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2015 Jul 9, 5:55pm   10,622 views  32 comments

by RWSGFY   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

It's almost a year since the act of terror has been committed. The investigation is nearing its conclusion. Malaysia is asking for UN to set up an international tribunal to prosecute those suspected in downing the plane and Russia is suddenly against it and threatens to veto. They had so many "versions" backed by so much "evidence", were so eager for the investigation to be finished, screaming non-stop "why it takes so long?" and "are we there yet?" since last July, but now they don't want to punish these horrible terrorist fascist Nazis anymore and want the whole thing to just go away. What gives?

And why does Russia even care one way or another: it wasn't their plane, no Russian citizens were on board, it was downed not in their airspace, etc. Looks like tacit admission that they were indeed involved. Isn't it ironic that the guy who was so obsessed with the fate of Gaddafi now has his own Lockerbie?


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1   RWSGFY   2016 Sep 27, 4:10pm  

An international criminal investigation into the shooting down of flight MH17 is likely to conclude that the plane was downed by a Buk missile fired from separatist-controlled territory in eastern Ukraine, diplomats say.

The Dutch-led Joint Investigation Team (JIT) has been gathering evidence for a possible criminal trial and is due to present its interim findings on Wednesday. Dutch police and prosecutors have been working with judicial colleagues from Australia, Belgium, Malaysia and Ukraine.

The report follows an earlier inquiry by the Dutch Safety Board. It concluded a missile fired by a sophisticated Buk surface-to-air system struck the Malaysia Airlines aircraft as it flew from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. It exploded next to the cockpit. All 298 people on board were killed.

According to diplomatic sources, international investigators will give a precise Google location showing that the Buk was located in separatist-controlled territory, near the village of Snizhne.

The JIT has been working on the scenario that the Buk came from the Kremlin’s 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade based in the Russian city of Kursk. It was smuggled across the Russian-Ukrainian border in July 2014 and spotted leaving rebel-held Donetsk on a low-loader, heading east.

Van de Roer said he was pessimistic that Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, would cooperate with the tribunal or hand over possible suspects to the Hague for trial. He also described the Dutch government’s approach as “bureaucratic and legalistic”.

“My fear is that this will end up as a kind of Lockerbie,” he said, adding that in the case of the 1988 Pan Am bombing it was never known if Abdelbaset al-Megrahi – convicted in 2001 – was the only perpetrator.

“The simple question is what will [British foreign secretary] Boris Johnson do? He has talked harsh words in the last few days over Russia in Syria. Will he be just as tough with the Russians over MH17?”

Russia has vehemently denied responsibility. On Monday its ministry of defence released satellite data which it said proved the missile had not been fired from rebel territory. It suggested Ukraine was responsible.

In 2014, however, the same ministry claimed a mysterious Ukrainian fighter jet had shot down the Boeing 777. The “jet” disappeared from Russia’s latest presentation. MH17’s route had also changed.



Q. How do you know Russians are lying?
A. Their lips move.

2   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 27, 7:33pm  

Well, if an airliner is downed, look into the past of the potential actors.

Hasn't Ukraine shot down civilian planes before in the recent past? Why did Kiev ATC suddenly route a plane over Donbass after weeks of routing them south away from the region? Why won't Dutch authorities release the black box and open it up for open source analysis?

Why would Donbass rebels hand over the black box to the Dutch if it was incriminating? Why let various organizations tramp over the crashsite gathering evidence? Why not claim it couldn't be found? Why not say "Whoops, we took it all to scrapyard, so sorry!"

What incentive do the Russians or Donbass Rebels have for shooting down an airliner?

Now, what incentive does the anti-Russian, anti-Donbass, "Social National" government have for shooting down an airliner near the Donbass?

3   RWSGFY   2016 Sep 27, 8:43pm  

thunderlips11 is from Olgino says

Well, if an airliner is downed, look into the past of the potential actors.

Yep, Russia has once downed a civilian aircraft in cold blood. Does KAL 007 ring any bells? I bet it does.

thunderlips11 is from Olgino says

Hasn't Ukraine ...? Why...? Why won't ...?

Why would ...? Why let ..? Why not ...? Why not say ...

What incentive ...?

Now, what incentive ...?

Russians are good at generating bazillions of questions and loony "versions" in attempt of drowning the issue in the sea of bullshit. Actually, famous for it as one of their favorite propaganda techniques. It doesn't matter in a criminal investigation though.

4   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 27, 10:41pm  

It's all DNC Propaganda to distract from their failures in the Middle East and the Email Scandals.

5   HydroCabron   2016 Sep 28, 7:35am  

A real passenger manifest - not the fake one provided - would tell us which enemies of Putin conspired to fabricate this false-flag event.

6   RWSGFY   2016 Oct 24, 10:15am  

The investigation group has been contacted by at least 10 witnesses - all Russian citizens - who claim they either witnessed or took part in the downing of the MH17. The clock is ticking...

7   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Oct 24, 10:33am  

Keep the F-35 "Lead Sled II" "Century Series for the 21st Century" alive!!

8   RWSGFY   2016 Oct 24, 12:25pm  

Thunderlips Russian Agent 0069 says

Keep the F-35 "Lead Sled II" "Century Series for the 21st Century" alive!!

Not complaining about investigation being "too slow" anymore?

9   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Oct 24, 12:35pm  

It's takes time to tendentiously write a report and find replacement experts for the ones who quit in disgust.

10   RWSGFY   2017 Jan 25, 12:31pm  

The court of justice of the EU: Russia is supplying heavy weapons in the Donbass

The European court of General jurisdiction recognized the validity of sanctions against the Russian company Almaz-Antey, engaged in the manufacture of heavy weapons that Russia supplies militants in the Donbass. About this on his page in Facebook said the Deputy Minister of justice of Ukraine on European integration Sergei Petukhov, placing a link on the court’s decision.

Almaz-Antey has decided to challenge the sanctions imposed by the European Union. The court recognized the validity of this decision.

In the text of the court decision dated 25 January 2017, said, “Almaz-Antei is a Russian state company. It produces anti-aircraft weapons, including missiles surface-to-air, which are supplied to the Russian army. The Russian authorities have supplied heavy weapons to the separatists in Eastern Ukraine, contributing to the destabilization of Ukraine. It is a weapon used by the separatists, including to shoot down aircraft. Consequently, the company Almaz-Antey contributes to the destabilization of Ukraine”.

“The court rejects the appeal of the Almaz-Antei and, thus, supports the freezing of funds of this company,” – said in the text.


11   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 25, 12:52pm  

Did Eurocrats resolve what "Abnormal Curvature of Bananas" means yet?

12   RWSGFY   2017 Dec 12, 6:23pm  

Russian Colonel General Identified as Key MH17 Figure

A joint investigation between The Insider and Bellingcat used open source research, investigative journalism, and forensic voice analysis to determine the identity of “Delfin,” a key figure sought by the Joint Investigation Team (JIT), the Dutch-led criminal investigation into the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17). The investigation has identified, to a high degree of certainty, Delfin as Colonel General Nikolai Fedorovich Tkachev, currently serving as the Chief Inspector of the Central Military District of the Russian Federation.


The noose is tightening, bitchez.
14   RWSGFY   2018 May 25, 12:09pm  

Australia and the Netherlands say they are holding Russia responsible for downing a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet in 2014.

All 298 people on board MH17, which was en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, died when it was shot down over rebel-held territory in Ukraine.

On Thursday, Dutch-led international investigators concluded that the missile belonged to a Russian brigade.

Russia has denied any involvement in the plane's destruction.

Moscow's defence ministry said it "rejects the version of the Dutch investigators". It has previously insisted that none of its weapons were used to bring down MH17.

The team of international investigators, however, found that "all the vehicles in a convoy carrying the missile were part of the Russian armed forces". It was fired from rebel-held territory in eastern Ukraine.

When it hit the Malaysia Airlines plane, it killed 193 Dutch nationals, 43 people from Malaysia, and 27 from Australia. Other victims came from countries including Indonesia, the UK, Belgium, Germany and the Philippines.

What is Russia being accused of?

The Netherlands and Australia say it violated international law.

The decision was announced in a statement from the Dutch government and by Australia's foreign minister Julie Bishop.

"On the basis of the [joint international team's] conclusions, the Netherlands and Australia are now convinced that Russia is responsible for the deployment of the Buk installation that was used to down MH17," Dutch foreign minister Stef Blok said.

"The government is now taking the next step by formally holding Russia accountable."

Australia and the Netherlands have asked Russia to enter talks as a first step, but held out the prospect of taking the case to an international court.

The EU, US, Nato and the UK added their own calls for Russia to accept responsibility for the incident.

The statement added, however, that holding a nation state responsible for a breach of international law would involve "a complex legal process".

"We call on Russia to accept its responsibility and cooperate fully with the process to establish the truth and achieve justice for the victims of flight MH17 and their next of kin," Mr Blok said.

On the Australian side, Ms Bishop wrote: "The only conclusion we can reasonably now draw is that Russia was directly involved in the downing of MH17."

15   RWSGFY   2018 May 26, 6:38pm  

The United States has complete confidence in the findings of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) as presented today by the Dutch Public Prosecutor: the missile launcher used to shoot down Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 originated from the 53rd Anti-aircraft Brigade of the Russian Federation, stationed in Kursk.
Today’s announcement confirms and adds detail to what we have said from the earliest days of this tragedy:MH17 was shot down by a Russian-made BUK surface-to-air missile fired from territory in eastern Ukraine controlled by Russia and Russia-led forces.
We recall the UN Security Council’s demand that “those responsible … be held to account and that all States cooperate fully with efforts to establish accountability.” We call upon Russia, in particular, to respect and adhere to UN Security Council Resolution 2166 (2014). It is time for Russia to cease its lies and account for its role in the shoot down.
We remain confident in the ability of the Dutch criminal justice system to prosecute those responsible in a manner that is fair and just.
We again extend our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of the victims and call for justice on behalf of the 298 innocent civilians who lost their lives on that day.
16   RWSGFY   2018 May 26, 6:41pm  

19   RWSGFY   2018 Jul 18, 5:21pm  

Office of the Spokesperson
For Immediate Release
July 17, 2018

Statement by Heather NAUERT, SPOKESPERSON

Remembering the Shoot Down of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17

Today marks the fourth anniversary of the downing of Malaysia Flight #17 (MH-17) over eastern Ukraine and the horrific deaths of 298 civilians. We again offer our deepest condolences to their families.

Four years after the downing of MH-17, the world still awaits Russia’s acknowledgement of its role. The United States has complete confidence in the findings of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT), including those announced on May 24, 2018, and in the JIT’s ongoing work. Based on an extensive compilation of images and other evidence, the JIT provided conclusive evidence that the BUK Transporter Erector Launcher (TELAR) from which the missile that downed MH-17 was fired, came from Russia’s 53rd Anti-aircraft Missile Brigade, a unit of the Russian army. Like a fingerprint, the combination of matching characteristics derived from the JIT’s images clearly and conclusively proves that the BUK TELAR that downed MH-17 came from the 53rd Brigade in Russia, was brought into sovereign Ukrainian territory from Russia, was fired from Russia-controlled territory in eastern Ukraine, and was then returned to Russian territory.

It is time for Russia to cease its callous disinformation campaign and fully support the next investigative phase of the JIT and the criminal prosecution of those responsible for the downing of flight MH-17. We will never forget the 298 innocent civilian lives tragically lost on that day, and we call for justice on their behalf.
20   Eric Holder   2022 Jun 10, 1:01pm  

Today was the last day of the mh17 trial. The verdict is due in November or December 2022.

21   RWSGFY   2022 Nov 17, 9:18am  

A Dutch court has found three men guilty of murder for shooting down a passenger jet over eastern Ukraine in 2014, killing 298 people.

The court found that a Russian-made missile supplied from Russia and fired by an armed group under Russian control brought down flight MH17.

The missile attack was one of the most notorious war crimes in Ukraine before allegations of atrocities there became an almost daily reality.

Many of the victims' relatives believe if the world had reacted differently, and taken a tougher stance against Russia eight years ago, the invasion of Ukraine and the geopolitical instability that has followed could have been avoided.

The judges ruled that it was a deliberate action to bring down a plane, even though the three found guilty had intended to shoot down a military not a civilian aircraft.

- Igor Girkin*, the military leader of the so-called Donetsk People's Republic, was convicted of deploying the missile and seeking Russian help

- Sergei Dubinsky** was found to have ordered and overseen the transport of the Buk missile launcher

- Leonid Kharchenko was found to have overseen the Buk, acting on Dubinsky's instructions.


*) FSB colonel
**) GRU colonel
22   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Nov 17, 9:20am  

September 01
Korean Airlines flight shot down by Soviet Union

Soviet jet fighters intercept a Korean Airlines passenger flight in Russian airspace and shoot the plane down, killing 269 passengers and crew-members. The incident dramatically increased tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States.

On September 1, 1983, Korean Airlines (KAL) flight 007 was on the last leg of a flight from New York City to Seoul, with a stopover in Anchorage, Alaska. As it approached its final destination, the plane began to veer far off its normal course. In just a short time, the plane flew into Russian airspace and crossed over the Kamchatka Peninsula, where some top-secret Soviet military installations were known to be located. The Soviets sent two fighters to intercept the plane. According to tapes of the conversations between the fighter pilots and Soviet ground control, the fighters quickly located the KAL flight and tried to make contact with the passenger jet. Failing to receive a response, one of the fighters fired a heat-seeking missile. KAL 007 was hit and plummeted into the Sea of Japan. All 269 people on board were killed.

This was not the first time a South Korean flight had run into trouble over Russia. In 1978, the Soviets forced a passenger jet down over Murmansk; two passengers were killed during the emergency landing. In its first public statement concerning the September 1983 incident, the Soviet government merely noted that an unidentified aircraft had been shot down flying over Russian territory. The United States government reacted with horror to the disaster. The Department of State suggested that the Soviets knew the plane was an unarmed civilian passenger aircraft. President Ronald Reagan called the incident a “massacre” and issued a statement in which he declared that the Soviets had turned “against the world and the moral precepts which guide human relations among people everywhere.” Five days after the incident, the Soviets admitted that the plane had indeed been a passenger jet, but that Russian pilots had no way of knowing this. A high ranking Soviet military official stated that the KAL flight had been involved in espionage activities. The Reagan administration responded by suspending all Soviet passenger air service to the United States, and dropped several agreements being negotiated with the Soviets.

Despite the heated public rhetoric, many Soviets and American officials and analysts privately agreed that the incident was simply a tragic misunderstanding. The KAL flight had veered into a course that was close to one being simultaneously flown by a U.S. spy plane; perhaps Soviet radar operators mistook the two. In the Soviet Union, several of the military officials responsible for air defense in the Far East were fired or demoted. It has never been determined how the KAL flight ended up nearly 200 miles off course.

23   HeadSet   2022 Nov 17, 8:11pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

It has never been determined how the KAL flight ended up nearly 200 miles off course.

They had a missing waypoint. Pilots too reliant on INS to notice.
24   The_Deplorable   2022 Nov 18, 8:28pm  

Who shot down NH17? Ukraine.

Who is responsible? Russia!
25   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Nov 18, 8:52pm  

The_Deplorable says

Who shot down NH17? Ukraine.

Who is responsible? Russia!

give it a week, theyll blame Trump somehow. logic and common sense died while back.
26   RWSGFY   2023 Jan 25, 9:52pm  

Human rights trial against Russia over downing of flight MH17 to go ahead

Judges rule Russia eligible for trial for alleged war crimes in Ukraine because of its effective control over separatist-held areas

Haroon Siddique

Human rights judges have said cases against Russia for the shooting down of flight MH17 and other alleged war crimes can proceed to trial, as they ruled that separatist-held areas of eastern Ukraine were under the effective control of the Russian Federation.

All 298 people onboard the Malaysian airlines flight travelling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur were killed when it was shot down by a Russian surface-to-air missile while flying over eastern Ukraine in 2014 during the war in Donbas.

The Netherlands, whose citizens accounted for 196 of those killed, is seeking to bring a case against Russia for violations of the European convention on human rights in relation to the atrocity.

On Wednesday, the European court of human rights (ECHR) ruled that it could proceed as Russia had effective control over separatist areas in eastern Ukraine from 11 May 2014 until at least 26 January 2022 (when the admissibility hearing in the case took place). The judges cited Russia’s military presence in the region, its degree of influence over the separatists’ military strategy, the supply of weapons and military equipment to them, as well as political support.

The ECHR said the fact that Russia ceased to be a party to the European convention on human rights in September was irrelevant, as the events took place prior to that date.

The Dutch justice minister, Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius, tweeted: “Very good news: the judgment of the European court of human rights is another important step in finding the truth and justice for the victims and their relatives of flight.”

The Strasbourg court reached the same conclusions in relation to applications by the government of Ukraine in relation to the conflict in Donbas, including alleged unlawful military attacks against civilians and torture of civilians and Ukrainian soldiers. However, the judges said that whether complaints about the bombing and shelling of areas outside separatist – and effective Russian – control could fall within Russian jurisdiction would need to be examined at trial.

They noted that there are around 8,500 individual applications pending in relation to events in Crimea, eastern Ukraine, the Sea of Azov and the invasion by Russia which began in February 2022.

Ben Emmerson KC, international counsel for the government of Ukraine, said the ECHR judgment “shows that President Putin cannot escape the long arm of international law”.

27   richwicks   2023 Jan 25, 10:17pm  


Human rights trial against Russia over downing of flight MH17 to go ahead

They hid the flight recorder for months, if not years. I've not heard it and the US controlled the investigation.

I think it's more likely the US allowed the shoot down just for propaganda purposes. When our government is lying, they hide evidence, and completely control access to materials. They are doing that with this. If they had good evidence, they would be falling over themselves to put the evidence out there.

It's possible the US government is telling the truth (for once), but they are acting dodgy and they have repeatedly shown their willingness to lie, even when it's obvious they are lying. They didn't make a very convincing case. IF they started an investigation and took a few weeks to announce Russia did it, I'd have more faith, but they weren't interested in getting to the truth. If doesn't matter who actually shot down MH17 - the US was going to conclude it was Russia regardless of the evidence otherwise they would have waited to announce it.

Our government used to do this, but the quality of the propagandists has really dropped low in the last 3 decades.
28   Misc   2023 Jan 26, 3:26am  

Nobody in the rest of the world gives a flying Fuck.

The US shot down an Iranian passenger jet. Nothing ever came of it. Iran didn't even get an apology. Do you really expect one from Russia??

29   RWSGFY   2023 Feb 9, 7:51am  

There are strong indications to believe that the decision to supply the Buk anti-aircraft missile system to militants of the "Donetsk People's Republic" was made by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Source: Conclusion of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT)

Details: The Team has published the results of its investigation into who was responsible in the Russian Federation for the downing of flight MH17 by a Buk missile.

In recorded phone conversations, Russian officials say that the decision to provide military support rested with the president. The decision was even postponed for a week "because there is only one person who can make the decision... the person who is now at a summit in France." At the time, on 5 and 6 June 2014, President Putin was in France to celebrate D-Day [the Normandy landings], the anniversary of the massive Allied landing during World War II.

"There is specific information that the separatists' request was passed on to the president and that this request was granted. It is not known whether the request mentions the Buk system. A little later, heavier air defence systems appeared, including the Buk system that shot down MH17. Although we are talking about hard evidence, the high bar of complete and convincing evidence has not been met. In addition, the president enjoys immunity as head of state," the report says.

The JIT shared its findings with the families of 298 victims and published a report.
30   richwicks   2023 Feb 9, 5:04pm  


Source: Conclusion of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT)

It's bullshit. The US never finds any fault with itself, ever, and hasn't for over 20 years. They have 0 credibility. These are the same fucking assholes that said Saddam Hussein had a secret weapons of mass destruction program. You have to be pretty gullible to be listening to them at this point.
31   Patrick   2023 Feb 9, 5:35pm  

The NY Slimes in particular has proven it's just a mouthpiece for the CIA/NSA.

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