Rape and the Post Modern Woman

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2015 Sep 4, 9:50am   3,995 views  7 comments

by elliemae   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  

“If you don’t want to entice a rapist, don’t wear high heels so you can’t run from him.” -Chrissy Hynde 2015


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1   mell   2015 Sep 4, 10:35am  

She's factually right. Why would she have any regrets about it?

2   justme   2015 Sep 4, 1:29pm  

I support the right of US Army Rangers to wear high heels in combat. That way I would not have to run so fast, should the Taliban come and attack us. But first I have to pass Ranger school. Ah, never mind.

3   lostand confused   2015 Sep 7, 4:55pm  

But modern rape is not about running away from a man. Modern raping is about chasing a man, hounding him to have sex with you and then the next day/week/year, claiming you were raped .

4   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Sep 7, 6:18pm  

Imagine how ridiculous it would be given this situation:

* 18-year old guy walks down dark alley
* Wearing 2lb. of Gold Jewelry and Watches
* Drunk
* Wearing Horn Rimmed Glasses and a Pocket Protector in his Polo shirt's front pocket.
* Continues on regardless, even though he sees several bad-looking dudes in the alley.

Would we say the Guy had no responsibility if he got robbed? Hell No.

We'd say he shouldn't have been robbed, but he was a dumbass for flashing jewelry while walking drunk on the bad side of town.

When College Girls go to a Frat House in Bikinis, Get Roaring Drunk, Separate from their Friends, Spend half the night grinding in between two "Hotgais!" then wake up with dried semen on their pubes, we go "Poor Dear, Such a Victim." Even young women in 1890 knew as much, certainly 19-year old College Girls are far, far more worldly when it comes to sexual situations.

Seriously, the SJW defense to making a string of shitty decisions that leads to ("almost") rape is "I SHOULD be able to get drunk and wear what I want and go where I want." "Don't tell me what to wear (unless you're a highly accomplished scientist who landed a probe, then we can tell you what not to wear)!"

5   marcus   2015 Sep 7, 6:27pm  

In case anybody doesn't know who she is. She also later married Ray Davies, form the Kinks. She always seemed pretty badass.


6   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Sep 7, 8:02pm  

elliemae says

“If you don’t want to entice a rapist, don’t wear high heels so you can’t run from him.” -Chrissy Hynde 2015

WOW! Check out the other shit she said:

The reason we’re talking about rape at all is because of what happens with you and that biker gang. They take you into a kind of abandoned building, and you’re effectively raped.

“I would say there was an element of sexual assault, but frankly, if you go into the club house of the world’s most notorious bikers, it’s not going to be for a Bible reading.”

But you also have a second situation where you’re hitchhiking and you get drugged and end up naked in this guy’s place not really knowing what’s happening.

“But I knocked on the guy’s car door and said, ‘Can you give me a lift?’ to a stranger. What was I thinking?”

Fair enough, but on a basic level, I feel bad reading about what happened when you were younger. You have a daughter. I have a daughter. I don’t want her in that house with those bikers.

“I know, but most people aren’t as stupid as me. I wouldn’t expect most peopleto do some of the stuff I did. But then again, most people don’t get to be a rock star, either. We have to walk the plank. I don’t think that’s a sign of intelligence, I don’t know what it is a sign of. I’m not saying I was asking for it. It wasn’t the same as walking down a street in the middle of a nice evening and somebody dragging you into a bush with a knife in your throat.”

Looks like she just got knocked off the "Top Independent Womyn Heroines of Social Justice" List.

7   mell   2015 Sep 7, 8:15pm  

All she really gave was a piece of good advice, that is leave danger seeking to pros like Rex Kramer:


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