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47319   bob2356   2014 Jun 14, 10:56pm  

When do we get to actually call the police state a police state. I recently heard America described as the world's largest minimum security prison on BBC.

47320   Robert Sproul   2014 Jun 14, 11:45pm  

Localized surveillance, regional prepositioning of thousands of military assets like Bearcats and MRAPs with local domestic law enforcement.
It makes one wonder what they have in mind.
From the link:
"Just last month, unilateral changes to US military laws formally granted the Pentagon extraordinary powers to intervene in a domestic "emergency" or "civil disturbance":
"Two years later, the Department of Defense's (DoD) Army Modernisation Strategy described the arrival of a new "era of persistent conflict" due to competition for "depleting natural resources and overseas markets" fuelling "future resource wars over water, food and energy." The report predicted a resurgence of:

"... anti-government and radical ideologies that potentially threaten government stability."

In the same year, a report by the US Army's Strategic Studies Institute warned that a series of domestic crises could provoke large-scale civil unrest."

47321   bob2356   2014 Jun 14, 11:52pm  

Entitlemented says

When Henry Ford propose building the Ford Mustang they said that only the wealthy could afford them and the workers would not. This as we know was untrue as the scale of economies allowed Mustangs to be afforded by the workers.

Henry Ford was long dead when the Mustang came out. He built the model T.

47322   carrieon   2014 Jun 15, 12:00am  

This is a classic by BB King and Stevie Wonder, live in 2009.


47323   bob2356   2014 Jun 15, 12:07am  

Reality says

Purchasing power means how much goods and services the consumer can buy, not how much nominal dollars he can spend. Let's say there is a labor-only service, say baby sitting in an employee arrangement, if the parent has $100 to spend, and the previous wage rate was $10, the parent's purchasing power is 10 hours of baby sitting. If you raise the minimum wage there to $15/hr, the same parent's purchasing power drops to a little over 6hours; i.e. a decline in purchasing power.

That's assuming all babysitters get $10 and hour.

There are 1.566 million people earning mininum wage in 2012 out 138 million people working or a little more than 1%. Raising the minimum wage for 1% of the population by 30% isn't going to have much of an effect of any kind. It's all political theatre. But as proven here it certainly is effective political theatre, diverting people from looking at the real problems.

Sorry reality, I had to use actual real numbers. I know you hate that it as it interferes with your it's true because I feel it's true style of debate. I'll try to avoid that as much as possible.

47324   bob2356   2014 Jun 15, 12:24am  

Robert Sproul says

It makes one wonder what they have in mind.

Why would you have to wonder? Even a cursory reading of world history will provide the answer.

A. The politicians are afraid. They know they have created an unsustainable situation that will lead to a major crisis in the future and want to be able to retain control when it happens.

B. They can get away with it. Every government in history has become ever more controlling and repressive until there is a reset through war or revolution. People always buy the it's for your own good argument until it's too late. People who protest are pictured as unpatriotic or paranoid kooks.

47325   Robert Sproul   2014 Jun 15, 12:58am  

Yeah, I have no doubts about their intentions.
Bush felt it was necessary, for the first time in our nations history, to create a Battle Command Group in the (his ominous coinage) "Homeland".
"At Brookings, Renuart acknowledged that NorthCom works actively with the FBI’s joint terrorism task force and other intelligence agencies.
“Every day our command center monitors between thirty-five and forty-five events around the United States that might require federal support,” he said. “We can monitor the pulse of our nation. . . . Monitoring that information on a routine basis is part of our daily battle rhythm.”

"daily battle rhythm.” for fucks sake.

The Founders dreaded Standing Army is here.
And you know they are itching for action.
Security is perhaps the highest priority for government planners: security, that is, for its own power and perks.
And, it goes without saying, protection of its primary constituency, the concentrated private power in this corrupt system of Cut-Throat Capitalizm.
(I think they anticipate that the 500 American Billionaires [who control 2 trillion of wealth] and their paid political apparatchiks will eventually need protection…..when a desperate, if diabetic and obese, proletariat finally gets off the couch. Maybe when the Cheeto factory closes.)

47326   Vicente   2014 Jun 15, 1:14am  

bob2356 says

Henry Ford was long dead when the Mustang came out. He built the model T.

No really Henry Ford built the Mustang back in 1909 in memory of that deaf dumb and blind girl Anne Frank.

47327   bob2356   2014 Jun 15, 2:58am  

Vicente says

No really Henry Ford built the Mustang back in 1909 in memory of that deaf dumb and blind girl Anne Frank.

Anne Frank wasn't deaf, dumb, or blind and wasn't born until 1929. WTF are you talking about?

47328   marcus   2014 Jun 15, 3:03am  

Humor. He was balancing it with the veracity of the first half of the sentence. .

47329   bob2356   2014 Jun 15, 3:05am  

bob2356 says

Vicente says

No really Henry Ford built the Mustang back in 1909 in memory of that deaf dumb and blind girl Anne Frank.

Anne Frank wasn't deaf, dumb, or blind and wasn't born until 1929. WTF are you talking about?

that's what I get for not paying attention to who is posting.

47330   HEY YOU   2014 Jun 15, 7:44am  

How many were injured & died on & after 9-11 & what is the monetary cost?
How many were injured & died in Afghanistan & Iraq & what is the monetary cost?

Bush & Republican FAILURES.

Damn you Obama! Why didn't you stop this?

47331   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jun 15, 8:09am  

Call it Crazy says

Thousands of illegal kids flowing over the southern border...

Cause and Effect from 2 years ago...

Obama administration to stop deporting some young illegal immigrants


47332   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jun 15, 8:12am  

HEY YOU says

How many were injured & died on & after 9-11 & what is the monetary cost?

How many were injured & died in Afghanistan & Iraq & what is the monetary cost?

Bush & Republican FAILURES.

Damn you Obama! Why didn't you stop this?

I guess you of all would stop many Americans who saw the attack as act of War and signed up with Military. .. or we shouldnt have gone after AQ in Afganistan or attack other terrorist groups...

how naive of you.

47333   Bubbabeefcake   2014 Jun 15, 10:39am  

Jazz Music is now officially labeled a terrorist!!!

47334   Strategist   2014 Jun 15, 10:55am  

Bubbabear says

Jazz Music is now officially labeled a terrorist!!!

You too.

47335   Y   2014 Jun 15, 12:00pm  

Nice vent for someone who just got hit with a virus while pornsurfing...

jazz music says

Blogging opens you to Army cyber attack.

47336   Robert Sproul   2014 Jun 15, 12:17pm  

National hero Chris Hedges (recently sued the Federal Govt to annul Indefinite Detention. Lost. http://www.truthdig.com/staff/chris_hedges) basically says resistance to the Corporate State is futile. And resistance is the only hope for personal redemption.
I quit voting this year. I am very, very tired of lesser evil options and am going to withhold my consent from this system going forward.

47337   FortWayne   2014 Jun 15, 12:59pm  

It's scary that our government has made enough laws to "legally" do just about anything. Too much government for my taste.

47338   casandra   2014 Jun 15, 1:31pm  

I saw that moon picture of the plane also. That solves it for most of us I think. Could be why so much interest I'm going to the moon again by several nations. The giant moth picture is obviously photoshopped. Geez, some people are so gullible!

47339   Vicente   2014 Jun 15, 1:46pm  

bob2356 says

Anne Frank wasn't deaf, dumb, or blind and wasn't born until 1929. WTF are you talking about?


If I must explain further, it relates to previous poster absurdity "Henry Ford creating the Mustang".

47340   bob2356   2014 Jun 15, 2:10pm  

Vicente says

If I must explain further, it relates to previous poster absurdity "Henry Ford creating the Mustang".

I forgot there are still a few patnet posters left with a sense of humor. Not many, but a few. Usually people who post absurd shit any more believe it.

47341   bob2356   2014 Jun 15, 2:27pm  

jazz music says

Can anybody, other than AF, suggest specific tactics for regaining civil liberty and real representation?


47342   Howdy There   2014 Jun 15, 3:00pm  

At the risk of giving away state secrets:

1. FortWayne is an actual military base. It's scheduled for decommission because there are too many guns there.

2. SoftShell is code for an 8 digit grid where several conventional warheads are targeted. Just say 'Jazz Music' on the right frequency and it's a done deal.

3. New Renter is an embedded agent deep in the heart of Canada eh. One slipped puck and it will be a frosty go time.

4. Patnet and other such extremist blogs are scheduled for 'decommissioning' in 2356, so get your comments in now.

47344   monkframe   2014 Jun 15, 3:34pm  

Howdy There says

My belief is that small increases to minimum wages will have minimal impact either negative or positive. A large increase will be damaging. Minimum wages are mostly an aid to slow the race to the bottom.

Well, if they'd been indexed to inflation and their upward progression had not been stopped in 1980, they'd be at about $17 per hour now. A gradual upward movement would have been much better, as businesses who couldn't make the grade would have weeded out more slowly - we're so far behind now that it will be a shock for small business. Large corps - who cares?

47345   New Renter   2014 Jun 15, 5:41pm  

Howdy There says

3. New Renter is an embedded agent deep in the heart of Canada eh. One slipped puck and it will be a frosty go time

Where else would you expect to find a migrating bird in summer?

47346   tatupu70   2014 Jun 15, 9:17pm  

Paralithodes says

If Bill Gates' income and your income both doubled next month, "income
inequality" would grow substantially. You would have a significantly smaller %
of the pie. Perhaps you would prefer to give up your increased standard of
living relative to your income doubling because it's not "fair" that someone
else with more than you also doubled their income, but regardless, the pie did
not shrink.

Why do people always talk about "fairness" when discussing income/wealth inequality?? The problem isn't fairness. The problem is that the economy doesn't work when inequality gets to levels like we see now.

It's not a moral concern--it's pragmatic.

47347   Paralithodes   2014 Jun 15, 9:26pm  

bob2356 says

I'm talking about the sentence "every single possible development/outcome is prescribed apriori in the rule book." The only word that could possibly used substituted (at least that would make reasonable sense) is beforehand. That is neither the definition nor the intent of a priori.

That might be the only "word" that could possibly be substituted, one-word for one-word only. But it is not the only concept that could be substituted. Another phrase could be substituted making the use of a-priori valid (or at least not quite invalid as you imply). Think out of your 1-for-1 word replacement box and perhaps you can allow yourself to discuss the actual substance of the argument rather than diverting from it via your expert pedantry.

47348   bob2356   2014 Jun 15, 11:04pm  

jazz music says

Expatriate to where?

The south of france was my first choice, followed by austrolasia, and now working on Italy. France isn't the highest for civil liberties ( a lot better than the US at this point) or representation, but with enough postcard scenery, sunny beaches, fine food and wine you can have a certain moral flexibility.

47349   New Renter   2014 Jun 15, 11:21pm  

bob2356 says

The south of france was my first choice

Nice choice!

47350   marcus   2014 Jun 15, 11:25pm  

That dumbing down of America video is filled with bs and lies. Not that there aren't any hints of partial truths a near facts.

I wonder if the guy that made the film by chance is a product of an American private schools. If he's from public schools, it is an indictment of public school education.

Some right wingers are going to believe that shit, such as Fort Wayne.

47351   marcus   2014 Jun 16, 12:07am  


Instead of daring to understand his point, you question the slightly exaggerated way he made it.

47352   marco   2014 Jun 16, 12:14am  

National Association Of Rapists ?

(Geez .. I always thought it stood for National Association of Rodents ...).

Now I'm all confused.

47353   MAGA   2014 Jun 16, 12:18am  

I wonder what the commission was on the child?

47354   Robert Sproul   2014 Jun 16, 12:20am  

jazz music says

cop out.

Withholding consent through vote abstention is a political strategy based on Noam Chomsky's ideas about manufacturing or engineering our consent through the false political choices we are presented.
You continuing to support the unchanging scam by making your "choice" of which candidate YOU want to work against the peoples interest and give away the national treasure to corporate interests…..now that is a cop out.
Try to vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs and the Banking Cabal or Northrup Grumman and the War Pigs, which candidate do you pick?

Chomsky and Hedges.

47355   control point   2014 Jun 16, 12:38am  

Paralithodes says

Rejecting the foundation of a formula is the same as rejecting "math" in your thinking?

Are you saying that the formula inputs are not true? Are we arguing whether or not income inequality is growing? That is the foundation of the formula.

47356   Strategist   2014 Jun 16, 12:56am  

jazz music says

Well that ain't good enough. Go back, get real and come up with something.

We can become like Cuba.

47357   indigenous   2014 Jun 16, 1:14am  

Paralithodes says

indigenous says

If that is happening, by math the size of the rest of the pie is shrinking.

not my quote

47358   Ceffer   2014 Jun 16, 3:06am  

It could have been worse, he could have made her listen to his old records over and over.

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