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Wealth is nothing but the potential for generating future income without having to work for it.
No, it's really not. Can someone sell their stake in welfare? Can they leave it to their heirs? It is not considered wealth under any definition that I've ever seen.
Nor can many beneficiaries of family trust funds. Yet that is certainly wealth. The welfare safety net is the equivalent of a family trust fund for being born American. The value of that trust fund should be counted just like the heir of a family fortune that has stipulation that he can not sell the trust assets but only derive monthly stipend payments.
Education, medicine and banking/finance, just to name a few
Last I checked there were a LOT of private higher education outlets. What is keeping employers from creating their own schools?
Potential consumers of private education having already have to pay for public education via taxes.
Regardless, those industries are pretty large--are you implying that there would be MORE people employed in banking/finance were it not for the government? And that would be a better scenario?
Silly misdirection. The point of any industry is not to employ more people but delivering real value to customers. Any industry with government subsidy to hire more people while delivering little to no value to customers is essentially welfare, and slavery. Yes, the slaves on the plantation also had free housing, free food, free medicine, free education . . . All at the discretion of the slave owner! Paying for something with one's own money gives one the right and option to choose. In the bigger picture, it is this drive to optimize and get better deals that ultimately improve economic efficiency and lift the standards of living for all.
Nor can many beneficiaries of family trust funds. Yet that is certainly wealth. The welfare safety net is the equivalent of a family trust fund for being born American. The value of that trust fund should be counted just like the heir of a family fortune that has stipulation that he can not sell the trust assets but only derive monthly stipend payments.
So, you can't find any definitions that would include welfare as wealth then?
Potential consumers of private education having already have to pay for public education via taxes.
So what? The cost of education is rising exponentially, right? You're telling me that the much more efficient private industry can't compete??
Silly misdirection
Not at all. You said:
It is the presence of other employers that give the worker the ability to refuse the lowest bidder.
implying that the reason employees have less leverage is because there are fewer employers (and fewer jobs) because of government crowding.
Don't now change the subject to delivering value.
Nor can many beneficiaries of family trust funds. Yet that is certainly wealth. The welfare safety net is the equivalent of a family trust fund for being born American. The value of that trust fund should be counted just like the heir of a family fortune that has stipulation that he can not sell the trust assets but only derive monthly stipend payments.
So, you can't find any definitions that would include welfare as wealth then?
If it accrues benefit like wealth and trust fund, then it is wealth and a form of trust fund. Even your god FDR himself called benefits one will receive via Social Security as "your own money"; so SSI and SSDI administered by the same social security apparatus are "your money" and asset/ wealth too. LOL
Potential consumers of private education having already have to pay for public education via taxes.
So what? The cost of education is rising exponentially, right? You're telling me that the much more efficient private industry can't compete??
Just like even if you were a productive person, if someone mugs you every month right after your payday and take away all your money, you'd still starve. A productive private person is not a miracle, despite what you think :-)
Silly misdirection
Not at all. You said:
It is the presence of other employers that give the worker the ability to refuse the lowest bidder.
implying that the reason employees have less leverage is because there are fewer employers (and fewer jobs) because of government crowding.
Don't now change the subject to delivering value.
Delivering value is the same as making profit in a competitive market place: others actively judging your service as delivering value therefore willing to pay up after comparison shopping elsewhere. It may be a foreign concept for people having spent too much time I government bureaucracy.
Btw, "less leverage" than what? Some people will always have more leverage than others, just like some girls are prettier than others. Making every girl wear a burqa or cutting off all noses on all female faces would only make lives more miserable for all. There is nothing preventing an employee saving up capital and becoming an employer in a competitive market place. Government red tapes and privileges would only get in the way of that social mobility, and make the society even more unequal.
If it accrues benefit like wealth and trust fund, then it is wealth and a form of trust fund. Even your god FDR himself called benefits one will receive via Social Security as "your own money"; so SSI and SSDI administered by the same social security apparatus are "your money" and asset/ wealth too. LOL
Again--let's stick to the subject. Would you consider your future social security benefits to be wealth today? If so, how would you calculate it?
Honestly, I know you can BS much longer than my interest in replying will remain. It is obvious that welfare is not wealth under any commonly used definition.
If it accrues benefit like wealth and trust fund, then it is wealth and a form of trust fund. Even your god FDR himself called benefits one will receive via Social Security as "your own money"; so SSI and SSDI administered by the same social security apparatus are "your money" and asset/ wealth too. LOL
This is just about the dumbest posting I've ever seen on patnet.
Just like even if you were a productive person, if someone mugs you every month eight after your payday and take away all your money, you'd still starve. A productive private person is not a miracle, despite what you think :-)
But that's not what we're talking about. If you are a productive person and someone takes 2% of your paycheck, you're still a productive person. So, tell me again why no private employers can create higher education facilities that compete with the inefficient government run institutions??
Delivering value is the same as making profit in a competitive market place: others actively judging your service as delivering value therefore willing to pay up after comparison shopping elsewhere. It may be a foreign concept for people having spent too much time I government bureaucracy.
If that was at all relevant to the subject at hand, you might have a point.
Btw, "less leverage" than what?
Less leverage than what they had 30 years ago. Or 50 years ago.
Some people will always have more leverage than others, just like some girls are prettier than others. Making every girl wear a burqa or cutting off all noses on all female faces would only make lives more miserable for all.
Again--how is that relevant to the point at hand? You are incapable of sticking to the topic.
If it accrues benefit like wealth and trust fund, then it is wealth and a form of trust fund. Even your god FDR himself called benefits one will receive via Social Security as "your own money"; so SSI and SSDI administered by the same social security apparatus are "your money" and asset/ wealth too. LOL
Again--let's stick to the subject. Would you consider your future social security benefits to be wealth today? If so, how would you calculate it?
Of course I would consider that part of my wealth and retirement funding. In fact, the overwhelming majority of Americans rely on SS for retirement funding. How would I calculate it? There are formulas for that based my contribution. Heck, SS is even heritage to spouse. How can you not count those safety net as future income generating assets, i.e. wealth?!
Honestly, I know you can BS much longer than my interest in replying will remain. It is obvious that welfare is not wealth under any commonly used definition.
Obvious only to those bound by obsolete definitions defined before the new reality on the ground. If you keep out all such assets and income streams that significantly affect people's standards of living, then your cries about "wealth inequality" are utterly meaningless.
But that's not what we're talking about. If you are a productive person and someone takes 2% of your paycheck, you're still a productive person. So, tell me again why no private employers can create higher education facilities that compete with the inefficient government run institutions??
2%? Are you a high school student not in charge of your own finances or someone living outside of the US? The typical property tax bill for the upper middle class family in the US is $5000 to $15,000 a year! After paying that property tax (more than half of which is allegedly spent on the local public school in most towns), the family would be hard pressed to pay for private schooling of their children.
Btw, "less leverage" than what?
Less leverage than what they had 30 years ago. Or 50 years ago.
For that, you have the fiat money system to thank for (43 year and counting). When businesses' success vs. failure is more dependent on manana from the central bank printing press, employees and sound business practice become less important.
Yeah wealth inequality is huge. Let us not worry about how to create good jobs and maintaining our competitiveness. Lets take money from the successful folks and give it to these folks below-so they can be maintained in the lifestyle they were used to. It makes me wonder if feminism is what ruined America by bringing the entitlement mentality to America??
Of course I would consider that part of my wealth and retirement funding. In fact, the overwhelming majority of Americans rely on SS for retirement funding. How would I calculate it? There are formulas for that based my contribution. Heck, SS is even heritage to spouse. How can you not count those safety net as future income generating assets, i.e. wealth?!
Because it doesn't fit the actual definition.Reality says
Obvious only to those bound by obsolete definitions defined before the new reality on the ground. If you keep out all such assets and income streams that significantly affect people's standards of living, then your cries about "wealth inequality" are utterly meaningless.
Ah, I see. So, you've created your own definition to suit your needs. I'm pretty content that the actual definition of wealth is appropriate. If you want to include welfare as INCOME and include it in any discussions of INCOME inequality, then you'd be correct.
Because it doesn't fit the actual definition.
Just like some people concluded that the GDP of East Germany was bigger than that of West Germany because by definition all government waste is counted as GDP.
You either discard the meaningless definition of "wealth" that keeps out all the crucial factors affecting people's real standards of living, or render your entire thesis irrelevant.
Ah, I see. So, you've created your own definition to suit your needs. I'm pretty content that the actual definition of wealth is appropriate. If you want to include welfare as INCOME and include it in any discussions of INCOME inequality, then you'd be correct.
Welfare is income and is taxed as such in many cases. Is your thesis really about standards of living difference or some meaningless numbers that exclude the real factors? By the kind of narrow definition of "income" that you are fond of, Leona Helmsly would have been considered poor because she had little income, but lived off borrowed money from her businsses/assets.
2%? Are you a high school student not in charge of your own finances or someone living outside of the US? The typical property tax bill for the upper middle class family in the US is $5000 to $15,000 a year! After paying that property tax (more than half of which is allegedly spent on the local public school in most towns), the family would be hard pressed to pay for private schooling of their children.
And how much does an upper middle class family in the US earn? $100k? $150K? Assume $7500, half of which is education, gives me somewhere between 2.5% and 3.75%. I'd say that's a lot closer to 2% than 100%. Wouldn't you agree?
For that, you have the fiat money system to thank for (43 year and counting). When businesses' success vs. failure is more dependent on manana from the central bank printing press, employees and sound business practice become less important.
Nope--it has very little to do with fiat money.
Welfare is income and is taxed as such in many cases
And that's why I said to include it as income and not wealth.
You either discard the meaningless definition of "wealth" that keeps out all the crucial factors affecting people's real standards of living, or render your entire thesis irrelevant.
In this case, the definition isn't meaningless so we can keep it. What's meaningless is your attempt to describe potential future income as wealth.
And how much does an upper middle class family in the US earn? $100k? $150K? Assume $7500, half of which is education, gives me somewhere between 2.5% and 3.75%. I'd say that's a lot closer to 2% than 100%. Wouldn't you agree?
Nope. The $100k family faces marginal tax rate on income close to 50%: 15% payroll tax, 25% federal income tax, state income tax 5-8%. That's before the aforementioned property tax, which works out to be 5-10% of income if the rate is 1-2% on a house worth 5x annual income. So the overall tax rate before sales tax is already 50-60%! The $5000-15,000 a year represent a very large proportion of the family's disposable income (nearly all of it in some cases), not the 2% number you were bandying about. I'm starting to think you are a high school kid or someone who is so wealthy that you have no idea how the middle class and upper middle class household is run nowadays.
For that, you have the fiat money system to thank for (43 year and counting). When businesses' success vs. failure is more dependent on manana from the central bank printing press, employees and sound business practice become less important.
Nope--it has very little to do with fiat money.
You claimed the prroblem has been running for 30-50 years. I pointed out to the obvious culprit. Of course, you are paid to ignore that one. LOL.
You either discard the meaningless definition of "wealth" that keeps out all the crucial factors affecting people's real standards of living, or render your entire thesis irrelevant.
In this case, the definition isn't meaningless so we can keep it. What's meaningless is your attempt to describe potential future income as wealth.
Wealth fundamentally IS the potential for generating future income without having to work for it. Here is a simple example for you: the capital asset of Kodak was wealth before film was displaced by digital photography; after the transition, Kodak's "wealth" literally disappeared because its dominant market position in film photography became meaningless.
Here is another example for you: a life insurance policy holder with a 50,000 Marks maturity value had enormous wealth in 1913 (comparable to several million dollars today). The same policy holder being paid that 50,000 marks in 1923, just enough to buy a loaf of bread, lost all that wealth.
You claimed the prroblem has been running for 30-50 years. I pointed out to the obvious culprit. Of course, you are paid to ignore that one. LOL.
First--that's not what I pointed out. I said compared to 30 years ago or 50 years ago. Fiat money is not the obvious culprit except to Fed cultists.
Nope. The $100k family faces marginal tax rate on income close to 50%: 15% payroll tax, 25% federal income tax, state income tax 5-8%. That's before the aforementioned property tax, which works out to be 5-10% of income if the rate is 1-2% on a house worth 5x annual income. So the overall tax rate before sales tax is already 50-60%! The $5000-15,000 a year represent a very large proportion of the family's disposable income (nearly all of it in some cases), not the 2% number you were bandying about. I'm starting to think you are a high school kid or someone who is so wealthy that you have no idea how the middle class and upper middle class household is run nowadays.
No, the 2% is approximately correct. I don't care about the other taxes--we're talking about taxes for education, not the overall tax load. Try to stay on topic--I know it's very difficult for you because then your points are shown to be ridiculous.
Wealth fundamentally IS the potential for generating future income without having to work for it
No, it's really not. Like I said--show me one definition that describes wealth as such.
You claimed the prroblem has been running for 30-50 years. I pointed out to the obvious culprit. Of course, you are paid to ignore that one. LOL.
First--that's not what I pointed out. I said compared to 30 years ago or 50 years ago. Fiat money is not the obvious culprit except to Fed cultists.
You are being willfully blind. The biggest change in the past 30-50 years is the vast expansion of the financial sector, at the peak accounting for nearly half of all SP500 profit. Financialization of the economy is the fundamental reason why manufacturing as well as R&D went overseas.
You are being willfully blind. The biggest change in the past 30-50 years is the vast expansion of the financial sector, at the peak accounting for nearly half of all SP500 profit. Financialization of the economy is the fundamental reason why manufacturing as well as R&D went overseas.
OK--my eyes are open. Can you expand on this theory and explain why the expansion of the financial industry caused companies to move manufacturing overseas?
No, the 2% is approximately correct. I don't care about the other taxes--we're talking about taxes for education, not the overall tax load. Try to stay on topic--I know it's very difficult for you because then your points are shown to be ridiculous.
LOL. 2% is not anywhere near correct. You are off by a factor of 100% to 3000%! Learn math and try to stay on topic instead of trying to tell others to stay on your non-sensical definition of topic.
Wealth fundamentally IS the potential for generating future income without having to work for it
No, it's really not. Like I said--show me one definition that describes wealth as such.
That is the essence of every definition of wealth. What the heck would a cart load of Zimbabwe dollars or Weimar marks be good for? Wealth is the power to get things that one wants, and the security to secure such supplies in the future without having to work.
You are being willfully blind. The biggest change in the past 30-50 years is the vast expansion of the financial sector, at the peak accounting for nearly half of all SP500 profit. Financialization of the economy is the fundamental reason why manufacturing as well as R&D went overseas.
OK--my eyes are open. Can you expand on this theory and explain why the expansion of the financial industry caused companies to move manufacturing overseas?
It literally happened to me: I had a very talented assistant working for me for one of my businesses that involved light manufacturing. Then the person was hired away to do mortgage origination during the peak of the housing bubble. So I sent the light manufacturing aspect of that business overseas.
Government subsidized financial industry (via central banking legal tender law for everyone else but privilege to print for themselves) drive out other industries in the same way urban commercial development and government expansion in NYC and DC drove out farming and garment industries. Living in a place has opportunity cost. As financial industry employees bid up the price of housing, medicine, education and pussies, other people have to either join the highly favored industries or move the heck out.
Rin recognize the issue when he noticed girls pay him a lot more attentions after he switched from engineering to finance. What do you think that do to boys who want pussies and plan their careers accordingly? Or mothers and fathers who have children to feed and raise?
LOL. 2% is not anywhere near correct. You are off by a factor of 100% to 3000%! Learn math and try to stay on topic instead of trying to tell others to stay on your non-sensical definition of topic.
The topic was how much an upper middle class family gets taxed for public education. Your example was 100% (robbed of all their money), mine was 2%. Which is closer to the truth?
That is the essence of every definition of wealth.
OK great. Please show me the all the sources that define wealth as such.
Government subsidized financial industry (via central banking legal tender law for everyone else but privilege to print for themselves) drive out other industries in the same way urban commercial development and government expansion in NYC and DC drove out farming and garment industries.
Same thing in the UK, which has always pulled out every stop to keep the Sterling high to benefit the City and therefore the rest of the UK non-competitive.
It literally happened to me: I had a very talented assistant working for me for one of my businesses that involved light manufacturing. Then the person was hired away to do mortgage origination during the peak of the housing bubble. So I sent the light manufacturing aspect of that business overseas.
You're trying to tell me that you couldn't find anyone to do light manufacturing???? Please stop.
Government subsidized financial industry (via central banking legal tender law for everyone else but privilege to print for themselves) drive out other industries in the same way urban commercial development and government expansion in NYC and DC drove out farming and garment industries. Living in a place has opportunity cost. As financial industry employees bid up the price of housing, medicine, education and pussies, other people have to either join the highly favored industries or move the heck out.
Was there a lot of manufacturing being done in Manhattan previously? Why didn't they just move to other lower cost areas of the US?
Rin recognize the issue when he noticed girls pay him a lot more attentions after he switched from engineering to finance. What do you think that do to boys who want pussies and plan their careers accordingly? Or mothers and fathers who have children to feed and raise?
Again--this makes no sense. You're literally saying that the reason there are too many workers with no jobs is because companies moved overseas because they couldn't find any workers. Do you see how ridiculous that is??
Rin recognize the issue when he noticed girls pay him a lot more attentions after he switched from engineering to finance. What do you think that do to boys who want pussies and plan their careers accordingly? Or mothers and fathers who have children to feed and raise?
And the industry is basically a parasite, skimming off transactions and earning large salaries from the sales of paper agreements, oftentimes bogus.
LOL. 2% is not anywhere near correct. You are off by a factor of 100% to 3000%! Learn math and try to stay on topic instead of trying to tell others to stay on your non-sensical definition of topic.
The topic was how much an upper middle class family gets taxed for public education. Your example was 100% (robbed of all their money), mine was 2%. Which is closer to the truth?
LOL. Talk about pointless strawman tactic. My point was that the middle class and upper middle class can no longer afford private education when the money reasonably can be expected from a family to be allocated to education is sucked up by taxes.
Nobody said 100% of all income is sucked up by taxation (you can disprove that thesis just by pointing out the middle class and upper middle class can still buy food without using food stamps. Duh!). "All their money" was referring to all the money that can be reasonably expected to be allocated to the education of their children. A family making $80-100k only face payroll tax and income tax to the tune of about $40k. After another $20-30k for housing, $10k for cars and insurance, $5k for utilities, phone and cable TV, $5-10k for food, $3-5k for clothing, there simply isn't another $5k-15k for private education when the local property tax bill is eating up $5k-15k. The "public" education monopoly for education has already eaten up all the disposable money that can be reasonably allocated to the kids' education.
You're trying to tell me that you couldn't find anyone to do light manufacturing???? Please stop.
Nope. I spent over a year to train the person to do the job, then the person was hired away by the FIRE industry. It would be difficult to find the talent as well as costly to train again, with the likelihood of the same kind of problem of being hired away by the FIRE industry at higher pay. I was not interested in going through that cycle again.
Again--this makes no sense. You're literally saying that the reason there are too many workers with no jobs is because companies moved overseas because they couldn't find any workers. Do you see how ridiculous that is??
I never said "there are too many workers with no jobs." Only silly people like you would say such a thing. Someone without a job is not a worker in my books.
Companies are reluctant to hire domestic job seekers for a variety of reasons:
1. Many job seekers are not employable or only marginally employable due to poor work ethics;
2. Some "job seekers" are only "seeking" in order to receive unemployment payment;
3. FIRE employees have bid up the cost of living to such a degree that employers in other industries simply can not afford to pay enough to keep the employee living in those areas;
4. Point #3 is worth repeating. It is actually the same reason as high unemployment in major cities at times even as farming as an industry is driven out of the city. The full cycle productivity of a farm worker with basic tools can not make enough to pay for the opportunity cost of living in the city. Likewise, the full cycle productivity of a basic manufacturing job worker can no longer afford the opportunity cost of living in the USA. That's why the farm jobs moved out of NYC despite bouts of high employment; likewise, manufacturing jobs moved out of the US despite bouts of high employment. Once the workers and the landlords have experienced the high pay of commercial jobs, they are no longer interested in the low return farming; likewise, many workers in the US are searching for "get-rich-quick" jobs, not the daily grind manufacturing jobs, nor do the landlords.
Government subsidized financial industry (via central banking legal tender law for everyone else but privilege to print for themselves) drive out other industries in the same way urban commercial development and government expansion in NYC and DC drove out farming and garment industries. Living in a place has opportunity cost. As financial industry employees bid up the price of housing, medicine, education and pussies, other people have to either join the highly favored industries or move the heck out.
Yep. that is the main issue and driver of wealth inequality, not tax rates on people making 200K+
Rin recognize the issue when he noticed girls pay him a lot more attentions after he switched from engineering to finance. What do you think that do to boys who want pussies and plan their careers accordingly? Or mothers and fathers who have children to feed and raise?
And the industry is basically a parasite, skimming off transactions and earning large salaries from the sales of paper agreements, oftentimes bogus.
Absolutely. This in turn again is a the main driver for people to want an MBA degree, preferably from a "reputable" university and shell out ludicrous sums for tuition to learn nothing but high school math.
Government subsidized financial industry (via central banking legal tender law for everyone else but privilege to print for themselves) drive out other industries in the same way urban commercial development and government expansion in NYC and DC drove out farming and garment industries. Living in a place has opportunity cost. As financial industry employees bid up the price of housing, medicine, education and pussies, other people have to either join the highly favored industries or move the heck out
Absolute utter total bollocks. First off there hasn't been farming in DC or NYC in 100 years. What drove farming out of the surrounding areas was suburban growth. The financial industry didn't drive anyone out of NYC Manufacturing went to cheap non union states in the south. Then overseas. You couldn't give land away in NYC in the 60's. The interstates allowed white flight and manufacturing flight.
By the 70's there were huge sections of NYC that were just abandonded. The entire west side of Manhatten was just collapsed empty warehouses. A big chunk the south part of the island wasn't any better. Artists and basically hippies moved into places like SOHO (south of houston) and Tribeca (triangle below canal) because they could rent huge former manufacturing lofts for next to nothing. Totally illegally since the area wasn't residential. Also pretty dangerous. Crime was really bad. As the city improved in the 80's these area's become more popular. Also many of the blighted areas were torn down and redeveloped. Javets Center (from 12th you could barely fight your way through the hookers to get to the lincoln tunnel in the 70's) and the Intrepid (they didn't call the area hells kitchen for nothing) comes to mind.
You've got the cart way in front of the horse. Manufacturing left, the city collapsed, then finance came around.
Nobody said 100% of all income is sucked up by taxation
So, what was this analogy then:
Just like even if you were a productive person, if someone mugs you every month right after your payday and take away all your money, you'd still starve.
Nope. I spent over a year to train the person to do the job, then the person was hired away by the FIRE industry. It would be difficult to find the talent as well as costly to train again, with the likelihood of the same kind of problem of being hired away by the FIRE industry at higher pay. I was not interested in going through that cycle again.
The bottom line is either you weren't paying the market rate or he maybe he didn't like having you as a boss.
As an aside--What light manufacturing job takes 1 year to train?? Was he running a Nuclear Power plant?
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I know, I know--the study is flawed because it doesn't adequately account for the value of welfare payments... (that's sarcasm for those that have a hard time)