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My McGee Prediction:
If Ossoff wins-- nevermind this election even though I guaranteed a month ago that Ossoff would lose by 10 points. The only reason he won was because Dems poured $$ into this special. It means nothing.
If Ossoff loses-- This shows that despite the fact that Dems have outperformed 2016 and 2014 results by an average of 14 points in every special election so far, Reps are fine. There's nothing to worry about in 2018.
My prediction:
Either way, the Republican Oligarchs will be happy to see the plebs continuing the infighting, distracted while they continue to plunder unabated.
If the race does end with Ossoff winning the democrats will have successfully proven their claims that evil rich people influence elections.
I have another prediction:
Millions of people will be rooting for the Republican, and against the Democrat, and they have no clue why
Looks like Handel is leading slightly.
At 9:00, 79% of polls in
Karen Handel
114,790 52.4%
Jon Ossoff
104,316 47.6
Looks like multiple networks calling it for Handel-dems poured 25 million into this. Interesting dems are now officially the corporatist, globalist, big money party!
At 9:00, 79% of polls in
Karen Handel, Republican
114,790 52.4%
Jon Ossoff, Democrat
104,316 47.6%
Democrats are still praying for a Ramadan miracle.
Libs keep flushing money down the toilet.
A $40 million participation ribbon good job
It's really weird, this election didn't turn out like all those polls again....huh.
Looks like multiple networks calling it for Handel-dems poured 25 million into this. Interesting dems are now officially the corporatist, globalist, big money party!
What are the Republicans?
How much did they spend?
What are the Republicans?
The party that stopped the TPP. IF Hilalry won, TPP would be law.
The Democrats went down to Georgia
They were looking for a house seat to steal
They were in a bind, 'cause they were way behind
They were willing to violate their ideals
When they came across this young man
Straight from Georgetown and quite the schmuck
And the Dems jumped up on a hickory stump and said
'Boy let me give you $50 million in californian bucks
The boy said, "My name's Jonnie, and it might be a sin,
But I'll take your funds, you're gonna be bummed
because there's no way in hell I'll win!"
Cucks at CNN on seeing election results:
The expressions are priceless. They're listening to a dreary1949 Doris Day recording:
What are the Republicans?
The party that stopped the TPP. IF Hilalry won, TPP would be law.
Oh wow now that's something to hang your hat on
Now riddle me this, how exactly would Hillary have made it law?
What was so bad about TPP?
It's really weird, this election didn't turn out like all those polls again....huh.
I'm certain the important EU countries have a fully corrupt Election system that we averted and defused.
It was widely reported shortly after Obama's 100 lovefest party that some 2.5 million illegal votes were counted for Obama.
But nobody could say nothing everyone was in love and only racist bitched about Obama.
Trump had the money, insight and clout to have his legal hit squad ahead of the campaign trail busting up racket precincts where the results were already planned the moment their boy entered the race. I'm sure had LePen done that she would have won and had Briton done it the UKIP would have done much better than 1.3%.
That's a number when you're the wizard behind the curtain and you want someone to really look bad. Even if UKIP didn't win, they should have easily been in the low teens.
There's at least that many real racist bigots and Nationalists in England.
How can the EU call Nationalists Racists, if they can't even muster up 2% of the vote?
Now riddle me this, how exactly would Hillary have made it law?
What was so bad about TPP?
Actually Obama would have pushed it and a majority of repubs-yes-would ahve signed it and he would ahve signed it before he left-probably getting million bucks an hour instead of just 400k he gets now.
TPP-you think NAFTA is great too and globalism too?
Millions of people will be rooting for the Republican, and against the Democrat, and they have no clue why
They do have ideas why, some better than others. This one seat doesn't make much difference, but the failure of Democrats' strategy (blame Russia, spend millions) might motivate them to reconsider. For all they say about Republicans, the fact remains, Democrats have been losing since 2010. Obamneycare polled negative for seven years until Republicans threatened something even worse. Islam is blowing up in the faces of politicians who supported hijrah. Democrats have time to reconsider and adopt better policies, but that would require admitting they aren't perfect and need to improve. The only outcome of GA6 that might make a difference is if it motivates Democrats to adopt winning policies in order to win elections.
My Legacy MSM Prediction:
If Ossoff wins: "Nevermind the other 4 lost special elections, this one COUNTS!!! DEMS coming back in 2018!!!"
If Ossoff loses: "Well, this was a very tough race in a tough district, however, the fact that Ossoff came so close is a good sign that DEMS coming back in 2018!!!"