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The obvious reason, because aliens were in control of rudy juliani so they
delibratly choose a company called control demolitions inc so that everyone
would think it wasn't a controlled demolition because no one that was trying to
hide a controlled demolition would hire a company by that name. Big time false
Come on bgamall. Don't tell me you've never heard of Operation Northwoods?? You can't be that big of an idiot.
...that have been destroyed by controlled demolition
Great point. The rubble from controlled demolotion cleans up much differently than the rubble from a fire weakened demolition.
That's just more proof that it was aliens--they probably don't know the finer points of rubble clean-up like humans do.
Great point. The rubble from controlled demolotion cleans up much differently
than the rubble from a fire weakened demolition.
That's just more proof that it was aliens--they probably don't know the finer
points of rubble clean-up like humans do.
You people with your theories of Aliens & neocons are so delusional. Take a look at this video and its IRREFUTABLE PROOF that the towers were brought down by the Devil
The National Institute of Spirits & the Paranormal (NISP)report clearly states that a number of Glenn Danzig Albums were found among the debris, especially, his second album: Lucifuge.
The NISP report fails to mention that Lucifuge is the name of the Dark Lord's chief minion, so clearly he was conjured to the site, probably by Yitzak Rabin and the coach of the New Jersey Nets... Why wouldn't the NISP report mention this?
Also, why didn't the NISP report test for Judas Priest first album which we all know has demonic conjuring powers? Oh sure, they said testing could give a false positive because it was such a crappy record that unsold copies were used as landfill during site construction, but still, why not test for it anyway?
Before dismissing something, it would be a good idea to know what the report actually said.
No, that is where you screwed up Bigsby.
So you consider that actually knowing about what it is you are critiquing to be 'screwing up.' I see.
Sullenberger crashed the planes into the towers on a hudson river practice run...
No you screwed up bga....
the reason the coaster crashed at 6 flags was because 5 of em were false!
No, that is where you screwed up Bigsby.
So, what do you gain from making an ass out of yourself?
More likes than you do.
There have been exactly the same number of aliens positively identified as being involved in bringing down the wtc as government employees. Zero. So why are my theories any less valid than yours?
Also, why didn't the NISP report test for Judas Priest first album which we all know has demonic conjuring powers? Oh sure, they said testing could give a false positive because it was such a crappy record that unsold copies were used as landfill during site construction, but still, why not test for it anyway
Excellent point. They also failed to test for paranormal activity. Why wasn't ghostbusters involved? Seems like this a much, much deeper cover up than we all first imagined. Aliens, ghosts, lucifer, and dick cheney. This is serious. Very serious.
Let me guess... that's the same video you posted before with no sound of a huge explosion on it.
Ha, ha. You have been arguing against something you haven't even read.
No, idiot. I have been arguing my position. It is unassailable. You have to argue against the truth. If you don't want to I will declare victory now. You cannot defeat my argument so you plea to me to read the NIST.
You are a fraud, Bigsby.
You argue against something that you haven't even read. You criticize the findings of something that you have no knowledge about. And now you claim your argument is 'unassailable' and that you will 'declare victory now.' What a bloody joke you are. You are the fraud and a very stupid one at that.
This is why I have bgamall on my ignore list. You can't have a civil discussion w/ this guy. Trust me, he's a complete waste of everyone's time, including yours..
You want the whole story? There it is. The story that was fed to us from day one. Could it be the truth? The evidence says no.
OK--let me try again. I don't want to know what you think isn't supported by the evidence. I want to know what you think IS supported by the evidence--ie, what really happened.
Not a video showing what somebody else thinks--what do YOU think happened on 9/11
Three buildings were imploded and used as an excuse to start wars in the middle east and take away rights in America.
What do you think happened? Do you really believe the official story that office fires caused steel framed buildings to utterly destroy themselves in clouds of pulverized concrete and twisted steel? Do you really believe that fire can warp steel beams and drag the entire 47 floor steel framed WTC7 down with it?
Yes, though your description is typically florid.
You, in contrast, believe in the detonation of silent explosives (and with no video evidence) set up with what one must presume to have been a highly complex wiring system that managed to survive immense office fires that raged on the same floors that were, coincidentally I presume, hit by airplanes flown by, well, I guess you or Bgamall can answer that one.
Anyway, I was impressed by your detailed explanation of what you thought happened. All one line of it.
Scientist explain it better than I do
Yes, you are right, scientists do explain it better than you. Unfortunately, you choose to put your faith in a few conspiracy wing nuts instead.
Does anyone believe that office fires can take down a steel framed building? If so can they please post an example?
Please post up an example of a similarly constructed building being hit by a large aeroplane.
Three buildings were imploded and used as an excuse to start wars in the middle east and take away rights in America.
OK--let's look at your theory.
1. Do you think passenger jets flew into the towers?
2. Were they hijacked? By Al-Quaeda?
Let's start with those questions.
That is the official conspiracy theory.
But I didn't ask what the official conspiracy theory is. Do YOU think passenger jets hit the towers?
OK--let's look at your theory.
1. Do you think passenger jets flew into the towers?
2. Were they hijacked? By Al-Quaeda?
That is the official conspiracy theory.
Also part of the official conspiracy theory, do you believe that WTC7 Was brought down by office fires alone?
'Official conspiracy theory.' Where do you come up with this crap?
Do YOU think passenger jets hit the towers?
Do you believe that office fires took down a steel framed building (WTC7) on 9/11/2001?
Yes. Presumably you think a silent and unseen controlled demolition that survived a major and untackled 7hour+ fire did the job.
You ask me to explain in detail what happened on 9/11. I can't.
OK--well, how about you spend some time figuring out what DID happen, instead of what didin't happen.
Because until you can offer a reasonable explanation for what did happen, you're critiques of the commission are lame, at best.
Follow the money.
I'll do some more research on the actual plan and get back to you.
See all those lighter color lines radiating out from the center of the picture. That's the alien projector (technology the aliens stole from scooby doo episodes) that is creating an image of a plane that isn't really there so that people will believe the towers were hit by planes when the demolition takes place. Proof of this is irrefutable. The lines are an exact duplicate of one of the nazca lines drawings which everyone knows were created by aliens.
I believe there is a judgement for these deeds, but not likely in a human court.
Well I hope you're right and the alien court will deal with them appropriately then. I didn't know the aliens had a court system like we do. That's comforting.
Well I hope you're right and the alien court will deal with them appropriately then. I didn't know the aliens had a court system like we do. That's comforting
Aliens have different value system. Aliens are taken to court and punished for NOT being involved in acts like Princess Diana, JFK and 9/11. Sowing confusion, fostering conspiracy theories, and creating mistrust among the humans is their very reason for being. Failure to do so results in severe penalties.
Justice was invented by God. I hope you know that man didn't invent the
concept. Same for mercy. You better hope for aliens yourself, but then that is a
hope in vain.
Out of all the conspiracies you believe in, there's no room for aliens??
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don matter so don beech