And I'm out of here...

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2014 Jul 27, 8:08am   7,986 views  11 comments

by Homeboy   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I've never been happy about the turn this website has taken since real estate recovered and there wasn't much to talk about anymore. The racists here are getting more and more bold with their opinions. This thread, I think, is the last straw for me:


Just briefly skimming that thread, I saw some ideas about race that I find very disturbing, and I do not wish to be associated with these people in any way. Vilifying an entire group of people based only on the color of their skin is a very, very dangerous thing to do, and has been the reason for a lot of bad things happening in this country. One would hope that such attitudes would change over time, but sadly, it appears they never do, at least for some people.

I want nothing to do with this. Say whatever you like; I won't be back.


Comments 1 - 11 of 11        Search these comments

1   curious2   2014 Jul 27, 8:14am  

Homeboy was one of the worst trolls on this site, addicted to fights and insults, an overage juvenile white boy calling everybody racist. Some of the comments on that thread were disturbing, but if they drove him away, that would be a redeeming feature. He tended to ignore people anyway, so of course "briefly skimming" he would see only what he wanted to see.

2   HEY YOU   2014 Jul 27, 9:06am  

I'm not racist. I don't like anybody.

3   lostand confused   2014 Jul 27, 11:49am  

That is one strange thing I find in the far left today. Before it was the far right-building their dinosaur museums and claiming dinosaurs were ridden by men. The left has its sacred cows-gays, women ,minorities etc.

While some views expressed in that thread are despicable and outrageous-they are just that-views. But in the modern world, we are not allowed to express our views at all if it contrasts the "popular" view. You are labeled a racist, misogynist whateverist. Free debate and discussion is very crucial.

My view has always been that you can say whatever you want in public-now a corporation etc is a different thing as you work for someone. Where I draw the line is legislating two adults in private behavior. be that gays, or mandating equal pay just because of gender-that is absurd-either you are an equal or not.

The right tries to limit personal liberties in gays, abortion etc and the left limits personal liberties of men. But debate is crucial and it is amusing to see the far left resort to hissy fits, bullying , unquestioned obedience to ideas and not question them.

That we have more crime in the black population in the US is a fact. No hiding from that. Now me, I would like to know why-what factors contribute to it, is it solvable, etc? Could it be easy welfare , allure of drug money and the general disdain for hard working folks that is sweeping this country?But some on the forums take it as evidence to support their dumb beliefs-which is their right-as long as they don't enact laws to go back the way things were pre civil rights.

4   elliemae   2014 Jul 27, 12:00pm  

Homeboy says

I've never been happy about the turn this website has taken since real estate recovered and there wasn't much to talk about anymore.

Real estate recovered? The recession is over? We're all back to where we were pre-recession, with loads of equity in our homes, taking vacations and are what we consider to be "happy?"

I didn't get the memo. Kind of pisses me off that you racists didn't see fit to include me in this "recovery."

Bye, homeboy. There are 15,000 readers on this site every day. Somehow, I think we will all find a way to deal with losing you.

Myself, I'm going to enjoy this "recovery" of which you spoke so fondly, and look for the piles of money I must be sitting on.

5   wave9x   2014 Jul 27, 12:16pm  

Types like homeboy make it impossible to discuss racial issues. If you bring up facts like blacks and hispanics commit more crime, African and Latin countries are mostly third world, and so on, they storm off like babies having a tantrum. We are just supposed to drink the KoolAid that race has nothing to do with anything.

6   Robert Sproul   2014 Jul 27, 1:03pm  

Now that panty-waist is gone, can Roberto come back?

7   Robert Sproul   2014 Jul 27, 1:07pm  

elliemae says


"The inflation-adjusted net worth for the typical household was $87,992 in 2003. Ten years later, it was only $56,335, or a 36 percent decline, according to a study financed by the Russell Sage Foundation."

8   Bigsby   2014 Jul 27, 2:11pm  

wave9x says

Types like homeboy make it impossible to discuss racial issues. If you bring up facts like blacks and hispanics commit more crime, African and Latin countries are mostly third world, and so on, they storm off like babies having a tantrum. We are just supposed to drink the KoolAid that race has nothing to do with anything.

Except you seem to be insinuating/stating? issues such as crime rates, the poverty levels in Africa (or in much of Asia), etc. etc. are due to race, when it would be rather easy to point out that you could/should focus on other factors - historical, geographical, political, social, cultural... Why is it that so many on here bring race front and center as the reason for whatever they want to complain about?

9   Dan8267   2014 Jul 27, 2:18pm  

Homeboy says

I want nothing to do with this. Say whatever you like; I won't be back.


10   elliemae   2014 Jul 27, 2:19pm  

Robert Sproul says

elliemae says


"The inflation-adjusted net worth for the typical household was $87,992 in 2003. Ten years later, it was only $56,335, or a 36 percent decline, according to a study financed by the Russell Sage Foundation."


So - kind of a "reverse recovery?"

I just watched a Frontline report on poverty in America, where they followed 4 children and showed their poverty from their perspective. It was enough to make me sick.

11   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jul 27, 4:17pm  

Blah Blah Blah!!!

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