Losing Weight Makes You A Pedophile!

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2015 Nov 19, 8:57am   23,519 views  32 comments

by elliemae   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  


There's no evidence I know that he molested a child," Bradford said by phone. Asked about Fogle's sex with 16- and 17-year-old minors, Bradford said, "16- or 17-year-olds are not pre-pubertal children, the paper reported. "He didn't have those types of cognitive distortions that you would see in those individuals. Bradford said he was concerned about Fogle's eating disorder from childhood to college. Bradford said Fogle had fantasies of young girls, age 12 or 13, but his main interest was older minors. "Looking at all of this, I believe he did suffer from pedophilia, except it didn't involve acting out...

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1   elliemae   2015 Nov 19, 9:09am  

The article referred to fogel's "mild pedophilia." Is that like being a mild supporter of ISIS? or a little bit pregnant? Enquiring minds want to know.

2   Blurtman   2015 Nov 19, 9:34am  

Society's standards towards pedophilia have evolved. Ronald Reagan engaged in sexual relations with a teenaged Elizabeth Taylor. Jackie Collins was boinking adults as a 15 year old. There was nothing necessarily evil about any of the consenting individuals.

3   zzyzzx   2015 Nov 19, 9:48am  


4   Dan8267   2015 Nov 19, 11:10am  

elliemae says

Losing Weight Makes You A Pedophile!

What's CIC's excuse? He's a fat fuck and still diddles kids.

5   Dan8267   2015 Nov 19, 2:04pm  

Ironman says

Oh look, the little girl is home from her second grade class. Does mommy know you're on her computer?

Way to throw the scent off the whole pedophilia thing. You troll for second grade girls in a lot of forums?

6   Ceffer   2015 Nov 19, 3:54pm  

It's intriguing to read the whore expert witness psychiatrist's pathetic efforts at making Jared's tendencies sound like mitigating circumstances. It's so reassuring of the legal system that you can pay "experts" and watch them line up like hookers in July to do your bidding for legal bucks.

7   Dan8267   2015 Nov 19, 4:50pm  

CIC taking out his sexual frustrations on PatNet users.

Notice his "frontal vagina".

8   Dan8267   2015 Nov 19, 6:47pm  

Why don't you come to Georgie's and find out you cowardly bitch. You have the address and, nudge nudge, wink wink, are passing by. Or are you too busy crapping your pants like the scaredy cat you are?

10   Vicente   2015 Nov 19, 8:07pm  

elliemae says

The article referred to fogel's "mild pedophilia."

Undergrad roomie, after a while I noticed when he did date they were girls that
that were stick figures, like young boys. I just thought it peculiar, we drifted apart.

Years later..... yep, you guessed it.

12   elliemae   2015 Nov 20, 9:46am  

Ha! That's one way to get a kid into your pants, I guess.

Blurtman says

Society's standards towards pedophilia have evolved. Ronald Reagan engaged in sexual relations with a teenaged Elizabeth Taylor. Jackie Collins was boinking adults as a 15 year old. There was nothing necessarily evil about any of the consenting individuals.

He wanted little kids. And the issue isn't that someone else did it so it's okay - the issue is that it's not legal to have sex with children because they're not able to consent. A 30's yo man and a 15 year old girl isn't any more appropriate than a 30's year old woman and 15 yo boy. An adult acting out sexually with a child is not appropriate.

It becomes discombobulated when both parties are children. There have been some fucked up situations - Marcus Dixon and Genarlow Wilson come to mind (http://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/22/us/student-sex-case-in-georgia-stirs-claims-of-old-south-justice.html?_r=0)

15   Strategist   2015 Nov 20, 6:38pm  

I still don't understand why that Subway pedophile got so much more publicity than other pedophiles. What was so special about him?

21   zzyzzx   2015 Nov 20, 6:52pm  

Strategist says

I still don't understand why that Subway pedophile got so much more publicity than other pedophiles. What was so special about him?

Easy target, I think.

22   Dan8267   2015 Nov 20, 7:03pm  

Fucked By Goats Ironman says

Ironman says

It's handy when I'm thirsty and want a drink.

If you say so. We notice you've given up denying your incestuous predilections. Oh? Just go look it up.

No wonder CIC refuses to show his face at Georgie's. He'd rather go to Chuck e Cheese.

23   Strategist   2015 Nov 20, 7:24pm  

Ironman says

Your favorite thing on the menu. Do the goats have to bend over before you "pet" them?

Someone has to bend. You are so naive, Ironman.
Prophet Mohammad sanctioned sex with camels (no jokes) I wonder how they did it.

25   Y   2015 Nov 21, 6:51am  

He was too chincy with the olives....

zzyzzx says

I still don't understand why that Subway pedophile got so much more publicity than other pedophiles. What was so special about him?

27   zzyzzx   2016 Mar 21, 11:39am  


Report: Jared Fogle gained 30 pounds during 3 months in jail

A prisoner insider told the magazine that Fogle “really started packing on the pounds again, probably from depression.”

The added pounds might be due to Fogle’s diet of cake, sugary cereal and other pastries, the source says.

inTouch’s source also says Fogle is “regularly taunted by those who have it out for him.” He says Fogle is subjected to constant taunting, threats and physical attacks.

“One of the men called Jared a ‘dirty child rapist’ and told him to ‘get the f–k out’ and not come back.”

The prison insider was a recently released inmate from Colorado’s Federal correctional Institution, according to inTouch.

28   bdrasin   2016 Mar 21, 12:33pm  

Its my understanding that the charges included child porn of six year olds. That's illegal everywhere.

30   Dan8267   2017 Oct 13, 2:43pm  

Jared has gained a lot of weight. He should go on a diet, maybe at Subway.
31   Ceffer   2017 Oct 13, 3:12pm  

They don't call it baby fat for nothing.
32   Booger   2017 Nov 21, 2:51pm  


Quiznos Has Hired Subway’s Jared Fogle For A New Ad Campaign Claiming That Quiznos Sandwiches Cured His Pedophilia

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