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19   Y   2015 Oct 10, 8:32am  

+1 BINGO +1
Tenpoundbass says

If ENSO and volcanic activity is superimposed on the temperature rankings one will see a fit.

20   mell   2015 Oct 10, 10:01am  

GW/CC - Nothing a solid maunder minimum can't fix ;)

21   bdrasin   2015 Oct 10, 10:16am  

Question for O.P. or any other conservatives on this issue: what do you think is the incentive driving such a massive scientific fraud? It's easy for me to see what incentives the 3% of dissenting scientists would have (and their supporters for believing then): no AGW means we don't have to change our lifestyles, cooperate with other countries or spend any money to address it. But for the life of me I don't see any corresponding incentive the other way. So do you really think the great majority of climate scientist are just drama queens who like raising panic over nothing? Or are they all unreformed Marxists working to subvert capitalism? I'd really like to know what you think.

22   mell   2015 Oct 10, 2:33pm  

bdrasin says

Question for O.P. or any other conservatives on this issue: what do you think is the incentive driving such a massive scientific fraud? It's easy for me to see what incentives the 3% of dissenting scientists would have (and their supporters for believing then): no AGW means we don't have to change our lifestyles, cooperate with other countries or spend any money to address it. But for the life of me I don't see any corresponding incentive the other way. So do you really think the great majority of climate scientist are just drama queens who like raising panic over nothing? Or are they all unreformed Marxists working to subvert capitalism? I'd really like to know what you think.

If you can easily the see (financial) motives behind the dissenters then logically many more scientists should take that route because the desire to make money and succeed is strongly ingrained in human beings. So the reality is that the money (and careers) to be had in big government is a much larger and more powerful source than the fossil fuel industry. Also, just because a big fossil company loves you today for your dissent doesn't mean anything as to whether you will have your job tomorrow. If you work for the government and the consensus science, your job and income is pretty much guaranteed. You won't get a grant for trying to disprove CC/GW, you will get many for toeing the party line. The same holds true for the medical industry. There are many horrible conditions affecting larger chunks of the population that are completely ignored while others are continuous money generators via fund-raisers, grants and social media presence. I think climate change research was genuine in its beginnings, but pretty much by the time al gore came out with his doomsday movie and hockey stick projections, it already had gone south. Doesn't mean GW isn't real, but I think there's nothing wrong with a healthy debate and you should be very very skeptical and have alarm bells ringing when terms such as "deniers" and "dissenters" are introduced and when legislation is being pushed to silence those dissenters with the force of the law if necessary. That is not science.

23   tatupu70   2015 Oct 10, 2:49pm  

Ironman says

Wait, didn't the alarmists say the increased ocean temps was from increased CO2? You mean that big fireball in the sky has been heating the water all this time?? Wow....

Are you really this stupid? Do you think scientists are saying that CO2 emits heat?

Of course it's the fucking sun that is heating the Earth.

24   bdrasin   2015 Oct 10, 3:55pm  

mell says

f you can easily the see (financial) motives behind the dissenters then logically many more scientists should take that route because the desire to make money and succeed is strongly ingrained in human beings. So the reality is that the money (and careers) to be had in big government is a much larger and more powerful source than the fossil fuel industry. Also, just because a big fossil company loves you today for your dissent doesn't mean anything as to whether you will have your job tomorrow. If you work for the government and the consensus science, your job and income is pretty much guaranteed. You won't get a grant for trying to disprove CC/GW, you will get many for toeing the party line.

With all due respect, this doesn't actually identify an incentive but simply asserts that one must exist. Since many (most?) of the scientists working in the field have tenure they can't actually be fired for not typing the party line as it were. As for grant money (which by the way researchers don't get to keep for themselves), this just pushes the question back to what incentives "Big Government" (by which I guess you mean the NSF et al) has to bias/bribe/corrupt the academic-scientific field in this way (even if we accept that grant money alone could do it). And again, all the incentives seem to me to be in the other direction because the policy implications are very difficult.

So the simple explanation is that the great majority of scientists in the field, as well as the scientists advising the key grant-issuing bodies, are genuinely convinced that there is a grave problem. Am I missing something?

25   mell   2015 Oct 10, 4:24pm  

bdrasin says

So the simple explanation is that the great majority of scientists in the field, as well as the scientists advising the key grant-issuing bodies, are genuinely convinced that there is a grave problem. Am I missing something?

It's a herd mentality paired with a desire to be successful and do research in a "relevant" field. Not all have sinister motives, the majority probably doesn't. However when they start treating dissenters with utter contempt and want to bar them from the discussion - possibly by force of law - something smells very fishy.

26   anonymous   2015 Oct 10, 5:06pm  

bdrasin says

As for grant money (which by the way researchers don't get to keep for themselves)

to deny the existence of conflict of interest in scientific research is to be completely ignorant.

firstly these bunch of peter pans wouldn't be able to function in the real world (of which they lack a basic common understanding) so yes they are deeply dependent on grant money for their accustomed livelihood inside the quad. and fuck off with tenure - academia, big business, and government intersect at the management level and if you don't play the right tune you're definitely going to be out in the cold. what can possibly go wrong when someone is president at a major university and also on the board of directors of a multinational corporation developing green technology with (or even just reducing their carbon footprint for) federal subsidies? what about a former public official pushing a new green agenda within a think tank yet also serving as a university department chair (and maybe the same guy who created the federal subsidies for that green technology being developed by the MNC above)?

further, it's next to impossible to find a job as a professor these days. try pitching your candidacy with an opposing view of climate or online bullying or whatever. pfft - kiss your ass goodbye.

bdrasin says

what incentives "Big Government" (by which I guess you mean the NSF et al) has to bias/bribe/corrupt the academic-scientific field in this way

it's the same trick government used with the church in the old days - academic elitism is the new secular church. government seeks control, especially during periods of civil unrest and economic distress. with the climate narrative, backed by the wealthy ownership class (who by the way could care less as they zip around in private aircraft and power up 10 bedroom estates - so long as they get theirs) and prophesied by the new secular church - the government is in a very good position to exert lots of control over the public at large.

27   tatupu70   2015 Oct 10, 6:02pm  

Ironman says

Show us any alarmist stories where they specifically say that.

Have you ever read even the most basic explanation for why CO2 causes warming? It's called the greenhouse effect. Here are a couple of easy articles that even you might be able to follow:



It's implicit in every article that mentions the greenhouse effect. The sun is the source of the heat. For you to not understand this most basic of all concepts is really beyond belief.

28   tatupu70   2015 Oct 10, 8:29pm  

Ironman says

I have, but I believe you don't understand the process.

Maybe we're finally making progress with you. Would you like to share with us what makes up the largest percentage of greenhouse gases.

I do understand the process. Let me ask you something. Do you understand that small changes in the amount of some compounds can have huge effects? Hydrogen sulfide, fluorine, et. al can be deadly in ppm concentrations.

29   bdrasin   2015 Oct 10, 11:21pm  

landtof says

firstly these bunch of peter pans wouldn't be able to function in the real world (of which they lack a basic common understanding) so yes they are deeply dependent on grant money for their accustomed livelihood inside the quad.

Right. So university climate scientists are stupid and corrupt. They couldn't get industry jobs, and are embezzling their grants for personal use.

landtof says

and fuck off with tenure - academia, big business, and government intersect at the management level and if you don't play the right tune you're definitely going to be out in the cold.

They also must be doing a hell of a good job of keeping the news of all these tenured faculty who got sacked from getting out

landtof says

what can possibly go wrong when someone is president at a major university and also on the board of directors of a multinational corporation developing green technology with (or even just reducing their carbon footprint for) federal subsidies? what about a former public official pushing a new green agenda within a think tank yet also serving as a university department chair (and maybe the same guy who created the federal subsidies for that green technology being developed by the MNC above)?

If all it takes is money, the amount available to renewable energy companies (all subsidies included) must be peanuts compared to what the traditional (fossil fuel) energy companies can bring to bear. So they must be doing a terrible job.

landtof says

further, it's next to impossible to find a job as a professor these days. try pitching your candidacy with an opposing view of climate or online bullying or whatever. pfft - kiss your ass goodbye.

And yet somehow everyone keeps quiet even after they have tenure. Odd.

landtof says

bdrasin says

what incentives "Big Government" (by which I guess you mean the NSF et al) has to bias/bribe/corrupt the academic-scientific field in this way

it's the same trick government used with the church in the old days - academic elitism is the new secular church. government seeks control, especially during periods of civil unrest and economic distress. with the climate narrative, backed by the wealthy ownership class (who by the way could care less as they zip around in private aircraft and power up 10 bedroom estates - so long as they get theirs) and prophesied by the new secular church - the government is in a very good position to exert lots of control over the public at large.

And now we get to the top of the pyramid! The ultimate source of this deep web of corruption: the business and political elites are behind the whole thing (and knowing that it's a lie) for the specific purpose of causing civil unrest and economic distress.

Thank you for the trip down the rabbit hole; I have to say I couldn't have come up with that myself. If I hadn't been on this board for so long I'd think you were trolling. I think I'm going back to lurking now; have fun.

30   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2015 Oct 11, 12:39am  

Quigley says

good points on the oceans holding heat. The pacific in particular has been doing that this year. I went to the beach in San Diego two weeks ago and the water was around 75 degrees, which is pretty warm for the pacific. We didn't bother wearing wetsuits for surfing and it felt great.

Hi Quiq,

Not really to jump in this fray, but rather to address your very narrow concern....its happened before. Late 90's I believe, might have been 1998. The water got super warm. Schools of bonito in King Harbor(Redondo Beach) and later that year a school of firecracker yellowtail. In the spring that year, my mom hooked up a mahi mahi off Dana Point. A few weeks later I went out on a 3 quarter day off Newport. We went down to San Onofre and I caught 2 skipjack tuna and a 12 lb Bonito(Huge and a beast to land...bonito fight so hard...ran me around the boat 3 times before the deckhand got the gaff into it). Two more trips that summer to Catalina on 3/4 boats got some really nice Yellowtail.

The mahi and the skipjack are uncommon and the water has to warm up a whole lot to get those types of fish in So Cal waters in any kinds of numbers. Its an el nino cyclical thing though, not evidence of man made global warming.

31   anonymous   2015 Oct 11, 12:40am  

bdrasin says

Right. So university climate scientists are stupid and corrupt. They couldn't get industry jobs, and are embezzling their grants for personal use.

not what i said, and you are certainly trolling at this point. they don't want to (or socially can't) function inside industry - have you ever known an academic? i do, as very close family friends but they are train wrecks. so yes, they are completely dependent on university funding to perpetually put off becoming a full blown adult.

bdrasin says

They also must be doing a hell of a good job of keeping the news of all these tenured faculty who got sacked from getting out

you're a real piece of shit with no clue what he/she is talking about. a quick search of the cases listed on the FIRE website reveals:

Marquette University: Faculty Member Facing Loss of Tenure for Opinions on Blog

bdrasin says

If all it takes is money, the amount available to renewable energy companies (all subsidies included) must be peanuts compared to what the traditional (fossil fuel) energy companies can bring to bear. So they must be doing a terrible job.

you don't get it - if something benefits traditional energy companies they will certainly join in on the fun. i love how all of a sudden the CFO or CEO or whatever of wallmart comes out and says he's worried for his grandkids and that's why he's investing in the bloom energy startup - and now idiots like yourself blindly believe him! so when big business talks about climate, they are necessary telling the truth. that's rich, considering the rate at which china is pumping out pollution.

bdrasin says

And yet somehow everyone keeps quiet even after they have tenure. Odd.

that's a flimsy ass counterpoint. see above about your naive understanding of tenure.

bdrasin says

And now we get to the top of the pyramid! The ultimate source of this deep web of corruption: the business and political elites are behind the whole thing (and knowing that it's a lie) for the specific purpose of causing civil unrest and economic distress.

Thank you for the trip down the rabbit hole; I have to say I couldn't have come up with that myself. If I hadn't been on this board for so long I'd think you were trolling. I think I'm going back to lurking now; have fun.

nice try again mis-characterizing my post due to the fact that your smarmy attempt to uncover "deniers" as morons has backfired on you. it is because of civil unrest and economic distress that governments seek more control, not the other way around. consider the massive digital surveillance programs of recent controversy. increasing taxation in this scenario will not work. sure, there are plenty of gullible people that actually drink the green-aid but at the core of this agenda is an intrusion of government into personal freedoms including how people live, how they get around, and how the work. much easier to downsize americans by their own volition via greenwash than by taking more of their money to help manage a downward spiral.

32   Bigsby   2015 Oct 11, 1:59am  

landtof says

not what i said, and you are certainly trolling at this point. they don't want to (or socially can't) function inside industry - have you ever known an academic? i do, as very close family friends but they are train wrecks. so yes, they are completely dependent on university funding to perpetually put off becoming a full blown adult.

I know and have known a great many and your comment is basically just a tired old cliche. And more to the point, even if what you said was true, so what? Why would climatologists not want to work in academia? Presumably there are far more opportunities for them than the limited openings in the private sector as it is a research based field. They are also free from the obvious pressures that may be exerted when working for certain industries.landtof says

you're a real piece of shit with no clue what he/she is talking about. a quick search of the cases listed on the FIRE website reveals:

Marquette University: Faculty Member Facing Loss of Tenure for Opinions on Blog


That's a rather poor example considering the reason why he might be facing loss of tenure. That looks like it relates to infringement of the kind of written guidelines (for the protection of student rights) in most (all?) universities. That has nothing to do with singing the supposed right song when it comes to scientific research.

landtof says

that's a flimsy ass counterpoint. see above about your naive understanding of tenure.

Except tenure gives you a great deal of protection within the realms of the work you produce. See your above example as not being evidence of what you thought it was.

landtof says

but at the core of this agenda is an intrusion of government into personal freedoms including how people live, how they get around, and how the work.

And what about 'intruding' into how industries operate? Much better to let big business do whatever the hell it wants so that it's free to maximize profit without a thought given to the future.

33   anonymous   2015 Oct 11, 8:35am  

Bigsby says

summary of my points:

* academics DO have incentive to pursue certain well-funded research areas and also to withhold or manipulate data to conform to the expectations of the customer - this is called conflict of interest and it would be incredibly ignorant to assume that it does not exist within climate science. many actually contend that COI dominates climate science today because of the government's current interest level and the business opportunities that follow. the assumption that climate change is man-made is a fucking joke considering the age of the planet compared to duration of data collection.

* tenure DOES NOT equal permanent job stability, in fact there are many cases where disagreeing with the popular leftist group-think will get you shit canned. this could easily apply to climate science as it does to gay rights. notice that my original point of new academics searching for jobs being forced into a mould was never countered.

* government has the obligation to regulate business in cases where such regulation protects the people. e.g. dumping toxic waste that may cause higher cancer rates in nearby communities. it does not have the authority to use a grand-scale unproven global theory to exert itself over every industry and individual activity that it deems "unclean and contributory to the global theory" while incentivizing those it favors.

34   Bigsby   2015 Oct 11, 8:48am  

landtof says

* academics DO have incentive to pursue certain well-funded research areas and also to withhold or manipulate data to conform to the expectations of the customer - this is called conflict of interest and it would be incredibly ignorant to assume that it does not exist within climate science. many actually contend that COI dominates climate science today because of the government's current interest level and the business opportunities that follow. the assumption that climate change is man-made is a fucking joke considering the age of the planet compared to duration of data collection.

A grant is a grant. They put forward their research proposal and get funding or not. Once they have the funding, who exactly are they beholden to? They don't profit from the grant - it simply allows them to pursue the areas they are interested in. You are talking about the overwhelming majority of people working in the field and are trying to make some kind of mileage out of a supposed conflict of interest. It is the scientists in academia who have the least conflict of interest. Look at those scientists working for oil etc. for the real problem.

landtof says

* tenure DOES NOT equal permanent job stability, in fact there are many cases where disagreeing with the popular leftist group-think will get you shit canned. this could easily apply to climate science as it does to gay rights. notice that my original point of new academics searching for jobs being forced into a mould was never countered.

We are talking about climatology. Show me examples where a scientist has lost their tenure based on actual research they've done rather than say voicing homophobic beliefs or the like (and that obviously run contrary to the type of written guidelines you see at universities these days).

landtof says

* government has the obligation to regulate business in cases where such regulation protects the people. e.g. dumping toxic waste that may cause higher cancer rates in nearby communities. it does not have the authority to use a grand-scale unproven global theory to exert itself over every industry and individual activity that it deems "unclean and contributory to the global theory" while incentivizing those it favors.

Unproven according to whom? When 97% of the peer-reviewed papers on the subject run contrary to what you are saying, then tell me where it gets much more 'proven' than that. Just because you don't want to accept it, doesn't mean that science hasn't, and hey, who should we put more trust in, you who knows nothing about the science involved, or the people who actually dedicate their lives to doing the research?

35   Y   2015 Oct 11, 8:52am  

Which answers the question of conflict of interest.
If enough headway is not made during the timeframe of the first grant, successive grants (read "paychecks") are in jeopardy. Time to massage the numbers for personal security??

Bigsby says

A grant is a grant. They put forward their research proposal and get funding or not.

36   Bigsby   2015 Oct 11, 8:56am  

SoftShell says

Which answers the question of conflict of interest.

If enough headway is not made during the timeframe of the first grant, successive grants (read "paychecks") are in jeopardy. Time to massage the numbers for personal security??

Grants aren't paychecks for tenured professors, are they? They're funding for research of interest to them. And what do you think a grant proposal entails? They aren't saying that 'I'm going to prove global warming by doing X,' are they? The scientists do very specific research that contributes to overall understanding of what is happening.

37   tatupu70   2015 Oct 11, 9:27am  

Ironman says

Like when CO2 goes from 300 ppm to 400 ppm means we're all going to die? Any idea what the optimum level of CO2 is for plant growth?

A quick google search says ~1500ppm is best for plant growth. Unfortunately, best for plants doesn't equal best for humans.

38   anonymous   2015 Oct 11, 9:44am  

Bigsby says

Unproven according to whom? When 97% of the peer-reviewed papers on the subject run contrary to what you are saying, then tell me where it gets much more 'proven' than that. Just because you don't want to accept it, doesn't mean that science hasn't, and hey, who should we put more trust in, you who knows nothing about the science involved, or the people who actually dedicate their lives to doing the research?

see my post about the new secular church. the basic assumption of this research that climate change is man-made is egregious. trying to claim proven understanding about weather with a limited set of data compared to the age of the planet is absolute nonsense.

39   Bigsby   2015 Oct 11, 9:55am  

landtof says

see my post about the new secular church. the basic assumption of this research that climate change is man-made is egregious. trying to claim proven understanding about weather with a limited set of data compared to the age of the planet is absolute nonsense.

'The new secular church?'You mean science rather than religion? What would your comments be if we were talking about evolution? That it's only a 'theory'?
You claiming that it is a nonsense is the only nonsense here. This has nothing to do with assumptions and everything to do with hard science. You are dismissing thousands upon thousands of peer-reviewed papers based on what exactly?

40   anonymous   2015 Oct 11, 9:58am  

anonymous says

Climate bad - financial services (Banks, Wall Street, etc.) good. Is this how it works ?

nobody is saying that. different topic altogether. most people here would agree that lax regulation of wall street is a serious problem.

41   anonymous   2015 Oct 11, 9:58am  

Bigsby says

'The new secular church?'You mean science rather than religion?

no, science AS religion.

42   indigenous   2015 Oct 11, 10:01am  

landtof says

most people here would agree that lax regulation of wall street is a serious problem.

And most people would be wrong.

43   Bigsby   2015 Oct 11, 10:02am  

landtof says

no, science AS religion.

Yawn. That is a meaningless quip devoid of any understanding of how science actually works.

44   anonymous   2015 Oct 11, 10:06am  

Bigsby says

Yawn. That is a meaningless quip devoid of any understanding of how science actually works.

no, science is 2 + 2 = 4.

it is not an evangelism of a small amount of data with a firm conclusion that everyone needs to stop driving cars and start living in an apartment for the rest of their lives or else the planet will become un-inhabitable.

45   anonymous   2015 Oct 11, 10:08am  

indigenous says

And most people would be wrong.

so you're a big fan of insider trading and money laundering for drug cartels? fascinating.

46   indigenous   2015 Oct 11, 10:11am  

landtof says

so you're a big fan of insider trading and money laundering for drug cartels? fascinating.

No, the problem was in the bailouts, not regulation. The propaganda says that the problem was in derivatives not being regulated. But if AIG would have been allowed to fail then there would not have been a problem.

47   Bigsby   2015 Oct 11, 10:12am  

landtof says

no, science is 2 + 2 = 4.

it is not an evangelism of a small amount of data with a firm conclusion that everyone needs to stop driving cars and start living in an apartment for the rest of their lives or else the planet will become inhabitable.

Science research is 2+2=4, is it? Ha, ha, ha. What is the point of having a discussion with you if you make a ridiculous comment like that?

And a small amount of data? What? Again, it's a mountain of data that you are dismissing out of hand based on what exactly?

48   anonymous   2015 Oct 11, 10:14am  

indigenous says

No, the problem was in the bailouts, not regulation. The propaganda says that the problem was in derivatives not being regulated. But if AIG would have been allowed to fail then there would not have been a problem.

there shouldn't be a need to do a bail-out, and these situations ought to be prevented by regulation. if something is too big to fail, it is too big to exist in the first place. that's the crux of the argument.

49   indigenous   2015 Oct 11, 10:17am  

landtof says

and these situations ought to be prevented by regulation.

It already is it is called the market.

50   anonymous   2015 Oct 11, 10:18am  

Bigsby says

Research science is 2+2=4, is it? Ha, ha,ha. What is the point of having a discussion with you if you make a ridiculous comment like that?

And a small amount of data? What? It's a mountain of data that you are dismissing out of hand based on what exactly?

dude, the earth is estimated at 4.5 billion years old. get a fucking clue.

51   Bigsby   2015 Oct 11, 10:30am  

You post a response to me and then put me on ignore. Pretty fucking cowardly.

52   mell   2015 Oct 11, 11:46am  

indigenous says

landtof says

so you're a big fan of insider trading and money laundering for drug cartels? fascinating.

No, the problem was in the bailouts, not regulation. The propaganda says that the problem was in derivatives not being regulated. But if AIG would have been allowed to fail then there would not have been a problem.

You're both right. If the TBTFs were allowed to fail we would not have the parasitic, FED-backed monopolies skimming money away from the middle-class. And in some cases there was clear cut fraud which should have been prosecuted, but Obummer and his minions abolished the rule of law.

53   bdrasin   2015 Oct 11, 1:08pm  

Ok you win, I'm back for another round

landtof says

bdrasin says

Right. So university climate scientists are stupid and corrupt. They couldn't get industry jobs, and are embezzling their grants for personal use.

not what i said, and you are certainly trolling at this point. they don't want to (or socially can't) function inside industry - have you ever known an academic? i do, as very close family friends but they are train wrecks. so yes, they are completely dependent on university funding to perpetually put off becoming a full blown adult.

Why yes I do! My father is a (now emeritus) professor of Mathematics at a major research university. Most of the adults I knew growing up were university professors, mostly in Math, Statistics, Engineering, and physical sciences. Several of these relationships grew into adult friendships and I'm still in contact with quite a few of them. Several of my high school friends are so talented and driven that they are now tenured University faculty themselves. And I have my own 20 year career in the private sector to compare it with (banking, maritime logistics and software engineering if you care). So no, I do not share your blanket assessment of academics; the great majority of the ones I know are highly intelligent and driven to achieve, and I have no doubt (*NONE*) that they would have thrived in business or technology jobs if that is where they had chosen to direct their attention. Want to know another of my secrets? Not all of them are particularly liberal

landtof says

bdrasin says

They also must be doing a hell of a good job of keeping the news of all these tenured faculty who got sacked from getting out

you're a real piece of shit with no clue what he/she is talking about.

(watches the arrows bounce off)

landtof says

a quick search of the cases listed on the FIRE website reveals:

Marquette University: Faculty Member Facing Loss of Tenure for Opinions on Blog


I'd not heard of this case. From what I read the case is still pending and will be decided by a committee http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/24308/. If he does lose the case (I hope he wins, FWIW) it will be the first time I've ever heard of such a thing and I've known a LOT of profs.
The reasons I have heard of tenure being revoked:
* having sex with a student (by far the most common)
* financial impropriety (holding two academic jobs without telling, or embezzling grant money)
* one guy hadn't published or taught his classes in 15 years (made his grad students do everything) and was running a slumlord business on the side

In every one of these cases it took an expensive multi-year investigation for the school to get rid of them. It's certainly not the case in general that opposing gay marriage will cost you tenure; take for example this guy - he's a good friend of mine although he's dead wrong on this particular issue: https://www.math.purdue.edu/~gottlieb/Law/gaymarriage.html

landtof says

nice try again mis-characterizing my post due to the fact that your smarmy attempt to uncover "deniers" as morons has backfired on you. it is because of civil unrest and economic distress that governments seek more control, not the other way around.

Ok, then you again are left with an empty bag! Let's say you are right:
1) climate science professors are motivated by the threat of losing their grants and tenure
threatened by:
2) grant-issuing bodies and university administrators who are motivated by board positions in green tech
bribed by:
3) Business/government leaders (masters of the universe types), motivated by ??? Again, all of the motivations seem to be in the other direction. What possible incentive do they have to impose unpopular policies or have to negotiate with other nations? I can see the incentives the other way, because it means they can offer cheap gas, lower taxes, and less regulation which of course the people want.

So you *STILL* haven't given anything which could be considered an incentive for this large fraud. I thought I had finally understood that the enviro-academic-biggov complex was doing this on purpose to wreak havoc on the economy. But if that's not it then what is it?

p.s. I fully expect your next move will be to insult my family. Go right ahead; they don't care what you think of them either.

54   anonymous   2015 Oct 11, 7:05pm  

bdrasin says

So you *STILL* haven't given anything which could be considered an incentive

bro, come on.

MORE CONTROL / LESS FREEDOM. these folks are on a crusade to protect the world from other people. researchers follow the money, businesses gobble up the government largess, and the politicians get carte blanche to intervene as they see fit.

55   Bigsby   2015 Oct 11, 7:59pm  

Ironman says

Bigsby says

You post a response to me and then put me on ignore.

Apparently, he's tired of your trolling!!! Smart guy!!

As you're the forum's resident expert on trolling, point me towards my comments to him that count as trolling in your book.

56   Bigsby   2015 Oct 11, 8:06pm  

Ironman says

As you can see, there's a long way to go to get to a dangerous level.

So, why is the IPCC, the scientists and the alarmists lying to the general public?

You post a chart showing that we have a long way to go before everyone will have health issues from breathing. And that is evidence of what in terms of climate change?

57   Bigsby   2015 Oct 11, 8:07pm  

Ironman says

Just EVERY post you made in this thread, as starters...

You NEVER back up your statements with ANY proof, data, links, charts, etc. All we see is your delusional "opinions"...

You know what they say about "opinions", right?

My 'delusional opinions' shared by 97% of published peer-reviewed papers?

58   Bigsby   2015 Oct 11, 8:49pm  

A whole 43 papers. Out of how many tens of thousands? And which 'several journals' were problematic?

Issues with a handful of papers doesn't then allow you to say that ALL research is unreliable. The overwhelming weight of evidence, CIC. The overwhelming weight of evidence....., which of course, you ignore.

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