Land Prices & the Property Bubble

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2005 Aug 25, 1:03pm   12,453 views  126 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Per GreenCanopy's request:

Several here emphasize housing as an investment, shorn of mystique, a place to put money. While this a simplified picture, it is analysis-friendly. Treating housing as an asset class leads to a couple of interesting questions (–> topics?): To what degree can we understand the ‘bubble’ as herd-mentality asset rotation, and how can we further decompose the asset class called ‘housing’.

I like the second one first, because it has more to suggest for what types of property might do well during a deflation. Housing decomposed as Land+(Bricks+Sticks)+Labor+Regulation vs the MacroEc variables. What you haven’t covered (or I’ve missed) is an opinion on land prices and their behavior within the property bubble. Should they behave similarly?

Things to consider:

  • Higher housing supply = More available houses, but less attractive land. No, we’re not really running out of land, but is there enough of a perception to preserve a mania?
  • The NAAVLP phenomena applies much less to lots, as applications for land mortgages and construction loans are examined quite rigorously (simultaneously fogging two mirrors…). Perhaps speculation is as rampant with land, but could the landowner be less forced to run for the exits? Also, the tax burden is lower on unimproved land.
  • Study One, Bank of Canada, emphasizes land’s importance in housing appreciation:
    The Price and Quantity of Residential Land in the U.S. http://tinyurl.com/dpx6u
  • Study Two, Cato, emphasizing regulation’s importance in housing appreciation:
    Zoning’s Steep Price http://tinyurl.com/dhng5
  • Thoughts?


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    37   HARM   2005 Aug 25, 4:30pm  

    My, oh, my --that yield curve is sure getting thin: .18

    US Treasury rate site;

    38   quesera   2005 Aug 25, 4:32pm  

    @HARM: I don't recall the thread.. I may have been cherrypicking comments to reach my supposed "consensus" (see above re: selection bias!)..

    Reason: when prices begin to plateau & fall in a given area, this puts more housing stock on the market, either via “investor” rentals (trying to cover some of their monthly payments while seeking a greater fool to buy the house), or foreclosures. The flood of new inventory on the market will increase supply for both renters and buyers.

    Agreed. I guess the builtin assumption there is that rent levels presently reflect (a large percentage of) recent buyers' cashflow positions. Which sounds reasonable under normal circumstances, but I'm not sure it's true today.

    I'm seeing houses and condos in SF that rent for about 35% of their theoretical sale PITI amount (20% down, 30yr fixed). If things got really heavy and sale prices dropped 50%, there would still be room for rents to rise to meet in the middle..

    AFAIK, "affordability" for rental qualification is still the traditional 30-40% of income. The median household income for SF is $70k...does anyone know the "median" rent in the city?

    40   HARM   2005 Aug 25, 5:18pm  


    You should have no problem negotiating them down --I know lots of people on the peninsula & East Bay, and rents are flat to falling. See average rents by city I posted above.

    41   HARM   2005 Aug 25, 5:19pm  

    @Shmend Rick,

    I sure hope they're right. Personally, I can't wait.

    42   quesera   2005 Aug 25, 5:20pm  

    @HARM: San Francisco $1983. Well, that would be the average rent, which should be higher than median...but I just don't trust those numbers...

    43   SQT15   2005 Aug 26, 1:06am  


    Location would definitely belong to your list of intangibles. Kurts view off his neighbor's pier is a definite example. I wasn't really questioning that a nicer location will fetch a higher price or that it may sustain a correction better. What bothers me is that areas that don't have many intangibles have also seen ridiculous appreciation. Sacto doesn't have the higher population density, but has seen prices climb as high percentage wise at the BA. That said, I'm sure our prices will probably (hopefully) see a bigger dip.

    SactoQT - And when you finally do own a home, come back to me too. *wink, wink*

    Promise me that and I may never buy. ;)

    44   HARM   2005 Aug 26, 2:49am  

    Peter P - Hmmm… that’s pretty arbitrary choosing the 2yr and the 10yr… i thought we using the 1M vs. the 10-yr i.e. Fed Funds (what’s being raised) vs. the 10-yr (what mortgage rates are based off). Aren’t these two yields, in essence what is really being debated between us… Greenspan vs. The Market?


    As has been noted in previous threads, the yield curve seems to be calculated by subtracting the 2yr from 10yr bond yields --at least that's how it's done by the mainstream financial press. Using the 1 month for comparison would be useless (yet highly favorable to yourself), given that it (3.34%) is well below the current Fed funds rate (3.5%).

    More cherry-picking perhaps...? ;-)

    45   Peter P   2005 Aug 26, 3:50am  

    Peter P - Hmmm… that’s pretty arbitrary choosing the 2yr and the 10yr… i thought we using the 1M vs. the 10-yr i.e. Fed Funds (what’s being raised) vs. the 10-yr (what mortgage rates are based off). Aren’t these two yields, in essence what is really being debated between us… Greenspan vs. The Market?

    I thought the 2/10 spread is what many traders look at. I cannot bet on FF/TY inversion be the end of the year, I don't think that is going to happen before more clear signs of a housing bubble bust.

    46   HARM   2005 Aug 26, 4:05am  

    I thought the 2/10 spread is what many traders look at.

    Indeed. If we look at CNNMoney's most recent article on the subject (August 9th: "Flattening yield curve squeezes banks" tinyurl.com/bomd4), we see they report the yield curve thusly:

    As of yesterday, the spread fell to about 0.27 percent.

    "Yesterday" at time of publicatio meaning August 8th. If you look at the various Treasury yields on that date (US Treasury's rate page tinyurl.com/79u6u), you see that the only thing that comes close to that figure is the 2/10yr split (.26).

    I did a search on calculating the yield curve spread, and found that using the 2/10yr (or 5/10yr) Treasury split to measure the yield curve is common practise among investors:

    July 14th ECOInsight report:

    Nomura's US Fixed Income 2005 Outlook
    (see "Treasury Yield curve changes" chart on page 3)

    47   HARM   2005 Aug 26, 4:23am  


    See my above post. And btw, the 1 month Treasury rate is NOT the same as the Fed funds rate --it's currently BELOW the Fed funds rate (3.34 vs. 3.5%) as I already noted.

    The 2/10yr split as a commonly accepted measure of yield curve slope still stands (if you're still willing to take that bet).

    48   Peter P   2005 Aug 26, 4:30am  

    Think about it guys. You guys are betting that the short end will be higher than the long end. The short end is the 1M or FED FUNDS RATE and the long end is the 10-YR BOND b/c there is no more 30-yr bond!!

    There are still bonds "out there" with maturity beyond 2015 and they behave like 20+ year bonds, what about those?

    How about that, we bet whether Bloomberg or Reuters will have declared "US yield curve inverted" by the end of the year?

    49   HARM   2005 Aug 26, 4:43am  

    How about that, we bet whether Bloomberg or Reuters will have declared “US yield curve inverted” by the end of the year?

    Forget it, Peter. Whatever measure you use, MP will find a way to weasel out of it. But he's NOT a cherry-picker, no sir, he's "in finance for goodness sakes!" :lol:

    50   KurtS   2005 Aug 26, 4:44am  

    What you haven’t covered (or I’ve missed) is an opinion on land prices and their behavior within the property bubble. Should they behave similarly?

    I'd like to adress the original (land~bubble?) topic within my small scope of experience. In fact, this is what brought me to the whole subject in the first place.

    Earlier this year, I was looking for waterfront land to purchase, with the intention to buy now, build later. I do realize the "cash flow" aspect wasn't there, but my strategy was to find some land on Puget Sound just outside developed areas (cheaper), keep it long-term, and eventually build a home. I thought, given my knowledge of living on Puget Sound before, my current experience, and some knowledge of local geology, I'd be able to pick a good tract.
    Well, doing some research, I find it's a bit more complicated than that, with zoning, easements, and proposed taxation/restriction on waterfront dev in WA. I also found that every piece of land has a markedly different composition, in terms of road/utility access, grading, ground stability, flood history--not mention: usable space. Yet, while the investors mostly flock to waterfront condos for "cash flow", I've also read of people buying land, and sometimes sight-unseen. (they're going to get burned). To me, land actually seems a lot riskier and less profitable in the short-term because there's so much work involved to buy land, develop and "flip" for a huge return.
    The exception I've seen is land in new developments, or empty waterfront land adjacent to recent growth. There, I've seen as much as $500-800K per half-acre, and they're dropping McMansions on those. So, if someone buys that land for $500K, spends another $750K to build a home (too low?), then sells for what? $2M?--that's pretty typical $ for a 3000sqft waterfront home in Bellevue. Bainbridge waterfront is less.
    So, that's not as good of a margin compared to a recently "flipped" property in Los Altos:
    Sold 10/03 for $1M, house raised, "brand new french villa"(their words) built, price: $2.7M. Apparently it's off market, so I'll assume sold.

    My "educated guess" there are mini-bubbles in land where people think they can either buy/sit, then turn quick or: develop and sell for a premium, such as tourist areas, waterfront/coastal, new commuter areas. Even there, the risk seems high.

    51   Peter P   2005 Aug 26, 4:55am  

    My “educated guess” there are mini-bubbles in land where people think they can either buy/sit, then turn quick or: develop and sell for a premium, such as tourist areas, waterfront/coastal, new commuter areas. Even there, the risk seems high.

    Risk is high whenever there is high level of speculation. When expectation turns into disappointment, value plummets.

    52   sfbayqt   2005 Aug 26, 5:23am  


    Las Vegas is going through major land selling these days, as well....actually, just outside of LV in a town called Pahrump. From what I can tell it is not that developed but the hope is that people who don't want to pay the "high" (?) prices in LV proper will buy in Pahrump and build. Henderson may have started out that way, and who's to say that Pahrump won't turn out the same. But it IS a big thing right now. Oh! And the other *big* thing that seems to get a lot of mention in the ads has to do with water rights and utilities. Check out the ads in craigslist...some have pictures....some don't (buying sight unseen?):



    About Pahrump here > tinyurl.com/78zlk

    I'm not sure what kind of services and other infrastructure that have in the area, but I believe it's pretty sparse right now.

    In a case like this, do you think people will buy because of the proximity to LV and because of Henderson's growth history? Henderson began as 13 sq miles and is now 94; incorporated in 1953. I suspect that anyone who buys here would be a speculator or you don't mind the 1 hour drive to LV to work.

    But they do have a nice web site. :-)


    53   HARM   2005 Aug 26, 5:26am  

    has anyone menitoned the relevance of the Proposition 13? as far as land valuation is concerned, property taxes are the main variable as the contribute most to the cost liability. Fact is that CA has moved to practically eliminate property taxes. this makes infrastructure scarcer and thus reduces supply of useable land.

    Shmend Rick,
    See previous thread "NIMBY Laws and California Housing Prices" July 27th, 2005

    I am EXTREMELY anti-Prop. 13 for exactly the reason you mentioned (reduces housing supply by dis-incentivizing cities from zoning adequate amounts of residential development), plus it arbitrarily and massively shifts the tax burden from older to younger homebuyers.

    54   Peter P   2005 Aug 26, 5:44am  

    yes but the governor is sooo charming!

    But he is at least a "republican" who is at least openly pro-business and pro-rich. At the very least, he labels himself correctly.

    Many self-proclaimed "rich" liberals in this state are basically hypocrites.

    (Not an accusation)

    55   SQT15   2005 Aug 26, 5:53am  

    I try to keep politics out of my discussions because 'emotional' doesn't even begin to describe how people get on that topic. But I had to mention that when I lived in LA and worked in the televison industry, political affilitations were very much about whatever was in vogue. If someone thought a director/producer had a bias, then they would take on whatever bias they thought would get them work. Tough to have a political discussion with someone who doesn't have any real opinions.

    56   KurtS   2005 Aug 26, 5:55am  

    Las Vegas is going through major land selling these days, as well….actually, just outside of LV in a town called Pahrump. From what I can tell it is not that developed but the hope is that people who don’t want to pay the “high” (?) prices in LV proper will buy in Pahrump and build.

    Thanks for the info--fascinating! Those res. Pahrump land prices have me scratching my head; they're actually higher than many residential tracts (street+utilities) along Puget Sound (WA). I can't imagine what LV is priced at. And this is hot, blistering desert--go figure. My picture of Parhump is a "wild-west" town with poor infrastructure; maybe that's changing. I'm sure your money will go further in WA or OR, and the weather won't kill you.

    Btw, Pahrump is the home of Art Bell, that nutty conspiracy-talk show host who considers himself a real "survivor". I have to wonder if others moving to Pahrump consider themselves "survivors"? Perhaps it's a good outlook to have there.

    57   sfbayqt   2005 Aug 26, 6:02am  

    I have to wonder if others moving to Pahrump consider themselves “survivors”? Perhaps it’s a good outlook to have there.

    You'd better believe it. It's spittin' distance from Death Valley. I think you can see some of the tumbleweed in one of the pics (ad) I referenced.

    I'm definitely not interested in buying land there. I have family in LV (10 years) so they keep posted on everything.


    58   SQT15   2005 Aug 26, 6:30am  


    Very good info. Thank you for de-lurking in the interest of keeping the peace. :cool:

    59   HARM   2005 Aug 26, 6:46am  

    Many self-proclaimed “rich” liberals in this state are basically hypocrites
    amen brother, amen

    I third that. Makes me ill to hear a bunch of millionaire pseudo-"progressives" trying to tell me how GOOD things like Prop. 13 and UBL laws are for me. "It's all about the environment and helping old people." Yeah right --more like, "I got mine, so screw you and yours!"

    60   HARM   2005 Aug 26, 6:50am  


    Sounds reasonable --the spread between the 1/10yr Treasury is now .30. With 2 more Fed rate hikes ahead, I'm willing to bet it will invert by year's end.

    61   Peter P   2005 Aug 26, 6:52am  

    Sounds reasonable –the spread between the 1/10yr Treasury is now .30. With 2 more Fed rate hikes ahead, I’m willing to bet it will invert by year’s end.

    I can bet the 1/10 too... which sushi restaurant?

    62   sfbayqt   2005 Aug 26, 8:33am  


    That link didn't work. Would you mind trying again?


    63   Peter P   2005 Aug 26, 8:38am  

    Try this link too:


    64   Peter P   2005 Aug 26, 8:55am  

    More than a sushi dinner, if I win, i just want you guys to have an ‘Ode to Marina Prime’ forum posted, since u guys are webmasters. Sounds good?

    No. I will not bet anything other than food. :(

    65   SQT15   2005 Aug 26, 8:57am  

    ‘Ode to Marina Prime’ forum

    Just the thought of what could end up being posted frightens me. :shock:

    66   Peter P   2005 Aug 26, 9:11am  

    But Peter - That would mean we’d have to get together. What if you are an axe murderer?? What if I’m an axe-murderer?

    Sushi Groove on Hyde st. in Russian Hill is great. Butterfish sashimi!

    You afraid of me attacking you in front of fellow sushi eaters?

    I clicked on the nytimes link thinking it would be a sushi review... :(

    67   HARM   2005 Aug 26, 9:16am  

    if I win, i just want you guys to have an ‘Ode to Marina Prime’ forum

    Well, we had a similar thread, titled "One for the Bulls" (July 27th, 2005), but a whole thread devoted to ONE poster (and an attention-hungry one at that) ?

    I'll allow it only if MP holds the Bubble BBQ at HIS house. ;-)

    68   Peter P   2005 Aug 26, 9:25am  

    No deal. The problem is that I now have sushi on my mind...

    69   HARM   2005 Aug 26, 9:29am  

    Yeah, that’s a great prize for the winner.. have people over at my house, with me providing the food, drinks, and cooking.

    Actually I was thinking pot luck, where the guests provide all the food & drink --no effort on your part needed. I admit I'm just a little curious to see what $1.25 mil buys you in the Marina these days.

    Anyways... isn't free sushi and the admission Peter & I were wrong payment enough (assuming we lose of course)?

    70   KurtS   2005 Aug 26, 9:31am  

    I thought I'd interrupt the party briefly to share something I found while comparing homes on MLS against previous their previous sale price. This was local to Marin, but perhaps it means something in a larger sense.

    In a more local sense, how far do you think house prices should drop in Marin to be more in line with the "fundamentals", such as wages, economy, intangibles, etc? Is there a way to reasonably calculate RE value, once we sweep away the effects of the bubble? Certainly time will tell...but in the meantime, I came across something interesting:

    Taking current price listings on MLS for Marin (general cross-section of towns/RE segments), I then went to ditech.com and found the price the house sold for last. Then, I selected houses sold prior to the main bubble window (98 and before). Using median pricing stats from the county assessor, I then compared the previous sale price against the median that year, as a percentage of median. Then, I looked at the current price against the '05 median. What I found is that current prices/median are lower than pre-bubble/median. On average, current "values" are 25% lower against median than in pre-bubble years.
    Is there a legitimate reason for this? If median prices reflect market fundamentals, then shouldn't current prices be higher? Or, does this suggest current RE is overvalued, throwing the median 'out of whack'?

    71   KurtS   2005 Aug 26, 9:32am  

    (ignore the middle paragraph--it was meant for the Marin blog)

    72   Peter P   2005 Aug 26, 9:35am  

    Is there a legitimate reason for this? If median prices reflect market fundamentals, then shouldn’t current prices be higher? Or, does this suggest current RE is overvalued, throwing the median ‘out of whack’?

    Median prices are not useful information especially over longer term. They are too sensitive to cross-sectional shifts.

    73   Peter P   2005 Aug 26, 9:43am  

    Welcome back TWIT!

    MP, I am backing out of the bet since there is no sushi.

    74   KurtS   2005 Aug 26, 9:43am  

    Median prices are not useful information especially over longer term. They are too sensitive to cross-sectional shifts.

    Ok, that makes sense. Still, I find it strange, even when comparing housing in different towns/price points, they average 25% less. At this end, I'm just trying to build a model for reasonable valuation, since everything is out of whack. Any thoughts on that? One method I've taken is looking at pre-bubble home sales, taking those prices, and adding 5% annually (generous, imo). Comparing current prices to those rough estimates, I find current listings at 140-200% (of 5% annual growth). Any better methods/ideas please share--thanks!

    75   sfbayqt   2005 Aug 26, 9:49am  

    I think the next topic should be : "Potluck? When and Where." :lol:


    76   KurtS   2005 Aug 26, 9:49am  

    Don’t forget…as I mentioned before, the ditech site sometimes lists the “refinanced” amount, so it may indeed *not* be the last sales price. It may affect the outcome of what you are looking for.

    Really? Hmmm...thanks! Well, maybe I can find some inside realtor angle to get accurate stats.

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