My New Years resolution for Patrick.net

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2011 Jan 2, 1:21pm   2,354 views  8 comments

by Clarence 13X   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

This year, I pledge to not engage in bi-partisan banter and to embrace opposing views for the learning opportunities that they offer. What are your new years resolutions for our upcoming heated battles, debates and all out shirts vs skins political warfare?

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1   elliemae   2011 Jan 2, 5:27pm  

I pledge to be as funny as possible - and to introduce mastubation into serious topics as needed. ;)

2   TechGromit   2011 Jan 2, 9:24pm  

Lose weight, Spend less, Have more sex with my wife, discuss masturbation with elliemae.

3   Clarence 13X   2011 Jan 3, 2:16am  

Good for you two! Enjoy your self service sessions. :)

4   Done!   2011 Jan 3, 2:49am  

I pledge to not pick on those entrenched in Washington, and those that blindly believe everything they say. I pledge to not accept the Uber Class, that hides behind the monikers or our Bipartisan system, as "Better than this". I get it now, we elect monsters and ghouls from both parties, yet we politically execute anyone with hard on and a pulse. I can't possibly expect anyone worthy or capable of steering this country in a better course, to subjugate them selves to a Kangaroo court where their family and personal life is put on the guillotine almost on a daily basis. I bought a home last year, I'm going to close the doors and live in my forbidden city, I'm going to plug my ears and close my eyes, and hear no nonsense and see no nonsense.

I pledge to patronize publicly traded companies as little as possible. I pledge to support Mom and Pop, that is in the business of quality goods and services, and do what I can to drive the pretenders out of business.
I pledge to not follow the spin or our Corporate Dogma calls news worthy stories, and follow personal triumphs more closely with a vested interest. Instead of thinking I'm somehow part of growth, when I hear about corporate quarterly earnings.

I pledge to enlighten and enthuse everyone I can, that while they are in a "Party", it's still BYOB.
I pledge to do this with out bitching and griping, I'll let the News stories do that for me.

I pledge to do everything I can to replace the two parties in Washington with "The right Man for the Job" in 2012. And remind the doubters there's no such thing as an Independent, we're all in this together. This is not Democratirica or Republicanirca, this is America.

I pledge to enlighten people that "Creativity" when it comes to finances by any other name is called "Fraud".
I pledge to let the local municipalities know, that the "Dream" is over, and it's time to trim the fat, and tell most of those in City Hall to find a new vocation. Home owners aren't here to support a long succession of skill lacking flunkies on the City and County dole. It's the other way around.

5   kentm   2011 Jan 3, 9:30am  

elliemae says

I pledge to be as funny as possible - and to introduce mastubation into serious topics as needed.


6   Vicente   2011 Jan 3, 9:36am  

I pledge to stop masturbating, whoops already broke that one.

7   elliemae   2011 Jan 3, 11:12am  

...and Kramer's OUT!

8   nope   2011 Jan 3, 12:48pm  

I pledge to drink more, laugh more, and play with my kids more, because none of the shit people are debating makes a damn bit of difference.

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