Was Hitler really evil?

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2015 Aug 7, 11:06pm   36,201 views  86 comments

by Waitup   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

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1   Ceffer   2015 Aug 7, 11:29pm  

DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says

If he were alive today, he would have been on the GOP debate last night being accused by half the candidates of being a flower child.

They might have even accused him of being an immense hirsute lesbian.

2   georgeliberte   2015 Aug 8, 7:00am  

Nahh, he was just a misunderstood kid.

3   indigenous   2015 Aug 8, 7:07am  

Hey slick, your link broken

4   Dan8267   2015 Aug 8, 12:09pm  

Waitup says

Was Hitler really evil?

If Hitler were an American, we'd call him a hero. The only reason he's condemned by history is that he lost the war. Had he won, he'd be "a great leader".

So he committed genocide. Our history is full of founding fathers, generals, and presidents who did the same. Ever hear of Andrew Jackson? He's on the $20 bill.

How about that genocidal maniac, George Washington. We named our capital after him and countless schools, roads, bridges, monuments, etc.

“The immediate objectives are the total destruction and devastation of their settlements and the capture of as many prisoners of every age and sex as possible. It will be essential to ruin their crops in the ground and prevent their planting more.”

Orders of George Washington to General John Sullivan, May 31, 1779

That's right, this despot ordered the slaughter of men, women, and children regardless of age (read including infants) for the sole purpose of wiping out a race of people. That's genocide no different than Hitler's final solution. And like Hitler, Washington violated a treaty, while committing his crimes against humanity. The Iroquois were granted sovereignty over their remaining lands for helping the American colonies defeat the French in the French and Indian War, hence the name of the war.

Even in the 20th century, the America government supported wholesale genocide, rape, and murder in South America, Africa, and the Middle East. There is nothing that Hitler or the Nazis have done that America hasn't done longer, bigger, and better. It's not the colors of the flag you wave that matters. It's the accountability of government officials for their crimes that matters.

5   Tenpoundbass   2015 Aug 8, 12:16pm  

How much any of you wanna bet that Dan has used the Natzi card to shame people when it was Liberally hip to call Conservatives Hitler.
Now he want's Hitler on a $20 dollar bill. Classic Dan.

6   anonymous   2015 Aug 8, 12:23pm  

Dan8267 says

The only reason he's condemned by history is that he lost the war. Had he won, he'd be "a great leader".

True dat. Mohammed was worse than Hitler in some ways. Documented in Islamic sources as a pedophile, rapist, thief, brutal suppressor of all criticism. Murdered his prisoners after they surrendered.

But Mohammed won, so these days he's the untouchable prophet for Muslims, a "role model for all humanity"...

7   FortWayne   2015 Aug 8, 12:46pm  

yes he was

8   Dan8267   2015 Aug 8, 1:41pm  

CaptainShuddup says

How much any of you wanna bet that Dan has used the Natzi card to shame people when it was Liberally hip to call Conservatives Hitler.

Now he want's Hitler on a $20 dollar bill. Classic Dan.

When did I say that? Was it before or after you said you wanted to rape 4-year-old boys?

9   Dan8267   2015 Aug 8, 1:45pm  

Troll says

But Mohammed won, so these days he's the untouchable prophet for Muslims, a "role model for all humanity"...

The same is true for just about everyone revered by society. I point out American examples because they are most relevant to our lives, but it's true throughout all history and all cultures.

10   Dan8267   2015 Aug 8, 1:46pm  

FortWayne says

yes he was

Way to take a controversial stand.

11   Strategist   2015 Aug 8, 2:17pm  

Dan8267 says

Troll says

But Mohammed won, so these days he's the untouchable prophet for Muslims, a "role model for all humanity"...

The same is true for just about everyone revered by society. I point out American examples because they are most relevant to our lives, but it's true throughout all history and all cultures.

If it's normal it's not evil. This what humans do.
It's only evil in this day and age. Poor Hitler just missed the deadline. He should have been born 50 years earlier, or in Saudi Arabia.

12   Dan8267   2015 Aug 8, 2:19pm  

Strategist says

If it's normal it's not evil.

I'd strongly disagree with that.

13   Bellingham Bill   2015 Aug 9, 10:39am  

Defending the inherent evil of the status quo is conservativism in a nutshell.

14   Strategist   2015 Aug 9, 10:45am  

Dan8267 says

Strategist says

If it's normal it's not evil.

I'd strongly disagree with that.

It's not evil to the society that practices it. e.g.. witch burning, abortion, terrorism.

15   indigenous   2015 Aug 9, 10:49am  

Strategist says

It's not evil to the society that practices it. e.g.. witch burning, abortion, terrorism.

Like empire? Nobody does empire better than the US.

16   Strategist   2015 Aug 9, 10:55am  

indigenous says

Strategist says

It's not evil to the society that practices it. e.g.. witch burning, abortion, terrorism.

Like empire? Nobody does empire better than the US.

"One man's meat, is another man's poison"
Many see America as an imperialistic country, and many see our actions as defensive in nature.

17   indigenous   2015 Aug 9, 11:10am  

Strategist says

Many see America as an imperialistic country, and many see our actions as defensive in nature.

So you would describe are involvement in Iraq as defensive? Where 250k non combatants were killed, where sanctions killed 500,000 Iraqi babies, because of WMDs? This started and continuous in Afghanistan 14 years ago. ISIS is a product of Obama funding guerrillas against Assad as he could not get approval to do this directly.

You describe this as defensive?

Or the domino effect in Vietnam and LBJ's canard based on the Gulf of Tonkin, you would describe that as defensive?

18   Strategist   2015 Aug 9, 11:26am  

indigenous says

Strategist says

Many see America as an imperialistic country, and many see our actions as defensive in nature.

So you would describe are involvement in Iraq as defensive? Where 250k non combatants were killed, where sanctions killed 500,000 Iraqi babies, because of WMDs? This started and continuous in Afghanistan 14 years ago. ISIS is a product of Obama funding guerrillas against Assad as he could not get approval to do this directly.

You describe this as defensive?

The original intent was defensive in nature. They screwed up, but their original intent remains the same.

19   Strategist   2015 Aug 9, 12:07pm  

bgamall4 says

Here is the problem with Hitler. He saw a problem, but he attempted to solve it through outright racism and bigotry. That was his fatal error.

So what problem did Hitler see?

20   indigenous   2015 Aug 9, 12:09pm  

Strategist says

The original intent was defensive in nature. They screwed up, but their original intent remains the same.

My point is that it is always a canard, WMDs, Gulf of Tonkin, the Lusitania, Hamiltonian-ism and slavery in the case of Lincoln. The thing to understand is every one of these mutts are insane. And being the dumb fucks that we are we talk about the talking points or party instead of actual qualifications.

So the main qualification in my mind is are they sane or not. This would eliminate Clinton and Bush. By what he espouses Sanders would eliminated because of economic illiteracy which would also be the case with Trump although admittedly he is an expert at bankruptcy which could come in handy for this country.

21   indigenous   2015 Aug 9, 12:17pm  

Strategist says

So what problem did Hitler see?

The lack of a master race, IOW we needed eugenics.

IMO he was turned into a Manchurian candidate when he was in the hospital in Austria, you know the place the headquarters of Freud and other headshrinker types. You laugh but his nephew convinced us all that bacon eggs is for breakfast. Imagine what they can do now. Maybe Gary has a point? Just because he is paranoid doesn't mean no one isn't after us or at least wants to turn us into taxpaying chattel.

22   Shaman   2015 Aug 9, 12:57pm  

"Iraq, where sanctions killed 500,000 babies."

That's nothing! Here in 'Murica we kill over a million of our own babies each year! Planned Parenthood kills 389,000 of those, so can they adopt the swastika and usher in the Fourth Reich?

23   Strategist   2015 Aug 9, 1:11pm  

Quigley says

"Iraq, where sanctions killed 500,000 babies."

That's nothing! Here in 'Murica we kill over a million of our own babies each year! Planned Parenthood kills 389,000 of those, so can they adopt the swastika and usher in the Fourth Reich?

Very divisive issue, this abortion. Gets way too much attention than it deserves.

24   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Aug 9, 8:04pm  

Dan8267 says

There is nothing that Hitler or the Nazis have done that America hasn't done longer, bigger, and better.

We called it Manifest Destiny. Hitler called it Lebensraum

From Hitler's Rise to Power, David A Meier.

His (Hitler's) favorite game to play outside was cowboys and Indians. Tales of the American West were very popular among boys in Austria and Germany. Books by James Fenimore Cooper and especially German writer Karl May were eagerly read and re-enacted. May, who had never been to America, invented a hero named Old Shatterhand, a white man who always won his battles with Native Americans, defeating his enemies through sheer will power and bravery. Young Hitler read and reread every one of May's books about Old Shatterhand, totaling more than 70 novels. He continued to read them even as Führer. During the German attack on the Soviet Union he sometimes referred to the Russians as Redskins and ordered his officers to carry May's books about fighting.

From Legendary Historian John Toland, Adolf Hitler, pg 202:

Hitler's concept of concentration camps as well as the practicality of genocide owed much, so he claimed, to his studies of English and United States history. He admired the camps for Boer prisoners in South Africa and for the Indians in the wild west; and often praised to his inner circle the efficiency of America's extermination—by starvation and uneven combat—of the red savages who could not be tamed by captivity.

He was very interested in the way the Indian population had rapidly declined due to epidemics and starvation when the United States government forced them to live on the reservations. He thought the American government's forced migrations of the Indians over great distances to barren reservation land was a deliberate policy of extermination. Just how much Hitler took from the American example of the destruction of the Indian nations is hard to say; however, frightening parallels can be drawn. For some time Hitler considered deporting the Jews to a large 'reservation' in the Lubin area where their numbers would be reduced through starvation and disease.

25   NDrLoR   2015 Aug 9, 8:32pm  

Dan8267 says

There is nothing that Hitler or the Nazis have done that America hasn't done longer, bigger, and better. It's not the colors of the flag you wave that matters.

The heart and soul of the democratic party today.

26   FortWayne   2015 Aug 9, 8:47pm  

Bellingham Bill says

Defending the inherent evil of the status quo is conservativism in a nutshell.

What is so evil about not wanting to be taxed into poverty?

27   Strategist   2015 Aug 9, 9:28pm  

Dan8267 says

There is nothing that Hitler or the Nazis have done that America hasn't done longer, bigger, and better.

The rest of the world was no different, including the Indian tribes that slaughtered each other.
I don't know why you single out America for everything bad. How about giving credit to America for something good like turning countries like Japan, Germany, S Korea, and Taiwan into prosperous and democratic nations.
You are just a biased American hater. :(

28   Dan8267   2015 Aug 9, 9:36pm  

Strategist says

I don't know why you single out America for everything bad

I don't. I call out all countries on their atrocities. However, we live in America, so the wrongdoings of our government are most relevant to our lives. Whitewashing history isn't patriotism.

Strategist says

You are just a biased American hater.

Only an idiot thinks you can love or hate a country. It's an imaginary line on a map. And calling out the atrocities committed by our criminal politicians, regardless of the century they lived in, is not hating America. If only you were intelligent enough to understand that.

29   Dan8267   2015 Aug 9, 9:39pm  

thunderlips11 says

We called it Manifest Destiny. Hitler called it Lebensraum

Precisely. Same thing, different people. This goes back to the original post. We glorify the very actions committed by Hitler when they are done by Americans. Mount Rushmore is a glorification of American Lebensraum or Manifest Destiny. Just look at the presidents on it. All were expansionists.

30   Dan8267   2015 Aug 9, 9:41pm  

thunderlips11 says

He was very interested in the way the Indian population had rapidly declined due to epidemics and starvation when the United States government forced them to live on the reservations. He thought the American government's forced migrations of the Indians over great distances to barren reservation land was a deliberate policy of extermination. Just how much Hitler took from the American example of the destruction of the Indian nations is hard to say; however, frightening parallels can be drawn. For some time Hitler considered deporting the Jews to a large 'reservation' in the Lubin area where their numbers would be reduced through starvation and disease.

The various genocides of the Native Americans by U.S. politicians was the blueprint for the Holocaust. Only a fool would deny this.

31   Strategist   2015 Aug 9, 9:42pm  

Dan8267 says

Strategist says

I don't know why you single out America for everything bad

I don't. I call out all countries on their atrocities. However, we live in America, so the wrongdoings of our government are most relevant to our lives. Whitewashing history isn't patriotism.

Strategist says

You are just a biased American hater.

Only an idiot thinks you can love or hate a country. It's an imaginary line on a map. And calling out the atrocities committed by our criminal politicians, regardless of the century they lived in, is not hating America. If only you were intelligent enough to understand that.

I have never heard you say anything positive about America. You are obviously painting American history with the wrong colors.

Dan8267 says

Only an idiot thinks you can love or hate a country.

I am convinced you hate America.

32   FortWayne   2015 Aug 9, 9:47pm  

Dan8267 says

I don't. I call out all countries on their atrocities. However, we live in America, so the wrongdoings of our government are most relevant to our lives. Whitewashing history isn't patriotism.

It wasn't wrong if everyone else was doing it too. That's not whitewashing, that's just common sense.

33   FortWayne   2015 Aug 9, 9:48pm  

Strategist says

Dan8267 says

Only an idiot thinks you can love or hate a country.

I am convinced you hate America.

Dan I get the same impression as Strategist on this one, I really do think you hate America.

34   zzyzzx   2015 Aug 10, 8:56am  

DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says

If he were alive today, he would have been on the GOP debate last night

NAZI = National Socialist Worker's Party. sounds an awful lot like a Democrat to me.

35   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Aug 10, 9:33am  

zzyzzx says

NAZI = National Socialist Worker's Party. sounds an awful lot like a Democrat to me.

People's Republic of North Korea. Sounds an awful lot like a Republican to me.

36   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Aug 10, 9:35am  

Strategist says

How about giving credit to America for something good like turning countries like Japan, Germany, S Korea, and Taiwan into prosperous and democratic nations.

You forgot China, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia.

And, I should add, tt the expense of American jobs.

37   KgK one   2015 Aug 10, 10:10am  

Germany had inflation of 3200%. People had no food , houseing etc. He was technically greatest leader for turning around germany. If germany won ww2, he would be hailed hero.
British were more cruel but media showed hitler worse. British machine gunned 2000 women/kids gathered for peaceful discussion. they had no weapons.
They took people from one continent and enslaved in another. Maybe jewish lives are more valuable but british killed way more people, and enslaved most of the world.
Stole so much also .

38   indigenous   2015 Aug 10, 10:15am  

thunderlips11 says

People's Republic of North Korea. Sounds an awful lot like a Republican to me.

Ceptin the Nazis really were just another form of communism.

39   Strategist   2015 Aug 10, 10:30am  

thunderlips11 says

Strategist says

How about giving credit to America for something good like turning countries like Japan, Germany, S Korea, and Taiwan into prosperous and democratic nations.

You forgot China, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia.

We already made China prosperous. It's only a matter of time before it becomes a democracy.
Saudi Arabia is beyond help.

thunderlips11 says

And, I should add, tt the expense of American jobs.

Yup. There is no country more giving than us. The sacrifices we make even to help our enemies is unmatched in the history of mankind.

40   indigenous   2015 Aug 10, 10:56am  

thunderlips11 says

And, I should add, tt the expense of American jobs.

Not so much most of them are low paying jobs.

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