Roger Goodell IS Ray Rice's Left Hand - YouTube

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2014 Sep 8, 3:44pm   7,221 views  14 comments

by ChapulinColorado   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


In the wake of the second Ray Rice video coming out, those involved – whether intentionally or by neglect – were part of a cover-up and should all resign. Keith explains.

A lot of people were calling for Rice's head, as well as Goodells after the joke of a suspension. That outcry was the whole reason they changed the abuse rules. People angry and disgusted with this story is nothing new.

Did Roger Goodell cover-up Ray Rice's act? If he did, he makes, then Clippers owner, Donald Sterling, look like the lesser of 2 evils.

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1   Ceffer   2014 Sep 8, 3:51pm  

It's Bitch-Clock Benghazi!

Allahu Akbar!

2   ChapulinColorado   2014 Sep 8, 3:56pm  



Ray Rice isn’t being suspended for hitting his girlfriend. He’s being suspended because TMZ leaked the video tape, and that’s more disturbing.

As for Ray Rice—I know the whole story, you knocked your girlfriend out in an elevator with no remourse. And the NFL’s safety policy protects its players but not its spouses.

3   ChapulinColorado   2014 Sep 8, 4:02pm  

I think Roger Goodell needs to resign as well

I think a lot of people need to get fired or resign. This is horrible for the NFL and shouldn’t be accepted.

Whether they didn’t see it or tried to cover it up, Goodell and other NFL execs should be fired.

Goodell has been a terrible commissioner

He’s reactionary. Consistently behind the curve. And almost every initiative he’s put in place has made the game more unwatchable.

There’s a storm brewing around the NFL — concussions, legitimacy of results, domestic violence, etc.

Goodell insures that the NFL will be a day late and brain cell short to all of these issues.

Of course Roger Goodell and the NFL cannot be trusted. Incompetence (and now possible malfeasance) have destroyed all credibility!

Does anyone seriously believe that the league imposed its punishment without viewing the video? Seriously? TMZ got the video. Did the multibillion dollar behemoth that is the NFL not have the ability to obtain the video?

to resign!

Fire Goodell and moth ball his entire Personal Conduct Policy

It was bad idea, it was Goodell’s idea. The NFL put itself in charge of investigating and punishing players for quote Personal misconduct that hurts the image of the game. But here’s what we’ve learned:
•they have zero expertise in the crime and punishment field
•they can’t competently investigate these situations
•they are completely guessing on punishments (dart board) and seeing how the public reacts like this is a modern day lynch mob
•they either double down on future punishments or lie when their decisions are questioned
•they are involving themselves in personal lives that have nothing to do with the football field.
•it’s complete PR facade that doesn’t actually help anyone, players, victims, etc and now it’s hurting their own image.

Today was a great example what should happen. The NFL doesn’t need a Personal Conduct Policy. Teams can decide to release players for their conduct if they choose. Let the experts actually remove a guilty player from the field with real legal punishment called jail time and if things are looking bad right away allow the NFL to suspend that player indefinitely.

4   ChapulinColorado   2014 Sep 8, 4:12pm  

It's becoming harder and harder to watch the NFL.

On one hand, I can somehow get by having read about DUIs and domestic violence because I know it’s not representative of the majority of NFL players, and the only reason I know about it is because they are, in fact, NFL players. On the other, supporting the league that has blatantly covered up Ray Rice’s actions (or been so negligible as to be incompetent) and supporting a league that treats the whole thing with such a lack of a respect is tantamount to endorsing its actions. I agree with Olbermann — everybody involved in that situation has to go.

Unfortunately, having faith in that system is naive.

5   ChapulinColorado   2014 Sep 8, 4:15pm  

Brody Logan


Harvey Levin from @TMZ told @TonyPerkinsFOX5 they will release news tomorrow that the NFL knew about the Ray Rice video & turned a blind eye

7:22 a.m. Tue, Sep 9

We already know this from our own judicial system and the fact that the culprits of the great recession are still operating, such as the banks, at a cost to the middleclass and taxpayers.

No Faith... just resignation.

It almost seems ironic that The Onion ran a satire earlier last season:

Roger Goodell To NFL Players: 'Murdering Your Wife Will Result In Automatic 4-Game Suspension'



6   Peter P   2014 Sep 8, 5:44pm  

I only watch sports in which the average spectators drive nicer cars than me.

7   prodigy   2014 Sep 8, 11:54pm  

It's a losing proposition posting a thread in defense of women to a misogynistic majority board.

9   ChapulinColorado   2014 Sep 9, 2:07pm  

Chris Brown is still at large!

10   anonymous   2014 Sep 9, 2:15pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Goodell is clearly candidate for REALTOR of the Year.

Even wOrSe he's a lawyer

12   ChapulinColorado   2014 Sep 11, 3:10am  

NFL Announces New Zero-Tolerance Policy On Videotaped Domestic Violence

NEW YORK—Following public outcry over his mishandling of Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice’s aggravated assault of his then-fiancée, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell announced Tuesday that the league has adopted a new zero-tolerance policy toward all videotaped domestic abuse. “We hold our players to the highest standards both as professional athletes and as people, so any violence toward women that is recorded, authenticated, and then publicly distributed will be met with an automatic suspension and fine,” said Goodell, adding that the new, stricter guidelines reflect the league’s hard-line stance against any spousal abuse that is clearly and irrefutably captured on film. “I can assure you that any member of this league who strikes a woman in front of a live camera will face swift and heavy consequences. I also want to stress that this utterly reprehensible behavior is something we will in no way tolerate as long as the footage is completely uninterrupted and the entirety of the assault takes place within frame.” Goodell went on to clarify that in such cases, the NFL will cooperate fully with local authorities as soon as the league can no longer prevent incriminating evidence from being leaked to the media


13   ChapulinColorado   2014 Sep 11, 3:21am  

No matter the outcome from here Goodell has got to go. The situation is now out of control. Ray Rice is only the the tip of the iceberg. There will be a bunch of names coming out as media now digs into the whole issue of Domestic violence and the league's response during his watch as commish. It's not going to be pretty plus he got TMZ on his ass now. The owners will have no choice but to replace him. As the story becomes a Roger Goodell story and no longer just a Ray Rice story. Pete Rozelle cant save him on this one it's a wrap just a matter of time.

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