Murder on camera

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2015 Apr 7, 4:30pm   58,664 views  157 comments

by Blurtman   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Cold blooded murder.

South Carolina cop charged with murder after video shows him shooting black man dead

White South Carolina police officer will be charged with murder over the shooting death of a black man who appeared to be fleeing from him, local authorities said on Tuesday.

A video of the Saturday incident, in which North Charleston police officer Michael Slager appeared to shoot a man identified by local media as 50-year-old Walter Scott, was viewed by state investigators, and a decision was made to charge Slager with murder, North Charleston Mayor Keith Summey told a news conference.


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115   HydroCabron   2015 Apr 10, 2:23pm  

Call it Crazy says

It does matter, as he would have been trained in following protocol, would have been regimented and disciplined...


Interesting how the whitest person in every encounter gets the benefit of the doubt.

116   HydroCabron   2015 Apr 10, 2:38pm  

Call it Crazy says

Interesting, that YOU are the only one injecting "race" into the discussion...

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I don't know what comes over me.

A white South Carolina cop shoots a black guy in the back, and I can't help injecting race into the discussion!

117   HydroCabron   2015 Apr 10, 2:52pm  

Call it Crazy says

Skin color had NOTHING to do with this situation except to help sensationalize it for "entertainment" value in the news.

Yes, if a cop had shot a white guy in the back, we wouldn't be hearing about it.

I'll give you one thing: since you love firm, jack-booted authority so much, you'd still be looking at the Coast Guard background to justify the cop's actions. So in that one way you're not racist.

118   anonymous   2015 Apr 10, 4:22pm  

Well, scott tried to run away, and shlager fired eight bullets at him. Seems like shlager is 100% responsible for scott dying. Wouldn't you?

119   HydroCabron   2015 Apr 10, 4:26pm  

Call it Crazy says

responsible background

This reminds me of when judges spare white gang members prison time, because they're from "good families".

WTF is a "responsible background"?

120   anonymous   2015 Apr 10, 4:30pm  

Why does CiC fail to mention that scott was also in the coast guard.

Hell, i think both guys were both stationed in baltimore, years apart.

Coast guard brother, having his coast guard brethrens back

121   anonymous   2015 Apr 10, 4:30pm  

Slager also received four traffic tickets for speeding

Oh noes!

This changes everything

122   Y   2015 Apr 10, 4:47pm  

What if:
Siager had a bomb on him, the cop saw it, and siager started running towards a group of kids saying he was going to blow himself and the kids up...
what's the cop supposed to do then??? Let the kids die? He wasn't going to catch him...shooting justified then?
Just saying, wait for the facts to emerge before passing judgement.

I love how everyone jumps to conclusions without the facts.
It's a libby thing...just like passing obamycare without reading it..

errc says

Well, scott tried to run away, and shlager fired eight bullets at him. Seems like shlager is 100% responsible for scott dying. Wouldn't you?

123   indigenous   2015 Apr 10, 6:29pm  

Call it Crazy says

Scott covered some ground before the cop caught up with him.

Like I said I think the story that Scott was a feeble runner is highly embellished.

124   Blurtman   2015 Apr 10, 6:49pm  

Scott enticed the officer. It is an impulse that cannot be restrained by many white men. No thought even registers in these males' minds, they just see the black blur, and Blam! Blam!

125   indigenous   2015 Apr 10, 7:06pm  

If a citizen does not have a healthy fear of the Trigger Happy Peace Officer then something just ain't right.

126   HydroCabron   2015 Apr 10, 7:09pm  

indigenous says

Like I said I think the story that Scott was a feeble runner is highly embellished.

IMO this is the most scandalous aspect to the story.

I can't imagine any aspect of this story which is more outrageous than this: the underestimation of the criminal's running abilities.

127   Y   2015 Apr 10, 7:32pm  

HydroCabron says

the underestimation of the criminal's


128   indigenous   2015 Apr 10, 7:38pm  

HydroCabron says

I can't imagine any aspect of this story which is more outrageous than this: the underestimation of the criminal's running abilities.

Ok so you are with me then.

129   Vicente   2015 Apr 10, 10:51pm  

SoftShell says

why would anyone run away from their car for a simple traffic stop?

People panic and do stupid shit sometimes.

Doesn't mean they deserve bullets.

I can recall one time when I was young and stupid I was pulled over, and I jumped out of
the car as soon as I stopped so I could talk to the officer. Fortunately the guy who
stopped me wasn't Sean Groubert and it didn't end for me, like it did for Levar Jones:


130   carrieon   2015 Apr 11, 4:58am  

Vicente says

why would anyone run away from their car for a simple traffic stop?

People panic and do stupid shit sometimes.

Doesn't mean they deserve bullets.

I can recall one time when I was young and stupid I was pulled over, and I jumped out of

the car as soon as I stopped so I could talk to the officer. Fortunately the guy who

stopped me wasn't Sean Groubert and it didn't end for me, like it did for Levar Jones:


This video is a typical example of police in the Carolinas. They have nothing better to do than harass everyone for stupid non-moving violations. BTW, they are also the #1 cause of accidents on the roadways with their constant presence everywhere. These two states are about as close to martial law as you can get, if they aren't already there now?

131   CL   2015 Apr 11, 6:26am  

HydroCabron says

Interesting how the whitest person in every encounter gets the benefit of the doubt.

The whitest or right-est is always who they defend. Makes me think they have few real principles.

132   anonymous   2015 Apr 11, 8:22am  

He pulled him over, for being black and driving a mercedes. The murderer alleged that his 3rd break light was out, but those usually aren't even required to be operational. Either way, this coupled with his reaction, ( shooting him eight times in the back while jogging away), is the definition of harassment.

For any freedom loving American, that doesn't like the idea of being harassed to death, by big government, union thugs.

133   Blurtman   2015 Apr 11, 9:11am  

errc says

For any freedom loving American, that doesn't like the idea of being harassed to death, by big government, union thugs

Especially when it is painfully clear who law enforcement targets, in many cases, most brutally, and who gets to break the law constantly and face no retribution.

134   justme   2015 Apr 11, 9:18am  

Call it Crazy says

Apparently you didn't watch the dash cam video. Watch it, then report back if you think the cop was "harassing" Scott during that stop.

The harassment was in stopping Scott in the first place. Don't be a numbskull.

135   lostand confused   2015 Apr 11, 9:47am  

The pig thug unions will ask Obozo to pass a Patriot act style law to make it illegal to film cops in any way. Will coat it in security and anybody who films a cop under any circumstance will magically disappear with no trial -all for national security of course.

Oh probably another raise in pension to cull the population.

136   anonymous   2015 Apr 11, 9:53am  

I still can't wrap my head around why all these right wing morons, who always rail against big, over-reaching government, and worse still, public unions, are lining up to defend a murderer.

They should focus on something more important, like the fact that the cop was dangerously negligent of his duty (to protect and serve). It appears that of the eight shots slager fired at close range, slow moving target, only 50% hit his mark. Wheres the outrage over all the waste? And the danger that the murderer put the public in, by being so terrible at his job, that he wound up firing four errant bullets into public space, in broad daylight.

Hell , what if one of those would have hit his backup, who emerged seconds later from the direction slager was firing? Taxpayers would have been on the hook for the medical bills of the other cop, lawyers, disability, physcological therapy, drugs etc.

137   Y   2015 Apr 11, 12:44pm  

The reason being that no one is actually trying to defend the cop. Not even CIC..
You are extrapolating fact finding posts into preliminary defense strategies...

errc says

I still can't wrap my head around why all these right wing morons, who always rail against big, over-reaching government, and worse still, public unions, are lining up to defend a murderer.

138   Y   2015 Apr 11, 12:48pm  

Why rehash the obvious?? It's boring...

errc says

They should focus on something more important, like the fact that the cop was dangerously negligent of his duty (to protect and serve).

This proves that rednecks aren't as gun obsessed as the left thinks...they don't give a shit about wasted bullets.
errc says

It appears that of the eight shots slager fired at close range, slow moving target, only 50% hit his mark. Wheres the outrage over all the waste?

Add those charges to the murder one...

errc says

And the danger that the murderer put the public in, by being so terrible at his job, that he wound up firing four errant bullets into public space, in broad daylight.

Dan would have baked a cake and eaten it too.

errc says

Hell , what if one of those would have hit his backup, who emerged seconds later from the direction slager was firing?

We are on the hook for everything else...just another drop in the bucket.

errc says

Taxpayers would have been on the hook for the medical bills of the other cop, lawyers, disability, physcological therapy, drugs etc.

139   anonymous   2015 Apr 11, 1:40pm  

The reason being that no one is actually trying to defend the cop. Not even CIC..
You are extrapolating fact finding posts into preliminary defense strategies...

This might be the most dishonest post ive ever read on this site, and that's saying something.

140   Y   2015 Apr 11, 2:54pm  

errc says

This might be the most dishonest post ive ever read on this site, and that's saying something.

Please link a post where somebody is actually trying to defend the cop..

141   CL   2015 Apr 11, 3:32pm  

All rightwing comments prior to this are defending the pig and blaming the victim. And it's all entirely predictable that you would.

142   anonymous   2015 Apr 11, 3:36pm  

Slager fired eight shots
Four hit Scott in the back
One hit scott in his ear

Three shots missed the target altogether, putting the public at great risk, of the dangerous actions of the murderous Big Government Union thug.

143   anonymous   2015 Apr 11, 3:58pm  

Why rehash the obvious?? It's boring...

Right. Something more interesting, like you nitwit right wingers "getting all the facts straight, to fill in the holes, so you have all the pieces of the puzzle"

As if you have some better understanding now, as to how something so tragic as this, A BIG GOVERNMENT UNION THUG murdering an innocent citizen in broad daylight. What with all your important facts, like "he was behind on child support", and "his 3rd brake light was out!".

MAYBE THE GUY RAN BECAUSE, unlike the bubble boys dying their life behind their computers, he understood that once the cop engaged him to harass hom, that he was likely to end up dead. Its a survival instinct, to fight or flight. He chose to flee, in attempt to avoid death at the hands of the murderous gun toting big government unionized gang member, but he was just too damn slow to ever have a chance.

R.I.P Walter Scott

Real Americans will fight to change this corrupt government system so you didnt die in vain

Piece of shit phony "americans" will attempt to paint a different picture, shift blame of your death off of the cop, and spit in the face of every person thats ever fought for our freedoms, because their pathetic and cowardly existence leaves them jealous and spiteful of the rest of us, who would prefer to enjoy our freedom

144   Y   2015 Apr 11, 6:32pm  

You are freaking out. It's an open and shut case. There's nothing of interest to discuss other than the minutea of the incident. If you detect racism it's most likely source is the omnipresent liberal guilt.

CL says

All rightwing comments prior to this are defending the pig and blaming the victim

145   Y   2015 Apr 11, 6:40pm  

So what are you doing about it? (Posting in an anonymous Internet forum to an anonymous audience repeating the obvious over and over doesn't meet the goals you state below)
errc says

Real Americans will fight to change this corrupt government system so you didnt die in vain

146   Y   2015 Apr 11, 8:32pm  

it's all about being 100% pc and lockstep bootmarching to the libbeebabababeee bible...
if you mention an ant was on the cop car windshield you will be labeled a racist and defender of the cop.

Call it Crazy says

CL says

All rightwing comments prior to this are defending the pig and blaming the victim.

SoftShell says

Please link a post where somebody is actually trying to defend the cop..

147   Y   2015 Apr 11, 8:33pm  

still waiting....

SoftShell says

errc says

This might be the most dishonest post ive ever read on this site, and that's saying something.

Please link a post where somebody is actually trying to defend the cop..

148   HydroCabron   2015 Apr 11, 8:52pm  

SoftShell says

still waiting....

Man up, and read the thread. Take a few hours to consume CIC's posts.


Cop in the Coast Guard, therefore regimented, disciplined; dead guy in the Coast Guard, therefore nothing positive can be concluded.

Dead guy has multiple arrests, therefore a bad character; George Zimmerman had multiple arrests, but he was the shooter, therefore he's the real victim.

Multiple suggestions that we don't know the whole story here, as if something could justify shooting an unarmed man in the back (disciplined, regimented).

149   Y   2015 Apr 11, 9:07pm  

I've read all the comments.
the premise is that bringing up the victim's flaws is "defending the cop in the incident"
If that is what anyone takes from cic's comments, the reply post should only contain a link to the video. Words are not needed. The video makes the case a slam dunk.
However, everyone should know by now that cic is not trying to defend the cop.
there is no defense. And he has never directly said the cop was innocent.
What Cic is successfully, intentionally doing is enraging the patnet populace.

HydroCabron says

Man up, and read the thread. Take a few hours to consume CIC's posts.


Cop in the Coast Guard, therefore regimented, disciplined; dead guy in the Coast Guard, therefore nothing positive can be concluded.

Dead guy has multiple arrests, therefore a bad character; George Zimmerman had multiple arrests, but he was the shooter, therefore he's the real victim.

Multiple suggestions that we don't know the whole story here, as if something could justify shooting an unarmed man in the back (disciplined, regimented).

150   HydroCabron   2015 Apr 11, 9:11pm  

SoftShell says

What Cic is successfully, intentionally doing is enraging the patnet populace.


CiC is, to quote Easy-E, a gnat on a dog's dick: It ain't about him.

It's that millions of Americans think exactly as he does. It's like a portal into the Land Beyond Stupid

By the way, I'm deeply moved that you're so concerned with our mental happiness here. It is so thoughtful of you to take the time to concern-troll those whose opinions disgust you.

Your well-intended advice is duly noted.

151   indigenous   2015 Apr 11, 9:13pm  

HydroCabron says

It's like a portal into the Land Beyond Stupid

Wogsterville with his helper Tatu?

152   Y   2015 Apr 11, 9:18pm  

Nice catch...I'm adding this to my resume...

HydroCabron says

It is so thoughtful of you to take the time to concern-troll those whose opinions disgust you.

153   HydroCabron   2015 Apr 11, 9:20pm  

indigenous says

HydroCabron says

It's like a portal into the Land Beyond Stupid

Wogsterville with his helper Tatu?

If you want, we can set up a bot to write these stupid excuses for comebacks.

Then you could sit on the floor of the care facility, happily eating paste in your protective palsy helmet, saying "Gaaa! Gaaaaa!" whenever your favorite teletubby nods.

154   indigenous   2015 Apr 11, 9:23pm  

HydroCabron says

If you want, we can set up a bot to write these stupid excuses for comebacks.

I'm posting in a way that you and Tat can follow along...

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