One flew over the cuckoo's nest ----Going to close on my first home in California in another 10 days

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2011 Mar 15, 1:54pm   10,647 views  40 comments

by cloud13   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Finally removed the loan contingency today, was reading these forums from more than 3-4 years and cribbing everyday.
I thought what the heck I'm gonna do by saving 50K-100K , I wasn't able to focus on anything else.
So here I'm , may be i'm right or wrong - No one knows but finally feeling the freedom that i would be able to focus on something else in my life.

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10   cloud13   2011 Mar 16, 12:45am  

won't scream but would defintel like to market my neighborhood- Cambrian.

Ofcourse , I would like intelligent folks like you guys to be joining me there.

11   anonymous   2011 Mar 16, 1:04am  


12   cloud13   2011 Mar 16, 1:39am  

Hey SubOink.....thanks for your post about your purchase man......That was helpful.

13   FortWayne   2011 Mar 16, 2:00am  

Congratulations cloud, I hope you've made a prudent buying decision and negotiated well without overpaying which is a difficult task to do in CA since it's still in balloon euphoria and slowly coming down.

14   chip_designer   2011 Mar 16, 4:11am  

cloud13 says


Congratulations. Hopefully you lock at a good rate.

15   RC2006   2011 Mar 16, 4:11am  


16   pkowen   2011 Mar 16, 4:40am  

I used to rent a newer townhouse in that area for around $1900. Actually the next zip code over, 95125. I know the area well. Nowhere did I see you post what you paid ... I realize you may not want to share that but most so-called "bears" would consider that sort of important (understatement of the year). I don't object to buying *generally*, just to paying too much, i.e. over-stretching financially. Looks like the average of recently sold houses (not condos or townhouses) in that zip is around $650,000, with a very wide range ($1.5 mil to $225k)?

Sincerely glad you are happy with your choice. I monitor that area; not optimal for my current commute, but not a bad place to be generally - I still don't care for the prices of houses in that area that I would want to live. I see they are getting better.

17   Remington   2011 Mar 16, 5:28am  

"The analysis about housing was costing me too much, I’ll rather focus on making money rather than saving money."

I bought in 94044 a few months ago, a major factor was the same as yours. Congrats!!

18   Katy Perry   2011 Mar 16, 5:41am  

congrats ;-)

19   cloud13   2011 Mar 16, 6:57am  

I paid 650K, I chose "Farnham elementary" becuase it represents a wide corossections from society and yet it has an API of 858.
Majority group is still whites but i didn't want my kid to goto some total whiteville alone, for example few years ago in "Noddin elementary" there was only one indian kid.
I don't want my kids to feel entitled , neither do i want them to feel they are inferior to anyone, poorer than anyone or richer than anyone. They should feel they are just unique.
Also Farnham elementary has after care program which usually costs only $200 per month- prewtty cheap. Our middle school is going to be "Price charter middle" and high school is "Leigh high".

This place is closer to Netflix (about 2 miles ) , where i work and I'm sure if it keeps on going on the same pace as it is going now, It'll bring the same affect as what google brough to Mountainview or Apple brough to cupertino.

20   FortWayne   2011 Mar 16, 7:03am  

cloud13 says

I paid 650K, I chose “Farnham elementary” becuase it represents a wide corossections from society and yet it has an API of 858.

Are you yanking everyones chain here? Because now I'm actually worried about your financial situation.

21   permanent_marker   2011 Mar 16, 7:07am  


Now how did you find out the details about your neighbors?

cloud13 says

And I’m relaly satisfied with neighbourhood, it’s in Cambrian elementary school district and high school is Leigh high school. People on my street also have a good mix - Olympic Gold medal winners, A Director from Apple, 2 homes are of SJPD cops and now an Indain SOftware Engineer is going to join them.
I’m really satisfied, this research did pay well

22   CrazyMan   2011 Mar 16, 7:09am  

cloud13 says

This place is closer to Netflix (about 2 miles ) , where i work and I’m sure if it keeps on going on the same pace as it is going now, It’ll bring the same affect as what google brough to Mountainview or Apple brough to cupertino.

Err, no. Netflix is peanuts compared to the other 2 (no offense). Netflix's market cap is what, 11b? Apple's is ~300b. Not even comparable.

And hopefully AT/T withdraws their new data cap, cause that's gunna kill the streaming business in a hurry, especially if other ISP's follow suit.

Beyond that, congrats on the purchase.

23   toothfairy   2011 Mar 16, 7:39am  

it sounds like your waiting paid off. a few years ago 650k wouldve only got you a townhouse in that area.

Many people are in for 650k on their THs right now. Enjoy the house.

24   burritos   2011 Mar 16, 8:21am  

CrazyMan says

cloud13 says

This place is closer to Netflix (about 2 miles ) , where i work and I’m sure if it keeps on going on the same pace as it is going now, It’ll bring the same affect as what google brough to Mountainview or Apple brough to cupertino.

Err, no. Netflix is peanuts compared to the other 2 (no offense). Netflix’s market cap is what, 11b? Apple’s is ~300b. Not even comparable.
And hopefully AT/T withdraws their new data cap, cause that’s gunna kill the streaming business in a hurry, especially if other ISP’s follow suit.
Beyond that, congrats on the purchase.

Check out the stock. It's pretty wicked in a good way. NFLIX

25   thomas.wong1986   2011 Mar 16, 11:52am  

burritos says

Check out the stock. It’s pretty wicked in a good way. NFLIX

Yes at 72x earnings it surly will hit 100x or more... LOL!

26   cloud13   2011 Mar 16, 1:07pm  

I won't quote but here is my reply to some of the posts above :
I could have bought in cupertino also but to me that is a "grade ghetto".

and yes ofcourse I'm hustling , the god intelligent potential buyers towards cambrian.

Permanent marker, You can find everything about who owns what property on the street using propertyshark and then dig them up on LinkedIn, FB, online.

Also you can just go walk in those streets, parks and talk to people- They'll be happy to talk to you.

And regarding NFLX , I can't talk too much to the doubters because they never make any money.
Was Apple $300B to begin with ?, Doubter didn't even made any money on Google......Go on.

One of the famous short sellers on NFLX below :


27   cloud13   2011 Mar 16, 1:29pm  

I bought because i can exactly stomach the kind of scenario you described of 200K drop - No kidding.

I can bet that it's is not going to happen though, you already saw the stance of uncle SAM from last 3 years...didn't you ? Democrats or Republicans - they would never let it happen.

and even if it drops, I'm still okaay becuase i don't plan to sell for a foreseeable future.

28   CrazyMan   2011 Mar 16, 2:08pm  

cloud13 says

And regarding NFLX , I can’t talk too much to the doubters because they never make any money.

Was Apple $300B to begin with ?, Doubter didn’t even made any money on Google……Go on.

You've gotta be kidding. I won't even ask what you do there....

I like Netflix. I like them a lot (and have friends that work there as well), but I don't foresee them ever being as large as Google or Apple, nor are they ever going to affect the area as you seem to think.

DVD/Blue Ray will be a dead media at some point (plenty of money to be made in mean time of course) and if the cable companies/AT&T would actually get their act together (which is a big if) they would simply make Netflix irrelevant in the long term.

29   Done!   2011 Mar 16, 2:14pm  

cloud13 says

Going to close on my first home in California

You poor thing...

30   cloud13   2011 Mar 16, 2:21pm  

Crazyman, you have friends who work there and "I" work there- So I would definitely know better...time will tell- so we can drop that.

tenouncetrout.....same to you man :-)

And after this moment I'm off pat net's bull bear discussion----- still love you guys , because you are my virtual friends from 4 years.

31   Done!   2011 Mar 16, 2:24pm  

cloud13 says

tenouncetrout…..same to you man :-)

Yeah I bought in Hollyweird Florida, pray for me OK?

32   jaded   2011 Mar 16, 3:14pm  

@cloud13: I grew up in 95119, they actually bussed kids in from east San Jose to increase diversity when I was little. Glad you found somewhere with a bit of diversity. Good luck.

33   FortWayne   2011 Mar 16, 3:23pm  

Nomograph says

ChrisLA says

Starting is higher and end up making a lot more over time with guaranteed raises. And there are very luxurious vacation, tenure, paid holidays, medical and pension system that even CEO’s in most companies will never have.

You are saying that an elementary school teacher has it better than a CEO?
I nominate this for “stupidest things said on Patrick.net”.
It’ll go right below “everyone lives in garages” and “the entire tech industry has moved to China”.

My god man, are you sheltered?

Nomo not every CEO out there is a wealthy stooge swimming in dollars. That title doesn't come with huge money unless a person works for some really large company. A CEO of GOOG or BOFA makes a lot, a CEO of random llc is often lucky to even make 40 grand.

34   avpmenlo   2011 Mar 16, 3:42pm  

I'm just surprised cloud13 didn't say he was moving to Menlo Park.

We have had two houses sell on my street in the last three weeks and both to Indian families. I send my kids to Catholic school and we have recieved 6 applications for next year from Indian families that live in Menlo Park.

I didn't know many Indians were Catholic.

The Principal replied that the families are indeed not Catholic, but want to give their children an academic advantage, as they see it much easier to get to the top of the class of some private schools now that the public schools have become inundated with "overachievers" on the academic scale, i.e. there is more competition for that top 5-10% slot.

Never really considered this...guess they got it all covered!

35   fatblond   2011 Mar 17, 4:24am  

Congratz Cloud. Regardless of the correction that many areas may or may not face over the next few years, the downside risk is substantially less than 4 years ago.....when I bought. UGH.

36   sfproshopper   2011 Mar 17, 4:37am  

Congrats Cloud

37   cloud15   2013 Aug 2, 1:11am  

Since then I bought three. Now my family own 6 SFH in the 95124 bordering LG. it is funny to read how I was such a bear 3-4 years ago on this forum.

38   RWSGFY   2013 Aug 2, 3:32am  

cloud15 says

Since then I bought three. Now my family own 6 SFH in the 95124 bordering LG.

Casey Serin, is that you?

39   rufita11   2013 Aug 2, 10:23am  

It is absolutely not coming down. It is actually soaring up. I was tracking a mid-century in the El Cerito hills--list mid 700K, but sold for 1.1M. This is how it is all through the bay area--even in Concord. I've been seeing listings where they are asking for more than they paid in the bubble years. Ridiculous. But, if they can get it, why not?

FortWayne says

CA since it's still in balloon euphoria and slowly coming down

40   cloud15   2013 Aug 2, 3:08pm  

Straw man Don't hate , but participate.

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