What liberals brought to America.

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2015 Aug 14, 10:17am   19,823 views  41 comments

by FortWayne   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


New York City's annual homosexual "Pride" parade — sponsored Sunday (June 28, 2015) for the first time at the highest "Platinum" level by Walmart Corporation — featured nudity, lewdness, vulgarity and even a sadomasochism float — subjecting the many young children who either marched in or viewed the parade to behaviors and messages that are highly inappropriate for their age and emotional immaturity.

Brought America to a new low in the name of tolerance for the people who really should be repenting instead of subjecting children to this vulgarity. Changed America from great, to undignified and uncivilized nation of perverts.

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1   Dan8267   2015 Aug 14, 10:55am  

FortWayne says


That's simply a lie. There is no nudity. As for lewdness and vulgarity, a woman showing her face is considered lewdness and vulgarity to some people. If you have batshit crazy ideas of what is lewd or vulgar, why the fuck should I respect them?

Of course gay pride parades wouldn't be necessary and wouldn't exist if not for assholes like FortWayne who for the past two thousand years have been dehumanizing homosexuals and violating their basic human rights through direct and indirect violence. Once again, conservatives create every problem they bitch about. Had homosexuality simply been respected under law as much as heterosexuality, all the culture clash that makes FortWayne uncomfortable would never have existed. We wouldn't be talking constantly about gay rights because the rights of gays would never have been violated. That's why we don't talk about rights of the blue-eyed or accountant rights. That's why there is no cowboy pride parade or financial industry pride parade.

Oh, and FortWayne, you have no right to force your perverse culture onto children. If we want to protect children from brainwashing and "behaviors and messages that are highly inappropriate for their age and emotional immaturity", then the very first thing we should do is make it illegal to expose children to religion. Wait until their adults because that shit really fucks them up.

2   socal2   2015 Aug 14, 11:28am  

Dan8267 says

Of course gay pride parades wouldn't be necessary and wouldn't exist if not for assholes like FortWayne who for the past two thousand years have been dehumanizing homosexuals and violating their basic human rights through direct and indirect violence.


Gays wouldn't have to prance around semi-naked in public with leather at their parades if society just let them do that in public all along?

Are you saying homosexuality is all about acting on their physical and sexual desires and not about emotional attachment, monogamy (gay marriage) and contributing to society?

I guess Polygamists and Polyamorists need to have their own parades with big beds with threesomes and foursomes since we have been "dehumanizing" them too!

3   curious2   2015 Aug 14, 12:10pm  

FortWayne says


This is why I call the OP "Forthood." He and his ilk have epitomized the misuse of religion as an extension of their own egos. Every person should be able to understand these self-evident tautologies:
1) no omnipotent god can ever need your help.
2) no omnipotent god can ever need paid charlatans to speak or collect money on his/her behalf.
3) if an omnipotent god didn't like gay pride parades, then they wouldn't happen; they do happen, around the world, even in Jerusalem, despite religious violence.
Forthood's delusional sophistry causes him to spew endless lies due to his own Brokeback / Jerry Sandusky / Larry Craig / Dennis Hastert decisions, which he can't escape.

Forthood posts a lot about being a gun owner, supposedly to protect his household from black people. I feel concern for his family because, statistically, keeping a gun in the house is much more likely to kill someone who lives in the household (including suicides and the murder-suicides that get reported regularly) than an intruder. Eventually, the cognitive dissonance of too many facts disproving desperately held beliefs becomes too much for some people.

You can't be more Catholic than the Pope. You can't be more "godly" than the god you claim to believe in. The minute you aspire to be a "church militant", you have hijacked the religion for your own purposes. Imagining that an omnipotent deity needs your help is vanity. Vanity is a cardinal sin. Turn back and repent, Forthood.

4   Dan8267   2015 Aug 14, 12:56pm  

socal2 says

Gays wouldn't have to prance around semi-naked in public with leather at their parades if society just let them do that in public all along?

Gay pride parades wouldn't exist if human rights violations against gays were committed by assholes like you.

They exist to draw a line in the sand to defend. The line is drawn where it's uncomfortable for you because "if we give you assholes an inch, you'll take a mile" much in the same way that gun nuts are always defending extreme imaginary rights like open carry in restaurants.

socal2 says

Are you saying homosexuality is all about acting on their physical and sexual desires and not about emotional attachment, monogamy (gay marriage) and contributing to society?

No, you're just an idiot for thinking that.

socal2 says

I guess Polygamists and Polyamorists need to have their own parades with big beds with threesomes and foursomes since we have been "dehumanizing" them too!

Pointing a gun at someone's head and threatening to kill them if they don't submit to being thrown in a cage and strip searched routinely is most certainly a form of dehumanization. So, if ever a polygamist has been arrested, then yes, bitch, you are dehumanizing them. There is nothing more dehumanizing than the American for-profit prison system.

And yes, polygamy should be legal. There is no legal justification for its outlaw. And this is coming from someone with no interest in marrying one person, nonetheless several.

If anything in our society should be illegal, it should be religion. Why is a dangerous delusion that causes terrorism a right when having consensual intimate long-term relationships with other human beings not a right? That's ass-backwards.

5   Dan8267   2015 Aug 14, 12:59pm  

curious2 says

Vanity is a cardinal sin. Turn back and repent, Forthood.

Everything FortWayne does is a sin against his imaginary god. Jesus was a pacifist and a socialist. According to his teachings, you absolutely are required by god's commandment to let an intruder rape and kill your entire family rather than shooting the intruder. FortWayne would shoot even a harmless quadriplegic intruder on the assumptions that he's dangerous and deserves to die. He does not believe in using the minimal amount of violence to keep his family safe, and he certainly does not believe in Christian teachings that say turn the other cheek and thou shalt not kill.

6   Tenpoundbass   2015 Aug 14, 1:04pm  

Don't turn back or you'll turn into a pillar of salt.

7   socal2   2015 Aug 14, 1:10pm  

Dan8267 says

They exist to draw a line in the sand to defend.

But why do gay pride parades have to focus on sex with all the semi-nudity, leather, dildos etc?

I wouldn't want my children attending a Heterosexual Pride parade if the participants made it all about sex and acted and dressed as explicitly as the gays do in their parades.

8   Tenpoundbass   2015 Aug 14, 1:20pm  

Dan8267 says

They exist to draw a line in the sand to defend. The line is drawn where it's uncomfortable for you because "if we give you assholes an inch, you'll take a mile" much in the same way that gun nuts are always defending extreme imaginary rights like open carry in restaurants.

Well just stay on your side of the line then, there's guns on this side.

9   curious2   2015 Aug 14, 1:22pm  

socal2 says


The commercial news cameras focus on what will grab attention. It's the same with commercial news coverage of anything else: a person depending primarily on commercial news for information might wonder why does anybody ever fly in an airplane when every airplane crashes on takeoff or midflight, and why do people even go indoors when every building burns down. In real life, the actual parades have included all sorts of participants for decades: veterans, police&fire, parents, etc. Most of those don't get reported in the commercial news. The OP noted that Walmart sponsored the parade; I would guess that Walmart probably has photos of the veterans/police/parents contingents, in case any shareholders ask the same question you asked. Also, smaller sponsors want as much attention as possible for specific subsets, e.g. radio stations wanting to get attention can sponsor floats with the music they play, etc.

10   socal2   2015 Aug 14, 1:27pm  

Dan8267 says

And yes, polygamy should be legal. There is no legal justification for its outlaw.

Ah - remember when all the gay marriage advocates scoffed at conservatives who said it would lead to legalized polygamy? Good times.

The reason why polygamy is illegal and shunned in most Western and enlightened societies is because it fucks up the male/female ratio of available mates and creates massive violence. We have thousands of years of history including contemporary history to back this up.

"In cultures that permit men to take multiple wives, the intra-sexual competition that occurs causes greater levels of crime, violence, poverty and gender inequality than in societies that institutionalize and practice monogamous marriage. That is a key finding of a new study that explores the global rise of monogamous marriage as a dominant cultural institution. The study suggests that institutionalized monogamous marriage is rapidly replacing polygamy because it has lower levels of inherent social problems."

This is one of the reasons why the Muslim-Arab world and Africa is so fucked up with extreme violence because they still have polygamy.

Your previous writings also suggest you are a big fan of Commie China's one child policy with forced abortions. That is another thing that fucks up the male/female ratio as the Chinese kill their girls and now have too many men with no one to marry - left to be cannon fodder for their big military.

But good old Dan with limited life experiences (like most Progs) is pretty cock-sure that we should be tinkering with societal institutions that were perfected over thousands of years of painful lessons.

11   FortWayne   2015 Aug 14, 1:27pm  

Dan8267 says

According to his teachings, you absolutely are required by god's commandment to let an intruder rape and kill your entire family rather than shooting the intruder.

You know nothing about Christianity or Jesus. The frightening thing is that you actually think that you do, blissful in your ignorance like a typical liberal these days.

12   socal2   2015 Aug 14, 1:30pm  

curious2 says

The commercial news cameras focus on what will grab attention.

I had the misfortune of stumbling upon a gay pride parade in San Diego several years ago in the Hillcrest area and I could not focus on anything but the dudes in leather with their asses hanging out as they made up the vast majority of the parade floats.

13   lostand confused   2015 Aug 14, 2:21pm  

well FortWayne says

You know nothing about Christianity or Jesus. The frightening thing is that you actually think that you do, blissful in your ignorance like a typical liberal these days

Out of curiosity, was jesus really the son of God or a megalomaniac?? Now I believe in God or some sort of higher power . But if that were true and God created this universe and if you look at Quantum physics, multi universes in parallel or some such-why do you think the only way to salvation is through accepting someone who rode a donkey and lived 2000 years ago?? Aren't we all the children of God??

What about all the people who lived before jesus-were they doomed to eternity of torment , just because they were born before him?? What about all the people born millennia after him, who never head of him-are they doomed to eternity of hell just because they never heard of him??? Also what about the most evil critters on earth-will they go to heaven for eternity , just because they accepted him a few seconds before death. And what about a 100 yr old man who did a few small sins here and there-will some accountant at the Pearly gates calculate + and - and pronounce a sentence of where he might be? What about a toddler-who is the most evil critter-but dies young- should it be granted eternal heaven just because it died young and never got to express its evil??? And if God is light, what is darkness??

Call me a heathen, but I think the older religions were right, where the divine was unknowable. How can a small human understand the divine in its entirety?? The soul may be able to tune into it, but even an individual soul may be like a wave in an ocean in sync with the that part of the ocean, but can it understand the rhythm of the whole oceans?? I just don't think any of the modern religions that are set in stone can really understand the whole. of course that is just my opinion!!

14   curious2   2015 Aug 14, 3:00pm  

socal2 says

I could not focus on anything but the dudes in leather....

That says more about you than it says about the parade. Here are some photos of what everyone else saw:

15   socal2   2015 Aug 14, 3:08pm  

curious2 says

That says more about you than it says about the parade. Here is what everyone else saw:

Sure you can find some tasteful pictures.

But would you bring young kids to a gay pride parade knowing full well there also many lewd floats, marchers and spectators?

16   curious2   2015 Aug 14, 3:11pm  

socal2 says

would you

I forgot for a moment that forthood and socal2 are only trolls, trolling for attention, and I should not feed the troll. But yes, many parents do bring children to the parades. Kids love parades, and it's a much healthier environment than Forthood's closet case church and the horrible violence on TV (brought to you by the merchants of war).

17   mell   2015 Aug 14, 3:25pm  

socal2 says

"In cultures that permit men to take multiple wives, the intra-sexual competition that occurs causes greater levels of crime, violence, poverty and gender inequality than in societies that institutionalize and practice monogamous marriage. That is a key finding of a new study that explores the global rise of monogamous marriage as a dominant cultural institution. The study suggests that institutionalized monogamous marriage is rapidly replacing polygamy because it has lower levels of inherent social problems."


This is one of the reasons why the Muslim-Arab world and Africa is so fucked up with extreme violence because they still have polygamy.

The countries you mention have nothing to do with a culture of allowing voluntary polygamy along with voluntary monogamy though. In fact most western-countries are monogamous and polyamorous at the same time. The reason for the violence is much more likely the oppression of sexual urges and bursting valves due to relentless pressure from unused testosterone. In practice there is no significant difference in violence between "free" societies.

18   Dan8267   2015 Aug 14, 4:05pm  

socal2 says

But why do gay pride parades have to focus on sex with all the semi-nudity, leather, dildos etc?

Because assholes like you made laws that allowed gays to be arrested, tortured, even burned at the stake for what you called "sexually deviant" behavior done in the privacy of their own home with consenting adults. Because you and assholes like you stole life, freedom, and property from gays using the false justification of sexual behavior, gay pride parades now publicly display that behavior as a way of drawing a line in the sand to defend against the crimes your ilk has committed against them. This is behavior that the public must accept. It cannot even be relegated to the privacy of the bedroom because then your kind will once again outlaw it and commit atrocities against homosexuals using the law.

This is the exact same reason that the pro-gun community is so vocal about open carry. The EXACT same reason. The pro-gun community believes, right or wrong, that if they give an inch on the gun culture, public sentiment will cause politicians to pass laws restricting gun rights. Unlike the gun community, the gay community has actual experience with their rights being infringed and with them being imprisoned. So it should be no wonder that the gay community also refuses to budge an inch on the legality of open homosexual culture.

Put simply, if you wanted homosexuals to be quiet and keep their culture under wraps, you and your ancestors should have never arrested them or persecuted them. Because of those crimes against humanity, the gay culture has to be openly displayed in public. It's a canary test and it's a foothold that must always be maintained. The way to win a war is to never have to take the same land twice. Gay pride parades make sure we don't have to take the same land twice.

19   Dan8267   2015 Aug 14, 4:11pm  

socal2 says

I wouldn't want my children attending a Heterosexual Pride parade if the participants made it all about sex and acted and dressed as explicitly as the gays do in their parades

And attendance is not mandatory. However, your children will live in a country where the issue of homosexuality is discussed and they will be aware of it. If you don't like that, tough. It's your own damn fault and the fault of your bigoted predecessors for making this discussion necessary. Whenever an evil is enacted by one generation, every future generation must learn of that evil so it never happens again even though being reminded of that evil is unpleasant. When was the last time you saw a political march demanding rights for football players? It never happens because there is no history of oppression of people who play football. Once again, you conservatives are responsible for everything you complain about.

Also, you don't own your children, so there are limits to how much control you are allowed over them. Your children have rights as well including the right to be free from the bigotry and brainwashing of their parents. And their rights trump yours.

I guarantee you that you are hurting their financial prospects by teaching them bigotry. In the 21st century, no one wants to do business with or hire an asshole who's racist or homophobic. So there are practical, selfish, money reasons to not be an asshole bigot. That's another reason why what you want is less important than what's good your children. Your parental rights do not extend to fucking up your kids' futures.

20   Dan8267   2015 Aug 14, 4:15pm  

CaptainShuddup says

Well just stay on your side of the line then, there's guns on this side.

Honey, there are guns on both sides. There are a lot of gay marines who could kick your ass easily.


21   Dan8267   2015 Aug 14, 4:17pm  

Call it Crazy says

FortWayne says

What liberals brought to America.

Honey, I've contributed more to our society than your entire family going back 200 years has.

22   Dan8267   2015 Aug 14, 4:22pm  

socal2 says

Ah - remember when all the gay marriage advocates scoffed at conservatives who said it would lead to legalized polygamy? Good times.

The issue of gay marriage and polygamy are independent. Neither has anything to do with each other. Just because the answer to two questions is the same doesn't make the questions related. For example... Is raping puppies OK? No. Do airplanes run on chocolate ice cream? No. See, the same answer yet the questions are completely unrelated.

Oh, and during those "good times", you dumb-ass conservatives also argued that gay marriage would lead to human-animal marriages with dogs, horses, and cows. Yet, that has not happened. Conservatives also argues that our society would collapse if gay marriage became the law of the land because our entire society is based on heterosexual marriage. Well, you were completely fucking wrong about that as well.

You conservatives need to be less concerned about monogamous gay men filing joint tax returns and more concern with the pollution causing miscarriages, rising sea-levels, mass extinction, and climate change.

23   Dan8267   2015 Aug 14, 4:28pm  

socal2 says

The reason why polygamy is illegal and shunned in most Western and enlightened societies is because it fucks up the male/female ratio of available mates and creates massive violence.

So does war, but that has never stopped war.

Oh, and what does decrease violence and crime, both of which are largely the result of frustrated young men? Prostitution. Yep, whoring. If reducing violence is the state's goal, then it should legalize prostitution. So your analysis is bullshit.

Even in society where polygamy is allowed, few men can afford multiple wives. But even in the poorest society, young men can afford prostitutes. Just ask CIC's wife.

So, legal prostitution would more then offset the imbalanced created by polygamy. And polyandry would even further do so.

So, no, that's not the reason why polygamy is illegal. There are a great many things that our society could do to reduce violence. The single greatest cause of violence is the rich-poor gap. Remove that and violence plummets.

Numerous studies about murder rates have found that on average countries with high income inequality also have high murder rates. People are more likely to kill their fellow citizens as the gap between rich and poor increases.

File that under 'D' for Duh.

Oh, and while we're banning things that cause violence, let's start with religion, guns, and alcohol. All of those things results in massive amounts of violence and murder.

24   socal2   2015 Aug 14, 4:32pm  

mell says

The reason for the violence is much more likely the oppression of sexual urges and bursting valves due to relentless pressure from unused testosterone.

Polygamy causes this situation too when rich and powerful dudes marry all the women throwing the male/female ratio out of whack.

There is no disputing that Islamic and Tribal societies still embrace polygamy and patriarchy.

25   socal2   2015 Aug 14, 4:34pm  

Dan8267 says

Because assholes like you made laws that allowed gays to be arrested, tortured, even burned at the stake for what you called "sexually deviant" behavior done in the privacy of their own home with consenting adults.


26   marcus   2015 Aug 14, 4:34pm  

George Will is an old school intelligent conservative. His thoughts on gays and gay marriage.


"There is something like an emerging consensus," Will said, noting voters in three states recently endorsed same-sex marriage initiatives. "Quite literally, the opposition to gay marriage is dying. It's old people."

Look what Will said here: http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/016654.html

As for the pride parade. I don't want to see that stuff. So guess what ? I don't go. It's in very specific neighborhoods, and 99.999% of children would have to go WAY out of their way to see it even once. It would be 1000 times easier for them to see any kind of porn. YOu probably blame liberals for the existence of porn too, or for the fact that it's so easy to find. IT's a changing world. Actually I often wonder about the impact of porn. I feel fortunate to have grown up in a time when Penthouse was the most hard core porn I had seen by the time I was an adult.

But lets face it. Porn serves a purpose. But I digress.

In Fort Wayne's world liberal is synonymous with *intelligent person* or *young person*.

27   Dan8267   2015 Aug 14, 4:36pm  

socal2 says

Your previous writings also suggest you are a big fan of Commie China's one child policy with forced abortions.

No, you just suck at reading.

I'm in favor of economic incentives to decrease population such as taxing people more rather than less for having children. It also makes sense because children use vast amount of tax-funded resources like schools, health care, and parks. I'm also in favor of requiring people to meet financial stability criteria and psychological evaluations to prevent children from having poor or crazy parents. I'm also in favor of mandatory parenting classes to prevent stupid and needless tragedies like leaving children in hot cars, something that is all too common.

28   Dan8267   2015 Aug 14, 4:44pm  

FortWayne says

Dan8267 says

According to his teachings, you absolutely are required by god's commandment to let an intruder rape and kill your entire family rather than shooting the intruder.

You know nothing about Christianity or Jesus. The frightening thing is that you actually think that you do, blissful in your ignorance like a typical liberal these days.

Bullshit. Have you even read that damn Bible under your pillow? If I'm misrepresenting what Jesus said, show me the quotes dumb ass. You obviously cannot do that.

As for Christianity, I guarantee you I know a hell of a lot more about it than you do. Christians are extremely ignorant about their own religion especially compared to atheists like me who were raised Christian.

So come on bitch, I challenge you to a face-off on who knows more about Christianity, the teachings of Jesus, the history of the Church, the reformation movements, and Christian dogma and mythology. You don't stand a chance. I know Christianity is bullshit, because I have extensive knowledge of what it is, where it came from, and how it came into being. I wasted years studying Christian history in Catholic schools run by nuns, parishes, and Christian brothers. You want to challenge my knowledge? Let's due this. Here's how it's going to go.


29   mell   2015 Aug 14, 4:47pm  

socal2 says

Polygamy causes this situation too when rich and powerful dudes marry all the women throwing the male/female ratio out of whack.

You can make an argument that most women compete for few desired men but that is true here as well. In the societies referenced the powerful rule by terror, not by looks or success, and they can demand women at their whim and those women are often forced into sexual and marital submission. These are lawless fascist/socialist (same difference) societies which bear no resemblence with a free liberal/libertarian society. I'd say that a conservative/libertarian free society has a slight bias towards a natural patriarchy (as wrt men hunt and women nest if you apply the law of large numbers) which is somewhat natural and healthy, but the women do get to choose who they mate with and marry and whether they want to work and/or have kids. Those who flip the tables on gender roles and sexuality are free to do so but stay within a natural minority.

30   Dan8267   2015 Aug 14, 4:48pm  

socal2 says

I had the misfortune of stumbling upon a gay pride parade in San Diego several years ago in the Hillcrest area and I could not focus on anything but the dudes in leather with their asses hanging out as they made up the vast majority of the parade floats.

There's probably a reason for that.

Well, I can't say I'm completely surprised.

You see, as a heterosexual man, I could focus on other things like the civil rights message.

31   socal2   2015 Aug 14, 4:50pm  

Dan8267 says

I'm in favor of economic incentives to decrease population such as taxing people more rather than less for having children. It also makes sense because children use vast amount of tax-funded resources like schools, health care, and parks.

Brilliant! Such a long view!

Dan wants a huge welfare entitlement system to take care of the living and elderly, but doesn't want people to create new human beings required to fund this massive entitlement system 20 years down the road. Having just 2 kids won't even maintain our population rate as it is.

Too much of an investment in schools and parks - right? Better shit to spend on?

Pretty grim future if you ask me.

32   Dan8267   2015 Aug 14, 4:52pm  

curious2 says

That says more about you than it says about the parade

33   lostand confused   2015 Aug 14, 5:01pm  

socal2 says

I had the misfortune of stumbling upon a gay pride parade in San Diego several years ago in the Hillcrest area and I could not focus on anything but the dudes in leather with their asses hanging out as they made up the vast majority of the parade floats

That is ok if you are attracted to men. maybe you are bi? Whatever floats your boat. Now if something like this was in a parade float, I would not be able to focus on anything else either!!

34   Dan8267   2015 Aug 14, 5:05pm  

socal2 says

The reason why polygamy is illegal and shunned in most Western and enlightened societies is because it fucks up the male/female ratio of available mates and creates massive violence.

Oh, another reason socal2's analysis is bullshit, is that it assumes no premarital sex. In a society like ours were premarital sex is rampant and the norm, it does not apply. The Middle East is indeed fucked up because young men aren't getting sex. That's why abstinence is a bad policy.

If the state is interested in reducing violence and crime, it should encourage premarital sex as much as possible and with as many partners as possible. Bonobo chimpanzees prove that sex stops violence and many other social conflicts.

More sex = less conflict. As the great primatologist, Frans de Waal put it, "Chimps use violence to get sex, while bonobos use sex to avoid violence." While chimps victimize each other in many ways—rape, murder, infanticide, warfare between groups—there's never been a single observed case of any of these forms of aggression among bonobos, who are much sexier than chimps. As James Prescott (link is external) demonstrated in a meta-analysis of all available anthropological data, the connection between less restrictive sexuality and less conflict generally holds true for human societies as well.

Oh, and gay sex is particularly good for reducing violence.

So now that we have all this evidence that rampant sex is good including gay sex, then you are all for straight and gay fornication, right? Because if you aren't, then your reasons were just bullshit and you are a hypocrite.

35   Dan8267   2015 Aug 14, 5:11pm  

curious2 says

. But yes, many parents do bring children to the parades. Kids love parades, and it's a much healthier environment than Forthood's closet case church and the horrible violence on TV (brought to you by the merchants of war).

Amen brother!

Children are exactly the ones who need to be taught that the bigotry of some adults is a disease and that those oppressed are almost always the ones who are in the right. It's perhaps the single most important lesson they can learn to become effective and responsible citizens and custodians of our country.

36   Dan8267   2015 Aug 14, 5:15pm  

By the way, the idea that see naked bodies fucks up children is utter bullshit. Our species is 200,000 years old. That's just modern, Cro-Magnon man. Yet, even by that very limited definition of our species, for half of it, our ancestors were completely nude. In many regions where there aren't cold winters, nudity or near nudity remained the norm.

This is what every hunter-gatherer tribe looked like until Western society started clothing them.

The idea that nudity fucks up the minds of children is simply a lie that is discredited by all of human existence.

37   socal2   2015 Aug 14, 5:30pm  

Dan8267 says

The idea that nudity fucks up the minds of children is simply a lie that is discredited by all of human existence.

There is a difference between nudity and LEWD behavior.

If you want to sexualize your kids at an early age, knock yourself out Dan.

38   Dan8267   2015 Aug 15, 11:35am  

socal2 says

Dan wants a huge welfare entitlement system to take care of the living and elderly

When did I say that? I want the ruling class to stop exploiting the middle class by writing the laws that Congress passes.

When the middle class is no longer under constant attack, you'll find people need a lot less financial support.

39   Dan8267   2015 Aug 15, 11:39am  

socal2 says

. Having just 2 kids won't even maintain our population rate as it is.

Which is a good thing.

The population of the United States has tripled over the past century. Tripling the population every century isn't sustainable. Period. It leads to this...

You have just demonstrated why conservatives should have no say in environmental policies, economics, or resource management.

40   Dan8267   2015 Aug 15, 11:49am  

socal2 says

There is a difference between nudity and LEWD behavior.

Yeah, lewd behavior is what the police do to citizens that are suppose to be protecting. Where is your outrage over that? Here's an example.


You should be more concerned about women being sexually assaulted and raped by cops who violently rip off their clothes and penetrate their vaginas then you are about men showing their chest hair and kissing in public.

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