Equal Rights For Women Now!

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2014 Oct 16, 11:57pm   41,797 views  66 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Women say they want equal rights, and I approve.

* Since every fetus is equally the responsibility of a man, that man should have an equal say in any abortion. No agreement, no abortion.

* No man should have any legal responsibility for any child his wife conceives while cheating. (You may be surprised to learn that men are legally required to support bastards.) Women of course already have no legal responsibility for a child their husband conceives while cheating.

* Alimony should be abolished, since both are equal partners in the marriage so there is no reason one should support the other after a marriage.

* All child custody after a divorce should always be 50-50.

* Exactly as many women should serve in combat units in the armed forces as men.

* There should be no separate bathrooms for women, nor any separate facilities ever. We all know that "separate but equal" is a flawed idea.

* Since men are now less than 50% of incoming college freshmen, colleges should be required to give preferences to men to correct the situation or face the loss of all federal grants.

Other forms of equality I should include?

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1   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Oct 17, 12:50am  

All ancient civilizations collapsed due to the rise of feminism.

Dumb stupid feminists think that feminism is "modern" and a new concept.

It is not.

Rome and Greek collapsed due to feminism and so did Russia.

Putting women into power of a nation is dangerous.

They are not capable leaders of a nation. They only know how to destroy a nation.

2   zzyzzx   2014 Oct 17, 1:25am  

bgamall4 says

I do think women should seek equality in the bedroom and strive to be as horny as their men.

You know, if you really know what you are doing in bed, they are just as horny.

3   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Oct 17, 1:44am  

bgamall4 says

The neocons are men

Yes.... .000001% of the world's men who are the elite powers that be.

However I can't say the same for women....

Pretty much all women in westernized 1st world countries are taking the bait of benefits offered by the feminist doctrine.

Turning into entitled selfish materialistic whores who have been fucked by at least 100 different men before finding a willing sucker to become her slave in a ceremony called "marriage".

Filing divorce due to their greed. Making up false rape accusations. Making up false domestic violence charges. Calling the police over verbal arguments with no mention of any threat of violence by any party during the argument...

And who gets arrested? Men, of course.

Who the hell does that?

Not men!

But women sure do!

Because they are dumb stupid easily manipulated creatures who never fully mentally mature.

Women are like children. Their was a reason why they weren't allowed much rights. It was because they didn't carry the responsibility for it and were not fit for it.

Women bosses are the worst. Women coworkers are the worst. Any workplace with too many women always turns into a incompetent and lazy workforce.

Women take maternity leave. They get male coworkers fired easily.

They can easily abuse men and no one will do anything. They neglect their sons and favor their daughters.

They are the biggest fucking hypocrites and the most selfish worthless entitled degenerate worthless pieces of shit.

The majority of all the feminist scholars, supporters and leaders have all been Zionist Jews.


I think not!

Feminism has been funded by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Carnegies, Morgans, Mellons, Dupont's and all the elite wealthy families of the world.

Bgamall, you are right that ultimately the men all the way at the top of the economic pyramid have orchestrated this social cancer but not without the cooperation of all the women.

But all these entitled women will taste their own medicine someday.

All these benefits, entitlements and undeserved "rights" are just a bait.

They are just a pawn of the elite who once have served their purpose of destroying society, family units and decayed communities...

They will promptly disposed of and thrown into the same pits of destruction they threw men.

The police force will eventually collapse. It is already happening. Police are protecting citizens less but oppressing them more.

They do not serve you, you serve them (the police).

Once the western nations end up in military control, wars and no police force...

Those same whore will start asking the very men they oppressed for protection.

But very few men will be left.

This has already happened in Russia. The ratio of male to female is completely out of wack. They are far more women than man.

The man do not care about anything. They do not care for women and they actually hate them.

Women are the best pawns for the elite. They are easily brainwashed and programmed like robot terminators to go after their fathers, brothers and husbands.

A women in the US, UK, France, Australia and New Zealand is like a child having the right to vote, work, drive a car, file a divorce, have a bank account, have a credit card, have a mortgage, have a gun, have alcohol, smoke cigarettes, own a house, own land, own a business, be a boss of others and hold high positions.

You don't see how dangerous that is?

Divide and conquer is the best strategy of the elite.

Now men are turning against women and more and more support against feminism is spreading and support for the Men's rights movement is gaining track.

This is a natural reaction but it is also the wish of the elite.

They will in my opinion eventually finance the Men's Rights Movement just to create more tension amongst the sexes.

Every action has a reaction. One basic law of physics.

4   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Oct 17, 1:46am  

bgamall4 says

I do think women should seek equality in the bedroom and strive to be as horny as their men.

Women are just as horny. They just need a 10 inch cock and 8 inch circumference in their pussy.

An average cock is not good enough for a used-up loose whore.

5   FortWayne   2014 Oct 17, 3:10am  

Feminism, just like anything else, is really stupid when it gets blown out of proportion like it has been lately with Hillary.

6   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Oct 17, 4:34am  

bgamall4 says

Not men!

Toys in the attic
You are crazy.


7   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Oct 17, 4:37am  

bgamall4 says

Sorry to see your experiences with women are that bad. Perhaps you are just a loser at love.

Typical shaming tactics by americunts and their enslaved manginas.

An Americunt is not a "woman" anyway.

bgamall4 says

Oh, and we want to know Patrick's issues as well, lol.

Typical mentality of degenerate stupid feminazi americans.

It's always the man's fault. Never the americunt's fault.

No... "She" can be a fat obese pig smoking 2 packs a day by the time she's 60 years old and still "deserve" to be fucked by Brad Pitt.

bgamall4 says

Remember, Palin was sponsored by two Rothschilds. She was courted by William Kristol, unindicted co conspirator in the 9/11 conspiracy and Zionist NWO proponent and by Henry Kissinger, NWO proponent and killer.

Let me have you also know...

In the rare event, that when a Rothschild's wife files for divorce...

She get's nothing. No alimony, no child support and no settlement.

One Rothschild had his estranged wife murdered as well.

The Rothschild's know divorce in Amerika and other western "modern" shit holes are a fraudulent rigged game against males.

They know they majority of women have taken their bribes of incentives to divorce.

More evil is not those who do the evil but those masses who take their initiatives. Which is women.

The Rothschild's do not allow the female family members to have their husband have any control in their business nor do they give barely much inheritance to their female descendants.

Only Male Patriarchy is the rule in their family.

Why do you think? You degenerate stupid commoner who thinks he knows the elite and how the world really works,

While the commoners support a Matriarchy in their families and give equal inheritance between male and female descendants...

This is why the Rothschild's and the rest of the international bankers are the rulers and why the rest of the masses of degenerate pieces of shit are nothing.

They understand how the family unit is kept and it sure as hell is not with feminism.

They have arranged marriages which feminazi cunts absolutely condemn.

Yet they advocate feminism. Not for themselves but for you worthless pieces of disposable animals.

Learn what social engineering is and how the elite are a part of it before you pretend like you know the elite from instead out yet you are supporting feminism as a noble act. .

Feminism serves many agendas of the elite....

Taxation, Separation of family units, having children brainwashed at an earlier age from the government due to both parent's working and also depopulation.

They want the average male not to get married, get laid or have sex.

Because they do not want the population to increase. They want a few billion mass murdered as well.

They financed birth control, family planning and abortion "rights"...

And fitted it into the feminazi agenda as well.

Without the masses of dumb stupid female cunts supporting and believing in this agenda, they would have lost.

The Rothschild's are the good ones, they just create what the masses of cunts think they want by offering baits of incentive and than later slaughtering them like pawns once they've served their usage.

May the NWO prevail. Yes... Support feminism for masses. We will destroy men but the americunts will not be spared either and actually will be in a much worse fate than men in the end.

Learn your stuff before you try to think you know the real picture on the NWO. Feminism is a part of a it. It's not for women, it's for the elite. The women are just the pawns offered bribes and than slaughtered as well.

But the villain is not the elite, the villain is the cunt in the picture.

They are dumb stupid degenerate animals.

8   Peter P   2014 Oct 17, 5:37am  

Since every fetus is equally the responsibility of a man, that man should have an equal say in any abortion.

This I cannot support. Abortion ought to be a fundamental right requiring no approval whatsoever. No one should be able to veto an abortion.

There should be no separate bathrooms for women, nor any separate facilities ever.

Problem is that women will take over all bathroom stalls when demand arises. I enjoy my "express line" and I do not object to having separate bathrooms.

My pet peeve: single-stall gender specific bathrooms. They should be outlawed.

9   Peter P   2014 Oct 17, 5:44am  

I am a feminist. I supported women's groups in college. In particular, I want women to be independent and they should pursue whatever dreams they might have.

However, I do not support gender equality because the very idea of equality is perverse. No two things are ever equal.

10   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Oct 17, 5:51am  

I want women to be equally represented as Electric linepeople, Coal Miners, Oil Rig Roustabouts, Taxi Drivers, and other very dangerous jobs - not just the safe, high paying job like corporate officer or bank adminstrator..

11   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Oct 17, 5:55am  

thunderlips11 says

I want women to be equally represented as Electric linepeople, Coal Miners, Oil Rig Roustabouts, Taxi Drivers, and other very dangerous jobs - not just the safe, high paying job like corporate officer or bank adminstrator..

Or bank teller or office clerk or secretary or "personal assistant" (Pun Intended) or housewife or model or REALTOR!

12   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Oct 17, 5:58am  

Peter P says

However, I do not support gender equality

In other words, you support female superiority like a true mangina...

Peter P says

I am a feminist.

You are a pussy-whipped cuckold faggot.

13   Dan8267   2014 Oct 17, 6:33am  

Equal Rights For Women Now!

* Since every fetus is equally the responsibility of a man, that man should have an equal say in any abortion.


Yes, men are women are clearly unequal in terms of reproductive rights. For women, reproduction is a right. For men, it's a privilege. Furthermore, the woman does universally get to decide whether or not to have an abortion.

Although we should strive for equality under law, nature imposes certain constraints that make perfect equality impossible due to the broken symmetry of gender situations. It would be wrong and impossible to enforce giving a father equal say in whether or not an abortion happens. What would that even mean in a disagreement? You can't abort half a fetus. CallItCrazy's mom tried that and look at the results.

My counter-proposal is that
- women get to unconditionally decide whether or not to become a mother.
- men get to unconditionally decide whether or not to become a legal father with all the rights and responsibilities of a father.

So a woman can abort the fetus over the objection of the fathers or keep it over the objections of the father. However, the father is only legally responsible for care and financial assistance if he agrees to be the legal father, and if he does, he has parental rights. If not, he doesn't.

This is as close to equality as the constraints of nature allow in this situation. I think you'll find my counter-proposal acceptable.

* No man should have any legal responsibility for any child his wife conceives while cheating. (You may be surprised to learn that men are legally required to support bastards.)


The laws requiring men to pay for the children of other men make no sense and clearly violate due process.

* Alimony should be abolished, since both are equal partners in the marriage so there is no reason one should support the other after a marriage.


Maybe this made sense when women had to get married and depend on her husband's income to survive, but not anymore. Furthermore, it violates the 14th Amendment like the other instances of inequality you mention.

* Exactly as many women should serve in combat units in the armed forces as men.

Agreed, but with one caveat.

No one should be required to register for the selective service or "serve" in the military in any capacity as it is slavery. However, two wrongs don't make a right, and so requiring one gender to be used as cannon fodder is every bit as wrong a requiring one race to be cannon fodder.

* There should be no separate bathrooms for women, nor any separate facilities ever. We all know that "separate but equal" is a flawed idea.

Agreed, but with one caveat.

All bathrooms should be single user. This solves a multitude of problems from gender inequality to transgender issues to the fact that most men are unhygienic pigs who don't flush the toilet after dropping a payload and instead just stew in their filth smelling up the whole bathroom...

If anyone ever smells your shit, you aren't a real man. Anyway, I digress...

* Since men are now less than 50% of incoming college freshmen, colleges should be required to give preferences to men to correct the situation or face the loss of all federal grants.


Two wrongs don't make a right. That's why I don't believe in Affirmative Action for anything. Not for blacks, and also not for whites. Not for women, and also not for men.

Fine corporations that practice discriminatory policies, regardless of who they are discriminating for or against. But you can't fight discrimination with more discrimination.

Besides, I wished the male:female ratio was what it is now when I was in college. And the last thing we need is males that are too dumb to get into college reproducing. It's not like the standards for getting into or graduating from college are high. It's a money mill.

Counter-proposal: Remove all sports scholarships, except cheerleading because that's dangerous. Then the campus will be full of hot coeds and men in engineering, the way god intended.

14   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Oct 17, 6:46am  

Dan8267 says

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Than why do male rapists have threats of getting their genitals damaged?

This philosophy of "two wrongs don't make a right" is only practiced when it's a male victim and a female oppressor.

But when it's a female victim and a male oppressor... No... It is okay.

Well fuck that!

Revenge is necessary.

Every action has a reaction.

15   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Oct 17, 6:51am  

Also Dan abortion is an issue in society now because no bitch has any fucking morals anymore.

Every slut wants to take the most dick she can without getting pregnant.

Getting fucked by over hundreds of men is common nowadays.

And so is gonorrhea, herpes, warts and countless other diseases.

16   Dan8267   2014 Oct 17, 7:00am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Than why do male rapists have threats of getting their genitals damaged?

Because some people are hypocritical scumbags. Has PatNet taught you nothing?

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Revenge is necessary.

Revenge and justice are mutually exclusive. You cannot serve two masters.

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Also Dan abortion is an issue in society now because no bitch has any fucking morals anymore.

Abortion is an issue because technology has made it safe and practical.

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

And so is gonorrhea, herpes, warts and countless other diseases.

Just stay away from CallItCrazy.

17   FortWayne   2014 Oct 17, 7:18am  

Dan8267 says


Yes, men are women are clearly unequal in terms of reproductive rights. For women, reproduction is a right. For men, it's a privilege. Furthermore, the woman does universally get to decide whether or not to have an abortion.

Dan, that's just a bunch of liberal hogwash. Men and women are not equal, so this strange freak show stride (pretend to be liberals) for equality in every way is stupid. You might as well give up on that now.

Patrick is right, you can't make everyone and everything equal. It just doesn't work, and it won't work. Trying is only a huge colossal waste of time and resources.

Even you just proved yourself wrong when you said that men and women are unequal by nature. There you go, first step toward recovery.

18   rooemoore   2014 Oct 17, 8:00am  

* There should be no separate bathrooms for women, nor any separate facilities ever. We all know that "separate but equal" is a flawed idea.

I guess traffic on Patnet is slowing down. Nice assclown post to stir the pot. I really thought you were above this kind of crap. Sorry, I was wrong.

19   FortWayne   2014 Oct 17, 8:41am  

rooemoore says

I guess traffic on Patnet is slowing down. Nice assclown post to stir the pot. I really thought you were above this kind of crap. Sorry, I was wrong.

There is nothing wrong with what Patrick said. He just pointed out the double standards in the childish campaign that is brought up by feminist groups this year. You people can't eat your cake and have it too, equality doesn't work.

20   Peter P   2014 Oct 17, 8:43am  

I am a feminist and I do not support gender equality.

21   Dan8267   2014 Oct 17, 8:47am  

FortWayne says

Dan, that's just a bunch of liberal hogwash. Men and women are not equal, so this strange freak show stride (pretend to be liberals) for equality in every way is stupid.



22   dublin hillz   2014 Oct 17, 8:48am  

rooemoore says

* There should be no separate bathrooms for women, nor any separate facilities ever. We all know that "separate but equal" is a flawed idea.

I guess traffic on Patnet is slowing down. Nice assclown post to stir the pot. I really thought you were above this kind of crap. Sorry, I was wrong.

Some characters here act like they would be happier in the middle east but that would only last until they had their first confrontation with a machete wielding muz. At that point they will hail a cab for an express ride to the airport and rush to safety of american "feminist" state.

23   CDon   2014 Oct 17, 8:55am  

rooemoore says

* There should be no separate bathrooms for women, nor any separate facilities ever. We all know that "separate but equal" is a flawed idea.

I guess traffic on Patnet is slowing down. Nice assclown post to stir the pot. I really thought you were above this kind of crap. Sorry, I was wrong.

LOL - as I was reading this, I was thinking to his last thread about asking for $1,000,000 in donations to open a wine bar, but on his application he actually thought it was a good idea to link to this site.

So apparently some prospective donor is supposed to come over here, read this and think "yes this guy has his act together - this area needs a good wine bar and this is exactly the type of guy I, a San-Franciscian should invest my money with". Really?

Ever heard of hide the crazy Patrick? It was one thing when this site was a place to learn about buying real estate, but now its all about retarded political fights, hatred of/ burning the system to the ground, hatred of jews & blacks, ebola, and cockeyed arms. Catering to the lunatc fringe - nice legacy there.

I mean, if you ever wonder why your "say what you pay" housebuying or "why wont a venturecapitalist talk to me" or why your competitive wine bar business ideas go to shit, look no further than this site. Michael Jordan was once asked why he didn't do more to publicly support Barrack Obama - his answer? "Because republicans buy shoes too". Think about it.

24   FortWayne   2014 Oct 17, 9:00am  

dublin hillz says

Some characters here act like they would be happier in the middle east but that would only last until they had their first confrontation with a machete wielding muz. At that point they will hail a cab for an express ride to the airport and rush to safety of american "feminist" state.

America is not a feminist state. America is a reasonable state where anyone who works hard and gets educated can succeed. Man or woman, doesn't matter, you can succeed.

What liberals lately been pretending is that somehow women are oppressed in this society when in reality they have it much easier. Can a man opt out to be a stay home dad? No. But can a woman do it? Yes.

Women are much more free in this society and it is very disingenuous of politicians and fringe groups to paint it different just for an election season gimmick.

25   Peter P   2014 Oct 17, 9:05am  

FortWayne says

...pretending is that somehow women are oppressed...

They also think many categories of people are somehow "oppressed." In short, they worship weakness. This is the most dangerous part.

Ideas like income equality and gender equality are equally perverse.

People should be inspired to become strong characters.

We really should liberate women. First step, they must not think of themselves as victims.

26   Peter P   2014 Oct 17, 9:09am  

FortWayne says

Can a man opt out to be a stay home dad? No.

Why not? Of course a man can choose to stay home.

27   Dan8267   2014 Oct 17, 9:14am  

rooemoore says

Nice assclown post to stir the pot.

If Patrick wanted to increase traffic to this site, he would post pictures of scantily clad women like these.

If you need more examples, I can do further research.

28   David9   2014 Oct 17, 9:30am  

There should be no separate bathrooms for women

I am no expert in Hungarian society, however, at the natural hot springs baths, several times, nude women came into the showers I 'thought' was for the boys, mostly men were in there already.

No one really batted an eyelash.

29   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Oct 17, 9:32am  

rooemoore says

* There should be no separate bathrooms for women, nor any separate facilities ever. We all know that "separate but equal" is a flawed idea.

I guess traffic on Patnet is slowing down. Nice assclown post to stir the pot. I really thought you were above this kind of crap. Sorry, I was wrong.

Many times women invade a men's restroom when the women's is out of order or even too busy...

Nobody says anything to them.

But if a man was to do that, he would be in handcuffs even if he was just there to use the facility and than leave.

So fuck you...

30   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Oct 17, 9:34am  

David9 says

I am no expert in Hungarian society, however, at the natural hot springs baths, several times, nude women came into the showers I 'thought' was for the boys, mostly men were in there already.

No one really batted an eyelash.

Eastern Europe is heaven on earth.

Planning to move there eventually. Just need to dump some assets, find a place there and off I go.

31   David9   2014 Oct 17, 9:38am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Eastern Europe is heaven on earth.

Planning to move there eventually. Just need to dump some assets, find a place there and off I go.

Not a baron like you, but the numbers work for even a Peasant like me in Budapest for retirement. ;-)

32   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Oct 17, 9:38am  

CDon says

It was one thing when this site was a place to learn about buying real estate, but now its all about retarded political fights, hatred of/ burning the system to the ground, hatred of jews & blacks, ebola, and cockeyed arms. Catering to the lunatc fringe - nice legacy there.

Time to wake up ASSHOLE...

Real estate is out of trend.

THE APOCALYPSE is about to be born and this is the place where we say goodbye to each other.

Nice legacy indeed... ASSHOLE!

33   justme   2014 Oct 17, 9:44am  

Peter P says

FortWayne says

Can a man opt out to be a stay home dad? No.

Why not? Of course a man can choose to stay home.

That way it will also be much easier for the man to be served with the divorce papers that will soon be hand-delivered on his doorstep. It's a win-win situation, I tell you.

34   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Oct 17, 9:44am  

Peter P says

Why not? Of course a man can choose to stay home.

Of course, he can.

He can either live in his cardboard tent or his parents basement sleeping on a old sofa.

35   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Oct 17, 9:45am  

justme says

his doorstep

You mean his parent's basement door step, right?

Or his cardboard tent's door step right?

36   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Oct 17, 9:46am  

Someone had to throw a bucket of cold water on Dan.

37   justme   2014 Oct 17, 9:47am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

justme says

his doorstep

You mean his parent's basement door step, right?

Or his cardboard tent's door step right?

No, no. I'm talking about the short period of time between the events "starting to stay home" and "wife concocts false accusation of domestic violence so that man must move into parents' basement"

38   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Oct 17, 9:52am  

bgamall4 says

Of course there are stay at home dads.

These relationships always have failed.

The woman ends up not respecting the man and even the kids end up not respecting their father.

The women end up cheating as well. They become naggy, bossy, pinpoint every last small thing and they eventually divorce.

They get custody of their child.

In many cases, they men get no alimony as well AND on top of that they have to pay child support AND alimony to that feminazi bitch cunt AND they get 0% of her assets.

There have been cases of men getting alimony but they are rewarded usually less and for less duration. Those are also only a few.

39   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Oct 17, 9:53am  

justme says

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

justme says

his doorstep

You mean his parent's basement door step, right?

Or his cardboard tent's door step right?

No, no. I'm talking about the short period of time between the events "starting to stay home" and "wife concocts false accusation of domestic violence so that man must move into parents' basement"



Good we are on the same page.... I thought I lost you there and maybe you were just like these other feminazi liberal retards...

40   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Oct 17, 9:55am  

Heraclitusstudent says

Someone had to throw a bucket of cold water on Dan.

You could tell she was very much fuckable in her 20's...

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