Putin - $70 billion in wealth

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2014 Aug 25, 7:26am   2,665 views  13 comments

by dublin hillz   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


"While many previously state-owned industries were privatized, Putin allegedly has used his power to build large secret ownership stakes several multi-billion dollar commodity firms. His most vocal critics assert that Putin has leveraged his power to acquire a 4.5% ownership stake in natural gas producer Gazprom, a 37% stake in oil company Surgutneftegas and 50% stake in Swiss oil-trader Gunvor. Gazprom alone does over $150 billion in revenue annually, Guvnor does $80 billion and Surgutneftegas over $20 billion. Using their most recent market capitalizations, Putin's combined ownership stakes would give him a personal net worth of $70 billion!"

It is really bizarre how some peole champion him as some kind of valiant fighter against the "zionists" and "new world order" as if he is some sort of robin hood fighting against evil capitalist worldwide empire. This guy is likely the 3rd wealthiest person in the world after gates and slim helu. If anything rather than being a fighter against "capitalist pigs", he is the ultimate undemocratic tyrant and wants to challenge the west and create a "multipolar" world for his own ambitions alone. And lets not forget for a minute that he surely believes in the "death of a million is a statistic" school of thought, he learned from "the best" aka joseph stalin school.


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1   RWSGFY   2014 Aug 25, 8:09am  

Nah, this is just besmirching campaign waged by all kinds of Nazis against the Great Leader of Mother Russia.

BTW, posting this makes you a Nazi too.

2   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Aug 25, 9:05am  

The Clintons were "Broke" when they left the White House, too.

dublin hillz says

he is the ultimate undemocratic tyrant

Riiiight. There's no rational reason a politician who doubled the national income per head after a decade of utter chaos, mafia control, foreign interference, and utter ruin could possibly be very popular.

3   Blurtman   2014 Aug 25, 9:30am  

Why not do a comparison of the USA versus Russia in the following categories:

1.) Military bases and garrisons around the world
2.) Attacks on other countries including drones and invasions in the last decade

4   dublin hillz   2014 Aug 25, 9:52am  


"The crucial elements of Putinism are nationalism, religion, social conservatism, state capitalism and government domination of the media. They are all, in some way or another, different from and hostile to, modern Western values of individual rights, tolerance, cosmopolitanism and internationalism."

What a beacon of democracy and enlightment. We should emulate him just like some former soviet puppet governments, I mean client states....Pinochet and Lee Kuan Yew are also experts on combining societal development with human rights (I mean human rights abuses), we should take their teachings into account as well...

6   Blurtman   2014 Aug 25, 9:53am  

Putin laughs at rationale for in invading Iraq. Oh, wait,....

7   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Aug 25, 10:01am  

dublin hillz says

"The crucial elements of Putinism are nationalism, religion, social conservatism, state capitalism and government domination of the media. They are all, in some way or another, different from and hostile to, modern Western values of individual rights, tolerance, cosmopolitanism and internationalism."

Modern Western Values?

Utterly inhumane. Succeed in competing for an ever-dwindling supply of decent jobs or you deserve to die starving under a bridge. You won't just be poor and hungry and homeless, you deserve it because you're a loser AND immoral to boot. If you weren't, you wouldn't be poor.

dublin hillz says

modern Western values of individual rights, tolerance, cosmopolitanism and internationalism."


Look how much more criminal and deserving of incarceration Americans are than everybody else!

Criticizing others is safe and easy. Cleaning up your own mess, hard and not very fulfilling in the self-righteousness department

8   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Aug 25, 10:19am  

Fewer financial criminals were indicted after the 2008 Financial Crisis than during the 80s S&L Crisis.

9   dublin hillz   2014 Aug 26, 3:24am  

thunderlips11 says

. You won't just be poor and hungry and homeless, you deserve it because you're
a loser AND immoral to boot. If you weren't, you wouldn't be poor.

Homelessness is alive and well in current russia. Estimated russian homeless population is between 1.5 to 3 million citizens.


Between 10,000 to 50,000 are in moscow alone.

"“Government services do not focus on precautionary or preventive measures, while the social work with those who have already become homeless is complicated by bureaucratic obstacles, a low level of cooperation between separate services, insufficient development of the network of specialized agencies, and so on."

10   dublin hillz   2014 Aug 26, 3:27am  

thunderlips11 says

Riiiight. There's no rational reason a politician who doubled the national
income per head after a decade of utter chaos, mafia control, foreign
interference, and utter ruin could possibly be very popular.

The improvement in national income is likely due to 2 factors - prices of oil and natural gas and the fact that tax structure was changed where businesses were flat taxed at 13%. Additionally, the baseline was so low that "improvement" still leaves russia way behind western europe and united states. Additionally, the wealth disparity is horrible. Moreover, the new "wealth" is concentrated primarily in urban centers, when one leaves to villages/small towns the poverty is still horrendous.

11   dublin hillz   2014 Aug 26, 3:32am  

thunderlips11 says

utter chaos, mafia control

That was unavoidable. After communism imploded (god bless gorbachev), shortly thereafter one of the worst inflations in modern history beseiged the population during transition to capitalist economy. Once prices were "liberated" they adjusted very quickly to reflect systemic inefficiency and lack of productivity. Not that people were able to save much during soviet times but whatever meager savings they had quickly became worthless like toilet paper. Moreover, during privatization, the government cronies got first and only bids on the action. Mafia quickly stepped in.

However, it is a mistake to believe that mafia is gone. Far from it. Just because you don't hear stuff like dramatic street car bombings like in 1990, doesn't mean that organized crime is under control. Well, it is under control, Putin's that is to serve as one more weapon is his arsenal to go after whomever he chooses :-)

12   dublin hillz   2014 Aug 26, 3:37am  

Regarding 40% of american wealth being gambled away - that so called wealth was in the form of home equity/stock prices. Middle class had most of it in the former category. However, "losing" that wealth which has by now mostly been recovered depending on the region is not the same as someone going into your checking/savings account and stealing 40% without your consent. Everyone understands that home values and stock prices fluctuate and are not protected by the government. The people who treated their homes like ATM machines during the bubble got a well deserved and harsh dose of reality.

13   RWSGFY   2014 Aug 26, 4:23am  

dublin hillz says

However, "losing" that wealth which has by now mostly been recovered depending on the region is not the same as someone going into your checking/savings account and stealing 40% without your consent.

You mean like Putin did with Russian equivalent of 401k plans by simply confiscating this year's contributions? Stop this Nazi nonsense!

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