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Don't Get Snookered by Rising Home Prices, Shiller Warns ( March 2013)
"One thing that makes it very hard to forecast home prices right now is that we're living in a totally artificial real estate economy," said Shiller, co-creator of the Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller Index, a widely followed measure of housing prices.
Shiller pointed to the Federal Reserve, which last week reaffirmed its policies on bond purchases and record-low interest rates. In September, the Fed launched a third round of quantitative easing (QE), in which it has bought $40 billion of mortgage-backed securities per month, primarily in mortgage-backed bonds.
Meanwhile, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two largest U.S. home funding sources, remain in government conservatorship as Congress looks for ways to raise new tax revenues, Shiller noted.
"All of these things are weighing on the futures of housing," Shiller said on CNBC's "Futures Now," adding the recovery might even be a bubble. "One thing you learn from history is that bubbles can occur at any time."
You and Roberto are made for each other... should people really look forward to some BIG GAINS from buying homes... or focus on aspects of their life like jobs, career, children and family ? As long as you clowns make a bundle, you couldnt care less.
Psst.. if you can reap LARGE GAINS what prevents you from suffering LARGE LOSSES...
what goes up too far too fast has the ultimate consequences of falling equally ...
Some readers may be aghast at this outburst of hatred directed at success and entrepreneurial initiative. Such class-based envy and resentment indicates a very unhealthy mind!
For those not versed in the intircacies of modern "conservative" "thought", I will attempt to explain the doublethink which allows ardent worship of the wealthy to coexist with searing class resentment in the same mind.
The key is the Nixon-Atwater-Rove-Luntz touchstone concept of the "elite." The elite are the wealthy who cheated their way to wealth through inheritance, legacy college admissions, shady deals, and rent seeking. The Job Creators, on the other hand, worked their way to wealth fair and square through inheritance, legacy college admissions, shady deals and rent seeking.
Can you guess the difference between the elite and the job creators? That's right: the elites are wealthy who oppose any of the current precepts of conservatism which its buck-toothed followers are instructed to repeat.
The beauty of this Rovian concept is that class-hatred and envy can be harnessed in defense of class privilege, so that petty haters - of success, hard work, and the upper class - will continually give blow jobs to the wealthy, in both the privacy of the ballot box and in public, at family gatherings, at workplace water coolers, and on internet forums.
If the NAACP hired Rove, they could raise money from Klan members.
The real estate lobbyists are just around to pump up "gold fever" in real estate. Some of it may be mingled with their own wishful thinking and pipe dreams, but at heart, they are manipulators of investor opinion.
When their black swan comes to roost, they will be gone as if they didn't exist, don't try to find them, like the wheel dust of carny wagons tipping over the horizon.
would love to, unfortunately both of his screen names have been deleted...
That is too bad.
I was going to go look back at his posts. I didn't read his posts often enough to see symptoms of bipolar. I would be curious to go back and read more of it now. I just routinely got bored with Phoenix and insults, so I kind of tuned him out.
I now understand why Bobby was acting so strangely the last 6 months: his homes were dropping in value.
It's easy enough to find out the truth. Do a google search on his name and you will see 3 parcel links that he owns. Each one has dropped in value by 5 to 10k since he bought them.
Poor, crazy, deluded Bobby. Putting all your investment eggs in one basket is never a good idea.
For those not versed in the intricacies of modern "spelling", I will attempt to show by example how words are properly formed.
For those not versed in the intircacies of modern "conservative" "thought", I will attempt to explain the doublethink which allows ardent worship of the wealthy to coexist with searing class resentment in the same mind.
For those not versed in the intricacies of modern "spelling", I will attempt to show by example how words are properly formed.
And the typo police have now been heard from.
The key is the Nixon-Atwater-Rove-Luntz touchstone concept of the "elite." The elite are the wealthy who cheated their way to wealth through inheritance, legacy college admissions, shady deals, and rent seeking. The Job Creators, on the other hand, worked their way to wealth fair and square through inheritance, legacy college admissions, shady deals and rent seeking.
Thank your Governor in CO who is bringing all those California jobs to your state...
He was thanking CA Gov Brown a couple of months ago on TV.. he was just happier as a South Park Cow !
I dont think you know where jobs come from !
If the NAACP hired Rove, they could raise money from Klan members.
NAACP might do well hiring Rove, they might get the corrupt leaders out and really put the "A" for advancement to the test... and show some real results !
You do know who founded NAACP ? a rich white guy...
I think he hired AF as a hit man to take out the intransigent Moron quorum on Patnet, so was banned and erased from the internet parchment that is Patnet.
However, rumor has it he lurks, chortles, and insults in the form of a strategist wraith.
thousands upon thousands of posts predicting a downward direction of prices has proven... wrong.
You know how much money was printed and how badly it has been debased to make you "right?"
Do you even care?
thousands upon thousands of posts predicting a downward direction of prices has proven... wrong.
You know how much money was printed and how badly it has been debased to make you "right?"
Do you even care?
Better yet is the way these guys speak of "all the perma bears" like the world is full of them. Pat.net has about 15k daily visitors, and its the largest RE bear site on the interwebs
The other 329 million americans all agree, prices only go up
"Don't listen to all the perma bears" might as well read "don't listen to the howls of all the bigfoots"
Better yet is the way these guys speak of "all the perma bears" like the world is full of them.
Like him or not, he was lively and informative (not saying he was correct or incorrect), opinionated, and many times, out-of-control... in other words, very entertaining. Too bad he is gone IMO.
Like him or not, he was lively and informative (not saying he was correct or incorrect), opinionated, and many times, out-of-control... in other words, very entertaining. Too bad he is gone IMO.
Egads, I miss his superior intellect and the way he belittled everyone who disagreed with him.
He ended up being a distraction. If this were an NFL team, he would have been "cut" long ago.
Like him or not, he was lively and informative (not saying he was correct or incorrect), opinionated, and many times, out-of-control... in other words, very entertaining. Too bad he is gone IMO.
Egads, I miss his superior intellect and the way he belittled everyone who disagreed with him.
He ended up being a distraction. If this were an NFL team, he would have been "cut" long ago.
Benched for poor sportmanship and unruly behavior and or muddying up the waters.....
I miss his wit.
I miss his Charm...
I miss being called a nitwit...
I miss his wit.
I miss his Charm...
I miss being called a nitwit...
Yup, the internet masochists have been holding prayer vigils.
Like him or not, he was lively and informative (not saying he was correct or incorrect), opinionated, and many times, out-of-control... in other words, very entertaining. Too bad he is gone IMO.
Egads, I miss his superior intellect and the way he belittled everyone who disagreed with him.
He ended up being a distraction. If this were an NFL team, he would have been "cut" long ago.
Roberto is Tebow?
Robert "Tebow" Ribas "dropped the ball". ? ! ?
...was rooting that he would "make the catch" even when everyone else seemed to see that he just wasn't the "it" he thought he was... Hope he makes it, somewhere anywhere.
We know you're lurking. We want tittie pics of your nubile GF.
May I?
We know you're lurking. We want tittie pics of your nubile GF.
May I?
Happy New Year "nitwits"
What a way to start the New Year. Who will help Wogster stir the pot now?
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no one knows