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If those Assholes want to impress me, they can retract everyone that they've called Liars in the last 5 years, with their only reference to truth and justice, was constantly quoting the Liberal parrot narrative, and official white house rhetoric.
We've known all along he was fucking lying, it's been Politicofact that has been lying, presenting their fucking opinion as some undisputed political discussion fact, because they've got an info graphic and can copy and paste bullshit from a press release or if nothing else a blog post will do as proof.
This was no lie.
You first have to define "it".
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
This was no lie.
You first have to define "it".
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
"If you like your health plan you can keep it"
Where does it say your insurance company has to keep you?
APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
and yodeling 'Allah! Akubar!'
That twat can yodel? Now I really want to skull-fuck her and correct that overbite!
For many of them, that is likely to mean they will no longer have access to a wide network of doctors and a range of plans tailored to their needs. And many of them are finding that if they want to keep their premiums from rising, they will have to accept higher deductible and co-pay costs or inferior coverage."
People were losing their health coverage and seeing premiums skyrocket even before the present mess begin. Millions could not even get any health coverage. Sure, we are gonna go through growing pains with some losing out, but we have to focus on the goal and press on.
The real solution is to bring down costs to the level of other developed countries. Let's start by cutting back on frivolous lawsuits and defensive medicine that doctors are forced to abide by.
The real solution is to bring down costs to the level of other developed
countries. Let's start by cutting back on frivolous lawsuits and defensive
medicine that doctors are forced to abide by.
That's great. Sure wish Obamacare focused on reducing costs instead of increasing them.
All Obamcare does is expand the welfare safety net (bottom 15% who didn't buy insurance and those with pre-existing conditions) and larded on a bunch of new requirements making health care more expensive for all of us.
The reason that the "Lie fo the Year" from the hacks at Politifact is so important is that Obamacare would never have passed (even with Democrat majorities) if we were told the truth that Obamacare was going to cost the majority of us more money and reduce our choices and quality in healthcare to grow the welfare state.
Just seems to me that we had many more important priorities during the "Great Recession" than increasing adding more expensive entitlements when our existing entitlements were already structurally unsustainable.
APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
A niece just came back from Massachusetts where liberals run free, quoting Marx and bayonetting the baby Jesus figures in nativity displays, and she was shocked to find that liberals intercept visitors at the airport and assign everyone a negro to rape you and take your wallet or purse and recite the Koran to you. All the white people who refused to convert to islamomarxism were dead, killed by RomneyCare-indoctrinated doctors or victims of suicide. The mullas forbid the lslamomarxist press from talking about any of this. She met a white catholic refugee from E Longmeadow living in Albany on her way into the state who said the end started with RomneyCare. The genius of the induction of Massachusetts into the caliphate was not an attack with bioweapons but the use of the alleged health care system to terminate all the non-compliant white people.
I fully agree with everything in this post.
Just seems to me that we had many more important priorities during the "Great Recession" than increasing adding more expensive entitlements
Hear Hear!
Paying off deficits incurred to fund pointless wars and useless upper-income tax cuts should always take priority over silly "health care" spending!
No one is accusing the insurance company of lieing...
Strategist says
This was no lie.
You first have to define "it".
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
"If you like your health plan you can keep it"
Where does it say your insurance company has to keep you?
APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
If poor people cared about America, they'd found start ups like Google and kill themselves when they get sick, rather than rely on hand outs. Why do the poor hate Freedom?
The poor buy lottery tickets to get rich when they can't even pick 6 winning numbers. How hard can it be?
But now, to their surprise, thousands of writers, opera singers, music teachers, photographers, doctors, lawyers and others are learning that their health insurance plans are being canceled and they may have to pay more to get comparable coverage, if they can find it.
PolitiFact has named "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it," the Lie of the Year for 2013. Readers in a separate online poll overwhelmingly agreed with the choice.