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You might become a member of the priveleged class, but if I take your post at face value, you are not a member of a privileged class.
At least, not a class that was privileged to a quality public K-12 like available in The Fortress.
I can offer you some pleasant 'Horatio Alger' books to read while you wait. They've been keeping me nicely occupied...
privileged class? Try those who are on permanent welfare working for cash or government union thugs. Thats the privileged class, they get to live their lives completely unproductively and yet be paid a lot. At least in CA government will rip your arms and legs off if you work just to hand your hard earned money, your labor, your sweat and tears, to the lazy complacent union thugs and welfare abusers.
"I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
— Thomas Jefferson
Slavery to whom? Our debts are in dollars, which we can print. Macroeconomics is not microeconomics.
we are not going for Zimbabwe economics Kevin. Can't constantly print and spend.
privileged class? Try those who are on permanent welfare working for cash or government union thugs. Thats the privileged class, they get to live their lives completely unproductively and yet be paid a lot. At least in CA government will rip your arms and legs off if you work just to hand your hard earned money, your labor, your sweat and tears, to the lazy complacent union thugs and welfare abusers.
I agree.
we are not going for Zimbabwe economics Kevin. Can't constantly print and spend.
Quality Auto Repair Since 1979
You know nothing and less about Zimbabwe. Its like comparing a Porsche to a hotwheels
Since it has become clear that the tea party has taken over the government and wants to eliminate social safety nets and the middle class in general, I've decided to just embrace them.
You see, I'm lucky enough to have a valuable skill set that will earn me a place of comfort serving the oligarchs. I won't be a prince myself, but I'll be well rewarded for making the princes' lives better.
Most of the rest of you will probably wind up as serfs if you're lucky, though I'm sure new factory jobs will become available once wages fall below one dollar an hour and all workplace safety regulations are repealed.
Democracy was fun while it lasted, but its utter failure here is going to all but guarantee that the dominant governments of the next century will be state capitalists and new dictatorships.