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LOL! you can always tell who the posters are on PNET who have a vested interested in RE to protect... somehow its all about "confidence" a belief , by the public at large, in the escalating bubble prices..
without any confidence and raising those important questions, the house of cards falls..
Bitcoins arent the future? says
Theres no hope of a raise and all applications out of state seem to fall on deaf ears.
Welcome to the jungle. I guess I'm in a slightly better position than you have found yourself, but I often wonder, WWID? We are all pretty much fuct, so eat, drink, and be merry; for tomorrow, we die.
"If your mortgage cannot be a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage – [if] it's a 10-year adjustable rate mortgage – then, the monthly cost of owning a house goes up dramatically," says Bove. "And, if the monthly cost of owning a house goes up dramatically, the price of the house goes down.
And hopefully Savings will rise with lower prices. Cost of living lower and more job/business formation.. Not a bad thing overall!
So you are forewarned here
I hear you, but in this case it sounds like he is real. It is ironic that his rhetoric has changed 180 deg on gold.
He often does change 180 degrees, then past commentaries are selectively cited or even modified to show as if he's always right. It is totally Orwellian: the present controls the past.
For as many posts as he has, it might as well be his paid job.
he should write a book. i think it would sell well.
Then he wouldn't be able to modify the book retroactively when he wants/needs to.
He often does change 180 degrees, then past commentaries are selectively cited or even modified to show as if he's always right. It is totally Orwellian: the present controls the past.
The nom de plume of the con artist, attempting to convince the suckers that one has some kind of financial precognition.
Well you won't know until you try, will you?
Just dig up the addresses and check the data on the assessors website.
Let us know what you find out.
It's not hard to pretend to be someone else on the internet. I for one would not post my real name or address on forums like this. Why invite harassment like Roberto encountered or invite bogus liens being filed against one's properties.
"If Fannie and Freddie go away, what then happens to the mortgage markets?" asks Bove. "The answer to that question is that we no longer have things like 20-year and 30-year mortgages because banks are not going to put that type of mortgage on their balance sheets. And we won't have fixed-rate mortgages."
That's a huge "if" given a corporatist government with
1. The National Association of Realtors(TM) PAC ranked first in contributions to candidates for every election cycle since 1998 (that's as far back as the data goes). Their commissions are a percentage of purchase price.
2. Other PACs like the Mortgage Bankers Association's (the guys with the strategic default on their headquarters) and National Association of Home Builders' also having significant roles plus the Federal Reserve Governors' ears. Both do better with bigger purchases.
In the unlikely event that happened the Federal Reserve would probably step in.
Here's a speech transcript of Federal Reserve Governor Elizabeth Duke felating the Mortgage Bankers Association at their 2013 Mid-Winter conference. I'd pass if you've eaten recently, although otherwise you might take a look and pay attention to who gets referenced in the foot notes.
Note that Federal Reserve governors are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate whose election campaigns were funded by the NAR PAC.
Also note that the Federal Reserve has enormous latitude in the sort of securities it can purchase. Recently it's been printing money to buy $40B per month worth of mortgage backed securities.
If I were a betting man I'd go for a mad scientist making genetically engineered flying micro-pigs in the next decade over 30 year fixed rate mortgages disappearing in the same time frame.
As to the old gold predictions, you won't be able to cite some of them because patrick nixed the other old forum and consolidated everyone to this wordpress one.
I remember him being very vocal about buying gold before it hit 800. Captain shuddup used to post there as tenpoundbass, vicente can confirm I remember him buying one or two neat commemorative gold coins for around 850? Elliemae posted there as well,,,can't remember any other current posters from that forum that are still active here. Oakman,,,maybe
Who'd be so stupid as to blend a realtor, when you'd have to dispose the contaminated blender in a toxic waste dump?
I've never seen so many people bitch about FREE information provided to help them in all my life...
And that's just discussing politics with the Patnet Liberals!
Let's see, you've been here 4 years and have started 16 thread topics for discussion... 4 a year.... one a quarter... Hmmmmmm..
Is that your measure of a troll--how many topics are started?
No wonder you are such a loser in real life, and have to spend all your time online bashing people. What, the wife is too ugly for you to get it up?
And the meltdown continues....
What, the wife is too ugly for you to get it up?
We have a winner of the Ignorant Fucking Prick Award!
It would be a shadow backup website, existing in the shadows of
Anything posted to would be posted to the shadow backup.
The shadow backup could be viewed, but not edited or posted to.
It would be a repository for everything ever posted to, deletions/modifications not allowed.
Well, that's a 1 in 24589 chance you are correct.
I've already referenced the info on the assessors website. It took a little extra effort as using the address did not work but the parcel number (111-041-018) did. The property deed was recorded in 8/26/2011 with a Lafayette residential address for the owner
The only consistent truth on is that no poster has EVER been their own mind.
The only consistent truth on is that no poster has EVER been their own mind.
Exactly! The ducky fraudster has been parading his ignorance about economics even after repeatedly citing graphs that prove the exact opposite what he tried to prove . . . even after being shown that he didn't even know what GDP components are. Yet he had the balls to falsely accuse others of being fraud with absolute certainty just because other people knew things that he did not know and disagreed with him.
I say go to the root of the problem... the bankers and politicians. Bankers who screw us all, and politicians who are nothing more than the front-line PR men for the bankers.
Ah yes, Miss Right:
Always sexy, never has a headache. She has a sister too!
LOL. No, she proved herself not to be Ms. Right. Unfortunately, real life young women can be headaches, or even heart-breaks, from time to time. Such is life. She got pregnant with someone else' kid at the beginning of this year during an alleged one-night stand because I was too busy with renovating houses and hunting down houses late last year . . . and couldn't bring herself to abort it until it was so late in pregnancy that I refused. That also explains why I have more time for you ducks this year. She was not high maintenance, but being a pretty girl, she always had numerous other offers all the time, most of which can be disastrous to herself, like now she finds herself in. I'm still debating whether to help her for old time's sake or cut her off entirely.
Ah yes, Miss Right:
Always sexy, never has a headache. She has a sister too!
LOL. No, she proved herself not to be Ms. Right. Unfortunately, real life young women can be headaches, or even heart-breaks, from time to time. Such is life. She got pregnant with someone else' kid at the beginning of this year during an alleged one-night stand because I was too busy with renovating houses and hunting down houses late last year . . . and couldn't bring herself to abort it until it was so late in pregnancy that I refused. That also explains why I have more time for you ducks this year. She was not high maintenance, but being a pretty girl, she always had numerous other offers all the time, most of which can be disastrous to herself, like now she finds herself in. I'm still debating whether to help her for old time's sake or cut her off entirely.
Speaking of writing styles you are sounding an awful lot like RFHTC.
Speaking of writing styles you are sounding an awful lot like RFHTC.
IIRC, RFHTC is in CA, whereas I'm on the east coast, snow belt.
Yes seriously. Like you asked yourself, what kind of person has enough time to make 19k posts; the same question should be asked of the account making nearly 16k posts.
Someone who enjoys chatting on PatNet.
You forgot to include Patricks poll/survey interface in your post.
To create a poll, just create a thread as usual, but at the end of your thread content, precede each of your poll response options with the new "r" tag I made up:
I was going to do a sample here, but I guess it only works in the initial thread post .
They look too much like baby vomit when blended. Chop makes them look like dog food.
Yet it's extremely impolite to post photo of the home of another person in the same discussion,
Still you try to divert attention from the fact YOU posted the address of someone you acknowledge you are not friendly with.
Ah someone has already disliked my thread - I wonder who that could be...
WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!
Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999. Note "... how much it will buy."
Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!
And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
Recent Dow day is Friday, December 6, 2013 __ Level is 102.5
WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes! This was in the New York Times on August 27, 2006:
And up to date (by me) is here:
WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!
Q. What do you get when you stab a Realtor 30 times?
A. An erection, and over 30 places to stick it.
Q. What does a Realtor look like in a microwave?
A. I don't know. I was too busy masturbating.
Q. What's the difference between a dead Realtor and a rock?
A. You can't skullfuck a rock through the eyesocket.
Q. Whats worse then finding a dead Realtor in your bed in the morning?
A. Realizing that you had sex with it the night before.
Q. What's the difference between a Cadillac and a pile of dead Realtors?
A. I don't have a Cadillac in my garage.
Q. What is the worst part about killing a Realtor?
A. Getting blood on your clown suit.
Q. How do you make a dead Realtor float?
A. Take your foot off of it's head.
Yes, debt is the only solution we have right now, and it works well, just right the debts off/down and have the govt. bail yah out if need be.
IF the banksters can make enough in interest on the front end of all this debt that's really all that matters. So the trick is to just keep the party going.
We're waiting for the rest of the REALTORS® to have similar moments of reflection.
Designed by Danny Hillis, the Clock is designed to run for ten millennia with minimal maintenance and interruption. The Clock is powered by mechanical energy harvested from sunlight as well as the people that visit it. The primary materials used in the Clock are marine grade 316 stainless steel, titanium and dry running ceramic ball bearings. The entire mechanism will be installed in an underground facility in west Texas.
Why not vitrification as a means of realtor disposal? Melt mixture of glass and boron, add realtors to mixture, then pour into steel canisters, a la Hanford. Store in geologically stable formation.
If and when the Hanford vitrification plant gets cranking, I think realtor would mix nicely with strontium-90, cesium-137, plutonium, and the rest of the periodic table collected in those storage tanks. Realtors could run the place, sparing normal people the hazards of working there.
Wait...I thought gov't payer solutions forcing lower prices on doctors wouldn't have any unintended consequences. I don't understand.
I don't understand, why would Doctors have a fit over this? Obamacare is just insurance carrying requirement, it doesn't change the insane prices.
It's still fee for service model.
“Enrollment doesn’t mean access, because there aren’t enough doctors to take the low rates of Medicaid,†warns one health director. “There aren’t enough primary care physicians, period.â€
How touching, this newfound concern for the supply of physicians.
I was under the impression that the only interest physicians took in the supply of providers was to shrink it by limiting the number of teaching hospitals.
why would Doctors have a fit over this?
Once patients have paid for the mandatory insurance, they tend to stay in network, where co-payments may also be subsidized. It is very difficult for independent doctors to compete with insurance networks.
Imagine if you are running an independent sandwich shop. Now imagine a McDonald's opens across the street. You might think, OK, my food is better and healthier than McDonald's, I can compete. But now imagine McDonald's pays politicians to require everyone to submit to McDonaldCare, so their food budget goes to McDonald's whether they want that or not. (And Homeboy shouts about the wonderful subsidies, because everyone should be able to swallow McDonald's junk "food".) You know that your food is better and healthier, but customers might not know or care, so they spend what's left of their food budget on whatever appears cheapest. You can't compete with McDonald's subsidized prices unless you sacrifice quality, and if you don't cut prices you won't have enough customers left to stay in business.
If you read how little insurance companies pay providers for basic services, you might see why so many providers in the insurance system upsell to more expensive "services", even if they make the patient worse off. Honest practitioners, who learned their profession to help people, try to get out of the insurance system if they can. Now that everyone is required to pay for insurance, honest independent work becomes more difficult.
One business model to deliver primary care that seems intriguing is Direct Primary Care. Similar in my understanding to "Concierge" practices but they take no insurance of any kind, strictly cash. Imagine the savings in staffing costs in a clinic with no insurance billing, hell no billing of any kind.
Are you familiar c2?
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