Stock Market Hates Bailout

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2008 Oct 6, 1:08am   33,979 views  327 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Great, after the stock market spasm last Monday when it looked like the bailout would not pass, we get the same thing this Monday when it does pass.

So now we have a crashing market, and higher US debt. The bailout was very wrong, and remains very wrong.

Great quote from reader Herb:

The Titanic is sinking. Captain Bush ordered first class passengers aboard the few $700B lifeboats. He and his crews have their own lifeboat. We are all left to drown.


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204   Busted   2008 Oct 8, 9:00am  

Dems are right in calling McCain erratic, first he states that he'd put a spending freeze on everything but defense, vet benefits and something else, then he turns around and proposes another 300B gov't bailout. anyone who votes for this old fucck is either a redneck, has some issue with obama's race, or is simply soft in the head.

205   snmr   2008 Oct 8, 9:03am  

TOB: I will take your silence as a yes.
BTW, I should have added "alledged" occupation.
I am not informed enough to make any conclusions on the issue.
I have many friends from israel so i don't have any animousity towards them.I am just questioning the extent of our support and how far are we willing to go. Is the willingness only in washington or is it also in the public?

206   snmr   2008 Oct 8, 9:28am  

TOB says : im not going to get into my background on a board like this.

you could have just said no. Ok , I'll assume you are a jew.
If you are right in your analysis, the electric car will solve the israel issue.
ateast there is light at the end of the tunnel now.

207   snmr   2008 Oct 8, 9:34am  

why don't you just say that you are not related. case closed

anyway, i don't want to put more pressure. its clear enough.

take it easy, dude. nobody is going to do anything to you , if you admit it.

jeez ! :-)

208   snmr   2008 Oct 8, 9:39am  

:-) OK just stop it now...you are embarassing yourself and your religion.
lets talk something else.

209   Richmond   2008 Oct 8, 9:41am  

Who gives a shit what anybody is as long as they are decent people.

210   snmr   2008 Oct 8, 9:42am  

:-) ....man you are sounding childish now ..dude stop it please.

211   snmr   2008 Oct 8, 9:52am  

I agree with TOB,
Jews and thier descendants have thier allegiance to israel rather than US.

212   OO   2008 Oct 8, 9:54am  


nothing of utmost urgency yet, but I think it wouldn't be harmful to swap part of the GLD/IAU positions into physical stuff, or positions outside of the country. Right now physical is only tight within certain parts of the US, in fact physical demand is much higher outside of the US because of the strength of USD, the sheeple here feel less of a need to rush for the glittery stuff. So I have read about reports of ample physical supply in the midwest.

Gold confiscation is a substantial risk that we need to face when situation further deteriorates. Of course it cannot be enforced as easily as last time around because people are far more educated and informed this time. GLD and IAU are very easy-to-manipulate, and easy-to-confiscate targets.

213   OO   2008 Oct 8, 10:01am  

It all boils down to oil. That's why I do hope peak oil sets in faster to push people over the edge so that we can get off our ass on the replacement energy.

Only people living in the Middle East have the right to determine what they want and how they fight for it. But since they have something that the whole world covets, then all these powers have to get involved to secure their stake at oil, not only America, but Europe, China, almost anyone who has an insatiable demand for oil.

So if that region's oil becomes worthless, it will be a blessing for the people living there. They can really sit down with each other with no foreign intervention at all, to figure out whether blowing each other up is a lifestyle they want.

214   Richmond   2008 Oct 8, 10:01am  

The Jews I know couldn't give a hoot about Isreal. They'll say so while munchin' on a BLT.

215   OO   2008 Oct 8, 10:08am  

I used to have a lot of respect for McCain, and I think all career politicians should be required to go into service for at least 5 years or even 10 years before launching their political career. It is a demonstration of their commitment to the country.

It is very sad to see McCain running in a very much reduced state of physical and mental fitness. His breathing was a bit odd during the debate, if anyone noticed.

216   snmr   2008 Oct 8, 10:10am  

Richmond, They are just being politically correct by saying so.
ultimately, Israel is thier motherland where they have "natural rights"
I don't believe in the spin that they don't have allegiance to it. If US sinks ,they will jump the ship and go to israel. I know some jewish friends who admit that the last resort of every jew is israel. I don't have any problem with that though.
You can always have allegiance to other country but still be a good citizen. who cares where you came from.

217   OO   2008 Oct 8, 10:22am  

There are two kinds of Jews, and they are very very different.

I have worked with quite a few American Jews, most of them are very Americanized, and don't really care about what is happening over in Israel.

But, there is a small faction of very, extremely militant Jew who are either from Isreal (and by default serviced in the army), or just because their parents are militant Jews. They place the interest of Israel far above everything else (although they are dual Israeli and American citizens), and some of them have ascended to rather high places in America, but I won't name names.

Jews as a race is very successful, they have made far more than proportional share of contribution to our modern civilization. And most Jews are also very successful in whatever they do, that in itself creates envy and jealousy. As a result, it is easy for the public to apply what they see from the militant Jews to the rest more secular Jews and connect the dots in a very unfavorable way to the race as a whole.

218   FuzzyMath   2008 Oct 8, 10:31am  

you're a student of Jews?

How drab.

219   snmr   2008 Oct 8, 10:32am  

TOB says : Just to give you another hint: I am a student of these subjects

You don't have to give more hints ..we all know that you are a jew . LOL :-)

220   OO   2008 Oct 8, 10:32am  


militant Jews tend to concentrate in two industries: Wall Street, technology.

221   snmr   2008 Oct 8, 10:35am  

All the problems in developed countries were and are finance related. Great depression, hyper inflation, housing bubble , credit bubble...etc
Finance is dominated by jews. Am i free to connect the dots now ?

222   snmr   2008 Oct 8, 10:38am  

TOB : well if I am, I must be a secular one, because tonight is the most important holiday of the year for Jews.

who gives a fuck ?
We have other things to worry about like the financial crisis.

223   Richmond   2008 Oct 8, 10:39am  

So, do you have a Christmas tree or a Hanukkah bush? :)

224   snmr   2008 Oct 8, 10:40am  

TOB : Please stop defending israel and your religion. I am speaking for USA here.
Thanks !
If i am showing my true colors so are you.

225   Richmond   2008 Oct 8, 10:43am  

You know, that is really reaching, but I had the same thought.

226   snmr   2008 Oct 8, 10:45am  

BTW, I am not making any conclusions here just stating facts.
if anybody has any problem with the below two facts , you are free to explain.Be logical and don't go in to the racism, stereotyping...etc crap.

fact 1: All the problems in developed countries were and are finance related. Great depression, hyper inflation, housing bubble , credit bubble…etc
fact 2 :Finance is dominated by jews.

227   snmr   2008 Oct 8, 10:47am  

Solution : Jews should reduce thier exposure to finance so that they are not wrongfully linked to all the mess.

228   Richmond   2008 Oct 8, 10:50am  


Yes, I have. That is what brought it to mind.

229   snmr   2008 Oct 8, 10:53am  

I still don't understand then why the fuck they didn't stay away from the financial bussiness crap ? If i were them i will stay away from the crappy field. believe me.There is lot of anger in US against the financial sector.
Jews have contributed more than enough in technology to prove that they can do much better than finance.

230   Richmond   2008 Oct 8, 10:58am  


You do what is comfortable. The majority of people do what is familiar to them. For some, it is finance. For me, it was industry. For my cousins, it was law. We followed our fathers. Man, I want to slap my dad.

231   decipher   2008 Oct 8, 11:00am  


What is with you guys? You can spew hatred about anyone but you have to suppress any discussion about you with anti-semitism and the german thing.

232   OO   2008 Oct 8, 11:00am  


yes, there is definitely a rise in anti-Semitic sentiment, and it is unfair to most secular Jews who have nothing to do with the Wall Street mess.

The militant Jews on the Wall Street have essentially hijacked their own race.

233   snmr   2008 Oct 8, 11:02am  

decipher Says:

What is with you guys? You can spew hatred about anyone but you have to suppress any discussion about you with anti-semitism and the german thing.

TOB demostrates a classic case of hypocrisy. period.

234   OO   2008 Oct 8, 11:11am  


for many centuries, Jews were not allowed to own land, so the only store of wealth they could resort to is jewelry or money, that's why they are the expert of dealing with both.

Interestingly enough, since the world is more integrated, the use of money rather than land as a store of wealth makes far more sense, so they have a first-mover advantage in this critical link.

I have a lot of respect for Jews as a race. But the militant faction is different, they carry the holocaust chips on their shoulders in a perverted way to avenge on the rest of the world. These militant Jews are extremely driven, and will stop at nothing to get their way, which is exactly what we see the Wall Street acts like.

235   decipher   2008 Oct 8, 11:11am  

Ted Haggard moment !!

The Original Bankster Says:
September 15th, 2008 at 6:46 pm

>>I value my citizenship as well. I get mad to think about how the US is diluting the value of my “share” of American stock to illegal aliens.

the problem is that people are valuing it less and less… and for middle class folks, they don’t have the option of trading it up for some other country. To add insult to injury, idiots like Sri have ransacked our concepts of liberty and freedom. So in order to bring back some semblance of quality to american life, you have to make a clear definition of ‘in or out’ of the american system. Without that you will have a free for all. This has been going on since the 70s.

the very rich favor a system where wage earners have no sense of ‘ownership’ as this increases costs of operation.

>>We should use our weapons to take what we have not earned and just refuse to honor the existing debt that we have.

sounds funny… but that is what we are likely to do. Because the people who ran up the debt are going to high tail it out of here once the bill comes due, and who is left? people like you and me who don’t really know where the debt came from and don’t really have the means to pay it off. oh, and ron paul. You think our Chindian friends are going to stick around when the going gets tough? “see ya later suckers! can’t believe you fell for the ‘racism’ thing!!! lol! time to go back to my dravidian slaves in India!”

236   snmr   2008 Oct 8, 11:17am  


Good find. looks like TOB is finally exposed !

May be, he is one of those militant jews OO is talking about.

OO : Why were they not allowed to own land ? Just curious

237   snmr   2008 Oct 8, 11:20am  

OO says :
These militant Jews are extremely driven, and will stop at nothing to get their way, which is exactly what we see the Wall Street acts like

I am surprised.I have many jewish friends whom i respect a lot.Most of them are very secular and open minded ( exactly opposite to TOB )

238   Richmond   2008 Oct 8, 11:27am  

TOB is anything but closed minded. Watch the context and be enlightened.

239   OO   2008 Oct 8, 11:30am  


it is just a small faction, most Jews are respectable people in their area of expertise and just like everyone else, making an honest living.

The Wall Street types are completely different, it takes a certain personality and drive to be successful there. Do you think of Paulson, Fuld, Dimon as a benign, respectable persons who will observe rules and act in honesty? I hope not.

240   slumlord   2008 Oct 8, 11:37am  

I was at my Dads house last night watching Jeopardy and he got a call from Countrywide wondering if he was going to pay his mortgage this month. He told the guy he had never been late on a payment or anything.....Very weird. Anybody else get these calls?

241   PermaRenter   2008 Oct 8, 11:49am  

>> Permarenter is is a typical one-issue voter, whoever that kicks out the H1Bs will be the on his ticket.

I am against:

* Illegal Immigration

* Lax regulation of wall street and shameless bailout

* The federal reserve

I will vote against incumbents en masse and will vote independent this year. I can not vote for Obama since I do not believe he will effectively change anything. I am a conservative person by nature.

242   decipher   2008 Oct 8, 12:10pm  

Richmond, does context explain this away too

# The Original Bankster Says:
September 23rd, 2008 at 10:58 am

basically, they are concerned with things hitting the CDS markets… think about this scenario:

Foreclosures continue
massive credit card defaults
CDS depreciate
CDS market dead
credit card rates shoot the moon
no consumer spending
consumer stocks begin to fail
??? (the rapture?)

or an alternative scenario

major dollar decline
indian services exports become too expensive
1) indian GDP plummets, 2) corporations can no longer run their IT
mass panic in central asia, kashmir and punjab secede, Sri’s families entire herd of cows gets raped by marauding pakistanis
mass panic in boardroom
bill gates suggests importing the entire country of india

243   HeadSet   2008 Oct 8, 12:17pm  

I generally support Ron Paul’s solution… stop sending money to EVERYONE over there. A solution which I don’t think Israel would be opposed to.

You and I might like that solution, but I doubt Israel would. They recieve by far, the lions share of US foreign aid. Add to that billions in loan guarantees, billions more in military loans (all which were converted to grants) and a billion or so in private (tax deductable) funds. For a "student" of Israel, you must know this.

I do not think Jewish infiltration our society is the reason for our incredible bias for Israel. That bias stems from so many Christians who do not distinguish betweens the Jews of the Bible and modern day Israelis. These Christians think that not supporting Israel is a crime against God. The bapp33 comment When America moves away from Isreal it is time to duck and cover. demonstrates what I am talking about.

Just listen to Bush, McCain, and Obama profess their love of Israel. Anyone running for President who would say anything about "cutting back aid or support for Israel" would find himself immediately out of the running. Not because he would lose the Jewish vote, but because he would anger so many Christians.

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