More evidence both parties aren't the same

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2014 Feb 24, 9:48pm   9,224 views  26 comments

by tatupu70   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


"A tax reform package due to be unveiled this week by U.S. House Republicans would slash the top income tax rate to 25 percent from 39.6 percent and levy a surtax on some of the most affluent households, the Washington Post reported on Monday."


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1   lostand confused   2014 Feb 24, 10:08pm  

meanwhile Obozo is negotiating a giant free trade deal-in secret. more offshoring, more jobs and services being shipped out . Plus Obozo is expanding NSA beyond anything Bush/Cheney could ever dream of.

2   marcus   2014 Feb 24, 10:08pm  

The congressional analysis found that there would be little change in most Americans' tax bills under the plan.

Yeah, right. Except for the sweet spot, which I'm guessing is households making between 250K and 500K (coicidently what most congress people's households earn).

Maybe it really doesn't adversely affect the middle class. Maybe what it does, by simplifying the code is make progressive tax hikes in the future more difficult, and guarantee that in the future when taxes do have to be raised, they are raised on everyone, rather than more on the higher increments of income.

3   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 24, 11:09pm  

How can you pick out who's who, with the Pig Shit smeared all over them.

4   mell   2014 Feb 24, 11:19pm  

Love that plan! Makes perfect sense, reduces the tax burden for everybody and drastically simplifies the tax code while levying a surtax only on the most affluent. Let's do it! Agreed, finally at least some difference..

5   Dan8267   2014 Feb 24, 11:39pm  

tatupu70 says

A tax reform package due to be unveiled this week by U.S. House Republicans would slash the top income tax rate to 25 percent from 39.6 percent

The Republicans shut down the government over the ACA after it became law. The Democrats should just laugh at that "reform" package and tell the Republicans to bend over.

6   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 24, 11:55pm  

How did the Republicans shut down the Government.
You mean to tell me, that President Boehner told Obama to go home?

7   tatupu70   2014 Feb 25, 12:02am  

mell says

Love that plan! Makes perfect sense, reduces the tax burden for everybody and drastically simplifies the tax code while levying a surtax only on the most affluent. Let's do it! Agreed, finally at least some difference..

So you really don't care about balancing the budget then....

8   Dan8267   2014 Feb 25, 12:14am  

CaptainShuddup says

How did the Republicans shut down the Government.

You mean to tell me, that President Boehner told Obama to go home?

It takes an amazing level of delusionalness to ignore the entire government shutdown caused by Republican last fall. It was the focus of the entire country, yet somehow you managed to erase that part of history from your mind, and oh so quickly.

I now realize that you have an amazing gift. You should be a spy. If you are ever captured, no amount of torture would make you reveal government secrets because you can self-delude yourself into thinking you're a penguin and Obama is trying to shutdown the government. The amount of misinformation you would feed the enemy is staggering, and they would believe you because you'd believe you.

That's some fucked up Jedi mind trick shit you got going there.

9   FortWayne   2014 Feb 25, 12:55am  

I pay too damn much in Taxes as it is already!

10   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 25, 12:57am  

Dan8267 says

It takes an amazing level of delusionalness to ignore the entire government shutdown caused by Republican last fall.

It takes two to fight, and also run a government.
Let me put it to you this way, just because the Republicans went home, why did you excuse the Liberals to do the same.
It sure would seem to me, by the way you guys tell it, those Dems sure could have gotten a lot shit done in the Republican's absence.

11   Dan8267   2014 Feb 25, 1:20am  

CaptainShuddup says

It takes two to fight

That's not true, not even in the literal sense. You can be as passive as you want, and the other guy can still beat the shit out of you.

CaptainShuddup says

Let me put it to you this way, just because the Republicans went home, why did you excuse the Liberals to do the same.

There are no liberals in Congress. Democrat and liberal are not even remotely the same thing.

As for why the Democrats went home, there is one alternative that they could have done. Obama could have invoked his powers under the USA Patriot Act to declare a national security situation and sent all the Republicans to Gitmo for intensive interrogation on suspicion of terrorism. Then the Democrats would be free to pass whatever legislation they wanted. Given Obama's horrific human rights record, it's a wonder that he didn't do this.

Alternatively, Obama could use his unchecked powers under the NDAA to drone strike any Republican opposition and their families. You know, like he did to reporters and their families who reported negatively on American drone strikes.

12   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 25, 1:27am  

Dan8267 says

That's not true, not even in the literal sense. You can be as passive as you want, and the other guy can still beat the shit out of you.

In that case one would have an assailant and the other one a Victim.
The Liberals went home too, they are no Victim.

13   mell   2014 Feb 25, 1:28am  

FortWayne says

I pay too damn much in Taxes as it is already!


14   Dan8267   2014 Feb 25, 1:45am  

CaptainShuddup says

The Liberals went home too, they are no Victim.

You can lie all you want. The Republicans intentionally caused the shutdown to try to force Democrats to let them repeal the ACA. The Republicans epically failed and got nothing.

And the American public know it.

The only people who don't believe are the idiots who think Obama is a secret Muslim from Kenya. But guess what, you can't win an election with 30% of the vote.

Hell, even Boehner admits the shutdown was a Republican political tactic that failed.

“Listen, I told my colleagues in July I didn’t think shutting down the government over Obamacare would work because the president said I’m not going to negotiate,” Boehner said. “And so I told them in August, ‘probably not a good idea.’

15   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 25, 1:47am  

Dan8267 says

And the American public know it.

The only people who don't believe are the idiots who think Obama is a secret Muslim from Kenya. But guess what, you can't win an election with 30% of the vote.

This isn't an Opinion, it's a fucking fact.
Give me 5 minutes with everyone who took that poll.
I bet those numbers would be a lot different.

16   Dan8267   2014 Feb 25, 2:31am  

CaptainShuddup says

This isn't an Opinion, it's a fucking fact.

Yes, it's a fact that the Republicans unilaterally planned and executed the government shutdown. And it's a fact that the public overwhelmingly knows this. Boehner's own words confirm this.

Or perhaps you'd prefer the words of Republican representative Marlin Stutzman

“We’re not going to be disrespected,” Marlin Stutzman (R-IN) told Drucker Tuesday night. “We have to get something out of this. And I don’t know what that even is.”

Well, the GOP got disrespected. It got served.


17   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 25, 3:17am  

I will not accept what happened in the course of the last five years being officially summed by an Opinion poll. Christ get real man.

If whinny bitchy liberals taking a poll at Huffpo is all you've got for proof that the shut down was solely the Republican's fault then that's lame.

What do I expect, you also practice opinion history.

18   Homeboy   2014 Feb 25, 3:33am  

CaptainShuddup says

It takes two to fight, and also run a government.

Yeah, all the Democrats had to do was give in to the Republicans' utterly asinine plan of defunding ACA without any sort of backup plan for healthcare reform whatsoever, leaving millions of Americans uninsured and uninsurable, and everything would have been fine. But instead they decided to fight. What assholes.

Oh, and then give in to the Republicans' plan to have federal anti-abortion and anti gay marriage laws, outlaw all religions other than Christianity, and slash taxes for the top 10%, because that's what they would have done once they realized extortion was working for them.

19   edvard2   2014 Feb 25, 3:51am  

Dan8267 says

Hell, even Boehner admits the shutdown was a Republican political tactic that failed.

“Listen, I told my colleagues in July I didn’t think shutting down the government over Obamacare would work because the president said I’m not going to negotiate,” Boehner said. “And so I told them in August, ‘probably not a good idea.’

The shutdown cost the US economy something on the order of around 6 billion dollars. All because of a small tea party faction within the GOP whom played their last hand and lost. Perhaps in the end its a good thing. Republicans have lost any desire to pull a stunt like that again and as we speak many Republicans have started to ignore the tea party. Perhaps then at least the party might ratchet down the stupidity a bit and come back to the table instead of turning every piece of legislation into a 3-ring circus.

20   mfs.admin   2014 Feb 25, 4:02am  

Both the Republican and Democratic parties are total garbage and should be dismantled by the voters as soon as possible. Voting your dog or any random citizen on the street would be better than what these parties offer. Anyone who votes in the next election and chooses from one of these parties gets what they deserve and when you are bankrupted and screwed, you'll have nobody to blame but yourself...

21   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 25, 4:04am  

Listen Obama's leadership style is petty, tit for tat, and it's dangerous. Just like he's doing with the Military in a time when the world has never been more screwed up and at odds with more countries, than there are in the UN, that's pretty dangerous. Especially when he's just as much to blame for the disharmony as Bush was. But he so Cavalierly does it, then says, "well you wanted cuts, here's your cuts."

Same thing with the shut down, the Liberals didn't have to go home. Don't they still make enough from all of their inside trading deals, they are picking the winners, and are the richest Senators in the History of the US Government?

They both went home, grand standing and pandering to their base. Neither were interested in compromises before the deadline, so they both are at fault, equally as well.

Now that Obama has removed the roof on the debt ceiling. The voting public will see what the Republicans were protecting us from, in the next two years.

Which I'm sure Obama realizes that suspension of the debt ceiling would be used against him if he just flat out started spending money to stop the ACA from hemorrhaging a violent bloody zombie state. The fucking thing will never die, it will just sit there and bleed. And Obama now needs that Military bloated budget to fund the Insurance industries bonuses.

While many(the majority of the people formerly known as the middle class)People will be just as sick, and not qualified for treatment as fucking ever.

22   Dan8267   2014 Feb 25, 4:06am  

mfs.admin says

Anyone who votes in the next election and chooses from one of these parties gets what they deserve

That would be true if not for Wolf's Dilemma.

23   tatupu70   2014 Feb 25, 4:07am  

CaptainShuddup says

Just like he's doing with the Military in a time when the world has never been more screwed up and at odds with more countries,

I agree. Build some more fighter jets and maybe another aircraft carrier and the world will suddenly be a better place. No? What if we double down and build a bunch more smart bombs?

I'm glad to see you're as concerned with the deficit as Mell obviously is--increase defense and cut taxes to the top 1%. That's a great plan.

24   edvard2   2014 Feb 25, 4:31am  

mfs.admin says

Both the Republican and Democratic parties are total garbage and should be dismantled by the voters as soon as possible. Voting your dog or any random citizen on the street would be better than what these parties offer. Anyone who votes in the next election and chooses from one of these parties gets what they deserve and when you are bankrupted and screwed, you'll have nobody to blame but yourself...

Reality is that we have a two party system. Over time both parties have fluctuated on core issues and ideology: the GOP used to be more liberal and business-friendly. Now they are more conservative and still business friendly. The Democrats used to be more conservative and more friendly to social programs. Now they are more liberal and still more friendly to social programs. As such voters have choices and last time I checked we still have a democratic process and voters have the ability to make their own decisions and as seen, run based on their own platform or party of their invention or choosing.

25   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 25, 4:33am  

tatupu70 says

I agree. Build some more fighter jets and maybe another aircraft carrier and the world will suddenly be a better place. No? What if we double down and build some a bunch more smart bombs?

Hey man I have always been about reducing the military as much as possible. But to do it after this ass hole has made us more venerable than ever is dangerous.

Don't forget Ron Paul wanted to do this back in 2008 and all the Liberals cried foul.

26   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 25, 4:35am  

edvard2 says

Sort of a lazy answer.

That is not a Lazy answer and it reflects more than 35% of the population are registered as NPA. It's something a registered Republican or Democrat will never understand. They are both part of a whacky cult.

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