Treasuries, Safety, and Interest

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2008 Sep 11, 1:52am   22,457 views  185 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

30 year bond

A weird thing happens when investors get nervous: huge amounts of money flow into US Treasuries, driving up the price, and driving down the yield.

Say that a 30-year bond has a yield of 5%. Some bad thing happens, and then investors rush to buy that bond for safety, bidding against each other, and increasing the cost of the bond so that the yield falls to 4%.

So paradoxically, during turbulent times, the US government can borrow for less when everyone else has to pay more!

But what happens when the bad thing is the potential insolvency of the US government itself? The disastrous decision by Paulson to make us all liable for the fraud perpetrated by Fannie and Freddie is a bad thing, but it's a bad thing that threatens those very bonds people look to for safety.

Is it time to short US treasuries? How can I short US treasuries anyway? Is that something you just call up your broker and ask them to do?


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126   EBGuy   2008 Sep 18, 3:26am  

This seems to go well with the current tangent.

All the plans of big shots, all the desires of our governing masters, all the wishes and dreams of people who imagine themselves to be larger and more important than the rest of us, melt like snow on a sunny day.
In this sense, the market is the great leveler, the force in the universe that humbles all people and reminds them that they are no more important than anyone else and that their wishes must ultimately be shelved when faced with the overwhelming desire on the part of market traders that some other reality emerge.
For this reason, everyone has reason to celebrate the end of Lehman and Merrill. Overnight, while we slept, the seemingly mighty were humbled, the first made last and the last made first. The greatest became the least, all without a shot being fired.


127   DennisN   2008 Sep 18, 3:54am  

It's been fun following the story these past few years. Two years ago everyone here was wishing for real estate prices to tank so they could buy a house. Be careful what you wish for! The RE prices have tanked, and so has our economy.

My old San Jose house sold in May 2006 for $670K, which I pocketed on my way out of town. That house has now gone into forclosure and it apparently "sold" (maybe REO?) for $540K according to Zillow et al. Somehow $130K of "value" has evaporated. I'm curious what that house will sell for to an actual buyer in today's market.

128   sa   2008 Sep 18, 5:02am  

I can't believe this:

US Weighing Plan to Set Up Facility to Hold Bad Debts

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is working on a plan that would set up a government facility to take on bad debts from financial institutions, preventing a worsening of the global credit crisis, Wall Street sources have told CNBC.

The facility would be similar to the Resolution Trust Corporation, which was set up in 1989 to take on all the failed thrift assets during the savings and loan crisis, these sources said.

129   Eliza   2008 Sep 18, 5:45am  

"Liberalism confuses what ought to be and what is. Such misalignment of reality will tear apart any society over time."

Exactly that, yes. I know several sweet idealistic people who are very much in favor of the new proposition to decriminalize prostitution in SF. They have sweet Firefly-induced visions of respected and respectable sacred prostitutes, half high priestess and half counselor, finally free to practice their holy work in SF.

They confuse what ought to be with what is. Which is not quite so pretty.

130   justme   2008 Sep 18, 6:05am  

How about:

Free-Market-ism confuses what ought to be and what is. Such misalignment of reality will tear apart any society over time.

My point is, one should recognize that overly idealistic and naive persons come in all political flavors, and progressives have by no means "cornered that market" (so to speak :)) in that respect.

Eliza: no quibble with your other observation.

131   HeadSet   2008 Sep 18, 8:38am  

respectable sacred prostitutes, half high priestess and half counselor, finally free to practice their holy work in SF.

Wow, you get a great value for your $5 in SF!

Are you sure they would be priestess? I would presume most prostitutes in SF would be male.

And please, no "speaking from experience" cracks for Eliza or me.

132   snmr   2008 Sep 18, 10:17am  

SEC is lookingin to possibe ban on shorting of all stocks !

This will enable the rich guys to dump the shares slowly while the average joe will be holding the bag.

133   snmr   2008 Sep 18, 12:04pm  

TOB : good pointer.

In a nutshell :

There is big casino ( Shadow banking System)
where big players like Morgan stanley and the likes bet ( credit default swaps, derivatives...other fancy words) with public money ( borrowed from FED). All the while making money when they win and if they lose , Tax payer bails them out.

This was the biggest scam of the century and still we can't do much about it or the people who played the game.

134   snmr   2008 Sep 18, 12:04pm  

TOB : good pointer.

In a nutshell :

There is big c a s i n o ( Shadow banking System)
where big players like Morgan stanley and the likes bet ( credit default swaps, derivatives…other fancy words) with public money ( borrowed from FED). All the while making money when they win and if they lose , Tax payer bails them out.

This was the biggest scam of the century and still we can’t do much about it or the people who played the game.

135   Jimbo   2008 Sep 18, 12:46pm  

Even the Wall Street Journal is admitting that the financial sector blew up because of a lack of regulation:


I think this was the high tide for the whole Republican "drown government in a bathtub" movement. Good riddance.

136   Randy H   2008 Sep 18, 2:06pm  

I don’t know where HARM, RandyH, DinOR, PeterP, LiLLL, Skibum, Jimbo, SFWoman, et.al are……

But they’ve gotta be “enjoying” (for lack of a better word) these past few days.

When I first found this site I though they were all WRONG about the housing situation…

They were not.

Man, what a show.

Lurking. Schadenfreude is bittersweet. I mostly just post on Zillow now, riling up the masses. I'm 80% hated there, which is more comfortable for my style.

By the way, Ron Paul is an idiot too. He has been unable to answer the obvious question about his proposal to eliminate the Fed and the US central banking function. That is, would you unilaterally disarm the USA of all nuclear weapons? No? Well, why do we have to have a central bank. That's right, Paul. Because everyone else does. I hate nuclear weapons too. The thought of using one terrifies me. But I fully support having them, and keeping them ready to use because other countries do. Eliminate the Fed and watch what happens. It's pure insanity.

...returning to lurkdom...

137   snmr   2008 Sep 18, 2:09pm  

God bless the group of people who created internet !

Without it , I am sure the only thing we would have known through newspaper and CNN would have been this : "We have a financial instability and Fed is trying to fix it"
I don't know how many fu*k ups would have gone unnoticed in the past.
If these guys can do these kind of things in this information age, imagine what they might have done in the past.We just don't know.

138   Peter P   2008 Sep 18, 2:24pm  

Ron Paul is head and shoulders above these other crooks.

I totally agree.

However, since humanity is idiotic any possible leader is an idiot by extension.

When I first found this site I though they were all WRONG about the housing situation…

Too bad, I did not profit from my own predictions. I am the biggest idiot ever. :(

139   Peter P   2008 Sep 18, 2:24pm  

I’m 80% hated there, which is more comfortable for my style.

If you also talk about Second Life, you will be 99.9% hated.

140   Peter P   2008 Sep 18, 2:27pm  

If short-selling is banned, just watch those Put IVs to explode.

What are the other ways to profit from such a move?

Not investment advice.

Friendly suggestion: can we open a channel to discuss trading in the financial markets?

141   snmr   2008 Sep 18, 2:54pm  

what is a Put IV :-)

142   Peter P   2008 Sep 18, 3:17pm  

Implied volatilities of put options.

143   snmr   2008 Sep 18, 3:36pm  

I can't think of anything except that it will slow downward movement of stocks. It will be factored in to stock market first thing in the morning

*not investment advice*

144   Peter P   2008 Sep 18, 3:42pm  

Without shorting, the put-call parity may be distorted.

Not investment advice

145   Peter P   2008 Sep 18, 3:45pm  

Is it just me? It seems that insane policies started rolling in since the Republican lost both houses in 2006.

146   DennisN   2008 Sep 18, 3:45pm  

If you don't like what the DOW is doing....change the DOW.


AIG's replacement by Kraft is the second change to the Dow this year. On Feb. 19, Bank of America and Chevron took spots vacated by Honeywell and Altria. By comparison, only two changes were made to the component makeup of the Dow in the 10 years previous.

147   Peter P   2008 Sep 18, 3:48pm  

Perhaps soon DOW will have GLD? :roll:

148   Peter P   2008 Sep 18, 3:54pm  

Question: without short-sellers (and hence short-covering rallies), who/what is to stop a bear market of biblical magnitude?

I am depressed again. This is why I am here posting. :(

149   snmr   2008 Sep 18, 4:08pm  

Short selling is banned but demand and supply is still alive.
Stocks in china still go down pretty fast.I believe there is no shorting there.
I think baninng short selling will reduce VIX a lot.

*not investment advice*

150   Jimbo   2008 Sep 18, 4:18pm  

I spend most of my time on Socketsite, posting as Noe Valley Jim.

Is it just me? It seems that insane policies started rolling in since the Republican lost both houses in 2006.

Yeah, it's just you. The Executive branch is still Republican, and they are the ones nationalizing everything in sight.

151   SP   2008 Sep 18, 4:24pm  

Anyone know where Paulson's father is buried? I want to go piss on his grave, and yell at him for not using a condom.

152   cb   2008 Sep 18, 4:33pm  

Yeah, it’s just you. The Executive branch is still Republican, and they are the ones nationalizing everything in sight.

Congress will soon approve the latest bail-out plan, they can't let the Republicans steal the show. It's only half a trillion.

153   snmr   2008 Sep 18, 4:36pm  

Its funny that the media/mccain and obama are aming wal street greed for all this mess. Human beings have been greedy for past millions of years.They didn't become greedy suddenly overnight.
Its not greed but giving greed a free pass which created this mess.
Greed was always there and will always be there. Its governments responsibility to have the right framework to control the beast for our own good.

154   snmr   2008 Sep 18, 4:37pm  

Typo : Its funny that the media/mccain/obama are blaming wal street greed for all this mess

155   snmr   2008 Sep 18, 4:55pm  

Forgot to add that Greed is one the pillars of capitalism.
One of our greatest success has been to channel greed into something productive though capitalism.How dare mccain/obama/media blame greed. Shame on them.
I can't think of any other reason for this mess except corruption and impotency of the govt.

156   surfer-x   2008 Sep 18, 5:06pm  

finally had the "why the fuck do the boomers loves them sombama?"

Cuz he's not older than them!

Yes I to hoped you would die before you got old.

So if you like the gold paved BA sidewalks will the Au nanoparticles keep you from getting VD?

157   DennisN   2008 Sep 18, 11:24pm  

Hey Surfer-Dude, have I got a woman for you. Too bad she's a Limey.


Lady Warnock said: "If you're demented, you're wasting people's lives – your family's lives – and you're wasting the resources of the National Health Service.

158   Duke   2008 Sep 18, 11:40pm  

It is so weird seeing the market rally on bad news.

Lets use the good ol number of 30:1. (Hedgies are even higher). If Lehman used 20billion of bad capital to buy 600billion of bad paper, and the recapture is 30 cents o the dollar we get 480b loss. Now, do this for Fannie, Freddie, Bear, Meril, GS, MS. I can see this going to $3t easy.

Backing this by the taxpayer is a bad idea. It means were are printing our way out of this. The inflation implication and destruction of the value of the dollar is clear. This will discourage trade. For any who think Japan and Germany are solid - think again. Export driven economies are really going to be hurting.

Now imagine the US is not really a $14t economy. Suppose our real base is closer to $9t (or less). Taking on $3t at a time when we have $5t on the books means we are close to 1:1 for debt to GDP. Uhh - this is worse than the Depression.

Look, the great unwinding is HERE. Now. The delveraging will not stop no matter the heroic interventions.

So - is housing irrelevant? Yes.

People should not be thinking about even 3x income for homes when income may go to zero.

Its weird. For all of his studies on the GD, Bernanke seems to following in its footsteps almost exactly.

159   OO   2008 Sep 18, 11:54pm  

On the road right now and can't post much.

But this is SCARY. Fed and Treasury are indicating NO RESTRAINT, absolutely none, in their bailout. On top of this, we have SEC changing rules left and right on trading to suit the overall financial engineering purpose. Now you know how big the government can get.

I will say this, if you are buying gold as an insurance, do not dick around with the ultra long ultra short ultra light ultra ultra that are based on derivatives. Stop fiddling with the paper tool that the SEC can manipulate over a heart beat. Get as physical as possible. I used to think I would stop at certificate or stock in gold hoarding funds, oh boy, was I under-estimating the severity of the situation.

I really hope that Paulson is NOT serious about taking on the whole CDS toxic waste, that will be in the magnitude of $100s of T, I will be hoarding farmland and ammo if that is true. I used to believe that the US will never go through hyperinflation, we will just have a painful period of stagflation, now I am not so sure.

Massive printing doesn't stop us from reliving GD. It just ensures that all our savings will be wiped out before we get to GD to "level the playing field".

160   Peter P   2008 Sep 19, 12:02am  

Greed was always there and will always be there. Its governments responsibility to have the right framework to control the beast for our own good.

A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned.
-- Someone

161   OO   2008 Sep 19, 12:13am  

Why is ABC running this story at this moment?

Hmmm, looks like a coordinated government PR to me.

162   OO   2008 Sep 19, 12:27am  

The fact that the US stock market can change rules does not surprise me, but it surprises me that it can change rules so abruptly and apply a double standard - why ban shorting financials alone, how about banning shorting altogether?

This alarms me that when the credit crisis gets worse, the US can and will swiftly impose capital and exchange control just like a 3rd world country. That is how the middle class in these countries lose their lifetime savings, it is called government looting.

163   justme   2008 Sep 19, 12:42am  

Short sale = getting money by selling stock that you borrowed
Buy on margin = getting stock by selling money that you borrowed

It is quite clear that if the SEC wants to ban short sales, it should also ban buying on margin,
even if it applies only to certain stock.

Yes, rampant double standards are again being imposed on the "free" markets.

164   Peter P   2008 Sep 19, 1:20am  

why ban shorting financials alone, how about banning shorting altogether?

Because we most definitely need short-covering rallies in the coming times.

165   Duke   2008 Sep 19, 1:22am  

The funny thing is this: by changing the rules, who is gtting smashed right now?

The rumor is that the largerfinancial firms (who have every bit the same problem as the smaller firms) are using their might to sell short and crush the other firms. By changing the shorts rule, it is forcing them to cover their shorts and just creaming them.
Hedgies are shor selling behemoths are they are getting slapped around too. So, would say the rule is pretty cool in that it seems to be hurting the right people. Predators.
Recall that long ago I waned people not to engage in the markets as the deep pocket people will simply sweep you aisde on their momentum plays. That is truer than ever.
Small investors need to sit on the sidelines. As regularos and the govt change the rules to curb the big boys - who may or may not survive thos machinations - it can defintely crush the little guys.
Again, like I said the other day. We simply don't have informed guesses as to what kind of laws will e passed to fix this. Larger firms have much better guesses in that area. Their legislatative asymetric knowledge is jut too big an advantage.
So, for all trying to play in these waters. . .Don't

That is my two cents.

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