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Good article. Thanks.
A white-hot friend of mine did quite well as a waitress for a couple of years. She had to learn to convey to men the hint that she was available and that they were intriguing to her, without crossing the line to being too encouraging.
The problem was the thin crust of shitbag pigs at the bottom of the customer barrel. Not more than half a dozen, but enough to keep her on her toes. One regular had grabbed her a couple of times. He tipped her $200 for a chance to feel her breasts. She took the tip and walked away. Given his history of assaulting waitresses - witnessed by the manager - he couldn't do anything about it.
I can't wait for tipping to end. I am sick of having my ass kissed by phonies at every restaurant who tack "for you" on to the end of every sentence:
-- "Here's some napkins for you." (Thanks, I had no idea they were for me, since all you did is hand them to me.)
-- "Here's your order for you." (Good to know - often, my restaurant orders are for someone else.)
-- "I brought you some water for you." (If you ever bring me water for someone else, I'm gonna get real confused.)
-- "I have your check for you." (Bring me the check for someone else sometimes, just to liven things up.)
She had to learn to convey to men the hint that she was available and that they were intriguing to her
Its obvious to everyone that this implies consent. The only plausible action in response, would be to rape her on the restaurant table, the way the founding fathers intended
"Here's my throbbing manhood for you"
Tipping is fucking awful. If you were to explicitly pay your employees in the way tippers do it would be illegal:
- women servers paid more than men (particularly young, conventionally attractive women)
- white servers paid more than minorities
- tall servers more than short servers
- extra pay for physical contact/flirting
Still, that's the system we have. If you don't tip it just makes you a cheap asshole.
I hate you, here's some free, extra money.
I like and respect you. No dough.
Liberals do tend to get real stupid sometimes. They want to change the world just for the sake of changing it, but they don't give a shit how it affects everyone else, as long as they get what they want.
It is just odd. Maybe at Hooters this maybe true, but most other restaurants are for everybodyl. I go every weekend to a country place that has great country food- a bit far from my home. My highest tip goes to the sweet old lady who always remembers me, what I like and is nice and offers great service. She must be pushing 80 -at least that is what she admits.
Did any of the wingnuts in this thread actually read the article?
Servers — especially women — accept certain levels of bad behavior. According to a Restaurant Opportunities Centers United and Forward Together study, 90% of women in the restaurant industry report experiencing some form of sexual harassment while on the job. Over half of women in the service industry report experiencing sexual harassment on a weekly basis.
I read it. And when i saw ghis bullshit about 90% of women in the industry being harassed, my bullshit radar went off.
At best, 1 in 4 women in the industry are worthy of any sexual attention, so fat chance all those other busters are being sexually harassed.
Theres an epidemic in this country, of fat trashy bitches falsely claiming sexual harassment. I give this country 3-4 more months before it collapses under the weight of such dishonesty
What's this BS about reading articles?
My comments are brilliant without knowing anything!
Sigh, the women can ALWAYS REFUSE a tip and service to the table. I am sure most management will accede a request to send a different server to the table if the customer is behaving badly. I don't quite get the logic of taking the tip and GET INTENTIONALLY ABUSED. Its intentional, because most will know its a part of the baggage of high tip ..
I use to work waiting tables and can say that women servers almost always make a higher tip percentage of their sales. Yeah that is sexist. I also would end up taking out all the bags of trash at the end of the night while girl servers would usually put the tableclothes in the washing machine. Not sexist. I went on a date once with one of the servers I worked with and she expected me to pick up the bill. Not sexist at all. Reason being that its only sexist when it isn't beneficial to women. God damn these people are so fucking deluded and narcissistic it makes me want to declare jihad on our culture or maybe just go under a rock somewhere and not have to listen to the vile rhetoric that is modern day feminism. Either way these 'progressive' ideologies need to be reevaluated.
Damn - that link is virtually unclicked.
Why even put links to the articles?
Why even put links to the articles?
Oh I read it all right. Article is pure BS. Brings up the usual made up (and highly overblown percentages of) harassment which does not occur, unless by harassment they consider a man looking in their general direction a form of harassment. Typical left-wing-nut fake outrage aimed at their own stupid constituents. It fits the usual leftism/feminism where they hate men and blame their own loser attitude on men or just about everyone else who is not them.
Nothing new there really, we've been hearing this BS from the left since left existed. Same message every year, targeting adolescent stupidity and 16 year old socialists.
For many women in the restaurant industry, the fastest way to prevent only barely making bills is to enhancing their “performance†through appearance. Jessica tells Mashable servers “wear what we can get away with wearing,†because a push up bra and tight shirt often means more tips. It’s service industry sexism at work
Isn't that sexist against men?
How are men competing with push up bras in the tipping arena?
Sounds like one more woman looking at a women advantage and thinking it's a disadvantage.
This article was probably written by an unattractive girl shaming attractive women for using their advantage to make money.
Hey us guys can always combat that by showing them the ol class ring
Oh, forgot to mention .. the bill in most cases ALWAYS comes to the male.. the server ( male or female ) tend to keep the bill near to the male's reach..farther away from the female.. Nope not sexist at all.
I can't wait for tipping to end. I am sick of having my ass kissed by phonies at every restaurant who tack "for you" on to the end of every sentence:
Will never happen, it's how restauranteurs pass along wage costs to their customers.
Would anybody slave away with a fakeass smile and come back to the table 5 times because somebody is guzzling water like a Camel for minimum wage, no tip, no benefits?
You obviously don't eat out much. All the serving jobs are being taken over by male gay chindian ex-trillioinaires...
They are all getting 18 month waitress associate degrees at the university of georgies...
Any change in expected tips is cause for excitement or panic the fuel for these viral posts. But theres part of the story that gets lost in the virality of it all, and it has to do with how we value the work of women.
not a problem if you're not a self-conscience little shit...
Still, that's the system we have. If you don't tip it just makes you a cheap asshole.
This has no meaning to a Skoliosexual.
Why do you hate gender neutrality?
the bill in most cases ALWAYS comes to the male
At best, 1 in 4 women in the industry are worthy of any sexual attention, so fat chance all those other busters are being sexually harassed.
But 5's are the new 9's..we now supposedly like them "curvy".