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116   Bigsby   2012 May 22, 4:33am  

Honest Abe says

It seems that over the years its been the conservatives who have embraced the concept of "judging a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin".

Whereas the liberals still judge, select, and discriminate against others based ON THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN. Thats hypocrisy too blatant to hide. Liberal mantra = do as I say, not as I do.

I USED to be a democrat - until it became so very obvious that double standards, theft and redistribution, political correctness, infantacide, class and race warfare, dependency, the support of unsound currency and the like were things that well adjusted adults could not embrace. Then I changed.

You have to laugh. Do you have a smile on your face when you are typing your shite or do you really not understand what nonsense you are saying? The whole thrust of this and other threads is that again and again you, Clambo, Cloud, whoever is hiding behind Toethefuckwit etc. do very little but talk about the color of Obama's skin. You talk about the fucking appearance of him and his wife. You then personally attack him with nothing more than the bollocks you pick up second hand on Fox and talk radio. And all the time, it's almost a constant stream of negro, mulatto, Kenyan born, Muslim, blah-bloody-blah. And then you post the sort of shite you wrote above. Utterly lamentable.

117   Dan8267   2012 May 22, 7:59am  

clambo says

Negro is not derogatory, not pejorative. Negro is the Spanish word meaning black.

In Spanish the word negro is not derogatory. In English the word has been used as a tool for discrimination and keeping blacks "in their place" and thus became derogatory. It's the intended use of a word that makes it become derogatory.

If a white man walked up to a black man and called him negro, I assure you that the black man would take offense. And there is no good motivation to use that word anyway.

118   Dan8267   2012 May 22, 8:06am  

Bigsby says

But that's the point. 1968 isn't 2012.

Precisely. A lot has changed in our society since the 1960s.

Quite frankly, I think we'll have to wait until all the Baby Boomers are dead to finally drop this ridiculous baggage. People who lived through the 1960s cannot leave the 1960s. The vast majority of us born after the 1960s never gave a rat's ass or thought about race. I guess you can't transgress from a racial to a post-racial society; you just have to be born in a post-racial society. It's a state of mind.

If it wasn't for all the idiots being blatantly racist like holding signs of Obama as a witchdoctor, we wouldn't even be discussing race today. There are plenty of reasons to criticism Obama that have nothing to do with his skin tone or place of birth, which, by the way is Hawaii.

It's ridiculous that the whole birther bullshit isn't dead already. It's a waste of time that could be used to discuss real issues like fixing the financial sector, reforming the economy, reforming elections, etc.

119   Dan8267   2012 May 22, 8:52am  

Honest Abe says

It seems that over the years its been the conservatives who have embraced the concept of "judging a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin".

A liberal, by definition, does not. Some leftists do, but so do many rightists. By definition, a liberal believes in liberty, human and civil rights, and equality under law.

Honest Abe says

I USED to be a democrat - until it became so very obvious that double standards, theft and redistribution, political correctness, infantacide, class and race warfare, dependency, the support of unsound currency and the like were things that well adjusted adults could not embrace. Then I changed.

Theft and redistribution

The vast majority of your federal income tax is used to pay the military, not public schools or welfare.

Political Correctness

Political correctness is bad. It's the left equivalent of the right's pseudo-patriotism. However, political correctness is the use of political force to cover inconvenient truths that contract the left's political and social agendas. The right does the exact same thing with denying racism where it does exist, denying climate change, denying evolution, lying about WMDs and terrorism, and promoting the religious takeover of government.

In short, although the left's political correctness is bad, the right's equivalent costs lives and basic human rights.


No one supports infanticide. If this is hyperbole for abortion, that issue comes down to the question of when does living tissue become a person. And the fact is, this is a grey issue and there's nothing you can do about that because nature is messy and has no obligation to be convenient to human categorization.

class warfare

The rich have started the class warfare we're experiencing by dismantling all the progressive reforms of the early 20th century. Those reforms created the middle class. Before those reforms, life pretty much sucked ass for 99% of the American population.

The ultra rich have also been pillaging the infrastructure and resources created by generations of working class Americans. That is why the middle class is pissed off at the rich. The rich are presently destroying the middle class -- a point well documented -- and threatens to turn America into a banana republic.

If the ultra rich actually earned their wealth by creating wealth instead of destroying it, no one would be pissed off at them.

race warfare

The whole purpose of the Civil Rights movement was to end race warfare once and for all by providing equality under law for all races and culturing changing America so that race was a non-issue. For almost all Gen Xers and Millennials, race has always been a non-issue.

Unfortunately, when Obama was elected, all the racists got upset and started making a lot of noise after being silent for about three decades. This shocked people like me who never even think about race.

Now, not all republicans are racist by far. The financial parasites at the top of the food chain don't give a rat's ass about race either. They only care about making a lot of money while doing no work, and thus producing no wealth.

However, the gun-toting Jesus freaks are basically racists decedent from slave owners, and they can't admit that their ancestors were assholes so they keep doubling down on the same evil ideas. Those people deserve no respect.

And those people are the same assholes who hate science, want to indoctrinate children with the false dogma of creationism or intelligent design, and have been oppose to every human and civil rights defense in the past 200 years including the right of habeas corpus and freedom from being tortured. In other words, these fuckers are fucking evil motherfuckers and should be treated as such.

Now there are, of course, some rednecks that aren't evil bastards, but they seem either to be a minority or a very silent majority. In any case, they don't denounce the evil bullshit from their neighbors. So it's hard to respect them as well.

Again, you can hate Obama all you want and not be a racist if that hate is based on what he has done and not on his African descent. Anyone who actually thinks that Obama was born in Kenya at this point is just a racist imbecile. There is no rational reason to believe that and there is so much counter-evidence it's transparently racially motivated.

And by the way, I'm one of the people who hate Obama. I just also hate most of the knuckleheads on the republican side too including the asswipe Romney. But the reason I hate Obama is that he has trampled on civil and human rights, not because he's black. I don't give a rat's ass about his race. I only care about his dismal voting record. And really, the issues and diplomacy should be the only thing that do matter when evaluating presidents. Why is this even a controversial issue in the 21st century?


Neither the left nor the right advocates dependency although they both certainly encourage it through foolish policies. I'm for workfare, not welfare, for those able to work. However, most liberals and most leftists do believe in "teaching a man to fish" instead of "giving him a fish", but that isn't sufficient if he's starving so you still need homeless shelters and soup kitchens to provide for immediate needs.

The right also promotes dependency on the government. The entire military industry is a massive public jobs program for the mid-west and heartland. Only, it's a job program that produces nothing useful for society and in fact destroys wealth, both ours and other nations. Bombs have to be used in order to justify building more, so we wage wars that empty our treasury and motivate terrorism. Meanwhile, we destroy the very infrastructure that would promote trade and stabilize the world economy including our own. So the right is every bit as guilty of promoting dependency on government as the left, if not more, considering the massive military budget.

Liberals, of course, believe in liberty and independence by their very nature. That includes economic independence from both government and corporations.

the support of unsound currency

Both sides support the Federal Reserve and it's debasement of our currency. Ron Paul and Peter Schiff are outcasts of the right. Have you seen Peter Schiff on Fox News. For years he went on Fox News and was laughed at by the hosts, moderators, reporters, and other guests. Even after history has vindicated most of what he said, and certainly the principles he stated, Fox News still treats him like shit. And the republicans and the conservative media have absolutely banished Ron Paul. The right has done more to destroy Ron Paul's electability than they have attempted to attack Obama.

Ironically, Ron Paul receives most of his support from liberals, even leftist liberals. And the main reason liberals support Ron Paul is that he's strong on human and civil rights.

Oh, and supporting sound currency doesn't mean supporting gold as currency. Not that republicans or the right, who are sexually dominated by bankers, at all support going back to the gold standard.

I hope this all clarifies a few things, but just in case, here's the executive summary.

1. The left is bad, but the right is far worse.
2. The truth is orthogonal to the whole left vs. right bullshit.
3. Liberal does not mean the same thing as left.
4. The right is every bit as much for big government and government dependence as the left. The only difference is that the right wants to spend all our money on bombs instead of schools and social safety nets. Neither is correct, but the right's agenda is worse.
5. Both sides lie, but the right's lies are more destructive, transparent, and childish.

One other truth we didn't mention so far. The republican elected officials were more than happy to utterly destroy America's economy in order to prevent Obama from being re-elected. They were willing to and did create massive unemployment to further their chances of taking the White House. No democrat today has done anything so despicable and quite frankly treasonous as that.

And I say treasonous because America's national security is utterly dependent upon it's economic security. We can't maintain our high-tech defenses without a strong economy. So by wrecking our economy, the republicans did give aid to our enemies. And this is the party that pretends that it is patriotic and composed of the only "true Americans". What bullshit.

120   Vicente   2012 May 22, 8:57am  

I've lost track.


121   just someone   2012 May 22, 9:29am  

confused... in 1991 he was graduating Harvard.
where did he find time to write a book?

122   bob2356   2012 May 22, 11:30am  

Vicente says

I've lost track.


“Eagles are dandified vultures” - Teddy Roosevelt

Same answer as how long does the average female take to achieve orgasm.


123   freak80   2012 May 23, 12:59am  

bob2356 says

Same answer as how long does the average female take to achieve orgasm.

I suppose the average female might care...

124   Dan8267   2012 May 23, 5:15pm  

Vicente says

I've lost track.


Don't worry, my new book explains it.

125   Dan8267   2012 May 23, 5:19pm  

Toe jam says

Do you think Michelle Obama is 'post-racial'? I don't. People that are post-racial don't say they can finally be proud of their country since a BLACK MAN was elected El Presidente.

That's the only true thing you've said. The rest is batshit crazy.

Post-racial people don't give a rat's ass about someone's race and don't even think of it when not discussing racial issues or racism.

Similarly, sane people don't think that Obama was born in Kenya, that the World Trade Center was brought down by a controlled explosion, that the moon landing was faked, or that the pyramids were built by magic.

126   Vicente   2012 May 24, 3:01am  

Dan8267 says

sane people don't think that Obama was born in Kenya,

Define "sane".

In the post-Reagan world, you just about cannot get someone locked up who is very much insane unless they are running through the streets naked carrying an axe.

Back to original point, which was OBAMA BORN IN KENYA, well if race plays no part in it, why was it never a real question for McCain? We can beat the legal specifics to death all day, however the point is Breitbart et al were not one bit interested in pursuing the fact that McCain was born in Panama.

I also despise the nonsense of saying "we're not SAYING he's from Kenya, we just find this misprint CURIOUS". This is straight out of Glenn Beck's playbook. If it's just a curious editor mistake from decades ago, why spin it as news we should all talk about and have a bunch of birther nuts latch onto it like ducks on a junebug?

Lastly, there's no doubt racism plays a part here. Nobody was making cartoons of McCain like this one:

127   bob2356   2012 May 24, 4:16am  

wthrfrk80 says

bob2356 says

Same answer as how long does the average female take to achieve orgasm.


I suppose the average female might care...

That was humor son, not analysis.

128   clambo   2012 May 24, 4:22am  

I detest Obama but I think he was born in Hawaii. I can not see why his mother would 1. have the dough 2. have the interest 3. have the time 4. have the motivation to be seriously preggo and want to travel to AFRICA just to have Barry.
Imagine if you will you are many months preggo. I know, it's hard to imagine it. But some people I have talked to about it say it can be a little uncomfortable, and things like long plane trips, travel to dusty, dirty, hot African disease infested locales doesn't sound attractive to them.
What is bad is Obama claiming he was born in Africa to sell some shitty book.

129   Sailor   2012 May 24, 7:34am  

The only person not born in the US was John McCain!!!!!!!!!!!
He was born in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936, which made him foreign born. In 1937 the law was changed so that individuals born in the Canal Zone to US Citizens would be considered US born, and it was made retroactive so a year after he was born, jOhn McCain became US born

130   Vicente   2012 May 26, 8:08am  

I heard Mitt Romney is a secret polygamist.

Now I'm not saying that *I* believe it, but there certainly are a few people talking about it.

His family had plenty of it going on, his ancestors even were "illegals" living in Mexico to keep doing it. Come to think of it, I've never seen even the marriage certificate to the wife we do see. How do we know she's actually legally married to him? And has he made any effort to prove that he doesn't have other wives? Not that I recall.

Isn't it interesting?

131   Bigsby   2012 May 26, 10:09pm  

Cloud says

You're a fool if you think the editor made a "mistake" on this blurb about "The One."

Yep, I mean she only came out and said she made a mistake, so of course she's lying.

And since when has being a graduate of Harvard Law School, President of Harvard Law Review, an attorney, Visiting Law and Government Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School, a senator, and finally, the President of the USA meant that a person "is decidedly an under achiever"? Really, you need to explain that one to me.

132   Bigsby   2012 May 26, 10:16pm  

Cloud says

I made a "mistake" on my resume and called myself an MD.

Do you have a point?

133   Bigsby   2012 May 26, 10:18pm  

Cloud says

"Mistake" Harvard and she bleed for all it was worth like witch doctors shaking a chicken to the hoards.

Go team go, go team go, push 'em back push 'em back waaaaay back!

Yet another Tribal Lib speaks.

Is that supposed to mean something?

Come on, you said he was an underachiever, so what constitutes run-of-the-mill achievement in your book?

134   Bigsby   2012 May 26, 10:21pm  

Cloud says

I made a mistake and went to TWA and told them I fly airplanes...

Hey, it got me a pay check.

I see you don't actually have an answer.

And you do realize that you making a mistake is not the same as a person making a mistake about you. I know that might be hard for you to comprehend, but do us all a favour and try.

135   Vicente   2012 May 27, 2:48am  

Cloud says

I find the Kenya thing boring.

And yet you post frequently on the topic. Strange.

But what do you think about Romney's polygamist past?

136   freak80   2012 May 27, 1:23pm  

bob2356 says

That was humor son, not analysis.

I know. My comment was also meant to be humor...

137   bob2356   2012 May 27, 4:59pm  

wthrfrk80 says

bob2356 says

That was humor son, not analysis.

I know. My comment was also meant to be humor...

I thought that, which is why I replied in what I thought was a a continuation of the light banter.

138   bob2356   2012 May 27, 5:02pm  

Bigsby says

Cloud says

I made a "mistake" on my resume and called myself an MD.

Do you have a point?

If cloud did have a point it would be the first time.

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