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APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
he attributes to....
did he mention PhRMA promotion at all, e.g. direct payments and other inducements to prescribers?
Ah yes, the DTC advertising of Rx drugs. (Linked with commentary on ADHD from KevinMD.)
Advertising Rx drugs DTC is very lucrative but it makes no sense in any other way. The Rx requirement presumes that consumers are too stupid to decide for themselves what they need, which may in fact be true in some cases. The DTC advertisement tells the same consumer audience to "ask your doctor" for a particular drug. The drug companies pay (and otherwise induce) the doctors to say yes, and studies show most doctors tend to do what the drug companies induce them to do and patients ask them to do. So, DTC advertising of Rx drugs defeats the purported purpose of the Rx requirement, and instead results simply in more spending (aka revenue, aka power), which is the real purpose.
People talk about payment mechanisms, e.g. lemon socialist "market" insurance vs single payer or NHS, but a more basic problem is the artificial demand created by DTC advertising, which collides with the artificial limit on supply created by the Rx requirement. The subsidized Rx confers a perception of value (including an official endorsement) upon what might otherwise be perceived, more accurately, as a dangerous and probably worthless product.
Meanwhile, REAL PROBLEMS like leaded gasoline, which seems to have made more criminal and violent kids than PCP, marijuana, video games, rap lyrics, or being black, was said to be harmless by shitbag oil company and government fucks.
APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Had a bunch of Brits approach me after an event I pulled together in Pennsylvania asking about all the wiggly leg drug ads.
wiggly leg... is that some kind of code for this?
This is the age of glorified, politically correct euphemisms.
If you can't say something nice about somebody, say something politically correct so the lib zoms can nod in knowing herd approval.
Either that or have your face ripped off for speaking relative truths.
ADHD was a condition invented so that Big Pharma would have an excuse to drug nuke the brats.