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I contacted both my Stupid Republican Senators several times & let them know that I was not in favor of military action in Iraq. They voted for military action.
The Bush & Republican Lie of WMD was a Lie then & is still a Lie today. Hindsight does not change the Lie. Many were stupid enough to believe the Lie. But everything is OK since we made so many friends.
@Hey You
At least you made the effort.
"...everything is OK since we made so many friends."
Yeah, heaps and heaps.
On Patrick.net even the conservatives generally agree that this war was a disaster...
Pinky explains it here:
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It has been eight years now (as March 20), since the Iraq War began. What are the results now that some time has passed? Was it worth the loss of lives (not to mention a good bit of money with many estimates of $1,000,000,000,000 or more)? Who benefitted and who is worse off? Consider too, the deficit the US has now and how the money might have been otherwise spent. All views are welcome--especially with sources or people who have seen Iraq firsthand.