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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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45585   HydroCabron   2014 Apr 24, 9:42am  

I had to run down to the DMV.

45586   HydroCabron   2014 Apr 24, 9:49am  

I would also add that I am opposed to torturing Bundy, as is often done to traitors. And I do not countenance the use of artillery or heavy armor against his compound.

The use of an A-10 Warthog, firing delightful bursts ("BRAAAAAP!") of its 30mm Gatling gun at the Ranch buildings, would also not be appropriate, I think. And execution by hanging for treason would be premature at this point.

45587   Bigsby   2014 Apr 24, 10:55am  

Hmmm, I wonder who forgot to take their medicine today.

And what has this got to do with the constant crap you post about Sandy Hook, Boston, 9/11....?

Oh, and whilst you are at it, feel free to post up the links to where I have supported zionism. I'll be waiting.

45588   smaulgld   2014 Apr 24, 11:03am  

A few minutes researching the racism of democratic and republican politicians will pull scores of horrific examples

try Democrat Lyndon Johnson's rationale for the Civil Rights act "“I’ll have those XXX voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

or some of Republican Abe Lincoln's views on African Americans "repatriation to Africa!"

Google comments by Democrat Woodrow Wilson (re-segregated Federal workers) and Republican Richard Nixon on Italian Americans (they smell different) or Democratic Speaker of the House and Former Klansman! Robert Byrd

Politicians are nasty people and its misguided to think either party does not have a slew of racists among their ranks.

45589   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:20am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

I'm still recovering from 4/20, er, Easter, I meant Easter. I ate a lot of candy that day.

45590   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:24am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

In order to save some money, I picked "free shipping" for my Sexflesh Hermaphrodite Admixture Stroker from Amazon.com.

It's what I want to use to kill Kim Jong-un, but free shipping takes ten business days.

45591   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:25am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

I'm an American. I couldn't find North Korea on a map of North Korea.

45592   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:26am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

I've been too busy arguing with bigots on Patrick.net.

45593   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:27am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

Like how am I suppose to tell him apart from all the other Koreans?

45594   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:27am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

I don't want to piss off Dennis Rodman.

45595   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:30am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

He reminds me of the Michelin Man.

45596   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:31am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

I enjoyed his work in Ghostbusters.

45597   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:33am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

I got the wrong guy.

North Korea / South Korea. Who knew there were two of them?

45598   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:36am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

He reminds me too much of that boy from Up.

45599   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:37am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

Have you ever seen Kim Jong-un and Superman together? Can't risk it.

45600   Bellingham Bill   2014 Apr 24, 11:38am  

This is an interesting story. Bundy's father bought the 160 acre ranch in 1948, and this shows how people who got a leg up in the early 20th century have more wealth working for them today.

How many black people have 160 acres (the maximum allotment under the Homestead Act) working for them like Bundy.

This is in addition to the issue of just using Federal ranch land -- the commons -- for free. Again, if urban people had Federal-owned asset wealth available for their productive use they wouldn't need to be on welfare either.

But that'd be fucking communism and we can't have that.

45601   Bellingham Bill   2014 Apr 24, 11:39am  

smaulgld says

and its misguided to think either party does not have a slew of racists among their ranks.

The Democrats largely purged their racists, so the situation is fucking far from symmetrical.

45602   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:43am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

I'm sorry, but he's just the perfect height for blowing me while standing up.

45603   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:44am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

I did. They just keep cloning the fat bastard.

45604   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:48am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

I tried. I gave him the keys to a car, but Dennis Rodman drove for him.

45605   Bigsby   2014 Apr 24, 11:58am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

And what has this got to do with the constant crap you post about Sandy Hook, Boston, 9/11....?

Oh, and whilst you are at it, feel free to post up the links to where I have supported zionism. I'll be waiting.

You are a globalist. You believe in the British Empire. That was influenced by multiracial Zionism many years ago. And it still is. Tell my you are happy that the court ruled that Zionism of today is not Abrahamic Judaism and I will throw flower petals at your feet.

I do? That's news to me. Post up the links where I've expressed my support for the British empire (seriously?!?). I'm still waiting for the zionism links.

45606   Bigsby   2014 Apr 24, 12:06pm  

bgamall4 says

I am not going through all your posts. Just say you are happy with the court's ruling and I will believe you.

So you just enjoy throwing out baseless accusations? Paint me unsurprised.

And I've never thought being anti-zionist was the same as being anti-semitic. Your idiotic conspiracies, and the tone of much of your posts, though, are a different matter. Remember, for example, that article you happily linked to with those blatantly anti-semitic images in it...

45607   HydroCabron   2014 Apr 24, 12:20pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Still, having to wait a day or two in order to take delivery of a Sexflesh Hermaphrodite Admixture Stroker in order to beat him to death with it

If you were pistol-whipping a banker, would you let him slump to the floor just to shoot Kim Jong-Un?

45608   Bigsby   2014 Apr 24, 1:37pm  

I've already said that I don't think being anti-zionist is the same as being anti-semitic. Why would I?

And it was an employment tribunal.

45609   clambo   2014 Apr 24, 2:09pm  

I was in Safeway this evening and heard over the PA system "come to US Bank and get a home equity loan today! the rates are great, blah etc."

There is a kiosk of US Bank right in there next to Redbox.

I was wondering which UCSC student would go ask for a home equity line of credit anyway.

45610   clambo   2014 Apr 24, 2:15pm  

Of course.

The money from the housing bubble was spent, blown, gone. What you see today is the real economy.

As an extreme experiment, I remember our summers on Martha's Vineyard since the early 60's. The locals saw themselves priced out of the market where they grew up and there were all kinds of ideas floated to help them.

One thing was for sure; I knew a LOT of poor people who ate tuna on wonderbread 5 times per week, but their HOUSE was worth a lot of money for sure.

None of these poor people could figure out a way to rip off a shingle and trade it for some groceries every day.

45611   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Apr 24, 2:27pm  

The wealth effect: it is what they call it.

It used to be that all homeowners and even new entrants profited from the rising tide.

Now the tide is stagnating and new entrants have to pay for everyone that came before them.

The wealth effect is a thing of the past. Everyone who comes now will suffer from (and complain about) high prices, except retirees scaling down.

45612   Bellingham Bill   2014 Apr 24, 2:46pm  

bgamall4 says

you can live multigenerationally and not compete with them at all.

The 1% chisel their wealth out of us via many means.

Real estate, health care, and energy being the biggest and most obvious economic rent centers.

Corporate profits in general are also a rent tap on us.

As is food, specifically.


but yeah, I'd love to buy some productive acreage and live off the land.


well, I guess there's always Japan . . .

45613   clambo   2014 Apr 24, 2:52pm  

The Federal Reserve is only useful if the economy is too "hot" and they raise interest rates to cool it down.

The very fast dramatic lowering of interest rates by Greenspan BEFORE the housing bubble peaked/popped was not wise. Absurdly low interest rates will tend to punish savers, and will encourage more risk taking that seeks a better return on capital.

Greenspan to his credit admits his stupidity and was surprised that the banks and others didn't protect themselves but rather amplified their risk and downside and were bankrupted in 2008. We TAXPAYERS saved them.

It would be good if the focus of the FED were clear that its purpose is only to combat inflation, i.e. the Fed can make interest rates higher and rules stricter, not lower interest rates to zero, not buy assets to prop up their price, etc.

Having done damage before the debt asset bubble popped, the Federal reserve and Treasury saved the banks, while putting us on the hook.

The interest rates being low didn't produce natural gas in North Dakota and Texas, it also doesn't increase innovation in Silicon Valley.

45614   clambo   2014 Apr 24, 2:56pm  

Bill would be surprised, in Mexico there are grants of $100K or so to finance small business. They're common and a good way for governments to spend money, rather than build new aircraft carriers, pensions for 1 million soldiers, huge welfare state, huge government employee state.

I know some guys who got a grant to build a tortilla factory/store. Nothing huge but it succeeded and they didn't steal the money. They succeeded.

Later they were granted another chunk of change, about $200K to build a chicken farm. Evidently it's doing OK since there are customers and food in Baja Sur was often imported from the USA.

45615   Bigsby   2014 Apr 24, 2:58pm  

bgamall4 says

You saw my other thread, as the court overruled the attempt to fuse Zionism and Judaism.

It was an employment tribunal, and that wasn't what they ruled on.

45616   Bellingham Bill   2014 Apr 24, 3:05pm  

clambo says

The very fast dramatic lowering of interest rates by Greenspan BEFORE the housing bubble peaked/popped was not wise.

this is not what actually happened


shows interest rates were dropped in 2Q02 - 2Q03 and then rose 50% of the drop from there, until the 2008 crash.

what actually happened in 2004-2005 was prices were driven by the rising prices of 2002-2003 (bubble behavior) and new suicide lending innovations being offered (liar loans, qualifying borrowers on teaser rates, interest-only, negative-am, which lowered the effective interest rate) along with broker and appraisal fraud.

Greenspan to his credit admits his stupidity and was surprised that the banks and others didn't protect themselves



The interest rates being low didn't produce natural gas in North Dakota and Texas, it also doesn't increase innovation in Silicon Valley.

this is true, but it keeps the ponzi going. The economy went off the rails in the 1980s, into the weeds in the 1990s, and who the heck knows where we are now . . .

45617   JH   2014 Apr 24, 4:00pm  

clambo says

real economy

Today is fed's economy. We haven't seen a real economy in a while.

45618   JH   2014 Apr 24, 4:07pm  

Call it Crazy says

“We think it is officially time to stop cheering for higher house prices. They aren’t having much of an impact on the economy anyway, and the resulting higher rents are hurting many,” they say

This is gospel. Fortunately they are not the first to say this recently; hopefully more will start to see the (obvious) light.

45619   Vicente   2014 Apr 24, 4:45pm  

Teahadist minutemen racists lost their poster boy, because he forgot to pretend he wasn't racist in front of cameras. Surprise!

45620   clambo   2014 Apr 24, 5:25pm  

What his opinions are about our society are distinct from the issue of the Feds using baloney to run him out of his livelihood. The scandal is what the Feds are doing to him, not what he says or believes.

Sotomayor, Holder, Sharpton, Michelle Obama, Obama's aunt, Rev. Wright, have made several comments that could be racist.

Commenters above are welcome to go to Detroit, Newark, the Bronx and see how the welfare society has helped the blacks or as this man says negroes. By the way, "negro" is not a racial epithet, it was common usage until very recently.

45621   Ceffer   2014 Apr 24, 5:34pm  

I worked with welfare populations for years. There are LOTS of white people on welfare and who abuse welfare. I don't know where anybody of any race or description gets the idea that only people of color are on welfare.

45622   lostand confused   2014 Apr 24, 5:46pm  

clambo says

What his opinions are about our society are distinct from the issue of the Feds
using baloney to run him out of his livelihood. The scandal is what the Feds are
doing to him, not what he says or believes

The scandal is a thief/trespasser/bum calling out somebody on welfare. he is on welfare, conducting business without paying expenses and willing to shoot at the landlord for daring to ask him for rent.

I still fail to see how conservatives support a socialist leech who has not paid the rent in decades-pockets the money and now pretends that that is his own land? How did this bum become the conservative hero?

The guy is a bum and gives good ranchers a bad name.

45623   clambo   2014 Apr 24, 6:11pm  

Bundy is not on welfare.

I am neither in support of the man nor against him. What I am against is the way he was treated.

He's not a scofflaw evading rents. They made up a bullshit fine for him because they want him off that land. They said he was bothering tortoises and charged him fines for it.

re: rancher's comments.
In 2011, 72% of births to black women were outside of marriage. Among these therefore a high percentage will be using govt. assistance.
Govt. programs actually promote single motherhood in locations which have subsidized housing. He may have been commenting on how this traps them into poverty.

45624   lostand confused   2014 Apr 24, 9:19pm  

clambo says

He's not a scofflaw evading rents

Huh?? How do you say that????

His comments about welfare may be true, but that does not change that he is the biggest welfare case of all.

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