everything is cool in the mind of gangsta,
Cuz gangsta-ass niggaz think deep.

And all I gotta say to you
Wannabe, gonnabe, cocksuckin', pussy-eatin' prankstas
Cuz when the bubble dies down what the fuck you gonna do
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta...

144   anonymous   2008 Feb 16, 2:16am  

SP over in Europe going to another country is like going to another state here. Over in England they all get a month off vacation, called the "hols" for holidays, and they go over to Europe and get drunk and raise hell for a month.

The only time I was a month out of the US was courtesy of the US Army and all I got to know was the Korean woods.

I think you'll find the avg. American knows quite a bit about the states adjacent to theirs, that's the equivalent of knowing at least most of Europe, or more than that if you're talking about the Western states.

145   PermaRenter   2008 Feb 16, 4:39am  

I'll Buy Your House If You Buy Mine
by Jennifer Levitz
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Eager to move closer to their grandchildren in Tennessee, retirees Allen and Wilma Sawtelle put their home in the Southwestern Nevada town of Pahrump up for sale in August. They got nowhere. "The market is just dead," says Mr. Sawtelle. At their open house, he says, "I think one guy came, and he'd been drinking."

Poking around the Internet for home-selling tips, Mr. Sawtelle, a 71-year-old former investigator for a law firm, discovered that anxious sellers like him are trying a new tactic: connecting with other sellers who might agree to "swap" -- or buy one another's property. The Sawtelles found a couple who were looking to move to Nevada, and whose house for sale was within driving distance of their grandchildren.


146   HeadSet   2008 Feb 16, 6:00am  

For example, the Guardian this morning revealed British High Court docs that showed that Prince Bandar, our good buddy from Saudi Arabia threatened Tony Blair with more terrorist attacks if his corrupt weapons deals were investigated.

Blair caved, according to the paper.

Think you’re ever going to see that in our corrupt, gutless press?

Yes, here:

and here:

Do you really think that if W did a nasty, it would be hushed by US press, and not be exposed like Iran-Contra or Watergate?

147   HeadSet   2008 Feb 16, 6:02am  

Please unmoderate my 2:00 pm post

148   HeadSet   2008 Feb 16, 6:05am  

For example, the Guardian this morning revealed British High Court docs that showed that Prince Bandar, our good buddy from Saudi Arabia threatened Tony Blair with more terrorist attacks if his corrupt weapons deals were investigated.

Blair caved, according to the paper.

Think you’re ever going to see that in our corrupt, gutless press?

Yes, here:

Other example in next post, two links tend to get moderated

149   HeadSet   2008 Feb 16, 6:05am  

and here:

Do you really think that if W did a nasty, it would be hushed by US press, and not be exposed like Iran-Contra or Watergate?

150   justme   2008 Feb 16, 6:55am  


Bush managed to hush the lie of the Iraq war for about 4 years before the MSM would tell the truth. It does not count what is on blogs and marginalized media. Joe Sixpack does not read them, and if he happened upon it he would be told that they are all a bunch of kooks.

As long as there is a delay in the truth coming out, tyranny will win.

151   northernvirginiarenter   2008 Feb 16, 7:52am  

The Iraq war public information campaign is complex, with numerous audiences beyond domestic. The "story" must sing with the average Iraqi citizen, throughout the Middle Eastern populations, with our European "allies" and their populations.

Do you publically come out and say its about securing long term oil supplies and profits for big oil; and profits and medals for our military and the complex? If our leaders were to come out and say these things in speeches we might see the whole Middle East blow up in our face, more so than it already is anyway.

Its interesting that much public opinion in the Arab world is based upon an understanding of US policy far beyond what our domestic population enjoys. Our MSM stuff triggers the "bullsh*t" meter over there. Not much rhetoric coming out of our exec branch relative to spread of "democracy" lately, but remember when I'd guess 99% of US population bought into that story hook, line, and sinker?

Sometimes the official cover story is necessary to achieve certain goals. Not trying to defend the ethics of the thing, or the importance of transparency and truth coming out of our public entities.

152   northernvirginiarenter   2008 Feb 16, 8:00am  


That's interesting on the different approach down there on tax rate equation, this is completely new to me. Do you think that this was a political driven situation, where the elected's base of support came together based on the oldie but goodie, "cut taxes" mantra?

Sure we'll cut the tax rate, but unbeknowst to you voters we are going to base your future assessments based the data coming out of the national association of realtors. Gotcha.

153   anonymous   2008 Feb 16, 9:10am  

NVR - US domestic media, the MSM here, is run by the You-Know-Hews

154   HeadSet   2008 Feb 16, 10:36am  


Do you think that this was a political driven situation, where the elected’s base of support came together based on the oldie but goodie, “cut taxes” mantra?

No. Virginia law requires that localities use market value when assessing properties for tax purposes. However, the localities are allowed to lower rates. So when assessments and thus property taxes doubled, the local govs lowered the rates to give tax relief. Note though, that the rates were not reduced by half, but more like 10%-15%. My belief is that the rise in property values and assessments created a windfall for the local govs. I also believe the local govs will not see the eventual lower assessments as a loss of a temporary windfall, but as a loss of deserved revenue. I think they will drag thier feet on lowering assessments, but will not have a choice eventually. I was wondering how assessments were holding up in your area. I have notice that asking house prices in Prince William, Arlington, Alexandria, and parts of Fairfax have fallen noticeably.

Remember, Virginia is a "Commonwealth," so the localities only have powers specifically granted to them by Richmond, revokable at will. Richmond is currently using that fact to end the "proffers" that some counties use and force them to use "impacts". This means that the localities will have to pick up more of the tab for schools, sewer, and other services caused by new housing developments.

155   HeadSet   2008 Feb 16, 11:10am  


I find it hard to believe that W controls the MSM.

W is however, an astute politician who can get a surprising amount of what he wants from a Democratically controlled Congress.

Even if the Congressmen were "misinformed" about Iraq, they had no business giving W or any other single individual the power to take us to war. The President is Constitutionally limited to merely asking the Congress to declare war. It is Congress that is Constitutionally required to make that call. Instead of cowardly passing on that responsibility, the Congress should have had debates and a vote count. IMO, every Congressman who voted to give W the royal-like power to declare war has shown him/herself unfit for office by having a blatant disregard for the most important check/balance in the most important document on Earth.

156   PermaRenter   2008 Feb 16, 11:52am  

I got this email. Just wanted to show that how much Silly Con Valley software engineers are making:

My name is Theresa Stith, a Headhunter, with EEG. Our specialty is Engineering and Technical Recruitment and Placement. I am responding to your resume posting in our archive database matching a keyword search and I am interested in talking to you about JAVA Software Engineer Engineer full-time permanent position we are seeking to fill. Location is Silicon Valley, CA Relocation is covered. Below is the job description for review:

California - Silicon Valley/Peninsula - Silicon Valley
Base Salary - $100,000 - $160,000
Benefits - Full
Relocation Assistance Available - Yes
Interview Travel Reimbursed - Yes
The Ideal Candidate
5+ to 7 years of experience


Theresa Stith
Account Manager
EEG Recruiting
(Toll-Free: 800.819.1841 x 738
(Fax: 866.847.2759

157   OO   2008 Feb 16, 12:02pm  


FOX news is not run by you-know-(?)ews. One of the most anti-Bush media personality since 2002 is Al Franken, who is a you-know-(?)ew.

158   OO   2008 Feb 16, 12:04pm  

I have one very very simple remedy to this W situation.

All Presidential candidates have to pass a public, third-party monitored IQ test. The minimum requirement is 100, really, we are not looking for a genius, we are just not looking for retards.

159   justme   2008 Feb 16, 12:29pm  


>I find it hard to believe that W controls the MSM.

I must have used an ambiguous expression. I said that Bush "hushed the lie", not that Bush "hushed the MSM".

The MSM was perfectly capably of hushing itself, without any direct input from Bush.

160   OO   2008 Feb 16, 12:39pm  

Americans are just spoilt. How many people died in 911? Several thousand. Everyday, we have at least a thousand casualties around the world from genocide, war, or social unrest of different natures.

It was like, suddenly 911 was the biggest f*cking deal in the entire human history, we have to rally behind the President to show our patriotism (but actually we are just scared sh*tless because some terrorists may attack US soil, SCARY).

Put in perspective, 911 was just a major vandalism. Every time I hear any Presidential candidate mentioning 911, I am about to puke. Thank God Giuliani is game over, if he ends up duking out with Hillary, I may even vote for Hillary.

161   Quiet Renter   2008 Feb 16, 3:20pm  

"Put in perspective, 9/11 was just a major vandalism."

What 'perspective' would you like people to have? If someone pushes your mother down a flight of stairs, do you want to be told "Don't be upset, it happens all the time to other people."?

9/11 upsets democrats because, for a brief second, they had to stop being cynical crybabies and actually wonder what life would be like without this country that they hate so much. They had to pretend to be patriots, and they squirmed.

I am done with this board. Every attempt at a logical discussion of the economy devolves into worthless garbage.

162   SP   2008 Feb 17, 12:37am  

From this article:

As a striking example of the extent of the problem extending beyond subprime, the article quotes an example of a Don Doyle, a 52-year old computer engineer at Lockheed Martin, with a "stellar" credit score — and a mortgage of more than $740,000.

Hey, I think we found our man. The dude with the 740 Credit Score, and MINUS 740000 in the bank. Behold: Don Doyle, Real Bay-Area Real-Estate-Buying Man of Genius. :-)

163   apostasy   2008 Feb 17, 1:47am  


The dude with the 740 Credit Score...

I thought 760+ was considered "stellar"? In my recent experience, realtors seem to involuntarily salivate when they see a 800+ FICO, though.


Speaking of “ruthless” bankruptcies and people who “game” the system, how many times has a major U.S. automaker or airline repeatedly declared bankruptcy?

This is the logical outcome of the "financialization" of residential real estate. The REIC should not be surprised that they are now treated as just another counterparty in a business transaction, after touting these consumption goods as investments for so long. DinOR is understandably frustrated that the SEC has not been granted the mandate by Congress to regulate the REIC.


I’ve said for a while that the IRS should be able to follow up on the income stated on a loan application...

What a great idea, and I'd like to expand upon that and see the following. Borrower declares income on mortgage application eventually re-packaged and sold to a GSE. GSE forwards SSN and declared income amounts to IRS, who compares to 1040. A discrepancy not only triggers an audit, but is kicked back to the GSE who forces the loan back upon the originator. If the originator is out of business, then one from among the Federal Reserve Primary Dealers (major merchant banks), existing originator companies, or MBS are selected at random and forced to carry the mortgage. A provisional entry about the discrepancy is created in the borrower's credit report. If the discrepancy is verified as fraud, then the provisional status is changed to verified credit fraud.

The verification is reflected back to county-level records, and a Notice of Credit Fraud is entered on the legal description of the property. Only once that Notice has been filed, is the owner of the mortgage allowed to file foreclosure proceedings and write off the loss; otherwise, the loss stays on their books and impairs their balance sheet quarter to quarter as bad debt that is still recognized as a taxable income stream until it is remedied.

All this would require no additional government agencies, only a few laws passed and policies at the GSE enacted to enforce the process. The industry would self-regulate in a big hurry if they were faced with taking on any loans that turn up as toxic waste.

164   DennisN   2008 Feb 17, 2:06am  

I wasn't joking when I proposed loan-originators file a "1099-LOAN" at the beginning of this thread.....

When people would be audited under this program, they would not be permitted to do a "letter audit" but would have to physically go into the IRS office. Once there, they would be given two alternatives: pay back-taxes on the stated income amount, or Federal Marshals waiting in the next room would come in, clap them in irons, and hold them for fraud trials.

165   HeadSet   2008 Feb 17, 2:31am  

Great idea, Apostasy!

I wonder how many of the credit fraud investigations would implicate the originator along with the borrower.

I remember when for a loan on commercial real estate, the banks wanted to see your last 1040. Maybe that was before loans were so easy to pawn off.

166   e   2008 Feb 17, 5:12am  

All Presidential candidates have to pass a public, third-party monitored IQ test. The minimum requirement is 100, really, we are not looking for a genius, we are just not looking for retards.

Polls have shown that Americans have said that they vote for the president that they feel more comfortable sitting down and having a beer with.

So, to be fair to W, he's pretty much what America wanted.

167   nrecob   2008 Feb 17, 5:28am  

"Penn and Teller…. yeah, ok, I can sleep soundly now knowing Penn and Teller say everything’s OK.
"Actually look up something called the Olduvai Theory if you want to know how things are likely to go. So far it’s right on track."

ex-sunnyvale –renter, that [Olduvai Theory] looks to be some scarey shite (!)—~2012 brown/black outs and it only gets worse from there? Yikes!


“No Costa Rica for me. That place is one invasion from all those ex-pats ending up in the stewpot. No, thanks.
Europe or “internal exile” which in Solzenityn-istic terms means I stay in the areas within the US where the Empire is weak. Boondocky places, you know?”

I hear ya. I’ve been to a few *really* remote places I wouldn’t mind getting back to—if the need arises ☺

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