The Coming Health Care Economy

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2015 Jan 26, 6:52pm   4,541 views  12 comments

by Bellingham Bill   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Looking over the new population projection data:


I was shocked at what I saw:

Population of age 65+ is going to double over the next 50 years.

Age 0-4, 5-17, 18-22 are growing 14%, 11%, and 8% respectively.

So college jobs are tapped out and there's not a whole lot of growth in education, though there will be a lot of replacement jobs as the boomers start retiring in earnest RSN.

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1   curious2   2015 Jan 26, 7:34pm  

@Bellingham Bill, I've been searching for a table that you posted a year or two ago, showing life historical expectancy at various ages. I found these, but IIRC you had another table from a different source?

2   Bellingham Bill   2015 Jan 26, 8:55pm  

that looks familiar, yes

4   HydroCabron   2015 Jan 26, 9:27pm  

Bellingham Bill says

Population of age 65+ is going to double over the next 50 years.

Already it's noticeable.

It used to be that you'd tread lightly about asking after someone over 75, in case they had passed; now it's 83 or so before you have to be careful.

Had dinner with a 91-year-old recently; my mentor is 94 and still fully functional; other teachers of mine recently passed at 97 and 100. Parents of several friends are in their 90s.

100 is still remarkable; 90 ain't.

I think it's because people beat the first cancer now, whereas it used to knock them off, but who knows.

This is all anecdata, but I have never known so many nonagenarians.

5   Bellingham Bill   2015 Jan 26, 9:42pm  

I'll be in that last plateau, if I live that long

6   curious2   2015 Jan 26, 11:52pm  

HydroCabron says

I think it's because people beat the first cancer now, whereas it used to knock them off, but who knows.

It's mainly because fewer people are smoking. For example, smoking causes >80% of lung cancers, and >80% of those cancers kill within 5yrs. Smoking is a risk factor for several other lethal cancers too (esophageal, even colon), plus emphysema and hypertension and many other problems. Even with all that, life expectancy at 65 has increased less than five years in the 50 years of the Medicare program (see links above).

The Medicare fee-for-service model has driven many unnecessary and injurious procedures to remove cancers that would never have been fatal, including especially breast and prostate cancers. Data have been widely reported, but you seem to have missed them all, which may explain your partisan enthusiasm for certain programs (e.g. Medicare, Obamacare).

The "health care" economy includes many lucrative "services" that are worth less than nothing. For example, "preventive" C-T scans confer no benefit to healthy people but the radiation can cause more cancers, contributing to the "health care" economy. It's a hell of a way to create jobs, a much worse boondoggle than digging holes and filling them in.

7   Tenpoundbass   2015 Jan 27, 6:39am  

Rent seekers gonna Pimp!

8   anonymous   2015 Jan 27, 6:53am  

The future is already here, it just must not be widely distributed yet

9   anonymous   2015 Jan 27, 7:07am  

CaptainShuddup says

Rent seekers gonna Pimp!

Wow that got a dislike?

All your band of dullard lefty followers, must not like the truth. That is exactly what BB is illustrating here. The last of the blood had been sucked from the housing stone, and MAXIMUM PAIN RENT has been found, so now, on to the next.

But, but, but, You "need dat healthcare, yo"

People that are looking at charts, extrapolating from the 'data' that today's humans are going to live into their 100's, need to put down the pipe

Those 90-somethings of today, were born the 1910s and 20s. They were well set in their ways, and learned from those before them, how to properly fuel their bodies, long before the advent of commercial grocery stores, and The Food Pyramid, with its toxic and deadly advice/suggestions.

Modern humans attachment to the Standard American Diet spells certainty for a lifetime of needing "health" "care", along with an early exit. Zero chance today's people live to see 100 en masse, not unless there is a revolutionary change back to properly fueling and maintaining their bodies. But how can that even happen, now that people don't even own their own bodies. They don't understand how they work, they don't know how to fix them , and the mercy of the greatest propaganda mill to ever exist, The State.

It is in the rent seekers best interest to keep everyone sick, and force those that still have jobs to remain in the vice, clamped tightI to squeeze every last cent from us, to pay for those that decide to poison themselves

10   curious2   2015 Jan 27, 1:25pm  

errc says

CaptainShuddup says

Rent seekers gonna Pimp!

Wow that got a dislike?

Alas, your comment and one of mine got Disliked also, probably because of accuracy.

Mine included probably too many links with data and so forth, which cause cognitive dissonance among SSRI addicts who can't stand disharmony from their partisan chorus. But alas, my data dependence disorder (there's a pill for that, "As Seen on TV!") compels me to keep finding more.

The % of Americans who smoke cigarettes has dropped from 40% to 20% in the last 40 years. "Smoking shortens life span by at least 10 years" 40%-20%=20%. 20%*10 years = 2 years. It takes a while for the cohorts to move through the mortality statistics, but that's most of the increase in longevity during the time period.

Meanwhile, life expectancy for less educated whites is actually shrinking, probably due to diet and exercise. D'Oh!

11   curious2   2015 Jan 27, 1:46pm  

Alas, both major parties tend to suffer from that, e.g. 60% of Republicans deny evolution and even geology, insisting that the earth and humans were created less than 10k years ago because Genesis tells them so. R's go berserk if anybody criticizes W's decision to invade Iraq, D's go berserk if anybody criticizes Obamneycare.

12   drew_eckhardt   2015 Jan 27, 2:40pm  

Bellingham Bill says

So college jobs are tapped out and there's not a whole lot of growth in education, though there will be a lot of replacement jobs as the boomers start retiring in earnest RSN.

Not necessarily.

Where practical it's less expensive to replace boomers with machines and off-shore positions.

Companies can also shift their work to salaried co-workers (thankful to still have jobs) for a significant net drop in costs.

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