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45671   Strategist   2014 Apr 27, 11:34am  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

If that's not a recovery, what is?

What's this??


It shows the recovery is not complete yet. That's all.
The GDP, Corporate profits, stock market, unemployment are the major indicators that count the most. The indicators you mentioned lag during a recovery.

45672   clambo   2014 Apr 27, 3:24pm  

The USA is in a jobless recovery.

2% GDP growth since Obama is anemic.

92 million people out of the workforce is pretty pathetic.

The chart civilian unemployment rate is bullshit but liberals like to use it.

The implication for investing in stocks is that interest rates will remain low and so stocks will continue to be attractive to capital worldwide.

I know a couple people on food stamps here who have iPhones, one also has HUD housing.

Oh Apple will split 7:1 plus dividends provide me with free shares, so I don't care if Uncle Obama keeps fucking up the economy.

45673   JH   2014 Apr 27, 3:26pm  

clambo says

Oh Apple will split 7:1 plus dividends provide me with free shares

Party like it's 1999

45674   mell   2014 Apr 28, 12:02am  

Heraclitusstudent says

The US don't suffer from a lack of consumption. Consumption represents a large % of the economy. The US suffer from a lack of investment.

That is absolutely right. More a lack of capital formation. If you take away paper & illiquid wealth, it's not looking that "rich" anymore. Hence the desire to levitate housing and stocks and throwing the kitchen sink (print, baby, print!) at it.

45675   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Apr 28, 2:15am  

But nevermind that Israel flew them in from Eithiopia, clothed, housed, and educated them.

A few Israeli rascists nullifies that Israel went out of it's way to embrace Eithiopian Jews.

45676   mell   2014 Apr 28, 2:37am  

There is no mountain of cash, some debt was reduced such as mortgages, but that has been taken on by the government, companies still have high debt leverage, despite of record profits, there is no safety in this. Point is, if you subtract the outstanding debt there is NO mountain of cash. That doesn't mean the stock market cannot be in a bull cycle if P/E is the driver, but it's about to end. I assumed sideways action at best for 2014 and so far that has held up. I'd be careful here.

45677   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Apr 28, 2:52am  


45678   myob   2014 Apr 28, 3:19am  

The two crashes which you mention in your original post certainly followed their breakouts by four years, but I don't think you can extrapolate that to today, since the underlying conditions are different. We're in the midst of the loosest monetary policy in the history of banking, and every major world bank is doing it, not just the Fed. It's safe to say we will have a crash, but you can't just extrapolate timelines from two very different crashes of the past, though I'll grant you that the 1929 and 1987 crashes were also fallout from monetary stimulus.

We could just as well have no nominal crash, but a crash in real terms. Zimbabwe's stock market did great as its people were foraging for food. We've reached the point where market valuation and GDP are completely divorced from capital.

45679   clambo   2014 Apr 28, 3:31am  

The future behavior of the stock market is not related to charts of the past.

Will some asset bubble form in the future? Probably yes.

If you went to the American museum of finance you would see the history of financial bubbles popping and crashing. It was easy to see in there if you didn't notice you weren't obvervant.

Stocks were a bubble in 1929 because you could buy them with margin=credit. Banks could buy them on margin with depositors money. Today the margin requirements are different, and depositors money is insured.

Assets that can be bought with credit, e.g. houses in California, can become bubbles. Some saw this and others didn't. The liar loans to strawberry pickers to buy $750K houses are what can lead to an asset bubble.

The stock market as a whole is not a bubble, capital is choosing to buy stocks rather than lend it to make a lousy 2% return.

Worldwide savings is capital seeking either income, capital appreciation or a combination of both. A rich evil robber baron in the Phillipines is still buying U.S. stocks.

My little old lady friend is richer than God from owning stocks which over this period have fluctuated down from time to time. So has Warren Buffet.

When you own stocks you own a piece of the action, sometimes you get dividends depending on the stocks.

When your dividends start adding up it really doesn't matter if you see your net worth go down a bit unless you are very strapped for cash, but since you have collected dividends you aren't.

45680   dublin hillz   2014 Apr 28, 3:34am  

My belief is that U.S will not become a 3rd world country. While elites have taken away quite a bit from the middle class, there's a certain level that they will not dare to cross since United States represents the capitalist power and in order for the representation to maintain the legitimacy in the eyes of americans and the rest of the world, we must maintain one of the highest standards of living in the world.

Besides, "they" have already taken enough and can't take much else. Many "jobs" now how horrendous benefits, paltry if any retirement/medical, so called flexible hours that require that people can't live on their own anymore. Ain't much more that they can do besides wrecking tech and considering the direction in which the world is trending with apps and other electronic conveniences, I can't see them doing that. So rest assured, we will not have a 1920's depression. We shall all drink a shot of vodka to that....

45681   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Apr 28, 5:30am  

Since the early 1950s, The Jewish Agency has assisted more than 40,000 Ethiopians with their immigration to Israel.

The decision to appoint emissaries to Ethiopia came from The Jewish Agency management following requests from Jewish community leaders in Ethiopia. In 1953, The Jewish Agency appointed Rabbi Shmuel Be'eri as The Agency's first emissary to Ethiopia.

At the same time, the World Zionist Organization and The Jewish Agency appointed Yona Bogale as responsible for educational activity in the Diaspora. Rabbi Be'eri established the first Hebrew School for Ethiopian Jews in Asmara.

Between 1955 and 1965, approximately 27 Jewish Ethiopian teens, known as the "Kfar Batya Group," were brought to Israel where they were trained to be emissaries by The Jewish Agency, and returned to their communities as qualified and highly skilled teachers. Meanwhile, The Agency established medical clinics within these communities to serve the Jewish population, many of whom were awaiting approval for Aliyah.


By the end of the 1970s, Jewish immigration from Ethiopia took the form of Aliyah of Rescue. Until 1977, Jews from Ethiopia were permitted to immigrate to the Jewish State until 1977 when the dictator, Mengistu Haile Mariam, came to power.

During the decade that followed, immigration was clandestine and managed by the Government of Israel along with The Jewish Agency. Suffering persecution at the hands of Mengisto's Marxist regime for holding Jewish educational and Zionist activities, many of the Jewish villagers became refugees. The first refugees from the Tigray area walked all the way to Israel by foot with next to no aid.

Understanding the intense need, the Mossad Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, along with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) joined with the The Jewish Agency to establish more effective procedures and improved conditions for Aliyah. The IDF and Mossad began to bring Ethiopian Jews to safety in Israel, and The Jewish Agency welcomed and absorbed the refugees, housing them in youth villages and special sites established for this purpose.


"Operation Moses" aided the arrival of 6,364 Jews from refugee camps in Sudan to Israel, via intermediating countries, by foot, planes, and boats.


Between November 1988 and May 1991, 150,000 Ethiopian Jews moved closer to Addis Ababa, the center for Aliyah activities in Ethiopia.

"Operation Solomon" was an aerial Aliyah maneuver for the rescue of Ethiopian Jewry. In May 1991, 14,000 Ethiopian Jews arrived in Israel aboard IDF, El-Al, and Ethiopian Airlines aircrafts. During the operation, the IDF, The Jewish Agency, the Joint Distribution Committee, and the Mossad joined forces. With aid of American arbitration, the Israeli government reached a settlement with Mengistu and with the rebels, allowing the rescue to take place within 34 hours.


From 1992-1997, the Israeli Government along with The Jewish Agency assisted Ethiopian Jews of the Qwara Province to reach the Jewish State. Since June 2008, The Jewish Agency, at the request of the Government of Israel, has continued to make Aliyah from Ethiopia possible, according to the Law of Return 1970 Amendment of "Zera Israel" from Ethiopia.


By government decision, immigration of "Zera Israel" continues with "Operation Dove's Wings" which commenced on October 29, 2012. This is the peak of the Aliyah process for those eligible for immigration by the Law of Return 1970 Amendment. It is the final wave of Aliyah from Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa; an operation that began in the 1950s and has come full circle thanks to the services of The Jewish Agency.


The Jewish Agency, of course, is a premier Zionist organization, which I mean literally without any sarcasm.

45682   clambo   2014 Apr 28, 7:16am  

Credit allows people to bid up assets into bubbles.

45683   tatupu70   2014 Apr 28, 7:18am  

mell says

Absolutely. There was no sea of cash in 2008 and there is none right now.

So, you have no argument then. Can you explain how treasury bonds are trading at negative real returns then? If there is not a crapload of excess cash looking for any return, how is this possible?

45684   mell   2014 Apr 28, 7:21am  

tatupu70 says

mell says

Absolutely. There was no sea of cash in 2008 and there is none right now.

So, you have no argument then. Can you explain how treasury bonds are trading at negative real returns then? If there is not a crapload of excess cash looking for any return, how is this possible?

If you sum it all up, there is no sea of cash. There surely is inequality and fairly wealthy people who would be stupid not to diversify and be defensive at this point. Plus you have Fed monetization. Nonetheless rates will continue to go up slowly.

45685   FunTime   2014 Apr 28, 8:12am  

Call it Crazy says

See, the eCONomy is getting better for everyone!!!

Well since the economy is heavily dependent on credit doesn't that mean that for the economy to being doing "well" that a lot of people are borrowing themselves into irrecoverable debt? Since most of the money(or is that a specific kind of money like "disposable income?") in the economy is held by a few people, doesn't that mean that the economy is doing best when those few individuals are doing best?

45686   dublin hillz   2014 Apr 28, 9:21am  

Local purchase power index shows that united states is second most powerful in that regard. I don't think that we are at the cliff of apocalypse.


45687   mmmarvel   2014 Apr 28, 9:57am  

No worries here, I will merely work until I die - problem solved.

45688   rooemoore   2014 Apr 28, 10:25am  

mell says

Not the automation horseshit again. There is and will be a growing need for service sector jobs, medical, nursing, even restaurants. Productivity has hardly increased with all the automation and companies are outbidding each other in desperation to find qualified SW engineers (def. a booming sector right now) to take care of all the automation. I am not that negative on employment, just on deficit-spending and currency debasement. Let's talk automation in 20 years again and see if it's a real threat by then.

Not the service sector jobs horseshit again. Wipe old peoples' asses for $15/hr!

45689   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Apr 28, 10:30am  

Financial worries are for pussies.
There are people in the world living on landfills. They don't worry about retirement: They just wait for the next truck to come and deliver fresh trash from which they can pick food.

45690   HydroCabron   2014 Apr 28, 10:54am  

Torture = Sacrament

Amazingly, this is not perceived as an insult to Christianity in outer wingnuttia.

45691   Strategist   2014 Apr 28, 11:00am  

Heraclitusstudent says

Financial worries are for pussies.

There are people in the world living on landfills. They don't worry about retirement: They just wait for the next truck to come and deliver fresh trash from which they can pick food.

What do you think we do at Walmart?

45692   Tenpoundbass   2014 Apr 28, 11:59am  

She was just saying they should get right with the Lord, Jesus take a chill pill.

45693   carrieon   2014 Apr 28, 1:04pm  

Makes sense. 1973 is when Nixon dumped the gold standard and told the rest of the world to do our manufacturing in exchange for using U.S. dollars only for oil.

45694   clambo   2014 Apr 28, 1:19pm  

Waterboard them.

Imagine if the FBI had waterboarded those guys in Boston after the Russians told them to watch them? This would have saved innocent people.

If you don't want to waterboard terrorists, just have no more visas except tourist visas.

45695   TheOriginalSBH   2014 Apr 28, 1:30pm  

Not to mention all the victims with missing limbs....
If waterboarding is considered too violent, maybe we can just run over them with the back wheels on a Dairy Queen truck....

clambo says

Waterboard them.

Imagine if the FBI had waterboarded those guys in Boston after the Russians told them to watch them? This would have saved innocent people.

45696   Ceffer   2014 Apr 28, 1:38pm  

Apparently, it doesn't worry them enough to actually work at saving money, but it does worry them enough to vote for politicians who promise they will rob somebody else to get them the money.

45697   Blurtman   2014 Apr 28, 1:40pm  

Retirement Remains Americans' Top Financial Worry

#2 on the list was:

Dying Penniless in a Crack Hotel.

And #3 was:

That I Would Have To Pay For All of This

45698   Ceffer   2014 Apr 28, 1:44pm  

#4 is "Can I get the money I spent on lottery tickets back?"

45699   Ceffer   2014 Apr 28, 1:50pm  

She operates on two neurons.

One is inhibitory, but intermittent. The other opens her mouth, opens her legs and pulls the trigger in no particular order.

45700   clambo   2014 Apr 28, 2:00pm  

millions of foreign workers, illegal and legal, drive wages DOWN.

45701   RWSGFY   2014 Apr 28, 2:19pm  

Wrong Bundy. I though the thread was about Al. Very disappointing.

45702   Vicente   2014 Apr 28, 4:15pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

necrobestiality porn

I had no idea this was a thing now.

Well at least it's better than homo-necro-pedo-bestiality.

45703   Ceffer   2014 Apr 28, 4:20pm  

He can choke down chick dick and ride rump roast until the cows come home: no miscegenation.

It's cheating a little, but not entirely inconsistent with his illustrious philosophy of not mixing the races.

45704   Ceffer   2014 Apr 28, 4:25pm  

Time to consult the illustrated glossary of obscene terminology.

45705   Ceffer   2014 Apr 28, 4:41pm  

Maybe the kid was lighting farts from his colostomy stoma. That almost qualifies as a felony.

45706   HydroCabron   2014 Apr 28, 11:23pm  

CaptainShuddup says

She was just saying they should get right with the Lord, Jesus take a chill pill.

Yes .

Stupidity makes her more down-to-earth. I like her more and more.

45707   bubblesitter   2014 Apr 29, 12:33am  

Has anyone tried the zillow "premarket" feature lately? I see a considerable increase in # of properties in distress. Steam is running out no matter what inventory on the top shows.

45708   bubblesitter   2014 Apr 29, 1:47am  

The Professor says

What good is a mansion on an estate if you have to have paramilitary guards at the gate to keep the cannibals out?

Hehe, to protect the yam in the backyard.

45709   lakermania   2014 Apr 29, 2:01am  

I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish here with quoting Sterling. He has a history of well publicized quotes of pitting Hispanics against blacks, blacks against Hispanics, whites against blacks, Koreans against blacks. Who knows why he says the things he does, but his quotes regarding race certainly shouldn't be given any credibility even if he's Jewish.

45710   New Renter   2014 Apr 29, 2:23am  

bgamall4 says

EBGuy says

but not as much as it will when the recast hits and principal must also be repaid on a 20-year schedule.

Of course. We are not talking about interest rates, New Renter, we are talking about the need to pay Principle!! It is going to kill housing until the rich want to buy more. Unless they think it is a lost cause.

No its all about he monthly payment and whether those people refi'd into a new mortgage that will allow them to make their monthly nut.

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