Saudi Barbaria New Law: All Atheists are Terrorists

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2015 Nov 17, 1:26pm   16,978 views  34 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Saudi Arabia has introduced a series of new laws which define atheists as terrorists, according to a report from Human Rights Watch.

In a string of royal decrees and an overarching new piece of legislation to deal with terrorism generally, the Saudi King Abdullah has clamped down on all forms of political dissent and protests that could "harm public order".


Article one of the new provisions defines terrorism as "calling for atheist thought in any form, or calling into question the fundamentals of the Islamic religion on which this country is based".


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1   Tenpoundbass   2015 Nov 17, 1:29pm  

Vocal ones really are. Perhaps not violent terrorists can be debated. But there's no doubut they are vocally out to shout down people of other faiths.
They really are no different than ISIS going country to country chopping off the heads of people who refuse to convert.

It's one thing to NOT believe in God, but when you make a very vocal lawyerd up movement out of it. You're pretty much commited to terrorizing someone.

2   HEY YOU   2015 Nov 17, 2:06pm  

Stupid myth believers should be terrorized.

4   Tenpoundbass   2015 Nov 17, 3:40pm  

HEY YOU says

Stupid myth believers should be terrorized.

And Gary believes they should blow you up.
See perfect harmony.

5   curious2   2015 Nov 17, 4:11pm  

Tenpoundbass says

They really are no different than ISIS going country to country chopping off the heads of people who refuse to convert.


6   Tenpoundbass   2015 Nov 17, 4:17pm  

curious2 says


It's early November and I haven't even gotten to the egg nog yet.

8   resistance   2015 Dec 15, 10:00pm  

this is really important:

saudi arabia defines terrorism to be opposition to islam, yet islam is actually the source of most terrorism.

their islamic coalition against terrorism is a farce.

9   Dan8267   2015 Dec 15, 10:50pm  

thunderlips11 says

Saudi Arabia has introduced a series of new laws which define atheists as terrorists, according to a report from Human Rights Watch.

Great, now I'm going to have to pass the two finger test.

10   Dan8267   2015 Dec 15, 10:51pm  

thunderlips11 says

Article one of the new provisions defines terrorism as "calling for atheist thought in any form, or calling into question the fundamentals of the Islamic religion on which this country is based".

Must find Saudi Arabia's equivalent of PatNet. Must find their equivalent of CIC and tear him a new one.

11   Dan8267   2015 Dec 15, 10:52pm  

DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says

Mohammed sucks the dick, yo!

Dare ya to draw a picture of that!

12   Dan8267   2015 Dec 15, 10:53pm  

Ironman says

thunderlips11 says

new laws which define atheists as terrorists,

This guy better not travel to Saudi any time soon.

Yes, you and Islamic idiots have a lot in common. Islam, it's the Arabia's evangelical Christianity.

13   Strategist   2015 Dec 16, 7:32am  

this is really important:

saudi arabia defines terrorism to be opposition to islam, yet islam is actually the source of most terrorism.

their islamic coalition against terrorism is a farce.

That would make Patnet a terrorist web site.

14   Strategist   2015 Dec 16, 7:41am  

Dan8267 says

thunderlips11 says

Saudi Arabia has introduced a series of new laws which define atheists as terrorists, according to a report from Human Rights Watch.

Great, now I'm going to have to pass the two finger test.

Just wait till they give you the Sword on the Neck test. You will be sorry you ever demanded human rights for these animals.

15   Strategist   2015 Dec 16, 7:41am  

thunderlips11 says

Saudi Barbaria New Law: All Atheists are Terrorists

We now have a right to call all Muslims terrorists.

16   resistance   2015 Dec 16, 7:58am  

Dan8267 says

Islam, it's the Arabia's evangelical Christianity.

yes, but it's much, much worse

17   Dan8267   2015 Dec 16, 1:16pm  

Strategist says

Just wait till they give you the Sword on the Neck test. You will be sorry you ever demanded human rights for these animals.

Lack of human rights is one of the primary reasons terrorism is so prevalent in the Middle East. Since when did humiliating and dehumanizing people make them less violent and less likely to lash back?

Go to a bar and buy everyone a round. See how they react. Then go to another bar and call everyone's mom a whore, feel up their women, and start pissing all over them and slapping them in the face. See which scenario gets your ass kicked.

Why do conservatives have such a lack of understanding of human nature?

18   Dan8267   2015 Dec 16, 1:20pm  

Dan8267 says

Islam, it's the Arabia's evangelical Christianity.

yes, but it's much, much worse

True, but that's not what's important. What's important is why is it so bad. And the answer to that is religion and all the irrationality that the belief in anything supernatural creates. Irrationality is bad. Terrorism is irrational. You can create laws and punishment that deter rational crimes, but not irrational ones. You can't legislate away crazy.

The only way to end terrorism is to end irrationality, especially religiousness and faith and superstition. How many atheist terrorists have you heard of?

19   Strategist   2015 Dec 16, 3:33pm  

Dan8267 says

Strategist says

Just wait till they give you the Sword on the Neck test. You will be sorry you ever demanded human rights for these animals.

Lack of human rights is one of the primary reasons terrorism is so prevalent in the Middle East. Since when did humiliating and dehumanizing people make them less violent and less likely to lash back?

Nonsense. Being nice to them makes no difference to their willingness to take off your head. You are very naive.

20   Strategist   2015 Dec 16, 3:36pm  

Dan8267 says

The only way to end terrorism is to end irrationality, especially religiousness and faith and superstition. How many atheist terrorists have you heard of?

Go ahead Dan, end "religiousness and faith and superstition" and good luck.

21   Dan8267   2015 Dec 16, 4:39pm  

Strategist says

Nonsense. Being nice to them makes no difference to their willingness to take off your head. You are very naive.

History bears what I say. Every civilization has weakened the grip of religion and become more secular and atheistic. The more atheists in a country per capital, the higher the quality of life and the less violent that society is.

Strategist says

Go ahead Dan, end "religiousness and faith and superstition" and good luck.

Already doing it.

Belief In God Plummets Among Youth

5 signs of the ‘Great Decline’ of religion in America

We're winning and you're losing.

#puttingTheNailInReligionsCoffin #MakingTheWorldABetterPlace

22   Strategist   2015 Dec 16, 5:49pm  

Dan8267 says

Strategist says

Nonsense. Being nice to them makes no difference to their willingness to take off your head. You are very naive.

History bears what I say. Every civilization has weakened the grip of religion and become more secular and atheistic. The more atheists in a country per capital, the higher the quality of life and the less violent that society is.

Hello Dan....you are talking to Strategist, The "World's greatest Atheist"
My point is.....we cannot wait for Islam to civilize itself. They are growing in numbers, infiltrating every part of the world, and terrorism is in fashion. They even have the "Islamic Bomb" Lots of them. Do you really believe a barbaric religion after 1,400 years of barbarism will suddenly become civilized if we treat them nice? It's not gonna happen on its own. We need to MAKE it happen, and that means controlling them enough to prevent them from carrying out terrorist acts as a starter.

23   Strategist   2015 Dec 16, 5:51pm  

And I agree with those graphs. If all the atheists came out of the cockroach infested closets, the slopes of those graphs would be a lot steeper.

24   Dan8267   2015 Dec 16, 5:56pm  

Strategist says

My point is.....we cannot wait for Islam to civilize itself.

No one has suggested that.

We have to eliminate religion from our society and then export secular values. Repealing religious protections with a Constitutional Amendment would be a great step.

Strategist says

Do you really believe a barbaric religion after 1,400 years of barbarism will suddenly become civilized if we treat them nice?

Who said anything about being nice? There's a lot of room between being nice and blowing up children.

And 1,400 years is about how long Christianity held power before it's death grip started to wane, first with the reformation, then the Renascence, then the Age of Enlightenment, and then the scientific revolution of the 20th century.

Blowing the shit out of children, civilians, schools, and infrastructure isn't going to help. Building schools and teaching science like education, the Big Bang theory, and biology will help. Educating girls and women scares the shit out of ISIS and other terrorists. Building infrastructure so that people can enjoy comfortable lives would help a lot. Do you really think that it's a coincidence that terrorism flourishes in the worst shitholes on the planet? Comfortable, happy people don't rock the boat. Just look at America. Contentment breeds apathy.

25   Strategist   2015 Dec 16, 6:29pm  

Dan8267 says

Strategist says

My point is.....we cannot wait for Islam to civilize itself.

No one has suggested that.

We have to eliminate religion from our society and then export secular values. Repealing religious protections with a Constitutional Amendment would be a great step.

OK, I completely agree. But Islam is the real problem, and how do you plan on eliminating it? They are in a better position to eliminate you.

Dan8267 says

And 1,400 years is about how long Christianity held power before it's death grip started to wane, first with the reformation, then the Renascence, then the Age of Enlightenment, and then the scientific revolution of the 20th century.

Christianity is alive and kicking after 2,000 years, which is why you see them as a threat. We cannot wait another 600 years for Islam to die, when we are already in a nuclear age. We have no time. The Islamic bomb is already ticking.

Dan8267 says

Blowing the shit out of children, civilians, schools, and infrastructure isn't going to help.

We don't blow up schools and little kids. The terrorists do. We are trying to stop the. You really need to change your thinking.
Dan8267 says

Building schools and teaching science like education, the Big Bang theory, and biology will help. Educating girls and women scares the shit out of ISIS and other terrorists. Building infrastructure so that people can enjoy comfortable lives would help a lot. Do you really think that it's a coincidence that terrorism flourishes in the worst shitholes on the planet? Comfortable, happy people don't rock the boat. Just look at America. Contentment breeds apathy.

Cannot agree more with what is needed. But hoow the hell do you propose doing all that in ISIS and Taliban country without controlling them first? Do you think we can just walk in, build a school, claim Islam is wrong, and teach them evolution? Really? Would you be willing to lead a team willing to give that a try?
Dan, step back and think realistically. Don't give me theoretical solutions, give me something that can work.

26   Dan8267   2015 Dec 16, 7:03pm  

Strategist says

But Islam is the real problem, and how do you plan on eliminating it?

Religion is the real problem. The particular mythology is irrelevant. There is no inherent difference between Islam and Christianity. Poke history here and there and you'd have Christian Crusaders in the Middle East instead of Islamic Jihadists. Same diff.

The way to eliminate it, as I said, is replacing all superstition with hard science and exporting that culture. Every time a climate change denier spouts bullshit, he's contributing to terrorism by promoting the idea that ideology takes precedence over scientific facts. Do the opposite and religion loses it grip on the population. It doesn't happen overnight, but it does happen. Look how consistently Christianity has been falling in the western world.

Strategist says

Do you think we can just walk in, build a school, claim Islam is wrong, and teach them evolution?

Not when we're bombing and torturing civilians that have nothing to do with violence.

There are tens of millions of young girls in the Middle East who want to learn and be free of their repression. And there are organizations that are helping them.

The military can only effectively be used as a scalpel, not a sledgehammer. We've been using the military to smash everything like a drunken Hulk. That's not the way to change culture. It only solidifies the hold of Jihadists on the population as parents see their children slaughtered and brothers avow to avenge their sisters. Surgical strikes against military, not civilian, targets and protecting schools and neighborhoods is the only way to change the culture.

Oh, and not selling and giving arms to the warlords in the Middle East would also help. Thanks Reagan. Also not leaving power vacuums would help. Thanks Bush.

27   Strategist   2015 Dec 16, 7:31pm  

Someone give me a gun. I want to shoot myself.

28   Strategist   2015 Dec 16, 7:41pm  

bgamall4 says

Strategist says

Someone give me a gun. I want to shoot myself.

Just take a bunch of pills. Disclaimer:This is not medical advice.

LOL. ha ha ha ha. Funniest thing I ever heard.

29   Strategist   2015 Dec 16, 8:20pm  

Ironman says

I know what you're saying. Reading Dan's unbelievable, delusional posts can make someone feel that way.

Something like this design would be easier:


Thanks. If I do it, please tell the world it was Dan's fault.

30   Dan8267   2015 Dec 16, 10:58pm  

Strategist says

Thanks. If I do it, please tell the world it was Dan's fault.

Just doing my part to make the world a better place.

31   Strategist   2015 Dec 17, 7:57am  

Thanks a lot guys. I threaten to shoot myself, and all I get is ideas and encouragement to make sure it works.
I changed my mind. Have a nice day.

32   Dan8267   2015 Dec 17, 8:04am  

Strategist says

Thanks a lot guys. I threaten to shoot myself, and all I get is ideas and encouragement to make sure it works.

Try dating.

33   Shaman   2015 Dec 17, 8:09am  

Dan8267 says

Every time a climate change denier spouts bullshit, he's contributing to terrorism by promoting the idea that ideology takes precedence over scientific facts.

So it's you that Obama has been talking to? I was wondering how he arrived at the ridiculous statement that global warming is the most pressing security concern to the world.

34   Dan8267   2015 Dec 17, 2:38pm  

Quigley says

So it's you that Obama has been talking to? I was wondering how he arrived at the ridiculous statement that global warming is the most pressing security concern to the world.

Actually, it was the Department of Defense.


The Department of Defense sees climate change as a present security threat, not strictly a
long-term risk. We are already observing the impacts of climate change in shocks and stressors
to vulnerable nations and communities, including in the United States, and in the Arctic, Middle
East, Africa, Asia, and South America. Case studies have demonstrated measurable impacts on
areas vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and in specific cases significant interaction
between conflict dynamics and sensitivity to climate changes. Although climate-related stress
will disproportionately affect fragile and conflict-affected states, even resilient, well-developed
countries are subject to the effects of climate change in significant and consequential ways.

For these reasons, Combatant Commands are integrating climate-related impacts into
their planning cycles. Depending on the region, risks to Combatant Commands vary, but all
GCCs share a common assessment of its significance. The ability of the United States and other
countries to cope with the risks and implications of climate change requires monitoring, analysis,
and integration of those risks into existing overall risk management measures, as appropriate for
each Combatant Command.

Although DoD and the Combatant Commands cannot prepare for every risk and
situation, the Department is beginning to include the implications of a changing climate in its
frameworks for managing operational and strategic risks prudently. Moreover, the Department is
working with other U.S. Government departments and agencies, partner nations, and many other
entities on addressing climate security risks and implications.

The DOD considers climate change to be a very real and present national security risk with military implications. So is the Department of Defense a bunch of idiots or are you going to concede that climate change is real and happening right now? If the former, then slash the defense budget by 90% since it's a waste to fund idiots.

So, should the president of the United States listen to the Department of Defense or ignore its recommendations?

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