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traditional, rural, conservative Christian Whites has been being hit hard over the past few decades. Their jobs have been shrinking, shipped overseas or filled by immigrants for lower pay. Their standard of living has been flat or decreasing. Their mental health is not good and they have been dying at alarming rates from suicide and drug addiction.
"White privilege" does not seem to be helping those folks in the least.
could it possibly be that they actually have no privilege whatsoever, only officially sanctioned scorn and discrimination?
Their problems and difficulties are shared by all groups as no one is immune from the economic forces. However, their "fatal" (literal and figurative) error is not realizing that their problems stem from the anti union attitudes and actions started by ronald raegan in the 1980s and continued 3 decades later in the form of anti union jihadists like scott walker. It's not someone taking their jobs, it's someone cutting their pay that's the real issue.
At any rate, committing suicide is probably the most ridiculous thing to do in the face of life's challenges. All problems can be solved; however, suicide has no mulligan.
Suicide= permanent solution to temporary problem.
I got into trouble at a seminar once when I admitted I had contemplated suicide, but with a twist. I planned to take as many of the SOBs with me as I could. High body county. Before any of that happened I decled tjh
. . .decided that somehow some way- I would overcome my seemingly insurmountable problems. I did and that is what never happened.
Unfortunately I apparently invaded some chicks safe space and provided no trigger warning, so she said she felt threatened- by me explaining why something did not happen. Oh well.
Reading the comments in a similar article, one of the respondents said that the Republican Party represents only white, heterosexual, Christian males (and I don't think they meant it in a complimentary way). Someone else responded that whether you like it or not, those people are still the backbone of the nation. And I said someone has to be an adult, a grown-up, who gets up every day, goes to work to keep the doors open and the lights on. When people are distracted by sex change, rehab-relapse, LBGT, redefining families as three mothers and four fathers, disabilities, don’t know what sex they are tangents, they probably don't get much work done.
"These individuals believe in a concrete, literal God that guided the Founding Fathers to construct an exceptional Christian nation."
Sounds pretty good to me, put us in good stead for 200 plus years--it's exactly what my mother and her generation, which was the last generation of real teachers, to teach real subjects in real schools taught. What’s the alternative, central planning (didn’t someone try that once)?
which was the last generation of real teachers, to teach real subjects in real schools taught
I'm somewhat in agreement about this.
When people are distracted by sex change, rehab-relapse, LBGT, redefining families as three mothers and four fathers, disabilities, don’t know what sex they are tangents, they probably don't get much work done.
Although, I'm tolerant anyway, even if I can't relate to putting so much energy into such things.
You can't hate an Obamafied desert mirage political delusion. You can only wonder at the puppet masters behind the Wizard of Oz.
"Why is there so much hatred toward Obama? There are lots of reasons, but let’s start with what Obama represents in terms of identity. He is a progressive, intellectually elite, ethnically diverse, cosmopolitan who has an inclusive view of the world and all its complexity.
Yep (minus progressive), and all that trumps -- no pun intended -- the fact that his policies are all extremely conservative.
- Health Care: Forget about everything progressives wanted. Forget about what Democrats have been pushing for the past two decades. Let's go with the Republican counterplan design by Romney.
- Militarism: Increase the warfare budget and give the Pentagon, the NSA, the TSA, and everyone else everything they want and more.
- Terrorism: Fuck the Constitution and all human rights. Give unrestrained power and zero accountability to any rouge agency that says its fighting terrorism. Keep torturing people.
- Economics: Secret trade packs that become law before the public can even view them? Absolutely. Big transnational corporations with no allegiance to any country need this to double their profits.
- Minority Rights: Give more money to cops the more they murder unarmed minorities including young children. Make sure none of them are prosecuted for their crimes.
- War on Drugs: Profitable. Expand it.
I wouldn't be surprised if there were an alter to Ronald and Nancy Reagan in the Lincoln bedroom. Hold on Michelle, I'm getting hard looking at Ronnie!
And despite all this, angry, ignorant, white descendants of slavers still won't like him. He's like the girl who whores herself out to the entire football team at once and is surprised none of them will ask her to the prom.
Obama is a neoliberal who makes the occasional pandering statement or token exec order to appease LGBTQIA+/Racial Minorities.
I've never heard the term neoliberal, but Obama is no liberal by any reasonable interpretation.
Google defines neoliberal as
relating to a modified form of liberalism tending to favor free-market capitalism.
Given Obama's stance on torture, disregard of habeas corpus and open trials, and lack of concern for civil liberties, he's no liberal, neo or old.
And if Obama actually cared about free-market capitalism, he would have nothing to do with Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, which kills free markets by making the law effectively outlaw free markets in favor of the financial interests of big business. The copyright rules alone eliminate any kind of free market. The powers given to corporations to take public money if any local government competes with them eliminates free markets. The TPP seeks to establish the exact opposite of a free market.
Basically, Obama ran against two incredibly horrible Republican candidacies. Had he run against a Dole, Reagan, Ford, or even a Nixon, he may very well not have won.
He barely won against McCain. The electoral map greatly exaggerates his victory. A few key counties around the world changed and McCain would have won.
"White privilege" does not seem to be helping those folks in the least.
It never did.
You mean Barry?
Funny how people give a shit about a name. They call him Barry and Hussein as if these names were significant. They are not.
If you can't criticize him for his policies -- which quite frankly would make you an idiot as there is much to criticize about his policies -- then you only look the fool for criticizing his name.
P N Dr Lo R, sorry to disagree, but most of your statements seem founded on bias and not facts.
The Founding Fathers neither constructed an exceptional Christian nation nor did these individuals believe in a concrete, literal God that guided anything. They were in part atheists and deists as well as the protestant members. They specifically and intentionally prohibited a ‘founding religion’ in the First Amendment.
Redefined families are as old as history and most men (and some women) were serial monogamists who remarried often after the death of a spouse. My own family is a Franken family resulting from two the fragments of two previously divorced spouses’’ families. But, men also abandoned their families throughout history. And yes there were LBGT peoples throughout history. How much time do you seriously believe the average person spends ‘distracted’ by sex change, and rehab-relapse? Do you think the higher incidence of disabilities for past generations was not a lag on the economy?
Maybe when people are distracted by gods and other imaginary playmates they probably don't get much work done. Many of the past generations would be unable to grasp real subjects taught in real schools now. Kids are not stupid or lazy; we elders just do not completely grasp their world any more than my German Reform Minister ancestor in 1812 would be able to grasp my world- Planes, cars, cell phones, TV, computers, etc. Sorry, but this is the best time there ever has been in history to be alive, and we do owe much debt to past generations for getting us here.
I've never heard the term neoliberal, but Obama is no liberal by any reasonable interpretation.
In reality, it's all about the power of capitalists. Unlike former forms of liberalism which emphasize liberty and a distribution of power, in neoliberalism inequity is okay so long as Market God is appeased.
And so most Americans don't really know what neoliberal means. I was tempted to get into the fray, but definitions is a tedious start and then there are trolls too fighting every little thing that doesn't fit their short list of memes from their "right wing team." (look up jingoism)
One of our big problems is how far removed we are from mainstream Western Terms. Much of this is because of Corporate Media Propaganda, trying to make everything into White/Black, Good/Evil Simplistic contests without having to delve into any nuance. Dry-drunks (on BOTH sides of the aisle) like this kind of thinking. A narrow Overton Window.
When we say Liberal, we really mean "Social". When we say "Conservative Economic Policies", we really mean the market aspects of Liberalism; in most countries Conservatism is linked to a Nationalist bent and can definitely include non-liberal economic policies of nationalization.
The real problem is that there is no Economic choice: both parties support "Free" Trade, which really means outsourcing and reimporting the foreign made goods without a tariff, while companies keep the money offshore to avoid paying taxes, along with guaranteeing IP rental income. And, the Overton Window on Foreign Policy is absurdly narrow.
The good news is that we are probably coming to an end of this 6th Party System, as there is too much conflict within the two parties; as soon as somebody figures out they can win by abandoning a huge chunk of their own party's platform on a key issue, and wins handily, the system will break down.
Two Faced Obama:
He said he “supports free and fair trade,†according to one attendee, and noted that he was “very concerned about a return to protectionism.â€Obama made similar comments last month during his trip to Canada — America’s largest trading partner — and has shied away from the NAFTA-bashing he engaged in during last year’s Democratic primary.
6th Party System
Here's a good video on the six party systems in American history.
And here's a not-so-informative video on the sixth party system.
Maybe when people are distracted by gods and other imaginary playmates
I see variations on this all the time--it's right out of Saul Alinsky's playbook. He appropriately dedicated his book to Lucifer, the Father of Lies, because Alinsky was a liar and so are his followers.
Lucifer is an imaginary playmate also. He is considered the "Light Bearer." Cannot say I have or plan to read Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals; but kudos to you P N Dr Lo R for taking the time.
Here it is:
Hillary's always been for the insiders, and she didn't agree with Alinsky's basic premise.
"Why is there so much hatred toward Obama? There are lots of reasons, but let’s start with what Obama represents in terms of identity. He is a progressive, intellectually elite, ethnically diverse, cosmopolitan who has an inclusive view of the world and all its complexity. And he believed, wrongly, that he could be a unifying force for the United States around this vision. The reason Obama was wrong is because this vision simply leaves behind the socially conservative, White, Christian, rural, lower SES population. These individuals believe in a concrete, literal God that guided the Founding Fathers to construct an exceptional Christian nation. They feel alienated and ignored by the mainstream media, mainstream academia, and the current political establishment, all of which are run by “evolutionistsâ€. They don’t have faith or interest in academic analyses or philosophy. They do not seek a global perspective or complexity or nuance (or even words like nuance). They hate "intellectual elitism†and they hate “political correctness†even more."